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Kesadaran Hukum Masyarakat Pedesaan Untuk Bercerai di Pengadilan (Studi Kasus di Desa Bantarbolang, Kabupaten Pemalang) Iwan Zaenul Fuad; Miftah Husaeni
Jurnal Hukum Islam Vol 18 No 2 (2020)
Publisher : Fakultas Syariah Institut Agama Islam Negeri Pekalongan

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.28918/jhi.v18i2.3448


This paper explores the legal awareness and implications of divorce in court on communities in Bantarbolang Village, Pemalang, Central Java Province, Indonesia. This legal sociology research uses a qualitative approach. The primary data source is the divorcee outside the court. Secondary data sources are primary and secondary legal materials. The analysis technique uses an interactive model. The results showed, the legal awareness of the Bantarbolang community about divorce in court was not evenly distributed, where 21 couples were divorcing in court and 5 outside the court. They know that a divorce must be in court, but it is not carried out. The implications of legal awareness about divorce outside the court are: 1) administratively, they are still bound as husband and wife, because they do not have a divorce certificate so that if they marry someone else, they are done in a series; 2) psychological implications for children and if the couple remarries Siri, then the child born becomes the child born outside the marriage; 3) implications of the split between the extended family of the couple; 4) implications for the social order, due to the uncertainty of the status of husband and wife and the nasab of children from a Siri marriage.
KRIMINALISASI SOSIOLOGIS NIKAH SIRI Iwan Zaenul Fuad; Agus Fakhrina; Abdul Azis; Ahmad Rosyid
Jurnal Penelitian Vol 8 No 1: Mei 2011
Publisher : IAIN Pekalongan

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.28918/jupe.v8i1.40


However, Nikah Siri (unregistered marital) has been seen asa part of the social behavior, and lived in Indonesian society. Thisbehavior often impact living condition of social structure. In anotherside, this social problem must be fixed with appropriate law-makingsystem. The Act Plan of “Hukum Peradilan Agama Bidang Perkawinan”(RUU HPABP) was noted in commitment to criminalize the behavior.Some sounds of pro and anti toward this Act Plan nowadays, makethis issues more interesting be reseacrhed. Applying symbolicinteractionism approach and labelling theory, this study examined thecriminalization issues on the Act Plan in social framework. The frameworkis critical to assume the effectiveness of law making processbased on people participation. This research took place in PekalonganDistrict (the City and Regency of Pekalongan), which is noted for the‘hidden’ large number of nikah siri practices. Results of the study revealedthe social criminalization of Nikah Siri akin to kinds of people’sperception toward the behavior. The hidden types of Nikah Siri(hidden from people’s knowledge) had an effect on social constructionto criminalize the behavior, but not the open one
Jurnal Penelitian Vol 9 No 2: November 2012
Publisher : IAIN Pekalongan

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.28918/jupe.v9i2.138


Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menguji kualitas pelayanan akademik di Pekalongan STAIN dengan membandingkan siswa harapan dengan persepsi mereka terhadap pelayanan akademik mereka diterima. SERVQUAL instrumen digunakan untuk mengukur kualitas dimensi yang memiliki lima aspek yaitu keandalan, tanggap, jaminan, empati dan bukti fisik. Hasilnya adalah kesenjangan antara harapan dan persepsi. Kemudian, itu diuji apakah kesenjangan ini adalah signifikan atau tidak dengan menggunakan Wilcoxon Menandatangani uji Rank. Langkah selanjutnya untuk menghasilkan berguna analisis bagi para pengambil keputusan dengan menggunakan Kinerja Penting Analysis (IPA). Hasil pengujian menunjukkan bahwa baik semua item atau dimensi memiliki kesenjangan negatif. Ini berarti bahwa akademik kualitas pelayanan di Pekalongan STAIN masih memerlukan beberapa perbaikan.
PERSEPSI DAN KETAATAN UMAT ISLAM TERHADAP ULAMA Iwan Zaenul Fuad; Agus Fakhrina; Abdul Aziz; A. Rosyid
Jurnal Penelitian Vol 7 No 1: Mei 2010
Publisher : IAIN Pekalongan

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.28918/jupe.v7i1.203


People’s refusals and disobediences upon fatwa (released by MUI or ulama with their own opinions), followed by influence decreases of religious figures (ulama) towards Muslim community, were being such of phenomenal realities in Indonesia nowadays. This mass behavior might redefine their perceptions and thoughts about “the legitimate ulama”, according both; syara’ (religious legitimation), and social system. The research was located in Pekalongan Regency, thought-out known as “Kota Santri”, and plenty more, many Pesantren and Kyai have lived there. The result revealed that ulama and Muslim Community mostly had the same perception and view in understanding the meaning of Hadist “al-ulama’ waratsat al anbiya” (ulama are heir of prophets). Ulama’ as informants added ulama’ were religious successor leader after the end of Muhammad’s saw prophetic era. But, in another sides, there were some differences, especially in interpreting social label: Kyai, KH, or Ustadz. Muslim Community mostly thought that a person who had such social label was ulama. Meanwhile ulama noted Kyai, KH or Ustadz was just social label, no more. So, it seemed to be weird and screwy if we looked up the sosial fact of fidelity of Muslim Community in Pekalongan Residence. It also could be said that Muslim community in Pekalongan Residence were standing still their obidiece toward kyai, KH, Ustadz or another ones, not toward ulama yet.
Kesadaran Hukum Masyarakat Pedesaan Untuk Bercerai di Pengadilan (Studi Kasus di Desa Bantarbolang, Kabupaten Pemalang) Iwan Zaenul Fuad; Miftah Husaeni
Jurnal Hukum Islam Vol 18 No 2 (2020)
Publisher : Faculty of Sharia, University of KH. Abdurrahman Wahid Pekalongan

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.28918/jhi.v18i2.3448


This paper explores the legal awareness and implications of divorce in court on communities in Bantarbolang Village, Pemalang, Central Java Province, Indonesia. This legal sociology research uses a qualitative approach. The primary data source is the divorcee outside the court. Secondary data sources are primary and secondary legal materials. The analysis technique uses an interactive model. The results showed, the legal awareness of the Bantarbolang community about divorce in court was not evenly distributed, where 21 couples were divorcing in court and 5 outside the court. They know that a divorce must be in court, but it is not carried out. The implications of legal awareness about divorce outside the court are: 1) administratively, they are still bound as husband and wife, because they do not have a divorce certificate so that if they marry someone else, they are done in a series; 2) psychological implications for children and if the couple remarries Siri, then the child born becomes the child born outside the marriage; 3) implications of the split between the extended family of the couple; 4) implications for the social order, due to the uncertainty of the status of husband and wife and the nasab of children from a Siri marriage.