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Optimalisasi Pemanfaatan Waduk Tilong, Nusa Tenggara Timur Untuk Pengembangan Perikanan Tangkap Andri Warsa
JURNAL SUMBER DAYA AIR Vol 15, No 2 (2019)
Publisher : Bina Teknik Sumber Daya Air, Kementerian Pekerjaan Umum dan Perumahan Rakyat

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (744.998 KB) | DOI: 10.32679/jsda.v15i2.480


The Tilong Reservoir located in Kupang District, has 154.97 ha surface area with an average depth of 12.5 m, water volume is 19 million m3 and water discharge around 86.4-106.3 m3/day. The main function of this reservoir is for irrigation. Capture fisheries activity has not been optimally developed. The development of capture fisheries can be done through culture-based fisheries (CBF), namely milkfish (Channos channos) or tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus) stocking. The aims of this study is to determine the potential of fisheries production and the seed needs for CBF development in the Tilong reservoir. The study was conducted in March and September 2016 at three observation stations. Water sample was taken at 0.5 and 2.0 m from the surface which is the euphotic depth. The results showed that CBF activities in the Tilong Reservoir could successful because supported by the limnology conditions was suitable for fish life, the availability of seeds produced from hatchery was sufficient for stocking and support of local communities through local wisdom. Fish seeds are produced by 13 hatchery which are capable of producing milkfish and tilapia seeds of 7,040,770 and 7,023,400 per year. Based on these aspects, capture fisheries through CBF are feasible to be developed in the Tilong Reservoir. The fisheries production potential in the Tilong Reservoir ranges from 75.9 to 77.5 kg/ha/year or 11.9-12.0 tons/year. The optimal number of milkfish and tilapia seeds that can be stocked ranges from 71,000-73,500 individuals/year and 72,000-75,000 individuals/year respectively. The fish production estimated from stocking was about 40% of the potential production with economic value of Rp 20,500,000 and Rp 21,500,000.
Jurnal Penelitian Perikanan Indonesia Vol 17, No 1 (2011): (Maret 2011)
Publisher : Pusat Riset Perikanan, BRSDM KP.

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (339.082 KB) | DOI: 10.15578/jppi.17.1.2011.73-82


Studi tentang struktur komunitas ikan dan pembagian sumber daya pakan ikan pasca introduksi ikan patin siam (Pangasianodon hypophthalmus) di Waduk Malahayu (620 ha) dilakukan dengan tujuan untuk mengetahui komposisi jenis ikan, preferensi makanan, dan luas relung tiap jenis ikan. Penelitian dilaksanakan dengan menggunakan metode survei pada bulan Agustus sampai Nopember 2009 dan bulan Maret sampai Oktober 2010. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa struktur komunitas ikan terdiri atas 13 jenis ikan, yang didominansi oleh ikan nila (Oreochromis niloticus), udang (Macrobrachium sp.), dan gabus (Channa striata). Jenis-jenis sumber daya pakan yang dimanfaatkan oleh ikan adalah fitoplankton (20%), detritus (19%), zooplankton (17%), insekta (11%), tumbuhan air (9%), ikan (9%), udang (9%), dan moluska (6%). Ikan patin siam, mujair (Oreochromis mossambicus), dan beunteur (Puntius binotatus) bersifat generalis karena mampu memanfaatkan semua sumber daya pakan alami yang tersedia. Ikan sili (Macrognathus aculeatus) dan keting (Mystus nigriceps) lebih bersifat spesialis karena hanya memanfaatkan insekta sebagai makanan utamanya. Peluang kompetisi antara ikan patin siam (diintroduksikan tahun 2009) dan ikan nila relatif kecil sebab sumber daya pakan utamanya berbeda, yaitu ikan patin siam memanfaatkan moluska sebagai makanan utamanya sedangkan ikan nila sebagian memanfaatkan fitoplankton. Hasil tangkapan ikan di waduk ini berkisar antara 34,3-1.323,1 ton/tahun dengan rata-rata 157,3 ton/tahun. Malahayu Reservoir located in Brebes Regency, was impounded in 1930, with a surface area of 620 hectares, a mean water depth of 8 m. Its main function are flood control and irrigation. Study on fish community structure and food resource partitioning of fishes in Malahayu Reservoir were conducted from August to November 2009 and March to October 2010. The aim of the study was to evaluate the existing condition of fish resources, with emphasis on species composition, food preferency, and niche breadth of fishes. Results of this study showed that the structure of fish community compose of thirteen fish species which were dominated by nile tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus), freshwater prawn (Macrobrachium sp.), and snakehead (Channa striata). The food resources consumed by fishes in this reservoir are phytoplankton (20%), detritus (19%), zooplankton (17%), insect (11%), aquatic plants (9%), fish (9%), shrimp (9%), and molusc (6%). The striped catfish, mozambique tilapia and spotted barb were generalist because used all of the food resources. The lesser spiny eel (Macrognathus aculeatus) and twospot catfish (Mystus nigriceps) were specialist, only used the insect larva as the food item. The striped catfish (introduced in 2009) and nile tilapia in this reservoir not compete each other because the main food item are different, the striped catfish mainly eats the molusc while nile tilapia eats phytoplankton. The fish production range from 34.3-1,323.1 ton/yr with average 157.3 ton/yr.
Upaya Konservasi Ikan Bilih (Mystacoleucus padangensis) dengan Penetapan Ukuran Tangkap dan Suaka di Danau Singkarak Andri Warsa; Didik Wahju Hendro Tjajo; Lismining Pujiyani Astuti
Jurnal Airaha Vol 9 No 01: June 2020
Publisher : Politeknik Kelautan dan Perikanan Sorong, Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (454.906 KB) | DOI: 10.15578/ja.v9i01.136


Bilih (Mystacoleucus padangensis) is endemic fish with high economic value in Lake Singkarak. Overexploitation with unselective fishing gears caused population decreasing. Its effect for fishermen income decreasing so they need an effort for fish conservation with the determination of length at first captured and fish sanctuary. The objective of the research is the determination of length at first captured and fish sanctuary as an effort for bilih conservation at Lake Singkarak. The research was done at July and September 2019 in two location namely Aripan and Sumpur. Bilih sample was got by experimental fishing using gillnet with mesh size 5/8; ¾ and 1,0 inci; cast net, and Alahan. Result of the research shown the size for bilih exploitation is ≥ 9.0 cm and used the gillnet with 1.0 inch mesh size. The fish sanctuary at Sumpur River can give some bilih seed as 1.29 million and fish with legal-size and mature condition 182 thousand. Determination of legal size and fish sanctuary give impact for exploitation sustainability and increasing fishermen income at Lake Singkarak.
Keramba Jaring Apung SMART sebagai Inovasi Sistem Budidaya Ramah Lingkungan di Perairan Danau dan Waduk: SMART Floating Net Cage as an Innovation of Eco-friendly Aquaculture System for Lake and Reservoir Andri Warsa; Lismining Pujiyani Astuti
Jurnal Teknologi Lingkungan Vol. 23 No. 2 (2022)
Publisher : Center for Environmental Technology - Agency for Assessment and Application of Technology

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (894.209 KB) | DOI: 10.29122/jtl.v23i2.4723


Aquaculture activity using floating net cage (FNC) in lake or reservoir was rapidly developing, and it was over carrying capacity. Uneaten feed and fish metabolisms were caused by water quality degradation. Some innovation was needed to diminish pollutant loading for cultivation activity, and SMART FCN can do it.  SMART FNC is a water management system with circulation and aquatic plants as an innovation for conventional KJA. This paper aimed to shown SMART FCN construction as an eco-friendly cultivation system and estimate organic matter and phosphorus pollutant loading reduced by SMART FCN. The research was done at Cirata Reservoir in October–December 2019. The research using FCN with size 6x6 m with depth 4.5 m. The nile tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus) seed used was 15 kg with an average weight is 22.5 g/ind or with a density 7 ind/m3 or 775 fish total. It was feeding as much as 5% of the fish weight and three times per day. The average fish growth rate is 1.6 g/day with a food conversion ratio is 1.41, with a harvest biomass is 104.0 kg. FCR decreasing can reduce organic matter (OM) and total phosphorus for each ton of fish by 200 kg OM and 50.8 kg P, respectively. The filtration effectiveness of water spinach to decreasing P-PO4, BOT, NO2, and N-NO3 were 33.2, 31.2, 31.0, and 40.3%, respectively. Keywords: SMART FCN, Aquaculture, Nile tilapia, Eco-friendly ABSTRAK Kegiatan budidaya dengan keramba jaring apung (KJA) di perairan waduk dan danau telah berkembang pesat dan cenderung melebihi daya dukung perairan. Sisa pakan dan metabolisme ikan yang terbuang ke perairan menyebabkan degradasi kualitas air. Oleh karena itu perlu adanya suatu upaya mengurangi beban pencemaran yang berasal dari kegiatan budidaya yang dapat dilakukan dengan sistem budidaya KJA SMART. KJA SMART adalah sistem manajemen air dengan resirkulasi dan tanaman air sebagai inovasi KJA konvensional yang sudah ada. Tujuan dari penulisan ini adalah untuk menyajikan konstruksi KJA SMART sebagai teknologi budidaya ramah lingkungan serta mengestimasi pengurangan beban pencemaran bahan organik dan fosfor total (P) dengan penerapan sistem KJA SMART. Penelitian dilakukan di Waduk Cirata pada bulan Oktober-Desember 2019. Kolam yang digunakan berukuran 6x6 m dengan kedalaman 4,5 m. Benih ikan nila (Oreochromis niloticus) yang digunakan sebanyak 15 kg dengan berat rata-rata 22,5 g/ekor atau dengan kepadatan 7 ekor/m3 atau total 775 ekor. Pakan yang diberikan sebanyak 5% dari berat ikan dengan frekuensi pemberian sebanyak tiga kali dalam satu hari. Laju pertumbuhan ikan nila rata-rata yang dipelihara adalah 1,6 g/hari dengan rasio konversi pakan (FCR) sebesar 1,41 dengan produksi 104,0 kg. Penurunan nilai FCR dapat mengurangi beban pencemaran bahan organik total (BOT) dan fosfor total untuk setiap satu ton panen ikan masing-masing sebanyak 200 kg BOT dan 50,8 kgP. Efektivitas filtrasi tanaman kangkung dalam menurunkan konsentrasi P-PO4; BOT; NO2; dan N-NO3 masing-masing sebesar 33,2; 31,2; 31,0; dan 40,3%. Kata kunci: KJA SMART, Budidaya, Nila, Ramah lingkungan
Prediksi Konsentrasi Klorofil-a Menggunakan Data Citra Satelit Sentinel-2A di Waduk Jatiluhur Kabupaten Purwakarta: Prediction of Chlorophyll-a Using Satellite Imagery Data Sentinel-2A in Jatiluhur Reservoir Purwakarta Regency Arip Rahman; Lismining Pujiyani Astuti; Andri Warsa; Agus Arifin Sentosa
Jurnal Teknologi Lingkungan Vol. 23 No. 2 (2022)
Publisher : Center for Environmental Technology - Agency for Assessment and Application of Technology

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (1615.357 KB) | DOI: 10.29122/jtl.v23i2.5192


Lakes, reservoirs, and rivers are among the most changing ecosystems on the earth’s surface. Chlorophyll-a as the main pigment in phytoplankton is often used to describe the water quality of lake and reservoirs and as an important element that indicates the tropical status of a waters. Spatial and temporal changes in algae blooms in a lake make it difficult to use in situ monitoring. The aim of the study is to predict the concentration of chlorophyll-a in Jatiluhur Reservoirs. The data used in this study were chlorophyll-a data from in situ measurements and satellite data Sentinel-2A. The method to obtain the value of the concentration of chlorophyll-a are an empirical and semi-analytical method. The empirical method is carried out by correlating in situ data with ratio of band 5 (red edge) and band 4 (red) (B5/B4). While the semi-analytical method is carried out by analyzing the Case 2 Regional Coast Colour (C2RCC) algorithm that integration in Sentinel Application Platform (SNAP) software. Correlation between in situ data and prediction of chlorophyll-a data has a strong relationship with the coefficient of determination R2=0.67 (in situ data with ratio prediction data) and R2=0.56 (in situ data with C2RCC prediction data). Based on this, remote sensing data on Sentinel-2A imagery with the application of several algorithms, can be used to support water quality monitoring activities in lakes and reservoirs, especially chlorophyll-a. Keywords: Chlorophyll-a, Sentinel-2A satellite imagery, Jatiluhur reservoirs, Empirical, Semi-analytical ABSTRAK Danau, waduk, dan sungai merupakan salah satu ekosistem yang paling banyak berubah di permukaan bumi. Klorofil-a sebagai pigmen utama fitoplankton sering digunakan untuk menggambarkan kualitas perairan danau dan waduk. Selain itu, klorofil-a merupakan unsur penting yang menandakan status tropik suatu perairan. Perubahan secara spasial dan temporal blooming alga pada suatu danau/waduk membuat sulit untuk melakukan monitoring secara in situ. Penelitian dilakukan untuk memprediksi nilai konsentrasi klorofil-a di Waduk Jatiluhur menggunakan data penginderaan jauh. Data yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah data klorofil-a hasil pengukuran in situ dan data citra satelit Sentinel-2A. Metode yang digunakan untuk memprediksi nilai konsentrasi klorofil-a adalah metode empiris dan semi analisis. Metode empiris dilakukan dengan mengkorelasikan antara nilai klorofil-a in situ dengan nilai rasio band 5 (red edge) dan band 4 (red) (B5/B4). Sedangkan metode semi analisis dilakukan dengan analisis algoritma Case 2 Regional Coast Colour (C2RCC) yang terintegrasi pada perangkat lunak Sentinel Application Platform (SNAP). Hasil korelasi antara data in situ dan data prediksi klorofil-a diperoleh hubungan yang kuat dengan koefisien determinasi R2=0,67 (data in situ dengan data prediksi rasio) dan R2=0,56 (data in situ dengan data prediksi C2RCC). Berdasarkan hal tersebut, data penginderaan jauh citra Sentinel-2A dengan aplikasi beberapa algoritma, dapat digunakan untuk mendukung kegiatan monitoring kualitas perairan di danau dan waduk terutama klorofil-a. Kata kunci: Klorofil-a, Citra Sentinel-2A, Waduk Jatiluhur, Empiris, Semi analisis