I Nyoman Yudi Anggara
STMIK Primakara

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Rancang Bangun Sistem Informasi Akademik Berbasis Web (Studi Kasus SMP 1 Saraswati Denpasar) Nyoman Triana Suanjaya Putra; Ketut Queena Fredlina; I Nyoman Yudi Anggara
Jutisi : Jurnal Ilmiah Teknik Informatika dan Sistem Informasi JUTISI Vol. 9, No. 3, Desember 2020
Publisher : STMIK Banjarbaru

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (546.373 KB) | DOI: 10.35889/jutisi.v9i3.551


Abstrak.  Sistem informasi akademik merupakan suatu sistem yang memberikan layanan informasi yang berupa data akademik. Dalam hal ini, SMP 1 Saraswati Denpasar dijadikan sebagai tempat peneliti, karena sistem informasi akademik yang ada di sekolah tersebut belum terkelola dengan baik sehingga seringkali mempersulit dalam pelaksanaan aktifitas-aktifitas akademik yang ada, seperti proses pengolahan absen siswa, dan pengolahan data nilai-nilai atau ulangan. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk memberikan kemudahan pada saat proses pengolahan data siswa dan guru, mempermudah dalam pengolahan nilai siswa, meminimalisir kesalahan dalam pendataan siswa. Hasil dari penelitian ini adalah sebuah website aplikasi bernama: Sistem Informasi Akademik Berbasis Website Studi Kasus SMP Saraswati 1 Denpasar yang dibuat untuk mempermudah aktififtas akademik di SMP 1 Saraswati Denpasar. Kata kunci: Sistem Informasi, Sistem akademik, Berbasis Web Abstract.  Academic information system is a system that provides information services in the form of academic data. In this case, Saraswati 1 Denpasar Junior High School is used as a place for researchers, because the academic information system in the school has not been well managed so it often makes it difficult to carry out existing academic activities, such as the process of processing student absences, and processing data values or quiz. The purpose of this study is to provide convenience when processing student and teacher data, make it easier to process student grades, minimize errors in student data collection. The result of this research is an application website named: Academic Information System Based on Case Study Website of Denpasar Saraswati 1 Junior High School which was created to facilitate academic activities at Saraswati 1 Denpasar Middle School. Keywords: Information Systems, Academic System, Web Base
Pengembangan Sistem Penjualan Dengan Metode Waterfall Pada Toko UD.Vijaya Laksmi Badung Imas Kusuma; Komang Tri Werthi; I Nyoman Yudi Anggara
Jutisi : Jurnal Ilmiah Teknik Informatika dan Sistem Informasi JUTISI Vol. 9, No. 3, Desember 2020
Publisher : STMIK Banjarbaru

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (552.608 KB) | DOI: 10.35889/jutisi.v9i3.538


Abstrak.  UD. Vijaya Laksmi merupakan salah satu perusahaan dagang yang bergerak dalam bidang penjualan batu alam. Selama ini proses penjualan dilaksanakan secara manual, masalah yang muncul akibat dari proses secara manual yaitu hilangnya data, rentan terjadinya kesalahan pada pencatatan, lambatnya proses penjualan, dan lambatnya pelaporan penjualan kepada pihak manajemen. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah mengembangkan sistem penjualan pada UD. Vijaya Laksmi, untuk dapat membantu perusahaan dalam menyediakan, pengelolaan data penjualan serta membantu dalam pelaporan transaksi penjualan dengan cepat dan terkomputerisasi kepada pihak manajemen. Sistem informasi penjualan memudahkan perusahaan dalam proses bisnisnya yang menghasilkan mutu informasi yang lebih baik dan meminimalisir terjadinya kesalahan-kesalahan yang terjadi jika menggunakan sistem manual dalam menjalankan fungsinya. Perancangan sistem informasi penjualan dilakukan dengan berbasis website menggunakan framework codeigniter dengan bahasa pemrograman PHP (Hypertext Preprocessor) dan disimpan menggunakan database MysQL. Dalam pengumpulan data peneliti menggunakan metode pengamatan, wawancara, dan kajian pustaka. Sedangkan dalam pengembangan sistem peneliti menggunakan metode waterfall. Penilitian dilakukan hingga tahap implementasi dan pengujian sistem, pengujian sistem dilakukan dengan black box testing. Kata kunci: Sistem Informasi Penjualan, Framework Codeigniter, PHP (Hypertext Preprocessor), MySQL, Metode Waterfall, Black Box Testing. Abstract.  UD. Vijaya Laksmi is a trading company engaged in the sale of natural stone. During this time the sales process is carried out manually, problems that arise as a result of the process manually are loss of data, susceptibility to recording errors, slow sales process, and slow sales reporting to management. The purpose of this research is to develop a sales system at UD. Vijaya Laksmi, to be able to assist companies in providing, managing sales data and assisting in reporting sales and purchase transactions quickly and computerized to management. Sales information systems facilitate companies in their business processes that produce better quality information and minimize the errors that occur when using a manual system in carrying out its functions. The design of the sales information system is done on a website-based basis using a codeigniter framework with the PHP (Hypertext Preprocessor) programming language and stored using the MysQL database. In collecting data researchers used the method of observation, interviews, and literature review. While in the development of systems researchers used the waterfall method. The research was carried out until the implementation and testing stages of the system, system testing was carried out with black box testing. Keywords: Development Sales Information System, Framework Codeigniter, PHP (Hypertext Preprocessor) MysQL, Waterfall Method, Black Box Testing.
Analisis Sistem Informasi Akademik STMIK Primakara Menggunakan User Experience Questionnaire (UEQ) Si Gede Ngurah Kerta Sanjaya Arya Jelantik; I Putu Satwika; I Nyoman Yudi Anggara
Jutisi : Jurnal Ilmiah Teknik Informatika dan Sistem Informasi JUTISI Vol. 8, No. 3, Desember 2019
Publisher : STMIK Banjarbaru

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (519.255 KB) | DOI: 10.35889/jutisi.v8i3.382


Abstract STMIK Primakara has an academic information system named Primakara Campus Information System / SISKA, but the system has not been validated through the user experience system, so it cannot be known to what extent user satisfaction is in its use. This paper analyzes the experience of students in using SISKA Primakara website media, through the User Experience test. The analytical method used in analyzing the user experience of this website is subjective analysis through interviews and distributing User Experience Questionnaire (UEQ) questionnaires to 202 Primkara STMIK students who have operated the SISKA website as respondents. The assessment was carried out on 6 aspects, namely: attractiveness, efficiency, perspicuity, dependability, stimulation and novelty. The analysis shows that the average respondent gives an impression with results above average (above average) on the scale of Clarity and Efficiency, as well as on the Attractiveness scale. However, Accuracy and Stimulation get below average results, so the novelty scale gets bad results. Keywords: Campus Information System, Academic Information System, User Experience, User Experience Questionnaire Abstrak STMIK Primakara memiliki sistem informasi akademik yang diberi nama Sistem Informasi Kampus (SISKA) Primakara, namun sistem tersebut belum divalidasi melalui sistem user experience, sehingga tidak dapat diketahui sejauh mana tingkat kepuasan user dalam penggunaannya. Paper ini menganalisa pengalaman mahasiswa dalam menggunakan media website SISKA Primakara, melalui uji User Experience. Metode analisis yang digunakan dalam menganalisis pengalaman pengguna website ini adalah analisis subjektif melalui wawancara dan menyebarkan kuesioner User Experience Questionnaire (UEQ) kepada 202 mahasiswa STMIK Primkara yang telah mengoperasikan website SISKA sebagai responden. Penilaian dilakukan pada 6 aspek yaitu: attractiveness, efficiency, perspicuity, dependability, stimulation dan novelty. Hasil analisis menunjukkan rata-rata responden memberikan impresi dengan hasil above average (di atas rata-rata) pada skala Kejelasan dan Efisiensi, serta pada skala Daya Tarik. Namun demikian, Ketepatan dan Stimulasi mendapatkan hasil below average (di bawah rata-rata), demikian dengan skala Kebaruan yang mendapatkan hasil bad (buruk). Kata kunci: Sistem Informasi Kampus, Sistem Informasi Akademik, User Experience, User Experience Questionnaire
Analisa Dan Perancangan E-CRM Jasa Bengkel Menggunakan Metode Dynamic CRM I Gusti Ngurah Agung Ary Yuliantika; Ni Made Estiyanti; I Nyoman Yudi Anggara
Jutisi : Jurnal Ilmiah Teknik Informatika dan Sistem Informasi JUTISI Vol. 9, No. 3, Desember 2020
Publisher : STMIK Banjarbaru

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (1044.924 KB) | DOI: 10.35889/jutisi.v9i3.548


Abstrak.  Electronic Customer Relationship Management (E-CRM) ialah strategi bisnis yang menggunakan teknologi informasi yang memberikan perusahaan suatu pandangan pelanggannya secara luas, yang dapat membantu dalam mempertahankan dan memperluas hubungan dengan pelanggan. E-CRM adalah salah satu solusi yang dapat dipertimbangkan oleh bengkel mobil dalam usaha mempertahankan loyalitas pelanggan dan bahkan dapat dijadikan sebagai inovasi dalam mendapatkan pelanggan baru, maka dari itu dibuat suatu perancangan sistem informasi berbasis E-CRM menggunakan metode Dynamic CRM yang memiliki tahapan mengenai interaksi antara perusahaan dan konsumen yang menghasilkan informasi berupa informasi pelanggan, informasi oleh dan untuk pelanggan. Maka dibuat suatu perancangan sistem E-CRM dengan metode Dynamic CRM yang menghasilkan sebuah rancangan sistem berupa sistem E-CRM yang digambarkan dengan pemodelan use case diagram, sequence diagram, DFD dan ERD serta diperoleh hasil rancangan yang sesuai dengan framework Dynamic CRM yang menghasilkan output informasi mengenai pelanggan, informasi oleh dan untuk pelanggan.  Kata kunci: E-CRM, Dynamic CRM, Bengkel MobilAbstract.  Electronic Customer Relationship Management (E-CRM) is a business strategy that uses information technology that gives the company a broad view of its customers, which can help maintain and expand customer relationships. E-CRM is one of the solutions that can be considered by car workshop in an effort to maintain customer loyalty and can even be used as an innovation in getting new customers, therefore an information-based system design is made E-CRM uses the Dynamic CRM method that has stages regarding interactions between companies and consumers that produce information in the form of customer information, information by and for customers. Then made an E-CRM system design with Dynamic CRM method that produces a system design in the form of an E-CRM system that is described by use case diagrams, sequence diagrams, DFD and ERD and obtained design results in accordance with Dynamic CRM framework that produces information output regarding customers, information by and for customers. Keywords: E-CRM, Dynamic CRM, Car Workshop 
Model Aplikasi Peramalan Sewa Mobil Camper Dengan Metode Single Exponential Smoothing Berbasis Web I Kadek Wahyu Yudistira Pratama; I Nyoman Yudi Anggara; Ketut Queena Fredlina
Jutisi : Jurnal Ilmiah Teknik Informatika dan Sistem Informasi Vol 11, No 2: Agustus 2022
Publisher : STMIK Banjarbaru

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (410.87 KB) | DOI: 10.35889/jutisi.v11i2.928


PukuCamper is a Small and Medium Enterprise in the field of camping car rental services. Business uncertainty due to the pandemic (Covid-19) forced PukuCamper management to develop a survival strategy. In a business situation that is filled with uncertainty, predictions of the amount of rent and future operating income are needed in formulating a business strategy in order to remain afloat. This study aims to develop a PukuCamper car rental forecasting application by applying the Single Exponential Smoothing (SES) method as a knowledge base for forecasting. The independent variable for forecasting is the amount of rent and monthly income, while the dependent variable is also the amount of rent and income from the forecast. In this method, alpha values are used from 0.1 to 0.9, where the value is determined by the smallest error value. For an alpha value of 0.4, the amount of rent gets an error value of 33.86%, while for an alpha 0.2, income gets an error value of 36.35%. Based on application testing, the forecasting results shown by the SES-based application are the same as the results of calculations using the Excel application, which means that the work process of this forecasting application is correct.Keywords: Software; Web-Based; Prediction; Rental income Abstrak. PukuCamper adalah sebuah Usaha Mikro Kecil dan Menengah (UMKM) bidang jasa sewa mobil kamping. Ketidakpastian bisnis akibat adanya pandemi (Covid-19) memaksa manajemen PukuCamper mengembangkan strategi bertahan. Dalam situasi bisnis yang diliputi ketidakpastian, prediksi jumlah sewa dan pendapatan usaha pada masa mendatang diperlukan dalam menyusun strategi bisnis agar tetap dapat bertahan. Penelitian ini bertujuan mengembangkan aplikasi peramalan penyewaan mobil PukuCamper dengan menerapkan metode Single Exponential Smoothing (SES) sebagai basis pengetahuan peramalan. Variabel Independen peramalan berupa Jumlah Sewa dan Pendapatan bulanan, sedangkan variabel Dependen juga berupa jumlah sewa dan pendapatan hasil ramalan. Dalam metode ini digunakan nilai alpha 0,1 – 0,9, dimana nilai tersebut ditentukan oleh nilai error terkecil. Untuk nilai alpha 0,4, jumlah sewa mendapatkan nilai error 33,86%, sedangkan pada untuk alpha 0,2, pendapatan mendapatkan nilai error 36,35%. Berdasarkan pengujian aplikasi, hasil peramalan yang ditunjukkan oleh aplikasi berbasis SES sama dengan hasil perhitungan menggunakan aplikasi Excel, yang berarti proses kerja aplikasi peramalan ini sudah tepat.Kata kunci: Perangkat Lunak; Berbasis Web; Prediksi; Pendapatan sewa
Smart Techno (Smart Technology, Informatics and Technopreneurship) Vol. 2 No. 1 (2020)
Publisher : STMIK Primakara

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.59356/smart-techno.v2i1.67


As time goes by, technology goes very fast. Many business people use technology, one of which is an e-commerce website. E-commerce websites are very good to use because they can reach and be accessed by many people. Therefore the web design must be well made. In website design, the thing that must be considered is the user interface which is one of the factors that can determine the increase in website traffic. The better and simpler the user experience, neater, innovative, creative, and attractive the user interface is made, the more interested the user will be in exploring the website. This study aims to create an e-commerce website front end using the bootstrap 4 and codeigniter 3 framework.
Smart Techno (Smart Technology, Informatics and Technopreneurship) Vol. 3 No. 2 (2021)
Publisher : STMIK Primakara

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.59356/smart-techno.v3i2.72


Media promotion is very important in a company. One of the promotional media that is currently often used is the website. DAO is one company that uses the internet as a promotional medium. DAO is a company engaged in the field of cosmetics, especially for women, by relying on natural ingredients and products that are environmentally friendly. DAO uses social media as promotional media, so they want to build a website, but DAO still has difficulty building a website. This study aims to create a DAO website design. This research uses the UCD (User Centered Design) method so that the results obtained can answer consumers' needs for purchasing products digitally through the website, of course in line with DAO's goal of wanting to promote through the website. The result of this research is the design of the DAO website User Interface design so that later it can reach more users and of course increase loyalty.
Rancang Bangun Sistem Informasi Manajemen Laundry (Simadry) I Wayan Diana Putra; I Putu Satwika; I Nyoman Yudi Anggara
Jutisi : Jurnal Ilmiah Teknik Informatika dan Sistem Informasi Vol 12, No 1: April 2023
Publisher : STMIK Banjarbaru

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.35889/jutisi.v12i1.1212


Asik Laundry Services business management currently uses a data management system by writing down data in a book and providing a photocopy of the laundry paper to customers. This raises the problem of unrecorded incoming laundry data, so that business owners do not have data if a customer protests if there is a lack of or missing laundry. This study aims to create a laundry management application system with the aim of facilitating the process of managing laundry business data. System development uses agile methods, with Black box testing. The results obtained are a laundry management information system in the form of a mobile application that can be used to register customer data, scan customer data using a barcode, calculate the total price of laundry services, monitor the status of laundry orders, and view all orders, and download recapitulations from registrars. The test results using Blackbox testing show that all features can be used as needed.Keywords: Management Information System; Laundry; Agile Method; Mobile Application AbstrakManajemen usaha cuci Asik Laundry Service saat ini menggunakan sistem pengelolaan data dengan menuliskan data di buku dan memberikan fotokopian kertas cucian ke pelanggan. Hal itu menimbulkan masalah data cucian masuk tidak tercatat, seinggan pemilik usaha tidak memiliki data jika seandainya ada pelanggan yang protes jika ada cuciannya yang kurang atau hilang. Penelitian ini bertujuan membuat sistem aplikasi manajemen laundry dengan tujuan mempermudah proses pengelolaan data usaha laundry. Pengembangan sistem menggunakan metode agile, dengan pengujian Balck box testing. Hasil yang didapatkan adalah sistem informasi manajemen laundry berupa mobile application yang dapat digunakan untuk melakukan pendaftaran data pelanggan, melakukan scan data pelanggan menggunakan barcode, menghitung jumlah harga jasa laundry, melakukan monitoring status pesanan laundry, dan melihat semua pesanan, serta mengunduh rekapitulasi dari pendaftar. Hasil pengujian menggunakan Blackbox testing menunjukkan semua fitur dapat digunakan sesuai kebutuhan.