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Jurnal Pilar Nusa Mandiri Vol 17 No 1 (2021): Publishing Period for March 2021
Publisher : LPPM Universitas Nusa Mandiri

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33480/pilar.v17i1.2098


Semester Learning Plan (RPS) is a learning planning document prepared as a guide for lecturers and students in carrying out teaching and learning activities on campus for one semester. RPS was made to guide lecturers and students in the learning process so that the material taught is following the learning outcomes set by the study program. To meet and adjust the needs of graduate users and the development of science and technology, the RPS must be regularly reviewed and updated if there are changes in teaching materials that are no longer following current conditions. However, what often becomes a problem is that there is no documented process for changing the RPS content regarding the reasons and which parts have changed so that the RPS change process cannot be carried out at will and when audited there is a history of changing the data. Because of these problems, this research will design and build a web-based RPS management information system that can assist study programs in documenting RPS changes and making it easier for users to access the changed content. The system development method used in this study uses the waterfall method, and for its design using UML (Unified Modeling Language). The final result of this research is a web-based RPS management information system using the Codeigniter 4 framework which can make it easier for managers and users to obtain RPS information.
Sistem Pendukung Keputusan Penentu Beasiswa dengan Simple Additive Weighting Muhammad Nugraha; Heti Mulyani; Halimil Fathi
Jurnal Informatika Universitas Pamulang Vol 6, No 2 (2021): JURNAL INFORMATIKA UNIVERSITAS PAMULANG
Publisher : Teknik Informatika Universitas Pamulang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.32493/informatika.v6i2.10234


Many scholarship applicants are a challenge for the management of educational institutions. Institutions are required to be able to determine the awarding of scholarships with the right target. Currently, the decision to grant scholarships at the Indorama Engineering Polytechnic is still being done manually, and there is no analysis in assessing the eligibility of the scholarship award. Because this requires a decision support system that can help determine alternative decisions in determining scholarship recipients. One of the methods of Decision Support Systems is Simple Additive Weighting (SAW). The concept of SAW method is to find the weighted sum of the ratings for each alternative across all criteria. The criteria used in this study consisted of cost criteria, namely salary/income, as well as benefit criteria, namely: number of dependents, selection value, school average score. In this study, the application was built based on a website using the PHP programming language. The results of this study are in the form of an application that can carry out the process from registering prospective scholarship recipients to calculating the sum of the matrix which has been automatically normalized with the weights for each criterion. The value of the calculation results will be sorted, determine by the rank of the prospective scholarship recipients.
PELATIHAN MICROSOFT OFFICE EXCEL DAN POWERPOINT TINGKAT SMA/SMK SE-KABUPATEN PURWAKARTA, KARAWANG DAN SUBANG Heti Mulyani; Tiawan Tiawan; Muhammad Nugraha; Musawarman Musawarman; Halimil Fathi; Muhammad Lulu Latif Usman
BERNAS: Jurnal Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat Vol 2 No 1 (2021)
Publisher : Universitas Majalengka

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (317.717 KB) | DOI: 10.31949/jb.v2i1.547


Kemajuan IPTEK merupakan sarana untuk membantu mempermudah pekerjaan. Salah satu aplikasi yang paling sering digunakan adalah Microsoft Office. Pada kegiatan Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat ini dilakukan dengan memberikan pelatihan keterampilan Ms. Office kepada Guru Bimbingan Konseling SMA/SMK Se-Kabupaten Purwakarta, Karawang dan Subang. Pelatihan ditunjang dengan ceramah, tanya jawab serta praktek secara langsung di laboratorium komputer Teknologi Rekayasa Perangkat Lunak Politeknik Enjinering Indorama. Tujuan dari pelaksanaan program pengabdian masyarakat ini adalah untuk meningkatkan keterampilan Microsoft Office Excel dan Powerpoint bagi guru-guru BK SMA/SMK Se-Kabupaten Purwakarta, Karawang dan Subang. Hasil evaluasi serta temuan-temuan yang diperoleh selama pelaksanaan kegiatan PKM ini, dapat disimpulkan bahwa program PKM ini telah mampu memberikan manfaat yang sangat besar dan tepat sasaran bagi khalayak guru-guru peserta pelatihan yang menjadi sasaran dalam kegiatan ini. Bentuk pelatihan seperti ini merupakan bentuk yang sangat efektif untuk memberikan penyegaran dan tambahan wawasan serta pengetahuan baru di bidang teknologi informasi di luar proses pembelajaran yang diterima di sekolah masing-masing.
UNLEASH YOUR POTENTIAL Rehita Hasian Batubara; Tiawan Tiawan; Muhammad Nugraha; Musawarman Musawarman; Heti Mulyani; Halimil Fathi; Muhammad Lulu Latif Usman Usman; Widya Andayani Rahayu; Salsabila Fitrania Utami
BERNAS: Jurnal Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat Vol 2 No 2 (2021)
Publisher : Universitas Majalengka

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (616.215 KB) | DOI: 10.31949/jb.v2i2.778


English and Mathematics are fields of science that attract a lot of student interest, every child in Indonesia gets an English and Mathematics education. Mathematics is the basis of various exact fields such as computer science, robotics, and other exact sciences. English is a universal language that is currently used in various countries in the world. Indorama Engineering Polytechnic held a webinar with the theme Unleash Your Potential, it is hoped that after this webinar event participants can improve their abilities and also unlock their potential in the fields of Mathematics and English.
WORKSHOP DESAIN GRAFIS DI DESA KIARAPEDES WANAYASA Tiawan Tiawan; Heti Mulyani; Muhammad Nugraha; Musawarman Musawarman; Halimil Fathi; Muhammad Lulu Latif Usman; Muhamad Azis; Rian Ajie Pangestu
BERNAS: Jurnal Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat Vol 2 No 2 (2021)
Publisher : Universitas Majalengka

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (527.236 KB) | DOI: 10.31949/jb.v2i2.861


Pengabdian masyarakat kali ini dilakukan di desa Kiarapedes Wanayasa Purwakarta, antusias warga terlihat dalam acara pengabdian masyarakat ini dari banyaknya peserta yang menghadiri acara tersebut, acara ini diselengarakan dari program studi Teknologi Rekayasa Perangkat Lunak Politeknik Enjinering Indorama bekerjasama dengan Desa Kiarapedes Wanayasa Purwakarta, tema yang diambil dalam pengabdian ini yaitu tentang pemanfaatan desain grafis dengan menggunakan aplikasi Canva, workshop yang dilakukan terdiri dari pembukaan kemudian dilanjutkan dengan pemaparan materi dari Mahasiswa Teknologi Rekayasa Perangkat Lunak Politeknik Enjinering Indorama yang terdiri dari pengenalan aplikasi Canva, cara mendaftar, hingga pembuatan resume dan logo.
Perancangan Sistem Informasi Institutional Respository Politeknik Enjinering Indoroma Heti Mulyani; Tiawan; Muhammad Nugraha
Technomedia Journal Vol 6 No 2 Februari (2022): TMJ (Technomedia Journal)
Publisher : Pandawan Incorporation, Alphabet Incubator Universitas Raharja

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (796.762 KB) | DOI: 10.33050/tmj.v6i2.1734


Institutional Repository is one of the facilities needed by universities to access, store, publish scientific works of the academic community digitally, such as journal articles, e-books, student final project results and other scientific works. The method used to develop this repository application uses the Waterfall method which has a systematic information system development model and consists of stages of needs analysis, software prototype design, implementation, software testing to software maintenance. The software used in developing this repository application uses Dspace. The purpose of this research is to build an Institutional Repository application to support smart campuses, especially at the Indorama Engineering Polytechnic. Smart campus combines learning systems and data storage facilities with the use of information technology, smart campus has information technology facilities such as e-learning, campus website, e-library, institutional repository and various other information services. The results of this study are in the form of an institutional repository application that can be used by all academics, both within the Indorama Engineering Polytechnic and the wider community. Keywords: Institutional Repository, Smart Campus, Dspace, Scientific Works, Waterfall.
Jurnal Pertahanan: Media Informasi ttg Kajian & Strategi Pertahanan yang Mengedepankan Identity, Nasionalism & Integrity Vol 7, No 1 (2021)
Publisher : The Republic of Indonesia Defense University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33172/jp.v7i1.1181


Indonesia is a country with a high level of disasters where during 2005-2015 there were 11,648 hydrometeorological disasters and 3810 geological disasters. In terms of technology, Indonesia is using mobile devices with high growth according to data from the Ministry of Communication and Information. One of the ways to increase the use of mobile devices in assisting disaster management in Indonesia can be developed in the location-based discovery of disaster victims. The location in a mobile device uses a Global Positioning System (GPS) where the existing data is in the form of Latitude and Longitude data. The aim of this research is that the application is expected to assist in the discovery of disaster victims based on the last GPS location. This study focuses on developing a disaster victim search application based on the Android operating system. Development uses the Agile Model by using Black-box Testing and White-Box Testing techniques, where the type of testing uses Unit Testing, Integration Testing, and Acceptance Testing with qualitative data. The results of the research obtained an application in the form of a prototype where there are several corrective inputs obtained from Acceptance Testing. This study is then expected that the application can be applied in disaster management systems in Indonesia which of course can be supported by binding rules so that the data obtained can be utilized optimally.
Journal of Information Technology and Its Utilization Vol 6 No 1 (2023): June 2023
Publisher : Sekolah Tinggi Multi Media "MMTC" Yogyakarta

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar


In this research, the author will discuss the development of a student internship information system implemented using the Laravel framework. The aim is to provide convenience for students in registering/applying for internships, reporting daily activities, submitting final reports, and updating all other internship-related information, as well as facilitating institutions in managing internship data. The method used in this research is the information system development method, which includes literature review, needs analysis, system design, testing, and evaluation. The Laravel framework was chosen because of its good performance, ease of use, and many features that can facilitate the development of information systems. The student internship management information system designed has easy-to-use internship registration and reporting features that can be accessed from anywhere, as well as integrated internship data management features. The results of this research show that the development of a student internship information system using the Laravel framework can provide convenience in registering and reporting internship results for students, as well as help institutions in managing internship data. It is hoped that with the existence of this student internship information system, it can be a solution to simplify and accelerate the internship process and management for students and participating institutions.
Geographic Information Systems for Crime Prone Areas Clustering Heti Mulyani; Jajang Nurjaman; Muhammad Nugraha
JOIN (Jurnal Online Informatika) Vol. 5 No 2 (2020)
Publisher : Department of Informatics, UIN Sunan Gunung Djati Bandung

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.15575/join.v5i2.599


Crime is one of the problems that is quite complicated and very disturbing to the community. Crimes can occur at different times and places, making it difficult to track which areas are prone to such actions. K-means algorithm is used to cluster prone areas and Geographic Information System is used to map crime-prone areas. Web-based application is developed with the PHP programming language. The data used is quantitative data in the form of the number of crimes committed and the coordinates of the cases. The attributes of the crime used consist of five parameters: theft, mistreatment, rape, women and child protection cases and fraud. The results of this study are clustering areas into 3 cluster and mapping prone areas that is safe area, safe enough area and prone area. From the overall crime data for 2019 in Purwakarta district, it was found that 68.75% was safe, 18.75% was quite safe and 12.5% was prone area.
The Role of ICT in Management of Meeting Minutes at Politeknik Enjinering Indorama Muhammad Nugraha; Heti Mulyani; Musawarman Musawarman
Jurnal Informatika: Jurnal Pengembangan IT Vol 6, No 1 (2021): JPIT, Januari 2021
Publisher : Politeknik Harapan Bersama

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.30591/jpit.v6i1.2244


Meetings are routine activities at Politeknik Engineering Indorama such as management meetings, senate meetings, committee meetings, and some other meetings. One of the important things about a meeting is minutes of meeting because minutes of a meeting are written evidence that the meeting was held and the result can be used as a reference in making policies at Politeknik Engineering Indorama. The method of writing and documenting of minutes meeting will not be effective and efficient if we still use the manual method, because in the future it will be difficult to find the result and documentation of the meeting if needed. Because of this, in managing minutes meeting and documenting it is necessary to use an information system in order for the process of documenting and searching more effectively and efficiently. Hence, in this research, we will design and build a minute meeting management system to simplify the process of documenting and searching.