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Pemilihan Indeks Enso Sebagai Indikator Untuk Deteksi Dini Kekeringan Pada Padi Sawah Elza Surmaini
JURNAL SUMBER DAYA AIR Vol 11, No 2 (2015)
Publisher : Bina Teknik Sumber Daya Air, Kementerian Pekerjaan Umum dan Perumahan Rakyat

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.32679/jsda.v11i2.106


Salah satu pendekatan yang dapat digunakan mendeteksi dini dampak kekeringan adalah menggunakan indeks El-Nio Southern Oscillation (ENSO). Indeks ENSO telah banyak digunakan sebagai alat penting dalam pengelolaan ketahanan pangan di berbagai negara. Terdapat beberapa indeks yang digunakan untuk mendefinisikan ENSO, namun tidak ada konsesus diantara para pakar tentang indeks yang terbaik untuk mendeteksi kekeringan. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk memilih indeks ENSO yang paling akurat untuk deteksi dini kekeringan pada pertanaman padi sawah pada musim kemarau (MK)1 dan MK2. Kerusakan tanaman padi akibat kekeringan diukur menggunakan Indeks Dampak Kekeringan Padi (IDKP). Telekoneksi antara ENSO dengan kekeringan padi dianalisis menggunakan persamaan regresi polynomial antara sepuluh indeks ENSO dengan IDKP. Terlebih dahulu, diuji hubungan antara faktor perantaranya. Pertama, asosiasi antara beberapa indeks ENSO dengan SPI sebagai indeks kekeringan meteorologis. Kedua, asosiasi antara SPI dan IDKP sebagai indeks kekeringan agronomis. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa hubungan IDKP dengan indeks ENSO dapat dijelaskan dengan baik melalui faktor perantaranya yaitu SPI. Indeks ENSO yang dapat menggambarkan kekeringan dengan baik adalah indeks Nio 3.4 pada lag 2. Lag 2 menunjukkan bahwa indeks Nio 3.4 Bulan Maret dan Juni dapat digunakan untuk deteksi dini kekeringan padi pada MK1 dan MK2.
BERITA BIOLOGI Vol 6, No 6 (2003)
Publisher : Research Center for Biology-Indonesian Institute of Sciences

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.14203/beritabiologi.v6i6.1199


Water availability generally enhanced accumulation crop productivity in short time caused yield accumulation in that period. El-Nino, a climate phenomenon that increased of intensity and frequency lately caused planting period determination is being more important in minimizing agriculture risk like El-Nino. El-Nino impact on season displacement and rainfall drop were carried out with weighted regression between anomaly of rainfall and sea surface temperature (SST). Then, the information use to quantify rainfall fluctuation in relation with SST. Rainfall forecasting for next 3-6 month used in evaluation of planting period and then recommend some scenario with different level yield loss.Result showed that rainfall in north-side of East Kalimantan not affected by SST, but in south-side the correlation was significant. Especially El-Nino 1997 has forwarded dry season and delaied wet season.Analysis of planting period on dry season showed that paddy, corn, and tomato had high yield loss caused by water stress.Cropping pattern and planting period modification were required to suppress the yield loss. One alternative was by implementing runoff and rainfall harvesting to avoid yield accumulation only in wet season. Conventional cropping pattern that rely on rainfall should be managed in to whole area, so that quantity and continuity of yield may be able to be optimized.
Applying Climate Information for Supporting Farming System of Food Crop ELZA SURMAINI; RIZALDI BOER; H. SIREGAR
Jurnal Tanah dan Iklim (Indonesian Soil and Climate Journal) No 24 (2006): Desember 2006
Publisher : Balai Besar Penelitian dan Pengembangan Sumberdaya Lahan Pertanian

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.21082/jti.v0n24.2006.%p


The events of climate extreme that increase the crop yield uncertainty causing financial loss of farmers. To ensure economic profitability, farmers need to tailor their cropping pattern to the climate forecast. The study was conducted in Ciparay and Bojongsoang sub-District, the central crop production of Bandung District from March to August 2005. Research aimed to analyze climate information value based on farming system strategy for accruing farmer income. Farming system in climate extremeevents was determined by maximizing expected utility of wealth. Farming system in two sub-District was assessed by Rapid Rural Appraisal. Climate information value was the difference between income with conventional farming and income using farming system strategy. Result of the survey indicated that dominant cropping pattern in the study area was rice-rice-fallow. The second rice was vulnerable to drought particularly in extremeyears. Further analysis suggested that extreme climate events were mostly associated with ENSO (El-Niño Southern Oscillation) events. From farming system simulation model, it was found that in El-Niño years, to maximize income, farmers should planted all farm with maize. Planting non-rice crops can be done after April (early May), to get maximist income, they should plant all farm with soybean. Risk averter farmers might diversify their crops, i.e. by fallowing part of their lands and planting the remaining lands with maize and soybean. The use of climate information in El-Niño years will give higher economic benefit to farmers than in La-Niña years. The difference in economic benefit was determined by the proportion of land allocated for rice and nonrice crops. In El-Niño years, farmers who plant all their lands for second planting with rice crop will get loss due to significant decrease in rice yield, while those who plant part or all of their land with non-rice crops will gain benefit as they will get yield. Therefore, farmers who are willing to take risks by planting part or all of their land with non-rice crops in years which were forecasted to be El-Niño years will get higher income than farmers who are not willing to change their rice crops.
Impact of Extreme Climate Events on Rice-Based Farming System : Case Study at Bandung District Elza SURMAINI; R. BOER
Jurnal Tanah dan Iklim (Indonesian Soil and Climate Journal) No 33 (2011): Juli 2011
Publisher : Balai Besar Penelitian dan Pengembangan Sumberdaya Lahan Pertanian

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.21082/jti.v0n33.2011.%p


Bandung District is found to be an area that is vulnerable to the El-Niño Southern Oscillation (ENSO) events. Whenever ENSO occurs, this district is always suffering from drought and flood leading to significant crop production lost. The vulnerable areas to flood and drought are Bojongsoang and Ciparay. The objectives of the study are : a) to identify problems related climate risks in rice-based farming system and the adaptation of mechanism to cope with climate extreme; b) to elucidate relationship of ENSO development with rainfall variability and effect of rainfall to flood and drought occurrences; and c) to evaluate economics loss due to climate extreme. Assessment of farming system at the study sites was conducted using Rapid Rural Appraisal (RRA) method. Farmer’s annual income were analyzed using frequency analysis of gross margin. The results showed that Sea Surface Temperature (SST) in Tropical Pacific has significantly affected on rainfall in Ciparay sub-District. The raise in SST anomaly is clearly a subject to delay the rainy season, to prolong the dry season period, and to decrease rainfall amount up to below normal, while the decreasing of SST anomaly resulting high intensity of rainfall in the rainy season and lower in the dry season. Whenever ENSO occurs, most farmers is always suffering from drought and flood leading to significant crop failure. Most farmers realized that climate has been changed and recently there is a trend uncertainly of rainfall pattern (proved by 84% of respondents). Nevertheless, they are still using traditional way to determine the beginning of planting season. Results showed that Benefit Cost Ratio (BCR) have smaller value in floods and droughts than normal conditions. Annual net income analysis suggests that many farmers will have negative annual income either at first or second crops fail. Based on the interviews with local authorities and farmers, it is needed to increase awareness of decision maker, extension workers and farmers to climate extremes and to improve their capacity to manage climate risks.
Global Climate Indices and Its Effect on Extreme Climate Events in Indonesia ELZA SURMAINI; ERNI SUSANTI
Jurnal Tanah dan Iklim (Indonesian Soil and Climate Journal) No 28 (2008): Desember 2008
Publisher : Balai Besar Penelitian dan Pengembangan Sumberdaya Lahan Pertanian

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.21082/jti.v0n28.2008.%p


Many facts show that El-Niño Southern Oscillation (ENSO) phenomenon and Dipole Mode are closely related to rainfall event in Indonesia, but the magnitude of its impact varies with site. Therefore, it is needed to determine the most singnificant global climate indices that has closely related to Indonesian’s rainfall. The significant indices are able to be used in predicting rainfall in Indonesia.The objective of the present study is to detemine global climate indicators that have the significant effect to rainfall, climate/season anomaly, the occurence flood and drought in Indonesia. The study has been done through the following steps ; 1) regression analysis of rainfall with global climate indices of Sea Surface Temperatur Anomaly/SST in Nino 3.4 zone, Dipole mode Index (DMI), Southern Oscillation Index (SOI), interacton of SSTA with DMI, and interaction of SOI with DMI), 2) Plotting of rainfall anomaly and global climate indices for determining rainfall deviates with deviant of global climate forcing indices, 3) analysis of probability of exceedence for determining onset and lenght of wet season on climate extreme event, and 4) analysis impact of climate extreme event on flood and drougt occurences and damage areas of ricefield. The result showed that the closest relationship between global climate forcing indices and rainfall inIndonesia is SST in Nino 3.4 zone and only have significant relationship to rainfall in transisional season (August-November). Negative correlation between SST and rainfall indicates that the increase of SST anomaly causes the decrease of rainfall on August-November period. Probability of exceedance analysis showed that if the SST on September decrease below -0.5 -0.5 oC (indicate La-Niña event), the wet season will start earlier withlonger period. In contrast, if SST increases above 0.5 oC (indicate El-Niño event) the wet season will delay with shorter period. Impact of drought on damage of ricefield is more significant than the flood occurence.
Goncangan Iklim Mengancam Ketahanan Pangan Nasional Istiqlal Amien; Eleonora Runtunuwu; Erni Susanti; Elza Surmaini
JURNAL PANGAN Vol. 20 No. 2 (2011): PANGAN
Publisher : Perum BULOG

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33964/jp.v20i2.30


Kebutuhan pangan meningkat pesat dengan bertambahnya penduduk dan perbaikan ekonomi. Penduduk juga telah lebih banyak menempati perkotaan yang sebagian besar di hilir sehingga mengurangi ketersediaan air bagi pertanian. Sementara produksi pangan yang telah terkendala oleh alih fungsi lahan pertanian yang dipercepat kebijakan transportasi dan tajamnya kompetisi penggunaan air yang diperparah oleh keragaman dan perubahan iklim. Peran Jawa sebagai pemasok utama beras nasional sudah semakin melemah, sehingga perlu dicari pusat pertumbuhan pangan baru. Mengantisipasi tantangan ini perlu dikaji dan dikembangkan potensi pangan tradisional yang kurang dimanfaatkan maupun yang telah terlupakan. Riset perlu terus dipacu untuk meningkatkan manfaat sumberdaya maritim yang lebih luas dari daratan untuk produksi pangan dan pengembangan varietas baru yang lebih efisien menggunakan air dan karbon. Teknologi pangan dari hulu ke hilir perlu cepat didiseminasikan dengan memanfaatkan teknologi informasi yang telah berkembang pesat untuk meningkatkan ketahanan pangan.Rapid rise of food requirement has been driven by not only increasing population but also improving welfare. More people now live in urban areas located mostly in the downstream areas that reduce the water supplies for agricultural production. Meanwhile, food production is already constrained by agricultural lands conversion, by inappropriate transportation policy and by tighter water competition that is exacerbated by climate anomaly and climate change. The decreasing role of Java as the national rice supplier requires the development of new food production centers in outer islands. To anticipate the challenge, traditional food crops which are either underutilized or neglected must be assessed and more developed. Researches on potential utilization of maritime resources, that are larger than the terrestrial ones for food production, can be developed to become more efficient by using water and carbon. Food technology, from the up-streams to downstreams, has to be rapidly disseminated by using more appropriately state-of-the-art information technology to enhance food security.