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Bina Teknika Vol 15, No 1 (2019): Bina Teknika
Publisher : Faculty of Engineering UPN "Veteran" Jakarta

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (619.177 KB) | DOI: 10.54378/bt.v15i1.815


Permasalahan yang dihadapi perusahaan saat ini dalam proses distribusi adalah mengenai keterlambatan keberangkatan distribusi. Permasalahan tersebut dapat dilihat dari ketepatan waktu keberangkatan distribusi pada bulan Oktober sampai Desember 2018 yang hanya memiliki persentase ketepatan waktu sebesar 44,8%, 68,94% dan 78,1% dari total distribusi pada bulan tersebut. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah melakukan perbaikan pada proses operasional shipping, karena 60% dari keterlambatan keberangkatan disebabkan karena proses operasional. Hal tersebut dikarenakan dalam proses operasional shipping terdapat aktivitas yang tidak memberikan nilai tambah (non value added activities) sehingga membuat waktu proses menjadi lama. Perbaikan pada bagian operasional ini menggunakan metode FMEA. Hasil dari penilitian ini mengidentifikasikan jenis pemborosan (waste) yang terjadi pada proses operasional yaitu waste waiting dan waste unnecessary motion yang mengakibatkan proses operasional menjadi lebih lama. Usulan perbaikan untuk mengatasi keterlambatan keberangkatan distribusi ini yaitu dengan membuat checkheet untuk melakukan perhitungan barang yang dimuat, melakukan pemilihan vendor khusus kemasan kaca, petugas packing sebaiknya melakukan pengelompokkan barang sesuai identitas customer saat akan menyimpan barang ke troli dan melakukan pengecekan sebelum mengerjakan rute selanjutnya, menambah karyawan untuk checking atau packing chemical part, dan menambah material handling troli. 
Identifikasi Waste Pada Proses Operasional Shipping Dengan VSM (Value Stream Mapping) Pada PT XYZ Ayu Endah Wahyuni; Amin Rais
JURNAL TEKNIK INDUSTRI Vol. 9 No. 3 (2019): Volume 9 No 3 November 2019
Publisher : Jurusan Teknik Industri, Fakultas Teknologi Indusri Universitas Trisakti

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (425.093 KB) | DOI: 10.25105/jti.v9i3.6573


Intisari— PT XYZ bergerak dibidang logistik dengan mengelola produk Part Toyota. Proses produksi mengalami keterlambatan keberangkatan berdasarkan  ketepatan waktu keberangkatan pada bulan Oktober sampai Desember pada tahun 2018. Perolehan persentase ketepatan waktu berkisar 44,8% dan 68,94%, serta 78,1% dari total distribusi. Penelitian ini melakukan analisis waste pada proses operasional shipping sebagai pertimbangan untuk mengurangi tingkat keterlambatan keberangkatan sebesar 60% karena faktor proses operasional. Sementara itu,  proses operasional shipping memiliki banyak proses non value added activities. Hal ini mengakibatkan terjadi pemborosan waktu yang merugikan perusahaan. Oleh karena itu, Penelitian ini mengidentifikasikan jenis pemborosan (waste) dengan (VSM) value stream mapping pada proses operasional yaitu waste waiting dan waste unnecessary motion. Dengan demikian, keterlambatan keberangkatan distribusi dapat diusulkan dengan membuat checkheet, pemilihan vendor, petugas packing dengan melakukan pengelompokkan barang sesuai identitas customer. Abstract— PT XYZ is engaged in logistics by managing Part Toyota products. The production process has a delayed departure based on the timeliness of departure from October to December in 2018. The percentage of timeliness is around 44.8% and 68.94%, and 78.1% of total distribution. This study conducts waste analysis in the shipping operational process as a consideration to reduce the rate of departure delay by 60% due to operational process factors. Meanwhile, the shipping operational process has many non value added activities processes. This results in time wasting that is detrimental to the company. Therefore, this study identifies the type of waste (VSM) value stream mapping in the operational process, namely waste waiting and waste unnecessary motion. Thus, the delay in the distribution distribution can be proposed by making checkheets, selecting vendors, packing officers by grouping items according to the customer's identity. 
Tanggung Jawab Jepang Dalam Scientific Whaling Di Laut Lepas Berdasarkan Perspektif Hukum Lingkungan Internasional Amin Rais; Maria Maya Lestari; Adi Tiara Putri
Nagari Law Review Vol 6 No 2 (2023): Nagari Law Review
Publisher : Faculty of Law, Andalas University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.25077/nalrev.v.6.i.2.p.86-94.2023


The Japanese Antarctic Research Program II is a special permit based on the provisions of Article 8 paragraph 1 of the International Convention for the Regulation of Whaling 1946. In 2014 the International Court of Justice issued a ruling that the Japanese Antarctic Research Program II was not included in the provisions of Article 8 paragraph 1 of the International Convention for the Regulation of Whaling 1946, caused the Japanese Antarctic Research Program II to violate international environmental law. The purpose of this study was to determine the existence of the Japanese Antarctic Research Program II based on the perspective of international environmental law and to determine the responsibility of the Japanese state in scientific whaling activities based on the perspective of international environmental law. This type of research is normative legal research using a case approach by conducting a study based on the decision of the International Court of Justice No. 226 of 2014 (Australia v. Japan: New Zealand Intervening). The results of this study, the existence of a special permit for Japanese Antarctic Research Program II is allowed under the provisions of the International Convention for the Regulation of Whaling 1946 and the review of the scientific committee of the International Whaling Commission, but in practice the special permit for this research is not in accordance with the research plan and has many weaknesses so that the Japanese Antarctic Research Program II does not include a special permit for scientific research as contained in Article 8 paragraph 1 of the International Convention of the Regulation of Whaling 1946. Based on the perspective of international environmental law, Japan has subjective responsibility in the form of restitution of the Antarctic Ocean nature reserve for whale conservation and whale sustainability.
Jurnal Justisia Ekonomika: Magister Hukum Ekonomi Syariah Vol 7 No 2 (2023): Desember 2023
Publisher : Universitas Muhammadiyah Surabaya

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.30651/justeko.v7i2.18773


This article aims to explain the results of the author's analysis of the implementation of halal certificates on food products sold online, inhibiting and supporting factors for the application of halal certificates to food sold online, and the impact of Sharia economic law on the haleness of food products sold online without halal certificates. The results of the 2021 survey on e-commerce statistics show that the types of goods and services sold the most online in Lampung are food and beverage groups, totaling 40.86 percent of all businesses sampled by e-commerce. The rapid progress of buying and selling food online has become an additional task for halal certificate implementation agencies in providing security and comfort, especially for Muslim consumers in Indonesia, so they can consume halal food that is traded online. The research methodology that the author uses is qualitative in terms of the type of research documentation, interviews, and observations. The author goes directly to the field to conduct observations and interviews with primary data derived from the results of interviews with the BPJPH task force and LPPOM MUI. The results of the study show that there are no special strategies for food sold online. Supporting factors include the existence of institutions assisting the halal product process for MSME business actors. The inhibiting factor is that there is no direct regulation of cooperation with online business application server managers, a lack of public understanding of halal certificates, Analysis of Sharia Economic Law on the haleness of food products sold online: the haleness of products sold online or offline without MUI halal certificates are categorized as syubhat. According to Imam Nawawi, doing syubhat is  form of