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Persepsi Masyarakat Terhadap Penerapan Teknologi Tepat Guna Bidang Sumber Daya Air (TTG-BSDA) (Studi Kasus Kabupaten Pacitan, Gunung Kidul Dan Bantul) Fanani Aziz Alwi; Wildan Herwindo
Publisher : Bina Teknik Sumber Daya Air, Kementerian Pekerjaan Umum dan Perumahan Rakyat

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (303.851 KB) | DOI: 10.32679/jsda.v8i1.357


Discharge regulation and measurement in the irrigation scheme are needed to improve water distribution equity and reliability which are often constrained by damaged sluice gates and discharge measuring devices. Sluice gates which are generally made of iron are often damaged because of corrosion or theft. Whereas the discharge measuring devices are often inaccurate because the required flow condition is often eligible and demolished since in the opinion of the farmers these devices are blocking the water flow. In order to solve this problem, a research was conducted to create sluice gates that can be both, a discharge regulator and measuring device. These gates are made of fiberglass/Glass Fiber Reinforced Plastic (GFRP), which is lighter and more corrosion resistant than steel. The shape of this gate is a rounded sluice gate so that it can be used as a measuring device. Tests were then conducted to determine the hydraulic characteristics of flow and discharge formulas that can be used. These tests resulted a contraction coefficient of 0,867 with error rate (Mean Absolute Percentage Error/MAPE) of 3,8% for free flow and 10,4% for submerged flow or an average of 8,71%. This indicates that this rounded sluice gate is feasible to be used as a measuring device. For operational convenience in the field, operators can be equipped with discharge charts or discharge calculators in Java programs that can be operated on a Java MIDP 2.0 cell phone.
Penilaian Kinerja Saluran Irigasi Tersier Daerah Irigasi Rentang Kabupaten Indramayu Provinsi Jawa Barat Indonesia Wahyu Prasetyo; Febe Khoirun Nisa’; Wildan Herwindo
Jurnal Inovasi Konstruksi Vol 2, No 2 (2023): October
Publisher : Politeknik Pekerjaan Umum

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.56911/jik.v2i2.74


Daerah Irigasi Rentang Kabupaten Indramayu memiliki permasalahan dalam pembagian air yang tidak merata. Kelebihan air terjadi di bagian hulu dan kekurangan air terjadi di bagian hilir. Hal tersebut diakibatkan oleh penurunan prasarana fisik terutama saluran irigasi tersier dan kurang optimalnya kegiatan operasi dan pemeliharaan sehingga berpengaruh pada produktifitas tanam. Oleh karena itu, perlu dilakukan penilaian kinerja saluran irigasi tersier untuk memeriksa kondisi saluran tersier khususnya saluran BD 5 Ki.2 di Daerah Irigasi Rentang. Metode penelitian yang digunakan yaitu observasi lapangan dengan melakukan penelusuran saluran irigasi tersier yaitu pengukuran dimensi penampang saluran, sedimentasi, serta panjang kerusakan saluran. Berdasarkan hasil walkthrough kondisi kinerja saluran irigasi tersier BD 5 Ki.2 menunjukkan bahwa kondisi saluran kurang baik dengan nilai kinerja saluran irigasi 52,81%.  Hasil pengukuran debit menggunakan metode apung di ruas BD 5 Ki.2-T1 (Q1) = 3,22 m3/s, ruas T1-T2 (Q2) = 1,43 m3/s, T2-K1 (Q3) = 0 m3/s. Sementara nilai debit rencana Q1 = 0,106 m3/s, Q2 = 0,072 m3/s dan Q3 = 0,042 m3/s. Penilaian kondisi kinerja saluran irigasi tersier BD 5 Ki.2 kurang baik dikarenakan terjadi penurunan debit aliran di saluran irigasi tersier BD 5 Ki.2 Daerah Irigasi Rentang.
Pengembangan Awal Alat Pemanen Alga Sistem Rotating Filtered-Drum Untuk Perbaikan Kualitas Air di Perairan Tergenang Syamsul Bahri; Pranu Arisanto; Suhardi Suhardi; Wildan Herwindo
Jurnal Inovasi Konstruksi Vol 2, No 2 (2023): October
Publisher : Politeknik Pekerjaan Umum

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.56911/jik.v2i2.76


The phenomenon of overgrowth of green algae and cyanobacteria indicates a serious aquatic environmental problem from eutrophication. In aquatic ecosystems, algae are an integral part of the ecological system. But when there is abundant algae growth in the waters it causes the phenomenon of harmful alga blooms. Algae that were previously invisible, due to clumping, this group becomes invisible to the eye. The follow-up impact of the algae blooms is fish death, due to lack of oxygen at night. Algal masses that are swept by the wind onto the shores of bays and reservoir shores cause buildup and decay. Among the efforts that can be made in dealing with the phenomenon of abundant algae in waters is harvesting. In this study, the technique of harvesting by filtration and centrifugal rotation in a drum was applied. The purpose of this study was to design and build a filtration system algae harvester with a Rotating Filtered-Drum type. The results of preliminary research on filtration of water contaminated with algae from the facultative pond of the Bojongsoang-Bandung WWTP by gravity showed that the T 165 filter was able to reduce TSS levels as an indicator of algae by 72.85%. The Rotating Filtered-Drum tool requires further research for operational trials using pool water contaminated with algae. Keywords: algal blooming, lentic waters, euthrophic, green algae, cyanobacteria.