Abdul Hamid
Badan Penelitian dan Pengembangan Daerah Provinsi Jawa Timur

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Potensi Investasi Jalur Lintas Selatan di Provinsi Jawa Timur Abdul Hamid
Jurnal Bina Praja: Journal of Home Affairs Governance Vol. 6 No. 3 (2014)
Publisher : Research and Development Agency Ministry of Home Affairs

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.21787/jbp.06.2014.197-203


AbstrakArtikel ini bertujuan untuk mengidentifikasi potensi, permasalahan, dan tantangan pembangunan Jalur Lintas Selatan (JLS) serta strategi dalam peningkatan investasi sebagai upaya untuk meningkatkan kesejahteraan masyarakat di kawasan selatan Jawa Timur. Kajian ini dilakukan menggunakan metode deskriptif dengan wilayah sampel di beberapa kabupaten/kota di wilayah JLS, yaitu Pacitan, Trenggalek, Tulungagung, Blitar, Malang, Lumajang, Jember dan Banyuwangi. Dengan menggunakan analisis daya saing wilayah serta analisis struktur harga sehingga diketahui keunggulan komparatif (comparative advantage) dan keunggulan kompetitif (competitive advantage)yang dimiliki oleh industri di masing-masing wilayah sampel. Keunggulankomparatif dicerminkan olehtinggirendahnya biaya produksi, sedangkan keunggulan kompetitif dicerminkan oleh peranan biaya transaksi, termasuk biayatransportasi.Berdasarkan hasil kajian, diketahui bahwa: (i) perkembangan industri di kawasan selatan sangat ditentukan oleh kemampuan industri dalam melakukan penekanan biaya melalui efisiensi produksi, (ii) pembangunan JLS berperan untuk menurunkan biaya transportasi sehingga dapat meningkatkan keunggulan kompetitif, dimana wilayah yang memperoleh manfaat terbesar adalah Kabupaten Pacitan dan Kabupaten Blitar, dan (iii) pembangunan JLS akan berdampak pada peningkatan aktivitas ekonomi dan penyerapan tenaga kerja terutama di Kabupaten Pacitan dan Kabupaten Blitar. Rekomendasi yang dapat diajukan adalah adanya penyusunan master plan pengembangan JLS, terutama untuk wilayah Pacitan, Blitar, dan Trenggalek. Dimana dalam penyusunan master plan tersebut diperlukan adanya kajianmengenai perencanaan pengembangan wilayah selatan, seperti  penetapan pusat-pusat pengembangan wilayah selatan yang dilihat berdasarkan karakteristik ekonomi daerah. AbstractThis article aims to identify potential problems, and development challenges Trails South (JLS) as well as increased investment strategies in an attempt to improve the welfare of the people in the southern region of East Java. The study was conducted using descriptive method with sample areas in several districts / cities in the area of JLS, namely Pacitan, Terri, Tulungagung, Blitar, Malang, Lumajang, Jember and Banyuwangi. By using the analysis of the competitiveness of the region as well as the analysis of the pricing structure that is known comparative advantage (comparative advantage) and competitive advantage (competitive advantage) owned by the industry in each region of the sample. Comparative advantage was reflected in the level of production costs, while the competitive advantage is reflected by the role of transaction costs, including transportation cost. Based to the results of the study revealed that: (i) development of the industry in the southern region is largely determined by the ability of the industry to conduct cost reduction through production efficiency, (ii) development JLS contribute to lower transport costs, thereby increasing competitive advantage, where the region is the biggest benefit Pacitan and Blitar, and (iii) development of JLS will result in increased economic activity and employment, especially in Pacitan and Blitar. Recommendations that can be submitted is the preparation of a master plan development of JLS, especially for the area Pacitan, Blitar, and Psychology. Where in the preparation of the master plan is needed studies on southern regional development planning, such as the establishment of centers of development of the southern region is seen by the economic characteristics of the area.
Kinerja Investasi PT. Gresik Migas Berbasis Entrepreneur Abdul Hamid
Jurnal Bina Praja: Journal of Home Affairs Governance Vol. 6 No. 4 (2014)
Publisher : Research and Development Agency Ministry of Home Affairs

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.21787/jbp.06.2014.249-259


AbstrakDalam mengetahui kemampuan perusahaan dalam mengelola modal yang diinvestasikan oleh para investor, perlu adanya pengukuran terhadap kinerja keuangan perusahaan. Hal ini juga berlaku bagi perusahaan dalam lingkup daerah, atau BUMD (Badan Usaha Milik Daerah). Oleh karena itu, fokus kajian ini adalah: (1) Bagaimanakah profil BUMD PT Gresik Migas berdasarkan kinerja, (2) Bagaimanakah strategi perbaikan kinerja BUMD PT Gresik Migas berbasis enterpreneur. Hasil analisis menunjukkan, (1) Kinerja diukur melalui metode konvensional/Analisis Rasio mengindikasikan hasil yang cukup baik (2) Terdapat empat strategis untuk perbaikan kinerja BUMD, yaitu: (a) Kemampuan sumberdaya manusia pengelola BUMD, termasuk penguatan jiwa enterpreneurship; (b) Kejelasan landasan hukum dan ketegasan aturan mainb terkait pembentukan BUMD; (c) Aspek manajemen keuangan BUMD; dan (d) Kelayakan dan keberlanjutan usaha atau unit bisnis BUMD baik produk maupun sektor jasa diukur berdasarkan kinerja internal dan eksternal. Untuk meningkatkan kinerja BUMD PT. Gresik Migas, sekaligus mengimplemetasikan 4 (empat) strategi yang telah di tetapkan, maka ada beberapa hal yang perlu di sarankan, yaitu, (1) Bagi pemerintah daerah sebaiknya ada keberanian dan ketegasan meminimalisir berbagai bentuk, praktik dan pola-pola yang menimbulkan political cost, menyusun SOP yang jelas terkait pola rekruitmen sumberdaya pengelola BUMD, konsisten untuk mendorong BUMD lebih mandiri dan profesional, tanpa intervensi, dan memberikan penghargaan pada pengelola yang berhasil membawa BUMD Go Public, (2) Bagi manajemen BUMD sebaiknya mampu menciptakan lingkungan kerja yang lebih kondusif dan selalu berorientasi terhadap tugas dan masa depan, menumbuhkan jiwa leadership dan entrepreneurship terhadap pengelola BUMD serta memberikan reward terhadap kreatifitas yang dihasilkan oleh setiap individu, memberikan batasan para birokrasi dalam pemilikan saham dan membuka kesempatan seluas-luasnya kepada masyarakat untuk mengakses saham di BUMD, dan seluruh pimpinan diarahkan untuk menerapkan Good Corporate Governance (GCG), yaitu tranparansi, kemandirian, akuntabilitas dan kewajaran. AbstractIn knowing the company's ability to manage the capital invested by the investor, the need for measuring the financial performance of the company. This also applies to companies in the sphere of regional, or local government (Regional Owned Enterprises). Therefore, the focus of this study are: (1) How-owned PT Gresik Migas profile based on performance; 2) How is the performance improvement strategy-owned PT Gresik Migas entrepreneurs based on the scope of the Provincial Government of East Java. The results showed that; 1) Performance PT Gresik oil and gas enterprises in East Java province measured by the conventional method / Ratio Analysis indicates good results (2) There are four strategically to improve the performance of enterprises, namely: (a) the ability of the human resource managers of enterprises , including the strengthening of entrepreneurship spirit; (b) Clarity and firmness legal basis for the establishment of the rule of enterprises; (c) the financial management aspects of public enterprises; and (d) Feasibility and sustainability of the business or business unit-owned both the products and the services sector is measured based on the internal and external performance. To improve the performance of enterprises PT. Gas Gresik in East Java province, as well mengimplemetasikan 4 (four) strategy that has been set, then there are some things that need to suggest, namely; 1) For local government should have the courage and firmness to minimize various forms, practices and patterns which raises the political cost, prepare clear SOPs related enterprises managing resource recruitment patterns, consistent to encourage more independent and professional enterprises, without intervention, and pays tribute to the manager who managed to bring enterprises to Go Public; 2) for the management of public enterprises should be able to create an environment more conducive working and always oriented towards the task and the future, foster leadership and managers of enterprises and entrepreneurship to provide rewards for creativity generated by each individual, providing the bureaucratic restrictions on share ownership and open greater opportunities for the public to access stock in enterprises, and the entire leadership is directed to apply Good Corporate Governance (GCG), namely transparency, independence, accountability and fairness.