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Diklat Review : Jurnal manajemen pendidikan dan pelatihan Vol 2 No 1 (2018)
Publisher : Komunitas Manajemen Kompetitif

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (87.846 KB) | DOI: 10.35446/diklatreview.v2i1.203


Since the existence of regional autonomy, the structure of government is divided into Central Government and Local Government. Regional Government consists of Provincial Government and Regency / City Government. After the enactment of Law of the Republic of Indonesia Number 6 Year 2014 on Village, Village then has the authority also as an autonomous region. Villages are given a great opportunity to manage their own governance, including the implementation of development to improve the welfare and quality of life of village communities. Bunut sub-district is one of the sub-district of Pelalawan regency, which is expanded from Kampar Regency, based on the Law of the Republic of Indonesia, number: 53 year 1999. Currently Bunut Sub-district has been expanded into: Kecamatan Bandar Petalangan. Bunut District itself as the District Induk, and District Bandar Petalangan as subdistrict of pemekaran. As it is new, the human resources capabilities related to accountability reporting and financial management transparency have not gone well and face many obstacles. Therefore the purpose of this dedication is to provide simple accounting training, and socialization of internal control system related to sound financial management. The result of the dedication to the village head in Pangkalan Bunut Sub-district is the participants are very enthusiastic to follow the activity, there is a very interesting discussion related to the problems that are being faced by the participants in the financial practice and the input given by the team of dedication
Pelatihan Aneka Olahan Kue Ibu-Ibu Dasawisma Kelurahan Meranti Pandak Kecamatan Rumbai Pesisir liviawati liviawati; gusmarila eka putri; jeni wardi
Diklat Review : Jurnal manajemen pendidikan dan pelatihan Vol 2 No 1 (2018)
Publisher : Komunitas Manajemen Kompetitif

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (84.641 KB) | DOI: 10.35446/diklatreview.v2i1.204


In Kelurahan Meranti Pandak precisely in RW 1 and RW 13 most dasawismanya mothers work as housewives who only rely on income from their husbands. Mothers who are self-employed dasawisma only a small part who tried in the field of food sales and herbal medicine. The homeless mothers of RW 13 have received 2 cottage storefronts from 2 zakat houses for 2 groups. One group consists of 5 people. However, the cake business is now tends to die, because only one window of the cake is still operating, and even then the type of cake that sold little and not interesting. While homeless mothers in RW 1 many do not work that sometimes likes to complain about expenses that increasingly increasing day Based on that we community service team of the faculty of economics intends to provide motivation and skills improvement in creating cake for RW homemakers 1 and RW 13 Kelurahan Meranti Pandak Kecamatan Rumbai Pesisir from simple materials but have high added value. The purpose of IPTEKS for this community is to increase the interest of entrepreneurs, especially in the manufacture of cakes and can produce cakes from simple ingredients such as tofu, cassava and hankwe flour with interesting creations, which can increase the income of these mothers. Specific targets to be achieved is that housewives are more creative and innovative to beriwausaha with very cheap capital. The method used to achieve the goal is to provide enlightenment, motivate by sharing stories about the success of housewives in entrepreneurship as well as giving and practicing recipes of cakes from simple ingredients such as tofu, cassava and hankwe flour and menkreasikan processed baking so that attract consumer appetite in order to increase the sales revenue. The result of this community service is the housewife of RW 1 and RW 13 is very enthusiastic to participate in the training, it can be seen from the spirit of the mothers to keep coming from 14.00 until 17.00
Pelatihan Penggunaan Media Sosial (Medsos) dalam Mempromosikan Produk Lokal di Kecamatan Bunut Liviawati Liviawati; Gusmarila Eka Putri; Jeni Wardi
Diklat Review : Jurnal manajemen pendidikan dan pelatihan Vol 5 No 2 (2021)
Publisher : Komunitas Manajemen Kompetitif

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.35446/diklatreview.v5i2.575


Berdasarkan hasil penggalian potensi alam yang dilakukan di Kecamatan Bunut diperoleh informasi bahwa di desa tersebut ada potensi berupa kelubi (salak hutan), karet, sawit, ubi, dll yang banyak ditemukan di Desa Kriung. Hasil dari penggalian potensi budaya diperoleh informasi bahwa ada pula silat pangian yang berkembang dan merupakan silat dari Desa Pangian Taluk Kuantan. Hasil dari penggalian kreatifitas, masyarakatnya banyak membuat kerajinan tangan dengan memanfaatkan bahan baku yang ada di desa mereka seperti tikar pandan, piring dari bahan baku lidi sawit, pembuatan miniatur kapal dll yang mana hasil produksi tersebut hanya dipasarkan pada saat ada pameran saja. Masyarakat kesulitan memasarkan produknya yang pada akhirnya kreatifitas ini tidak lagi diteruskan. Selain produksi kerajinan tangan, di Kecamatan Bunut juga ada tempat wisata bumi perkemahan yang selama ini tidak terlirik. Kemudian ada agrowisata Tetesan Air Mata yang diusahakan oleh orang pribadi akan tetapi karena kurang diekspos sehingga keberadaannya tidak diketahui oleh masyarakat sekitar Kecamatan Bunut apalagi masyarakat diluar kecamatan. Kecamatan Bunut ini bukanlah daerah yang susah dijangkau karena jalan penghubung antara kabupaten dengan Kecamatan Bunut merupakan jalan aspal yang bagus. Kecamatan Bunut ini pun merupakan kecamatan yang dilalui oleh wisatawan yang akan berkunjung untuk melihat dan berselancar di Ombak Bono. Pada masa sekarang ini media sosial seperti instagram, face book, market place dll bukanlah hal yang baru lagi bagi masyarakat. Oleh karena permasalahan di atas, maka kami tertark untuk melakukan pengabdian masyarakat dengan menggunakan media sosial dalam mempromosikan produk dan wisata lokal di Kecamatan Bunut. Hasil yang dicapai dalam pengabdian masyarakat ini adalah peningkatan pengetahuan saja sedangkan target yang lain seperti peningkatan keterampilan masih belum tercapai karena pelaksanaannya hanya melalui online seperti youtube.
Daya Saing Produk Melalui Pelatihan Harga Pokok Produk Bank Sampah Raziq Damai Bersih Pekanbaru Jeni Wardi; Gusmarila Eka Putri; Liviawati Liviawati
Diklat Review : Jurnal manajemen pendidikan dan pelatihan Vol 5 No 3 (2021)
Publisher : Komunitas Manajemen Kompetitif

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.35446/diklatreview.v5i3.682


Kami telah melakukan kunjungan ke Bank Sampah Raziq Damai Bersih pada tanggal 5 Maret 2021 yang lalu yang mana bank sampah tersebut terletak di Kelurahan Lembah Damai Kecamatan Rumbai Kota Pekanbaru. Berdasarkan hasil wawancara kami dengan ketua bank sampah nya yaitu ibu Azniwati kami dapatkan informasi bahwa bank sampah ini berdiri belum sampai 1 tahun namun pengurus bank sampah sudah menerima masyarakat untuk menabung sampah. Hanya saja sampah tersebut belum di olah menjadi produk, untuk itu tim pkm fekon melakukan kolaborasi dengan LPPM dan mitra yaitu pengelola Bank Sampah Berkah Abadi yang memberikan pelatihan pengolahan sampah organic (menjadi pupuk kompos) dan pengolahan sampah anorganik (menjadi produk rumah tangga).Tim pkm Fekon memberikan pelatihan harga pokok produk untuk produk-produk yang akan dihasilkan oleh mereka nanti nya, sehingga pengelola Bank Sampah Raziq Damai Bersih mendapatkan ilmu yang komplit dari rangkaian kegiatan ini (keterampilan mengolah sampah menjadi produk bernilai jual, serta mendapatkan pengetahuan menghitung harga pokok produk tersebut). Harga sangat menentukan dalam hal penjualan barang termasuk bagaimana menghitung harga pokok yang layak supaya penjualan produk tersebut tidak menimbulkan kerugian. Untuk itu kami tim pkm apbf fekon unilak bermaksud ingin membantu pengelola bank sampah Raziq Damai Bersih untuk menghitung harga pokok produk yang efektif sehingga usaha dan bisnis bank sampah bisa menghasilkan keuntungan yang layak yaitu melalui pelatihan penghitungan harga pokok produk. Tim PKM APBF FEKON UNILAK menyiapkan narasumber yang memiliki kompetensi terkait pelatihan tersebut yaitu dosen akuntansi. Tim melakukan praktek dan simulasi dengan seluruh peserta agar pelatihan ini lebih efektif dan bermanfaat bagi pengurus bank sampah Raziq Damai Bersih. Hasil dari kegiatan pengabdian ini ditemukan bahwa pengelola Bank Sampah Raziq Damai Bersih pada awalnya memang belum memahami dengan baik cara menghitung harga pokok produk, namun ketika diberikan pengetahuan, pendampingan dan praktek penghitungan harga pokok (simulasi harga pokok produk yang dihasilkan pada saat kegiatan) akhirnya pengelola bank sampah ini mulai mengerti.
PEKBIS Vol 9, No 3 (2017)
Publisher : Program Studi Pendidikan Ekonomi Universitas Riau

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (103.101 KB) | DOI: 10.31258/pekbis.9.3.231-240


A bank that has good management if the bank can show a good performance in thisregard is reflected by how big the bank's ability to generate profits or profitability. PTBank TBK jewel reported poor performance in the first half of 2016 with a net loss ofRp 835.67 billion or Rp 65 per share when compared to the performance in the firsthalf of 2015 and the net profit was 837.31 billion or Rp 70 per share, Bank Mandiri,one of the largest state banks in Indonesia through the same thing. Independentbank profits decreased by 25.7%, PT Bank Mega TBK recorded a relatively flatperformance in the first half of 2016. Net income issuers coded mega bankdecreased by 2.71% to 539 billion. PT national pension T BK savings bank (theBank) reported net income declined 6.9% to 1.75 trillion at the end of last yearcompared to the previous year of 1.88 trillion. PT Bank Artha Graha InternationalTbk is still weak in the first three months of 2016. This can be seen from the bank'snet profit INPC issuers coded these fell 33.33% to 32.28 billion, The aim of thisstudy was to examine the effect of capital to bank runs, to test the effect of liquidityon the banks' performance, to test the effect on the performance of bank profitabilityand to test the effect of buying power on the performance of the bank. The analyticaltool used in processing the data in this study using multiple regression statisticalanalysis. Based on the results of the statistical test of the obtained results, to bepartial test result that capital or liquidity or profitability or risk or purchasing powerdoes not affect the profitability (in this case measured by ROA). But based on thesimultaneous test of the obtained results that capital, liquidity, profitability, risk andGDP effect on profitability (ROA).
PEKBIS Vol 10, No 2 (2018)
Publisher : Program Studi Pendidikan Ekonomi Universitas Riau

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (102.339 KB) | DOI: 10.31258/pekbis.10.2.158 - 166


This research was conducted to find out the factors that influence the performancewhere the researches conducted by private commercial banks are included in thetop 15 banks by investment magazine in 2016. The independent variables in thisresearch are CAR, LDR, NPL, BOPO and GDP, whereas the dependent variable isROA. In the research that has been done by researchers, it is found that CAR, LDR,NPL, BOPO and GDP partially have no effect on ROA but simultaneously or withCAR, LDR, NPL, BOPO and GDP have an effect on ROA. In the regression resultsseen the regression equation: Y = -7.978 - 0.002X1 - 0.025X2 - 0.027X3 - 0.076X4 +0.705X5. In the regression equation above shows that the coefficient of CAR, LDR,NPL, BOPO regression is negatively indicated that the influence of the four variablesin opposite direction with Y (ROA). While the coefficient of GDP regression positivesignified that states that the direction of regeneration with ROA.