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WALISONGO Vol 20, No 2 (2012): Walisongo, Spiritualisme
Publisher : IAIN Walisongo Semarang

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Abstract   Tarekat (sufi order) is an important part of the development of Islam in Indonesia. The early Islamic mission in Nusantara was conducted by sufi’s teacher. Their ability to make close contact to local ruler enabled them to spread Islam in local kingdom. The tarekat had international link so that the acceleration of islamization in Indonesia was supported by the link sufi’s teacher had. The spread of sufi order happened quite smoothly because the teaching they introduced contained mystic elements that were familiar to local community. The gradual introduction of Islam by tarekat master in many places made islamization run peacefully. The mystic tenets brought by tarekat master create a harmony between Islam and local culture. The paper will deal with the manuscript of Risala Syatariya Gresik. The paper is conducted using philology. The main purpose of the paper is to present the text edition of Risala Syatariya from Gresik.   *** Tarekat (aliran sufi) merupakan bagian penting dalam perkembangan Islam di Indonesia. Missi Islam pertama di Nusantara dijalankan oleh para tokoh sufi. Kemampuan mereka untuk mendekati penguasa setempat memungkinkan mereka untuk dapat menyebarkan agama Islam di kerajaan setempat. Tarekat memiliki jaringan internasional sehingga percepatan Islamisasi Indonesia didukung oleh jaringan yang dimiliki oleh para tokoh sufi tersebut. Perkembangan ajaran sufi berjalan dengan sangat halus karena ajaran yang diperkenalkan mengandung unsur-unsur mistis yang telah dikenal oleh masyarakat setempat. Perkenalan Islam secara perlahan oleh para tokoh tarekat di berbagai tempat telah menjadikan persebaran Islam berjalan secara damai. Unsur-unsur mistis yang dibawa oleh para tokoh tarekat ini menciptakan harmoni antara Islam dengan budaya setempat. Tulisan ini membahas manuskrip Risalah Syatariyah Gresik. Pendekatan yang digunakan adalah filologi.   Keywords: teks, manuskrip, Shattariyyah, filologi
Mengurai Kerancuan Istilah Strategi dan Metode Pembelajaran Fanani, Ahwan
Nadwa Vol 8, No 2 (2014)
Publisher : Fakultas Ilmu Tarbiyah dan Keguruan, UIN Walisongo, Semarang

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This paper attempts to describe confused term of strategy and method learning. The key term in the field of education, especially in aspect learning, are ap-proach, model, strategy, method, and technology. The five words have a concep-tual distinction and two other terms cause confusion, i.e.: strategies and meth-ods. Diversity and confusion of these terms occur both in learning practice and in the study of the theory. This study shows that the existence of the phenomenon of the use of the strategies and methods term that are relatively loose and even they are used interchangeable. There is no agreement in the literature that exam-ined on applicative relationship between the two terms above. It was further confirmed that both terms have the same meaning field.Keyword: learning, strategy, method, confusion
Uşûl al-Fiqh versus Hermeneutika tentang Pengembangan Pemikiran Hukum Islam Kontemporer Fanani, Ahwan
ISLAMICA: Jurnal Studi Keislaman Vol 4, No 2 (2010): Islamica
Publisher : Program Pascasarjana UIN Sunan Ampel Surabaya

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (117.424 KB) | DOI: 10.15642/islamica.2010.4.2.194-209


The philosophy of Islamic Law (uşûl al-fiqh) has been known as occupying the central positionin the whole structure of Islamic jurisprudence. Its method and logic of legal extrapolation has dominated not only the legal sphere of the jurists but also influenced the philosophers and the scholastics in their method and way of thinking. Uşûl al-fiqh is mainly deductive in its approach and is concerned with the analysis of linguistics. Now with the developments of new methods in legal and linguistic studies, many scholars have attempted to introduce new way of interpreting Islamic law by bringing up hermeneutics as the main tool. Hermeneutics is about interpreting text by taking into consideration the cultural and personal backgrounds of the author. It also teaches that in reading a text, a reader must be neutral in that he should not have in mind an a priori knowledge and assumption about the subject. This paper is concerned with exploring the dynamics of both uşûl al-fiqh and hermeneutics in the context of developing the Islamic Law in contemporary life.
Al-Suyutî Dan Kontroversi Strata Ijtihâd: Telaah atas Klaim Mujtahid Mutlaq al-Suyutî dan Landasan Normatifnya Fanani, Ahwan
ISLAMICA: Jurnal Studi Keislaman Vol 2, No 2 (2008): Islamica
Publisher : Program Pascasarjana UIN Sunan Ampel Surabaya

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (123.88 KB) | DOI: 10.15642/islamica.2008.2.2.109-123


The 6th century of Islam witnessed the first emergence of the new class of ‘ulama that tended to “close” the gate of ijtihad. By the closure of the gate of ijtihad I do not mean that the gate of ijtihad can indeed be closed. At some point of its development, the legal system of various schools of thought of Islam has finally been established, the resultant consequence of which being that some ‘ulama felt that ijtihad can only be done on elaborating further the views of the previous ‘ulama and not on proposing original views on particular legal issue of Islam. Al-Suyuti emerged during the era where legal system of Islam has already been established. He claims interestingly, that he is a mujtahid mutlaq, that is, some one who has the absolute and independent authority to do ijtihad and to extrapolate rules from the legal sources of Islam. This comes as a sharp contrast to the general belief at the time that no mujtahid mutlaq may any longer emerge. Al-Suyuti wrote al-Radd to legitimize his claim; a claim that inevitably prompted a strongobjection from his fellow legalists. Although his claim was not received with enthusiasm from the public, al-Suyuti has nonetheless made a valuable contribution in the field of the study of ijtihad. His works are applauded as a great evaluation on the subject. On various occasions, al-Suyuti wrote that the Muslim intellectuals should not be satisfied with the views of the previous ‘ulama (taqlid) and that they should instead exercise their intellectual acumen via ijtihad.
Mengurai Kerancuan Istilah Strategi dan Metode Pembelajaran Fanani, Ahwan
Nadwa Vol 8, No 2 (2014): Pendidikan Berbasis Masyarakat
Publisher : FITK UIN Walisongo

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.21580/nw.2014.8.2.576


This paper attempts to describe confused term of strategy and method learning. The key term in the field of education, especially in aspect learning, are ap-proach, model, strategy, method, and technology. The five words have a concep-tual distinction and two other terms cause confusion, i.e.: strategies and meth-ods. Diversity and confusion of these terms occur both in learning practice and in the study of the theory. This study shows that the existence of the phenomenon of the use of the strategies and methods term that are relatively loose and even they are used interchangeable. There is no agreement in the literature that exam-ined on applicative relationship between the two terms above. It was further confirmed that both terms have the same meaning field.AbstrakPaper ini berusaha mengurai kerancuan istilah strategi dan metode pembelajaran. Istilah kunci dalam bidang pendidikan, khususnya dalam aspek pembelajaran, muncul istilah pendekatan, model, strategi, metode, dan teknik. Kelima istilah tersebut memiliki perbedaan konseptual dan dua istilah yang lain menimbulkan kerancuan, yaitu: strategi dan metode. Keberbedaan dan kerancuan dua istilah tersebut terjadi baik dalam praktik pembelajaran maupun dalam kajian teori. Kajian ini menunjukkan bahwa adanya fenomena penggunaan istilah strategi dan metode yang relatif longgar dan bahkan keduanya digunakan secara saling menggantikan. Istilah metode dan strategi belum disepakati penggunaannya namun memiliki medan pengertian yang sama.Kata kunci:
Moderasi Pemikiran Fikih Hubungan Antarumat Beragama di Majelis Tarjih dan Tajdid Muhammadiyah Fanani, Ahwan
SHAHIH: Journal of Islamicate Multidisciplinary Vol 2, No 1 (2017)
Publisher : IAIN Surakarta

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (311.695 KB) | DOI: 10.22515/shahih.v2i1.705


Muhammadiyah is credited as moderate islamic organization due to its long and familiar encounter with national and social issues in Indonesia. The question on how Muhammadiyah position on the issues of religious relationship and on how Muhammadiyah formulates its view on the issue lead to the question on religious opinion produced by official body of Muhammadiyah that is in charge to give answer. The formulation of Muhammadiyah’s stance related to the relationship between moslems and nonmoslems is under authority of Majelis Tarjih and Tajdid (MTT), formal board in Muhammadiyah issuing fatwas or religious opinions related to religious and social problems faced by Muhammadiyah’s members. From this board’s decisions, the official stance of Muhammadiyah can be analyzed using the spectacle of moderatism. Muhammadyah has two different stances in dealing with religious issues. It has clear and relatively strict position on akida (belief) and ibada (ritual) but it has loose and open position in muamala (daily relationship) to other people. However, Muhammadiyah develops broader approach in understanding Islamic text and accepting more diverse legal sources, such as sadd dzariah and maslahah. In sum, the stance of Muhammadiyah to the relationship between moslems with other religious people will be influenced by the division between akida-ibada and muamalah aspects, which it will be more flexible to the later. This divison enables it to develop more moderat view or legal opinion related to the relationship between moslems and other religious people. 
Walisongo: Jurnal Penelitian Sosial Keagamaan Vol 20, No 2 (2012): Spiritualisme Islam
Publisher : LP2M - Universitas Islam Negeri (UIN) Walisongo

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.21580/ws.20.2.203


Tarekat (sufi order) is an important part of the development of Islam in Indonesia. The early Islamic mission in Nusantara was conducted by sufi’s teacher. Their ability to make close contact to local ruler enabled them to spread Islam in local kingdom. The tarekat had international link so that the acceleration of islamization in Indonesia was supported by the link sufi’s teacher had. The spread of sufi order happened quite smoothly because the teaching they introduced contained mystic elements that were familiar to local community. The gradual introduction of Islam by tarekat master in many places made islamization run peacefully. The mystic tenets brought by tarekat master create a harmony between Islam and local culture. The paper will deal with the manuscript of Risala Syatariya Gresik. The paper is conducted using philology. The main purpose of the paper is to present the text edition of Risala Syatariya from Gresik.***Tarekat (aliran sufi) merupakan bagian penting dalam per­kembangan Islam di Indonesia. Missi Islam pertama di Nusantara dijalankan oleh para tokoh sufi. Kemampuan mereka untuk mendekati penguasa setempat memungkin­kan mereka untuk dapat menyebarkan agama Islam di keraja­an setempat. Tarekat memiliki jaringan internasional sehingga percepatan Islamisasi Indonesia di­dukung oleh jaringan yang dimiliki oleh para tokoh sufi tersebut. Per­kembangan ajaran sufi ber­jalan dengan sangat halus karena ajaran yang di­perkenal­kan mengandung unsur-unsur mistis yang telah dikenal oleh masyarakat setempat. Perkenalan Islam secara perlahan oleh para tokoh tarekat di berbagai tempat telah menjadikan persebaran Islam ber­jalan secara damai. Unsur-unsur mistis yang dibawa oleh para tokoh tarekat ini menciptakan harmoni antara Islam dengan budaya se­tempat. Tulisan ini membahas manuskrip Risalah Syatariyah Gresik. Pendekatan yang digunakan adalah filologi.
Sabda: Jurnal Kajian Kebudayaan Vol 12, No 1: 2017
Publisher : Fakultas Ilmu Budaya Universitas Diponegoro

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (439.165 KB) | DOI: 10.14710/sabda.12.1.42-51


Novel with Javanese cultural setting is a phenomenon in Indonesian literary work. Umar Kayam in Para Priyayi provides vivid picture of the life of a specific Javanese aristocrat called priyayi from last period of Colonial to Independence Era. This article seeks to reveal identity and social mobility of priyayi, using sociology of literature approach. The article shows that Sastrodarsono, main character in the novel, is able to mobilize upward socially and attach to priyayi class as well as to its value, commitment and in-group feeling. Sosrodarsono who came from lower class in Javanese society was able to reach aristocrat status (priyayi) and built his own aristocrat dynasty. He internalizes priyayis’ values and resocializes it to his family. The novel gives brief spectacle on social mobilization of Javanese aristocrat family and elements shaping the identity of priyayi. Kayam succesfully revives the priyayi life in his work so that his fiction contains cultural explanation just like anthropological works do.
Model Resolusi Konflik Alternatif dalam Hukum Islam Fanani, Ahwan
Al-Manahij: Jurnal Kajian Hukum Islam Vol 7 No 2 (2013)
Publisher : Fakultas Syariah IAIN Purwokerto

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (4009.332 KB) | DOI: 10.24090/mnh.v7i2.569


Hukum Islam sering dipandang sebagai hukum yang keras dan agresif. Pandangan demikian tidak hanya dianut oleh kalangan nonmuslim, namun juga oleh sebagian kalangan muslim sendiri. Mispersepsi mengenai sifat dasar hukum Islam tersebut sering mengaburkan mekanisme perdamaian yang ditawarkan oleh hukum Islam. Formulasi studi perdamaian dalam dunia Islam kurang berkembang, sehingga referensi terhadap mekanisme-mekanisme resolusi konflik dalam hukum Islam belum memenangkan wacana publik umat Islam, apalagi publik yang lebih luas. Tulisan ini adalah upaya untuk menggali model-model resolusi konflik alternatif dalam hukum Islam, baik dalam menghadapi konflik antara sesama muslim maupun dengan nonmuslim. Tulisan ini menunjukkan bahwa Islam memiliki model-model resolusi konflik alternatif, khususnya sulh dan tahkim. Keduanya mewakili resolusi konflik alternatif yang banyak diacu dalam al-Quran maupun hadis. Kedua resolusi konflik alternatif tersebut mengandung elemen-elemen persamaan dengan beberapa model resolusi konflik alternatif modern, namun ada aspek-aspek khas yang membuat model resolusi konflik alternatif dalam Islam memiliki keunikan, yaitu memiliki basis agama dan lebih menekankan penyelesaian konflik bersama.
Ahmad Dahlan’s Perspective on the Model of Modern Integration of Islamic Education Fanani, Ahwan
Nadwa Vol 13, No 1 (2019): Islamic Education and Liberation
Publisher : FITK UIN Walisongo

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.21580/nw.2019.1.1.3624


Ahmad Dahlan made a breakthrough in Islamic Education in the Early 20th Century. He was not only educated in a traditional environment, but also influenced by the modernist movement in Egypt, especially Abduh and Rashid Ridla. This article aims to describe the approach of modern Islamic education by Ahmad Dahlan. This writing uses the socio-historical approach. The results show that Dahlan renewed Islamic Education by integrating Islamic subjects into the public school curriculum and vice versa. The project covers aspects of curriculum, methods, and institutions. Integration projects are more practical and in line with projects undertaken by Ismail Raj'i al-Faruqi, Naquib al-Attas, and Amin Abdullah. The modern Islamic education model by Ahmad Dahlan is relevant to current Islamic education. AbstrakAhmad Dahlan melakukan terobosan dalam Pendidikan Islam di Awal abad 20. Beliau tidak hanya dididik di lingkungan tradisional, tetapi juga dipengaruhi oleh gerakan modernis di Mesir, terutama Abduh dan Rashid Ridla. Artikel ini bertujuan untuk menggambarkan pendekatan pendidikan Islam modern oleh Ahmad Dahlan. Penulisan ini menggunakan pendekatan sosial-sejarah. Hasilnya menunjukkan bahwa Dahlan memperbarui Pendidikan Islam dengan mengintegrasikan mata pelajaran Islam ke dalam kurikulum sekolah umum dan sebaliknya. Proyeknya mencakup aspek kurikulum, metode, dan kelembagaan. Proyek integrasi lebih bersifat praktek dan sejalan dengan proyek yang dilakukan oleh Ismail Raj'i al-Faruqi, Naquib al-Attas, dan Amin Abdullah. Model pendidikan Islam modern oleh Ahmad Dahlan relevan dengan Pendidikan Islam saat ini.Â