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Journal : Jurnal Elektronika Listrik dan Teknologi Informasi Terapan

Pengukuran Konsumsi Energi Listrik menggunakan Sensor Current Transformer TA12-200 Maizal Isnen; Muhammad Ficky Afrianto
Jurnal Elektronika, Listrik, dan Teknologi Informasi Terapan Vol 1 No 1 (2019): Jurnal ELTI I
Publisher : LPPM Politeknik Jambi

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.37338/e.v1i1.92


Peningkatan elektrifikasi di Indonesia masih menyisakan beberapa persoalan, misalnya pemadaman. Hal ini dapat disebabkan oleh permintaan yang lebih besar dari pada ketersediaan energi. Usaha yang dapat dilakukan diantaranya adalah dengan melakukan pengaturan pada sisi konsumen. Dengan menerapkan teknologi kontrol, suatu perangkat sistem tertanam berbasis Arduino telah mampu melakukan pengukuran terhadap konsumsi energi listrik. Penerapan sensor arus berjenis TA12-200 telah mampu mengukur dengan akurasi sampai dengan 96,4% dengan resolusi 0,4 volt per ampere. Sistem ini dilengkapi dengan modul RTC sehingga mampu menghitung durasi pengukuran untuk kemudian mengonversi nilai daya (watt) kedalam energi listrik (kWh) maupun nominal biaya penggunaan energi listrik dalam rupiah. Dengan menampilkan nilai rupiah pada sistem pengukuran ini dianggap mampu meningkatkan kesadaran pengguna untuk melakukan penghematan terhadap penggunaan listrik. Hal ini mampu menekan permintaan energi listrik sehingga kasus pemadaman dapat diminimalisir.
Perancangan Alat Proteksi Tegangan Listrik Berlebih dan Menurun pada Jaringan Distribusi Tegangan Rendah Pirza Hariyanto; Sepdian Sepdian; Mahmud Idris; Maizal Isnen
Jurnal Elektronika, Listrik, dan Teknologi Informasi Terapan Vol 2 No 2 (2020): Jurnal ELTI IV
Publisher : LPPM Politeknik Jambi

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.37338/e.v2i2.151


Kualitas tenaga listrik dalam suatu sistem rangkaian listrik sangat diperlukan. Kualitas suplai listrik yang buruk dapat menyebabkan gangguan dan bahkan merusak system peralatan atau rangkaian listrik. Salah satu bentuk gangguan tersebut adalah terjadinya under/over voltage. Untuk mengatasi hal tersebut diperlukan suatu alat proteksi yang dapat mendeteksi adanya ganggguan under/over voltage serta mengamankan peralatan listrik. Under/over voltage relay berbasis mikrokontroler ATmega 328 dirancang untuk mendeteksi adanya gangguan under/over voltage pada tegangan satu fasa 220 V 50 Hz. Batas tegangan untuk ganguan under voltage yaitu -5% dari tegangan normal 220 V, sedangkan gangguan over voltage yaitu +5% dari tegangan normal. Dan setting delay untuk under/over voltage adalah 5 detik. Output dari relay dihubungkan pada kontaktor, kontaktor akan memutuskan aliran listrik apabila terjadi gangguan under/over voltage. Dari hasil penelitian yang dilakukan, relay under/over voltage berbasis mikrokontroler ATmega 328 yang dirancang dapat bekerja dengan baik. Relay dapat mendeteksi gangguan under voltage -5% dan gangguan over voltage +5% dari tegangan nominal.
Pengukuran Konsumsi Energi Listrik menggunakan Sensor Current Transformer TA12-200 Maizal Isnen; Muhammad Ficky Afrianto
Jurnal Elektronika Listrik dan Teknologi Informasi Terapan Vol. 1 No. 1 (2019): ELTI Juni
Publisher : LPPM Politeknik Jambi

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.37338/elti.v1i1.164


Increasing of electrification in Indonesia still leaves several problems, such as blackouts. This can be caused by greater demand than energy availability. Businesses that can be taken to overcome this problem is include making an arrangement on the consumer side or demand side management (DMS). By implementing control technology, an Arduino-based embedded system device has been able to measure electricity consumption. The application of the TA12-200 current sensor has been able to measure electricity power with accuracy up to 96.4% and sensor resolution for about 0.4 volts per ampere. This system is equipped with an RTC module to calculate the duration of measurement, then convert the value of power (watts) into electricity energy (kWh) as well as the electricity cost in rupiah. Displaying the cost of electricity in rupiah, in this measurement system, is considered has a potential to increase user awareness to make savings on electricity usage. This is able to reduce the electricity demand, thus the cases of blackouts can be minimized.
Penerapan Alat Test dan Kalibrasi Flowmeter Solar pada Pabrik Pemanggangan Anoda PT INALUM Windi Febbiyana; Sigit Kurniawan; Maizal Isnen; Seto Anugrah
Jurnal Elektronika Listrik dan Teknologi Informasi Terapan Vol. 2 No. 2 (2020): ELTI Desember
Publisher : LPPM Politeknik Jambi

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.37338/elti.v2i2.183


Measuring instrumentation equipment plays an important role. The results of measurements made by several similar measuring instruments do not necessarily show the same results, even though these tools have the same type. The accuracy of all measuring instruments will decrease over time. However, the decrease in accuracy is also caused by the presence of electricity or a hazardous environment. These changes depend on the type of instrument and the environment in which it is used. In order for the instrument to have accuracy in measuring, it is calibrated. Calibrate the solar flowmeter using a recalibrated standard measuring vessel calibrator. Calibration is done by taking flow rate data on the flowmeter which is compared with the measurement results on the standard calibrator. The results of characterization based on the calibration show that the average error reading is 0.01% so that the tool is ready for use.
Optimalisasi Sistem Kontrol Pompa Pengisian Air Pada Gedung Graha Dayaguna PT.JIEP Rizky Hamdani; Yudhi Agussationo; Maizal Isnen
Jurnal Elektronika Listrik dan Teknologi Informasi Terapan Vol. 2 No. 2 (2020): ELTI Desember
Publisher : LPPM Politeknik Jambi

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.37338/elti.v2i2.186


Sistem kontrol pompa pengisian air yang saat ini digunakan pada gedung Graha Dayaguna – PT. JIEP menggunakan konsep open loop tanpa adanya umpan balik dari sistem pengisian sehingga cenderung tidak efisien. Optimalisasi sistem perlu dilakukan untuk mengatasi hal tersebut dengan cara menambahkan komponen water level control dengan menggunakan 3 elektroda berfungsi sebagai sensor level yang diletakkan dalam bak penampungan air. Simulasi menggunakan software EKTS menunjukkan bahwa water level control dengan menggunakan elektroda dapat memonitor ketersediaan pasokan air. Implementasi dari penerapan water level control diyakini dapat meningkatkan efisiensi.
Desain Sistem Kontrol Penggerak Pintu Pagar Otomatis Di Politeknik Jambi Anielyn Beatris Malango; Sigit Kurniawan; Maizal Isnen; Mahmud Idris
Jurnal Elektronika Listrik dan Teknologi Informasi Terapan Vol. 3 No. 1 (2021): ELTI Desember
Publisher : LPPM Politeknik Jambi

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.37338/elti.v3i1.190


The gate in general as access into and out of the yard or house. Generally, the gate is opened manually by sliding it, for the mechanism of opening and closing the gate is mostly opened manually and requires human labor. So the design of the automatic turnstile drive control system was designed to facilitate users in opening and closing without bothering to push or shift the gate that consumes a lot of time and energy. Components used are in the form of an ½ hp 1 phase ac motor, gearbox and ohm switch. For how to operate it using the ohm switch as a controller by raising or lowering the switch ohm lever then the dynamo and gearbox as movers will open and close the gate. From the test results, to open or close the gate with a track length of 3.6 m takes 10 seconds. For further
Perancangan Human Machine Interface (HMI) Pada Modul Praktikum Sistem HMI Berbasis PLC Omron CP1E NA20DRA Eggy Depto Maniar; Sigit Kurniawan; Maizal Isnen; Ahmad Ridwan
Jurnal Elektronika Listrik dan Teknologi Informasi Terapan Vol. 3 No. 1 (2021): ELTI Desember
Publisher : LPPM Politeknik Jambi

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.37338/elti.v3i1.193


This study aims to design practical learning media. The Human Machine Interface (HMI) learning module consists of a monitor to display control menus, PLC devices, and input-output devices. The design of the exemplary HMI display is needed to provide the required information to the user. The research method used in this study uses experimental methods and program design on the trainer module. From the study results, it can conclude that the use of the Omron CP1E NA20DRA PLC-Based HMI system is effortless to use as a learning medium and can train students in improving PLC programming skills.
Perancangan Alat Proteksi Tegangan Listrik Berlebih dan Menurun pada Jaringan Distribusi Tegangan Rendah Pirza Hariyanto; Sepdian; Mahmud Idris; Maizal Isnen
Jurnal Elektronika Listrik dan Teknologi Informasi Terapan Vol. 2 No. 2 (2020): ELTI Desember
Publisher : LPPM Politeknik Jambi

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.37338/elti.v2i2.233


In a basic electricity network, the quality of electric power distribution is needed. There are also obstacles in the distribution of electric power that can affect, let alone damage, the electric power system. If this voltage constraint is connected to electrical or electronic equipment and exceeds the nominal voltage tolerance limit, it can interfere with the performance of the equipment or moreover it can damage it. From the testing of the Arduino uno microcontroller-based under / over voltage relay tool, it can be concluded that the under / over voltage relay device designed and made can work properly, in the sense that this tool can detect an under voltage of -5% and an over voltage of +5. % of nominal voltage and able to activate the fault indicator light and sound an alarm when the under / over voltage setting is exceeded