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Pemetaan Dan Analisis Tingkat Radiasi Gelombang Extremely Low Frequency (Elf) Pada Permukaan Bumi Tertentu Sebagai Suatu Pendekatan Ilmiah Terhadap Fenomena Paranormal (Studi Kasus Pada Tempat-Tempat Angker Di Kabupaten Alor) Imanuel Christian Mauko; Robinson A Wadu; Nicodemus Mardanus Setiohardjo
Jurnal Ilmiah Flash Vol 6 No 2 (2020)
Publisher : P3M- Politeknik Negeri Kupang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.32511/flash.v6i2.716


The existence of Extremely Low Frequency (ELF) waves in several places on earth, also influences the socio-cultural mindset of certain people who strongly believe in paranormal, superstitious and mystical stories about the existence of ghosts around them. One of the places known for its paranormal practice is the people who inhabit Alor Island in Alor Regency, East Nusa Tenggara, Indonesia. This paranormal phenomenon still cannot be explained logically, so that sometimes it causes complicated social problems in society, even the stikma of "Orang Alor Suanggi" appears in social interactions. This research was conducted to find out the existence of Earth's Extremely Low Frequency (ELF) electromagnetic field radiation at a certain location with a case study in Alor Regency. This research was conducted by measuring the level of Extremely Low Frequency (ELF) wave radiation using an EMF detector at haunted / sacred places in Alor Regency and connecting it with paranormal events in the community. The results of the research prove that several locations in Alor Regency have high exposure to ELF wave radiation and the effect of the earth's magnetic field is quite large. The village in Subo Village which has the highest observed ELF wave radiation with value at 815 V / M, while the highest instantaneous ELF wave radiation value is the Village in Kaipera at 953 V / M and the highest magnetic field effect value is at the Peak of Timingmang Hill which is 132.52 mT. Locations where exposure to ELF radiation waves were observed at all times, including those with high supernatural power backgrounds, according to the residents on Alor Island.
Analisis Tekstur untuk Klasifikasi Motif Kain (Studi Kasus Kain Tenun Nusa Tenggara Timur) Nicodemus Mardanus Setiohardjo; Agus Harjoko
IJCCS (Indonesian Journal of Computing and Cybernetics Systems) Vol 8, No 2 (2014): July
Publisher : IndoCEISS in colaboration with Universitas Gadjah Mada, Indonesia.

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.22146/ijccs.6545


AbstrakIndonesia memiliki banyak kekayaan budaya dalam bentuk kain tradisional, salah satunya kain tenun dari Nusa Tenggara Timur (NTT). Kain tenun dari tiap etnik di NTT memiliki cirikhas motif masing-masing yang merupakan manifestasi kehidupan sehari-hari, kebudayaan dan kepercayaan masyarakat setempat. Di mata pemerhati kain tenun NTT, asal kain tenun dapat diketahui dari motifnya. Tidak semua orang dapat membedakan asal daerah dari motif kain tenun tertentu dikarenakan sulitnya mendefinisikan karakteristik motif kain tenun suatu daerah dan beragamnya motif kain tenun yang ada dan komposisi warna yang beragam pula.Analisis tekstur adalah teknik analisis citra berdasarkan anggapan bahwa citra dibentuk oleh variasi intensitas piksel, baik citra keabuan maupun warna. Motif kain tenun terbentuk dari variasi intensitas warna sehingga dapat dipandang sebagai tekstur berwarna dari kain tenun. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui diantara pendekatan analisis tekstur menggunakan Gray Level Co-occurrence Matrix (GLCM) yang dikombinasikan dengan momen warna dan pendekatan analisis tekstur menggunakan Color Co-occurrence Matrix (CCM), metode manakah yang memberikan hasil lebih baik untuk klasifikasi motif kain tenun NTT.Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa untuk klasifikasi motif kain tenun NTT, pendekatan analisis tekstur menggunakan metode CCM memberikan hasil lebih baik dibandingkan pendekatan analisis tekstur menggunakan GLCM yang dikombinasikan dengan momen warna. Kata kunci—klasifikasi citra, GLCM, CCM, momen warna, motif kain tenun NTT AbstractIndonesia have many culture in the form of traditional fabrics, one of them is woven fabric from Nusa Tenggara Timur (NTT). Each NTT ethnic has motif characteristic which ismanifestation of daily life, culture and the faith of local people. For a NTT woven fabric observer, the origin of a woven fabric can be known from the motif. But its difficult to recognising the origin of a woven fabrics because it is hard to define the characteristics of woven fabric motif from a region and wide variety of existing woven fabric motifs and also color composition.Texture analysis is image analysis technique based on assumption that an image formed by the variation of pixels intensity, both gray and color image. Woven fabric motif formed by the variation of color intensity that can be seen as color texture of the woven fabric. This study aims to determine between texture analysis using GLCM combined with color moment and texture analysis using CCM, which method gives better results for the NTT woven fabric motif classification.The results showed that for the NTT woven fabric motif classification, texture analysis using CCM gives better results than the texture analysis using GLCM combined with color moment. Keywords— image classification, GLCM, CCM, color moment, NTT woven fabric motif