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Penegakan Hukum Terhadap Pemalsuan Identitas Dalam Pembatalan Perkawinan Rifqi, Muhammad Jazil
De Jure: Jurnal Hukum dan Syari'ah Vol 11, No 2 (2019)
Publisher : Fakultas Syariah

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (909.318 KB) | DOI: 10.18860/j-fsh.v11i2.7297


A marriage aimsto form a family that is sakinah mawaddah wa rahmah. A valid marriage must be qualified and harmonious set out in Islamic law and statute. Nevertheless, it is not uncommon marriage should be annulled by the courts because it has a legal disability.The Factors causing the cancellation of marriage need to be elaborated by taking a sample of the decisions in several East Java Religious Courts in providing solutive offers in reducing or eliminating the same event in the future. This study is a normative legal research using law enforcement theoretical approach of Larwance M. Friedman in corelated with the decisions in several East Java Religious Courts.The result shows that the main factor of marital cancellation is due to identity forgery. Therefore, the acculturation of Lawrance M. Friedman and Jimly Asshiddiqie's ideas can be an alternative offer in the progressive family law to be better.Pernikahan memiliki tujuan membentuk keluarga yang sakinah mawaddah wa rahmah. Perkawinan yang sah harus memenuhi syarat dan rukun yang ditetapkan dalam hukum Islam dan undang-undang. Meskipun demikian, tidak jarang perkawinan harus dibatalkan oleh pengadilan karena memiliki cacat hukum. Berbagai faktor penyebab pembatalan perkawinanperlu dielaborasi dengan mengambil sampel putusan di beberapa Pengadilan Agama Jawa Timur untuk memberikan penawaran solutif dalam mereduksi atau menghilangkan kejadian yang sama di waktu mendatang. Studi ini merupakan jenis peneliatian hukum normatif dengan putusan-putusan di beberapa Pengadilan Agama Jawa Timur. Hasil penelitian menyimpulkan bahwa faktor utama dari pembatalan perkawinan dikarenakan adanya pemalsuan identitas. Oleh karenanya, akulturasi gagasan Lawrance M. Friedman dan Jimly Asshiddiqie bisa menjadi tawaran alternatif dalam hukum keluarga progresif untuk menjadi lebih baik.Kata Kunci:sistem hukum; pemalsuan identitas; pembatalan perkawinan
Sejarah Sosial Talak di Depan Pengadilan Agama dalam Undang-Undang Perkawinan di Indonesia Muhammad Jazil Rifqi
AL-HUKAMA': The Indonesian Journal of Islamic Family Law Vol. 11 No. 2 (2021): Desember 2021
Publisher : State Islamic University (UIN) of Sunan Ampel

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.15642/alhukama.2021.11.2.55-84


Article 39 paragraph (1) of Law Number 1 of 1974 on Marriage and Article 115 of the Compilation of Islamic Law states that divorce must be carried out before the court. Of course, the existence of these regulations cannot be separated from the socio-historical aspects of the promulgation of these regulations. This article, which examines the practice of talak from the colonial period to independence, concludes that first, since the Dutch colonial era until Indonesia's independence, talak has been practiced without involving the state apparatus, but that the incident must be recorded. Law Number 22 of 1946 concerning the Registration of Marriage, Divorce and Reconciliation was then promulgated for Java and Madura, enacted in Sumatra in 1949 and comprehensively implemented in the territory of the Republic of Indonesia in 1954. Second, there was an acculturation of the recording of divorce and the trial of divorce came into effect when the law Marriage is promulgated.
Perlindungan Hukum terhadap Anak dalam Nikah Siri Muhammad Jazil Rifqi
Al-Qanun: Jurnal Pemikiran dan Pembaharuan Hukum Islam Vol 23 No 2 (2020): Al-Qanun, Vol. 23, No. 2, Desember 2020
Publisher : Fakultas Syariah dan Hukum UIN Sunan Ampel Surabaya

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.15642/alqanun.2020.23.2.382-399


Married couples must meet religious and state law. In Islamic law, marriages must be fulfilled, the harmony of the marriage, the bride and groom, prospective guardians, marriage, two people, consent and Kabul, while state law, needs to be added validity, marriage, must be in accordance with applicable law. However, not a few marriages in areas that carry out their marriages are only based on religious law and customary law, without involving Marriage Registrar to improve this marriage by considering siri marriages that increase returns to desired husbands and children. Civil rights are not guaranteed at the time of marriage to a siri marriage because the child will not obtain citizenship status, and the child only has a civil relationship with the mother and related family, which basically requires the cost of child care.
Perkembangan dan Pemanfaatan Teknologi Informasi Pengadilan Agama Muhammad Jazil Rifqi
Jurnal Al-Qadau: Peradilan dan Hukum Keluarga Islam Vol 7 No 1 (2020)
Publisher : Jurusan Hukum Acara Peradilan dan Kekeluargaan

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.24252/al-qadau.v7i1.13935


AbstrakMelacak perkembangan Peradilan Agama tidak bisa terlepas dari histori di masa Kerajaan, masa Belanda, Masa Jepang dan era Kemerdekaan. Berangkat dari sejarah-sejarah tersebut, visi Mahkamah Agung dan lembaga pengadilan di bawahnya, termasuk Pengadilan Agama, untuk menjadi Peradilan Yang Agung bermula. Sebagai penyelesai sengketa bidang perdata agama, ternyata Pengadilan Agama juga mampu memanfaatkan teknologi informasi dalam mempermudah menyesaikan persoalan-persoalan baik dalam urusan internal organisasi maupun eksternal pencari keadilan. Perkembangan terakhir pemanfaatan teknologi telah diluncurkan e-Court dan e-Litigation dengan fungsi melakukan pendaftaran gugatan online (e-filling), panggilan elektronik (e-Summons), pembayaran elektronik (e-Payment), dan persidangan elektronik (e-Litigation). Hal ini tidak lain adalah implementasi asas trilogi Pengadilan yang dilakukan dengan sederhana, cepat dan biaya riangan.AbstractTracking the development of the Religious Courts cannot be separated from history in the Kingdom, the Dutch period, the Japanese Period and the Independence era. Departing from these histories, the vision of the Supreme Court and its lower court institutions, including the Religious Courts, to become the Supreme Court began. As a solution to religious disputes in the field of religion, it turns out that the Religious Courts are also able to utilize information technology in facilitating problems in both internal organizational matters and external justice seekers. Recent developments in the use of technology have been launched by e-Court and e-Litigation with the functions of registering online lawsuits (e-filling), electronic calls (e-Summons), electronic payments (e-Payment), and electronic trials (e-litigation). This is none other than the implementation of the Court trilogy principle, which is carried out simply, quickly and with cost.
Al-Ahwal: Jurnal Hukum Keluarga Islam Vol. 10 No. 2 (2017)
Publisher : Universitas Islam Negeri (UIN) Sunan Kalijaga Yogyakarta

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.14421/ahwal.2017.10204


This study examine philosophically of foundation and requirements of marriage Act in Indonesia where one of them is 19year old for men and 16year old for women. However, when one of married people has not fulfilled the matter of age to marry, their parents have to submit marriage dispensation to the religious court so that their child is be able to continue his/her marriage that having been refused by KUA before. From this result of research, KUA Kotagede in 2015 has married three couples in which they have no standar age to marriage. Several decisions considering dispensation of marriage in religious court in 2015 have also indicated that majority of marriage childs who married under standart of age having been pregnant before they make agreement about marriage. Therefore, to analize dualism of law on the constitution of utilitarianism will be used which in briefly the conclusion of which suggests to make punishment that hoped reducing rate a marriage under established age.[Tulisan ini menelaah secara filosofis pondasi dan persyaratan usia pernikahan yang mana untuk laki-laki berusia 19 tahun dan perempuan berusia 16 tahun. Oleh karena itu, jika calon pengantin tidak memenuhi syarat tersebut maka orang tua mereka harus mengajukan dispensasi ke KUA setempat. Berdasarkan pada kasus yang terjadi di KUA Kotagede tahun 2015, terdapat tiga pernikahan yang syarat umurnya kurang. Kebanyakan dari mereka adalah yang hamil lebih dulu. Maka dari itu, analisis dualisme hukum dalam aturan utilitarianisme dapat digunakan untuk menyimpulkan secara ringkas yang mana disarankan untuk memberikan hukuman agar mengurangi tingkat pernikahan dini.]
Tinjauan Yuridis terhadap Penyalahgunaan Kegiatan Perbankan dalam Penghimpunan Dana Masyarakat oleh Koperasi: Studi Putusan Nomor 271/Pid.Sus/2018/PN.Pti Muhammad Jazil Rifqi
Al-Jinayah: Jurnal Hukum Pidana Islam Vol. 7 No. 1 (2021): Juni 2021
Publisher : Prodi Hukum Pidana Islam Fakultas Syari’ah dan Hukum Universitas Islam Negeri Sunan Ampel Surabaya

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The existence of irregularities in banking activities carried out by non-bank institutions, in addition to violating applicable norms also results in losses for many people when there is embezzlement of funds. The juridical study of this literature research reveals that the implementation of criminal acts against violations of banking authority which in the judge's decision imposes criminal sanctions on cooperative leaders in the form of imprisonment for eleven years and an additional punishment in the form of a fine of ten billion provided that if not paid is replaced by imprisonment for six months economic offenses The judge's verdict which is more than the crimes committed by the perpetrator in harming society can be justified as stated in article 46 of the banking law. Non-bank institutions in the form of cooperatives in collecting public funds must obtain permission from the Minister of Cooperatives whose storage and use of funds is limited to their members, but if they carry out their services not from their members, it violates article 16 of the banking law. In addition, Article 59 of the Criminal Code also emphasizes that the leadership or management of a corporation that has a legal entity who commits a criminal act must bear the sanctions decided by the judge.
Multitafsir Penyebab Kekerasan Psikis dalam Rumah Tangga : Perlukah Visum et Repertum Psikiatrikum dalam Pembuktian? Muhammad Jazil Rifqi
Legalite : Jurnal Perundang Undangan dan Hukum Pidana Islam Vol 7 No 1 (2022): Juni 2022
Publisher : IAIN Langsa

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Artikel ini bertujuan untuk mengkaji mengapa fakta di masyarakat yang termuat dalam putusan pengadilan terkait kekerasan psikis dalam rumah tangga mengandung multitafsir dan bagaimana pembuktiannya. Tulisan kajian pustaka ini menyimpulkan bahwa rumusan pasal kekerasan psikis rumah tangga dalam perundang-undangan memang tidak memliki kejelasan ragam dan bentuknya, alih-alih hanya menjelaskan dampaknya. Ambiguitas definisi tersebut menimbulkan multitafsir dalam penegakan hukum yang termuat dalam pelbagai putusan pengadilan, baik dalam gugatannya, pertimbangan hukumnya, bahkan saat hakim mengadili pidananya. Adapun dalam pembuktian kekerasan psikis pada dasarnya sudah ditetapkan dalam perundang-undangan secara detail oleh siapa, di mana, dan bagaimana VeRP harus diterbitkan. Demikian pula siapa yang berhak memohon bantuan untuk memeriksa korban kepada dokter spesialis kesehatan jiwa, namun dalam beberapa putusan pengadilan dalam tulisan ini, ada yang menggunakan VeRP dan ada yang tidak. Bisa jadi, putusan yang tidak memanfaatkan VeRP sebagai alat bukti, hakim tidak menggunakan teori pembukian undang-undang secara negatif.
The Superiority of Customary Law over Islamic Law on the Existence of Inheritance: Reflections on Snouck Hurgronje's Reception Theory Muhammad Jazil Rifqi
Millah: Journal of Religious Studies Vol. 21, No. 1, August 2021
Publisher : Program Studi Ilmu Agama Islam Program Magister, Universitas Islam Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.20885/millah.vol21.iss1.art8


In colonial history in the Dutch East Indies, customary law was superior to Islamic law. By utilizing the historical approach of social thought, this article aims at exploring how and why customary inheritance law was more applicable than Islamic inheritance law. After observing the practice in several areas, including in Surambi Masjid, Snouck Hurgronje found that customary law dominated people's lives. In turn, this idea was implemented in Dutch legal regulations that weakened the roles of penghulu of the Religious Courts in resolving family and inheritance issues that required approval from the District Court judges. In addition, the penghulu’s decision was not valid if it was not in line with customary law. Based on Hurgronje’s advice, the competence of the Religious Court at inheritance was transferred to the District Court. He considered that inheritance was under the state’s authority, and at the same time, it had not been fully accepted by customary law.
Dinamika Perkembangan Batas Usia Perkawinan Dalam Perspektif Hukum Progresif Muhammad Jazil Rifqi
Arena Hukum Vol. 15 No. 2 (2022)
Publisher : Arena Hukum

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.21776/ub.arenahukum.2022.01502.4


This article aims to explore the development of the minimum age for marriage in Indonesian legislation and analyze it with progressive law. To explain the transformation of law, this literature research uses a social history approach. This study found that the embryonic age limit for marriage had actually been seen in legal pluralism before the enactment of the 1974 Marriage Law. The marriage age in the Marriage Law Number 1 of 1974 was stated to be 16 years for women and 19 years for men. Unfortunately, the regulation was not in line with the development of society, so it was tested in the Constitutional Court. In 2017, article 7 paragraph (1) was examined where the Constitutional Court granted the request by equating the marriage age to 19 years for men and women. The House of Representatives then amended the Marriage Law as contained in Law Number 16 of 2019. This reform illustrates that the law is not final and absolute, under certain conditions as long as it provides benefits for humans, it is necessary to revise the law. Not vice versa, allowing people to enter into legal schemes that have a negative impact on health, education, economy and so on, but laws that must be studied and corrected.
Penegakan Kode Etik Profesi Terhadap Pelecehan Seksual Oleh Legislator Bayu Krisna Adji; M. Saifulloh; Ma’dinal Ihsani; Muhammad Mujiburrohman; Wiwik Indayati; Muhammad Jazil Rifqi
Ma’mal: Jurnal Laboratorium Syariah dan Hukum Vol. 3 No. 3 (2022): Juni
Publisher : Laboratorium Fakultas Syariah dan Hukum UIN Sunan Ampel Surabaya

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.15642/mal.v3i3.140


Suatu institusi pemerintahan harus membuat sebuah aturan atau kode etik secara sistematis demi menjaga moral, mutu, dan kontrol sosial di masyarakat umum. Begitu juga legislator. Ia harus paham segala tindakan baik di dalam sidang maupun diluar siding demi menjaga nama baik wakil rakyat. Jika melanggar kode etik, ia bisa dikenakan sanksi. Artikel ini merupakan kajian normatif dengan pendekatan konseptual dan perundang-undangan. Kajian ini melihat seperti apa keberlakuan kode etik profesi DPR dalam permasalahan kekerasan seksual dan apa hukuman yang diterima apabila anggota DPR melakukan pelanggaran kode etik profesi. Kajian ini juga melihat substansi hukum yang mengatur antar struktur hukum yang dikenakan pada si pelaku hingga pencegahan dan solusi terhadap pelanggaran kode kode etik apabila terulang kembali.