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Website Pengolahan Absensi dan Gaji Pegawai Menggunakan Metode Waterfall Elly Indrayuni
Bahasa Indonesia Vol 5 No 1 (2018): Bina Insani ICT Journal (Juni 2018)
Publisher : Lembaga Penelitian dan Pengabdian Masyarakat Universitas Bina Insani

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Abstrak: Semakin berkembang sebuah perusahaan dibutuhkan lebih banyak tenaga kerja untuk menunjang kegiatannya, namun manajemen sering menemui kesulitan dalam pencarian tenaga kerja yang berkualitas karena harus mempertimbangkan kesejahteraan dan upah yang kompetitif dengan perusahaan lain. Prosedur pengupahan dan penggajian yang baik seharusnya dapat berjalan secara efektif. Untuk itu diperlukan suatu sistem yang dapat mendukung kebutuhan manajemen dalam mengelola perusahaan yaitu sistem informasi. Penelitian ini mencoba untuk membangun sebuah sistem informasi berbasis website untuk mengelola data absensi dan gaji pegawai yang meliputi data absensi, penggajian pegawai hingga laporan. Metode yang digunakan dalam pembangunan website ini adalah model waterfall dengan menggunakan bahasa pemrograman PHP dan MySQL. Pengujian website dilakukan dengan cara pengujian blackbox. Dengan adanya website pengolahan absensi dan penggajian pegawai ini dapat mempermudah manajemen dalam mengelola data penggajian dan penyajian laporan menjadi lebih efektif dan efisien. Kata kunci: MySQL, PHP, Sistem Informasi, Waterfall Abstract: Growing a company it takes more a lot of labor to support their activities, but management often difficulties in search of labor quality of having to consider welfare and wages competitive with other companies. A good salary and remuneration procedure should be able to be operating effectively. For that required a system that could support the needs of management companies are in managing information system. This study tries to build a website to manage based information system attendance data and the salaries of employees of which includes attendance data, employees salary until the report. The method used in the construction of the website is a model waterfall using programming language php and mysql. Testing website done by means of testing blackbox. With the website absentee processing and salary this employees to simplify management in managing data salary and the presentation of the report become more efficient. Keywords: MySQL, PHP, Information System, Waterfall
Jurnal Mantik Penusa Vol. 3 No. 2,Des (2019): Manajemen Dan Informatika
Publisher : Lembaga Penelitian dan Pengabdian (LPPM) STMIK Pelita Nusantara Medan

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (457.199 KB)


Acceptance of new students is one of the processes that exist in educational institutions such as schools that are useful for screening selected students according to the criteria determined by the school to become students of their students. In general, the process of admitting new students is done through the stages of registration, selection tests, and student admissions. In this study its application to the Vocational High School which has been done manually or already computerized but uses Microsoft Office Excel, which allows there is still a lot of lack of data, manual calculation of test scores that allows errors. The formulation of the problem from this research is how to create an information system for admitting new students to Vocational Schools. The research method used is literature, observation, design, trial and implementation. This new student admission information system is built with the PHP programming language and utilizes the MySQL database as a database server and Waterfall in general. Stages in the waterfall include, analysis of software requirements, design, programming code, testing, support. The results of this study are new webbased student admission information systems that have the ability to make it easier for parents and new prospective students to obtain all information about admitting new students and conducting the online registration process.