Wiedy Yang Essa
Bappelitbang Kota Bandung

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Penyusunan Indeks Kemasyarakatan di Kota Bandung Wiedy Yang Essa
Jurnal Bina Praja Vol. 10 No. 2 (2018)
Publisher : Research and Development Agency Ministry of Home Affairs

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.21787/jbp.10.2018.169-181


Bandung as a metropolitan city is faced with social problems, one of which is the diminishing value of social capital which has an impact on weak community participation in development. The Bandung City social index is a measure or value that describes the social capital of the city of Bandung and is expected to be the basis for policy formulation in response to various social challenges. However, social index measurement instruments have not been studied, so this study was conducted to compile Bandung City social index measurement instruments with valid and reliable variables and analyze the implementation process of the index measurement policy in the field. Social capital is a key concept in the formulation of a social index that is at the level of the micro aspect of “joint action” in the form of community participation. The research method uses mix methods where quantitative in testing the validity and reliability of instruments, qualitative in formulating indicators and analyzing constraints through in-depth interviews and FGDs with key stakeholders, conducted in the city of Bandung. Measurement instruments are obtained by synthesis of various theories and measurements of global and national social capital, discussed in the FGD, and tested for their validity and reliability. The results show variables of social capital with 15 indicators in 5 dimensions, namely participation, mutual trust, social norms and shared values, mutual respect, and relationships. The main obstacle faced in the process of implementing social index measurement policies is that substantially the measurement can be multi-interpretive, methodologically and psychologically vulnerable to subjectivity bias, and unpreparedness of human resources. The anticipation of various obstacles can be overcome through empowerment and active involvement of neighborhoods heads and socialization in the region.
Studi Prioritas Lokus Penanganan Stunting Kabupaten Sumedang dengan Pendekatan Kajian Resiko Adaptasi Perubahan Iklim Nugrahana Fitria Ruhyana; Erti Nurfindarti; Wiedy Yang Essa
Jurnal Borneo Administrator Vol 17 No 1 (2021): April 2021
Publisher : Puslatbang KDOD Lembaga Administrasi Negara

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.24258/jba.v17i1.768


Sumedang Regency is one of the 100 national priority areas for handling stunting. The challenges are getting heavier with disasters caused by climate change such as floods and drought which have an impact on food shortages and public health problems. This study aims to find priority villages for handling stunting using a climate change adaptation approach, and to provide more detailed information on socio-economic and environmental conditions so that specific intervention are recommended in each priority area. The quantitative method used as an approach to analyze 277 villages in Sumedang District, it used the concept of climate change adaptation from the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) AR-5 2014 which includes hazard and vulnerability analysis. The analysis showed that there were 7 villages with the highest risk of stunting in Sumedang District. In general, these villages have a relatively high population, the water is non-potable, no proper sewage treatment, no temporary garbagedump, far from health facilities, lack of health workers, and do not have a development program such assanitation infrastructure and community empowerment facilities for housing environmental management. Kabupaten Sumedang merupakan satu dari 100 wilayah prioritas nasional dalam penanganan stunting. Tantangan semakin berat dengan banyaknya bencana yang disebabkan perubahan iklim, seperti banjir dan kekeringan sehingga berdampak pada kekurangan pangan dan masalah kesehatan masyarakat. Lokasi prioritas penanganan stunting perlu memperhatikan aspek kewilayahan terkait lingkungan agar memudahkan pengambil kebijakan melakukan intervensi yang diperlukan dalam aspek sosial ekonomi dan lingkungan. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menemukan desa/kelurahan prioritas penanganan stunting menggunakan pendekatan risiko adaptasi perubahan iklim, dan memberikan informasi lebih detail mengenai kondisi sosial ekonomi dan lingkungan sehingga diperoleh rekomendasi intervensi spesifik di setiap wilayah prioritas. Metode kuantitatif digunakan sebagai pendekatan untuk menganalisis 270 desa dan 7 kelurahan di Kabupaten Sumedang. Penelitian ini menggunakan konsep adaptasi perubahan iklim dari Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) AR-5 tahun 2014 yang meliputi analisis bahaya dan kerentanan. Hasil analisis menunjukkan terdapat 7 desa yang memiliki risiko kejadian stunting paling tinggi di Kabupaten Sumedang. Pada umumnya di desa-desa tersebut terdapat jumlah penduduk miskin yang relatif tinggi, air tidak layak minum, belum memiliki saluran pembuangan limbah yang baik, belum ada tempat pembuangan sampah sementara, jarak ke fasilitas kesehatan relatif jauh, tenaga kesehatan kurang, serta belum memiliki program pembangunan sarana prasarana sanitasi dan pemberdayaan masyarakat untuk pengelolaan lingkungan perumahan.