Husnul Fatarib
Program Pascasarjana STAIN Metro

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JURNAL ISTINBATH Vol 9, No 1 (2012): Vol. 9, Nomor 1, Edisi Mei 2012
Publisher : STAIN Jurai Siwo Metro

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Penelitian terhadap yurisprudensi Islam membawa kita untuk melakukan penelitian awal tentang bukti-bukti hukum Islam (dalil) yang disebut istidlal (penalaran). Tapi kesalahan membayangkan proses penalaran yang salah telah mendorong banyak fuqaha dan peneliti untuk menafsirkan istidlal dengan salah dan jauh dari esensi istidlal itu sendiri. Fenomena ini menyebabkan kontradiksi ijtihad dan fatwa, dan kemudian akan menjadi kesalahan umum yang membongkar konstruksi yurisprudensi Islam kontemporer. Oleh karena itu, penulis mencoba untuk menggambarkan dan menjelaskan arti sebenarnya dari istidlal menurut metodologi ushuliyyin.Kata kunci : Yurisprudensi, istidlal
PRINSIP DASAR HUKUM ISLAM (Studi Terhadap fleksibilitas dan adabtabilitas hukum Islam) Fatarib, HUsnul
JURNAL NIZHAM Vol 3, No 1 (2014): Jurnal Nizham

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The longevity of a legal product is based on the truth of its core teaching, the users and the makers of that law. Islamic law is a product of syariah from Allah the human creator. Its core teaching is for the benefit of human being in the world and the after world. The slogan is reflected in the various principles of Islamic law both general principles and specific principles. These principles include the principle of tawhid, Justice, amar ma.ruf nahi mungkar, freedom, equality, and the ta.awun principles. Those principles exceed the principles from other law so that the existance of Islamic law should be defended for it is suitable with the modern life enthusiasm. If there is any who states that the syariah law is old-fashioned or syariah law can.t lead human to the happiness in life, the person ought to comprehend the principles of Islamic law so that he would acknowledge it. In this paper I shall briefly discuss how and what are the principles of Islamic law.Keywords: Principle, Islamic law, Perpetuity
Leadership Criteria in Islam and its Benefit: Muslim Involvement in Non-Muslim Goverments Makhsus, Makhsus; Hayati, Ilda; Fatarib, Husnul; Saharuddin, Desmadi
Al-Adyan: Journal of Religious Studies Vol 1, No 2 (2020)
Publisher : Universitas Islam Negeri Imam Bonjol Padang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.15548/al-adyan.v1i2.1835


Basically, a Muslim does not leave the Muslim community, but with the development of Islam many problems occur. The departure of the Prophet Yusuf from the Muslim community has been described in the Qur'an. He served various maturity processes under the guidance of Allah al-Mighty. The figure of the Prophet Yusuf has been depicted and immortalized as a shadow ruler who officially served as minister of finance, agriculture and head of the logistics affairs agency. The question arises whether a Muslim can become a non-Muslim leader who will later be neglected and will have a negative impact on the faith and syari'ah carried out by Muslim leaders who control non-Muslim governments. With literature study and content analysis approach, the writer describes the literature qualitatively about the status of Muslims who are in the midst of non-Muslims and vice versa, to dismiss the opinion of good kafirs who are more worthy of being leaders than evil and corrupt Muslims. A Muslim can become a leader in the midst of non-Muslims for the benefit and preaching of Islam as was done by the Prophet Yusuf A.S, who proved himself clean after leaving prison. The criteria for a leader in Islam are flexible enough that sometimes a Muslim who is not consistent with sharia rules can sometimes bring great benefits to Muslims. Not only that, many Muslim leaders who were very instrumental in protecting Muslims and spreading Islam in Russia such as Berke Khan have deployed infidel armies to protect Muslims from destruction.Pada dasarnya seorang muslim tidak meninggalkan komunitas muslimnya, akan tetapi seiring perkembangan islam banyak masalah yang muncul. Hengkangnya Nabi Yusuf dari komunitas Muslim telah dijelaskan dalam Alquran.  Dia menjalani berbagai proses pendewasaan di bawah bimbingan Allah swt. Sosok Nabi Yusuf telah digambarkan dan diabadikan sebagai penguasa bayangan yang resmi menjabat sebagai menteri keuangan, pertanian, dan kepala badan logistik.  Timbul pertanyaan apakah seorang Muslim bisa menjadi pemimpin non-Muslim yang nantinya akan terabaikan dan berdampak negatif pada keimanan dan syari'at yang diemban oleh tokoh Muslim yang menguasai pemerintahan non-Muslim.  Dengan pendekatan studi pustaka dan analisis isi, penulis mendeskripsikan literatur secara kualitatif tentang status umat Islam yang berada di tengah-tengah non-Muslim dan sebaliknya, untuk menepis pendapat seorang kafir yang baik lebih layak menjadi pemimpin daripada seorang Muslim yang jahat dan korup.  Seorang Muslim bisa menjadi pemimpin di tengah-tengah non-Muslim untuk kemaslahatan dan dakwah Islam seperti yang dilakukan oleh Nabi Yusuf A.S yang membuktikan dirinya bersih setelah keluar dari penjara. Kriteria seorang pemimpin dalam Islam cukup fleksibel sehingga terkadang seorang Muslim yang tidak konsisten dengan aturan syariah dapat membawa manfaat yang besar bagi umat Islam. Tidak hanya itu, banyak pemimpin Muslim yang sangat berjasa dalam melindungi umat Islam dan menyebarkan Islam di Rusia seperti Berke Khan yang telah mengerahkan pasukan kafir untuk melindungi umat Islam dari kehancuran.
El -Hekam Vol 2, No 1 (2017)
Publisher : State Institute for Islamic Studies Batusangkar

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.31958/jeh.v2i1.822


The theme of this article Revitalization Role and Function of the Supervisory Board on Financial Institutions Sharia. The author takes a number of BMT Background City Metro WITH stressed Study on Existence penela'ahan Shari'ah supervisory board (DPS) in LKS Metro City, especially in BMT. Further Analysis From this paper will serve to the Reader ABOUT shown a serious issue in LKS That led DPS Metro City And yet functioning Operates Good NOT include: sebahagian BMT Metro City and is NOT yet have a Shari'ah supervisory board (DPS); DPS management yet meet the criteria and standards The ideal; DPS Only the ADA and is domiciled in BMT parent, while the Institute Branch OR BMT under its assistance does NOT have the DPS and no less interesting, in Section Final Research singer, will encounter a number of alternative solution and implementable WITH presenting models Empowerment Model DPS in the Coming include: DPS organizing focused and united on the level of districts and cities, and not in BMT OR ANY syari'ah The ADA Financial Institutions; Institutional Strengthening DPS WITH MECHANISMS juridical and cooperation; Model establishment of monitoring instruments and Evaluation of the boarding costs at the Local Level By DPS DPS Center (DSN-MUI); The role of the region is to maximize ASBISINDO WITH Build Cooperation All integrative And interkonektif; establish criteria and qualification of candidate MEMBERS DPS; establish criteria and qualification of candidate MEMBERS DPS; MAKE program routine / Periodic for a review to evaluate and monitor the boarding costs DPS in EVERY BMT in the area is the DSN-MUI By Yang is in the central level.
CRYPTOCURRENCY AND DIGITAL MONEY IN ISLAMIC LAW: Is it Legal? Fatarib, Husnul; Sali, Meirison Alizar
Jurisdictie: Jurnal Hukum dan Syariah Vol 11, No 2 (2020): Jurisdictie
Publisher : Fakultas Syariah

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.18860/j.v11i2.8687


Cryptocurrency is a digital currency spread in peer-to-peer network all over the world. This network has a big accounting book called Blockchain which can be accessed by public. This article is doctrinal legal research with conceptual research. This article reviews digital money based on Jalbu Masalah wa Dar al-Mafasid accompanied by the implication of Saddu az-Zari’ah. The results show that Islamic law acknowledges the currency issued by the government. The existence of a country is a form of protection to the money owners from the acts of fraud in finance. Bitcoin and digital money are not included in the criteria mentioned in Islamic economy law because of it contains obscurity (jahalah), high speculation element, and can harm individual as well as the country. Bitcoin has no clear source, authentic balance, and it only has moral assurance.Mata uang kripto adalah mata uang digital yang tersebar dalam jaringan peer-to-peer di seluruh dunia. Jaringan ini memiliki sebuah buku akuntansi besar bernama Blockchain yang dapat diakses oleh publik. Artikel ini merupakan penelitian hukum doctrinal dengan pendekatan konseptual. Artikel ini melakukan kajian terhadap uang digital berdasarkan Jalbu Masalah wa Dar al-Mafasid sertai implikasi Saddu az-Zari’ah. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa hukum Islam mengakui keberadaan mata uang yang dicetak oleh pemerintah. Keberadaan negara merupakan wujud perlindungan kepada pemilik uang dari tindakan penipuan dan kecurangan dalam bidang finansial. Bitcoin dan uang digital tidak termasuk dalam kriteria yang disebutkan dalam hukum ekonomi Islam. Karena mengandung ketidakjelasan (jahalah), unsur spekulasi yang tinggi serta dapat merugikan individu dan negara. Bitcoin ini tidak mempunyai sumber yang jelas, saldo yang hakiki, dan hanya ada jaminan secara moril.