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Pendampingan Usaha Produksi dan Pemasaran Pupuk Organik Cair (POC) Berbasis Urin Manusia Pada Kelompok Usaha Rajawali Desa Wunduwatu Kecamatan Andoolo Kabupaten Konawe Selatan Abu Rahman; Melati Melati; Milawati Saranani
To Maega : Jurnal Pengabdian Masyarakat Vol 4, No 3 (2021): Oktober 2021
Publisher : Universitas Andi Djemma

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.35914/tomaega.v4i3.859


AbstrakKelompok usaha POC Rajawali Desa Wunduwatu merupak kelompok usaha yang mengolah urin manusia dari warga sekitar sejak tahun 2017. Pengumpulan urin dilakukan dengan cara mengharapkan warga sekitar datang menukarkan urinnya dilokasi usaha ini. Kelompok Rajawali masih menggunakan cara-cara yang konvensional sederhana sehingga tahapan proses produksi belum optimal, demikian pula metode pemasaran masih dari mulut ke mulut warga. Tujuan pendampingan ini guna meningkatkan produktifitas POC dan meningkatkan keuntungan usaha melalui strategi pemasaran yang efektif. Metode pendampingan dilaksanakan melalui pelatihan selama 2 (dua) hari) pada aspek peningkatan produksi dengan metode pembuatan mikroba khusus campuran urin manusia, melalui dan pembuatan 200 buah wadah penyimpanan urin kapasitas 1 liter dan mengurangi waktu penghancuran sabuk kelapa (80%). Pada kegiatan pelatihan teknologi produksi yakni mengurangi waktu produksi melalui penghancuran sabuk kelapa menggunakan mesin parut sabut kelapa. Selanjutnya dilakukan pendampingan modal produksi yakni inisiasi kerjasama donatur keuangan pengembangan modal kerjasama dengan Bank Bahteramas Provinsi Sulawesi Tenggara  Cabang  Unaaha. Sedangkan pada aspek pemasaran dilakukan pelatihan pendampingan promosi produk, menjajakan langsung produk didistributor/Toko pertanian, pasar tradisional walaupun penjualan dilakukan tidak resmi oleh karena produk ini belum mengantongi ijin edar. Hasil kegiatan pendampingan menunjukkan peningkatan produksi stok urin naik 200 liter/hari) atau naik 40%, kemudian peningkatan produksi POC 600 liter/6 hari atau naik 25% serta hasil kegiatan pendampingan pemasaran keuntungan usaha awalnya omset ini 4-5 juta/bulan setelah kegiatan pendampingan omset meningkat 9 juta/bulan. Hasil kegiatan pendampingan ini mampu pula mengurangi jumlah pengangguran disekitar lokasi mampu menyerap pekerja baru khususnya dari kalangan ibu rumah tangga..  Kata Kunci : Pendampingan, Pelatihan Produksi, Pemasaran, POC. AbstractThe POC Rajawali business group in Wunduwatu Village is a business group that has been processing human urine from local residents since 2017. Urine collection is done by expecting local residents to exchange their urine at this business location. The Rajawali group still uses conventional methods so that the stages of the production process are not optimal, as well as marketing methods are still word of mouth. The purpose of this assistance is to increase POC productivity and increase profits through effective marketing strategies. The mentoring method is carried out through training for 2 (two) days on the aspect of increasing production with the method of making special microbes mixed with human urine, through and making 200 urine storage units with a capacity of 1 liter and reducing coconut belt time (80%). In production technology activities, namely reducing production time through a coconut belt using a coconut grater machine. Furthermore, production capital assistance was carried out, namely the initiation of cooperation with donors for the development of cooperative capital with Bank Bahteramas, Southeast Sulawesi Province, Unaaha Branch. Meanwhile, in the marketing aspect, training on product promotion assistance is carried out, direct selling of products to agricultural distributors/shops, traditional markets even though sales are not official because this product has not yet obtained a distribution permit. The results of the activity show an increase in urine stock production (200 liters/day) or up 40%, then an increase in POC production of 600 liters/6 days or an increase of 25% and the results of this initial marketing assistance activity turn out 4-5 million/month after the mentoring activity increased turnover. 9 million/month. The results of this mentoring activity were able to reduce the number of movements around the location and were able to absorb new workers, especially from housewives.Keywords: Assistance, Production Training, Marketing, POC.
Pemberdayaan Kelompok Wanita Tani Melalui Pemanfaatan Lahan Pekarangan Dalam Mendukung Ketahanan Pangan Di Desa Ahuawali Kecamatan Puriala Kabupaten Konawe Milawati Saranani; Kalis Amartani; Mursal Junus; Sinta Dewi; Desyanti Desyanti; Kadek Ariati
Jurnal Nusantara Berbakti Vol. 1 No. 3 (2023): Juli : Jurnal Nusantara Berbakti
Publisher : Universitas Kristen Indonesia Toraja

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.59024/jnb.v1i3.182


Empowerment of KWTs in utilizing house yards is one way to meet needs without having to buy them. The yard of the house can be a place for farming activities that have a big role in meeting the needs of the family. The purpose of this community service activity is to increase public awareness, especially women through the use and ability of local communities to actively participate in efforts to empower the utilization and sustainable management of natural resources through the use and arrangement of yards. The method used is the lecture method and direct training with several stages, namely preparation, counseling, training, and mentoring. The target of this activity is the Melati Farming Women's Group in Ahuawali Village. Efforts to use yard land for vegetable cultivation have had a very good impact on the Melati farming women's group. Women are able to contribute to increasing the availability of healthy and nutritious vegetables for the family