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Jurnal Ilmiah Mahasiswa Bidang Hukum Keperdataan Vol 6, No 4: November 2022
Publisher : Fakultas Hukum Universitas Syiah Kuala

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Abstrak – Tujuan penulisan jurnal ini untuk menjelaskan bentuk wanprestasi upline terhadap downline PT KLink dan PT Oriflame, tanggung jawab upline terhadap kerugian yang dialami oleh downline dan upaya penyelesaian yang ditempuh oleh downline terhadap wanprestasi yang dilakukan upline. Hasil dari penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa bentuk wanprestasi antara upline dan downline pada perusahaan MLM K-Link adalah upline tidak melanjutkan pengajuan bonus sehingga downline tidak menerima keuntungan berupa bonus penjualan, selanjutnya bentuk wanprestasi yang dilakukan oleh upline Oriflame adalah mengklaim target penjualan kelompok menjadi target pribadi. Tanggung jawab Upline terhadap kerugian yang dialami oleh downline K-Link dilakukan melalui group whatsapp dan telegram agar wanprestasi tersebut dapat diselesaikan secara internal, sedangkan pada Oriflame, upline diwajibkan untuk mengganti kerugian downline dengan catatan apabila bonus tersebut tidak dikembalikan kepada downline maka upline akan diberikan sanksi berupa pembekuan akun. Upaya penyelesaian yang ditempuh oleh konsumen (downline) terhadap wanprestasi yang dilakukan upline adalah melakukan pengecekan kepada upline yang memimpin downline tersebut. Disarankan kepada pihak downline K-Link dan Oriflame untuk mempelajari sistem Multi Level Marketing dengan baik sebelum bergabung dalam bisnis tersebut. Kepada pihak upline untuk membina dan menjelaskan secara detail terkait penjualan dan pemberian bonus penjualan produk tersebut. Kata Kunci : Ganti Kerugian, Wanprestasi, Multi Level Marketing.
Pemanfaatan Ragi Tapai dan Getah Buah Pepaya pada Ekstraksi Minyak Kelapa secara Fermentasi Cut Erika; Yunita Yunita; Normalina Arpi
Jurnal Teknologi dan Industri Pertanian Indonesia Vol 6, No 1 (2014): Vol.(6) No.1, February 2014
Publisher : Agricultural Faculty

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (564.839 KB) | DOI: 10.17969/jtipi.v6i1.1982


(The Use of Tapai Yeast and Papaya Fruit Sap on Coconut Oil Extraction By Fermentation)ABSTRACT. In Aceh, coconut oil extraction is traditionally done through a natural fermentation of fresh coconut meat to produce simplah and pliuk u oil. Simplah oil and pliek u oil have high level of moisture content, free fatty acids, and peroxide value due to long fermentation process. The study was conducted by using the fresh shredded coconut meat. Then mixed with tapai yeast and papain from immature papaya fruit sap and were fermented for 48, 72, and 96  hours respectively. The yield of coconut oil produced in this study was from 8.53 % - 19.0 %, moisture content 12.58 - 2.66 %, free fatty acid content 3.29 % - 11:55 %, and peroxide value 0.76 - 1.75 mg O2/g of oil sample. The highest yield of coconut oil was obtained in the control treatment which significantly different from other treatments. The highest moisture content and free fatty acid were obtained on the treatment of using tapai yeast during fermentation process of coconut oil and did not meet the requirements set by the Indonesian National Standard (SNI 01-2902-1982), while the peroxide value of coconut oil produced in various treatment have met the criteria of SNI. The average organoleptic score of coconut oil color 3.38 (from moderate to clear) which the highest score was obtained on fermented coconut oil with the addition of tapai yeast. The highest hedonic score of aroma was found in the coconut oil fermented with the addition of papain from papaya fruit sap with fermentation time of 48 hours is 2.9 (from dislike  to moderate).
Pengaruh Metode Blanching Terhadap Kualitas Tepung Jamur Tiram Putih Rita Khathir; Yunita Yunita; Ratna Ratna; Safira Elviana
Jurnal Teknologi dan Industri Pertanian Indonesia Vol 15, No 2 (2023): Vol. (15) No. 2, Oktober 2023
Publisher : Agricultural Faculty

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.17969/jtipi.v15i2.28377


The study aimed to evaluate the influence of blanching methods to the quality of oyster mushroom flour. The treatments were non-blanching, hot water blanching and steam blanching at 3 replications. The amount of mushroom used for each treatment was about 500g. The mushroom was cut into cube shape sizing approximately 1cm. The drying process was conducted by using solar tunnel dryer type Hohenheim Aceh. The temperature and relative humidity were recorded by using proportional integral derivative (PID) controller connected to the outlet fans. The moisture was analyzed by using a moisture analyzer XY105MW, while color was examined by using a colorimeter LS171. The protein content of mushroom flour was determined by Kjeldahl method, and the ash content was identified by dry ashing method at temperature of 400-550°C. Data were analyzed by using analysis of variance (ANOVA). Results showed that the blanching method could cut the drying time approximately for 3h. The ANOVA had shown a significant influence of blanching methods to the moisture, yield, ash content and whitness index (WI). However, there is no significant influence of treatments to the protein content. This study suggests the hot water blanching in processing the oyster mushroom flour because it produced the best performance of oyster mushroom flour i.e moisture of 5.78%, yield of 6.26%, protein content of 19.32%, ash content of 4.99% and whitness index of 63.88. Further study is necessary to determine the best combination of temperature and drying time in order to increase the yield.
Efektivitas Penyaluran Pembiayaan Modal Ventura sebagai Alternatif Modal Bagi UMKM Susiana Susiana; Yunita Yunita
Kanun Jurnal Ilmu Hukum Vol 15, No 3 (2013): Vol. 15, No. 3, (Desember, 2013)
Publisher : Universitas Syiah Kuala

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ABSTRACT: This study aims to identify and explain the venture capital financing as an alternative capital for SMEs, constraints faced by SMEs in order to obtain venture capital financing in Banda Aceh. The data consist of primary and secondary data. The primary data are obtained through interviews with PMV (PT Sarana Aceh Ventura) and SMEs which are the PPU of the PMV. While the secondary data obtained through secondary research by studying books or articles as well as legislations relating to venture capital. The research shows that the distribution of venture capital financing in Banda Aceh is not effective as an alternative capital for SMEs. Financing provided by PMV in practice is equal to bank credit. It is not in the form of capital but in the form of loans that have been specified number of installments of principal and interest and late fees. SMEs that are constrained by the guarantee will not get funding from PMV. The Effectiveness of Venture Capital Financing Distribution as an Alternative Capital for UMKM