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All Journal Al-Hikmah JUPITER
Gustia Tahir
UIN Alauddin Makassar

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Genealogi Islam di Turki dan Kaitannya dengan Perkembangan Bahasa Arab Gustia Tahir
Al-Hikmah Journal for Religious Studies Vol 21 No 2 (2019): December
Publisher : Universitas Islam Negeri Alauddin

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 Turki is considered as superpower state because of its strong military and strategic region. Turki has  very strong army which was so called Jenisseri corps that always keep its territory. Beside militery, Turki is a state with large number of moslem population in the world. Therefore Islam is a very important element in Turki, because most people of Turki are moslems. After Turki Usmani Kingdom was distructed, it was then ruled by Mustafa Kemal Attaturk who made the West as his state reference. Turki was then changed to be secular. However, Turki has significant roles in spreading Islam due to its large region from Asia, Africa to Europe. It makes Turki become plural state with multi-etnics, race, cultures even religion.  Relating to Arabic Development, Turki didn’t pay much attention to it, even it was deleted in Turkish school. Turki prefered to be called Western community to Arabian community.
JUPITER Vol. 17 No. 2 (2020): JUPITER
Publisher : UPT Perpustakaaan Universitas Hasanuddin

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Abstrak Penelitian ini membahas tentang studi komparasi kesesuaian perpustakaan SMAN 2 Maros dan SMAN 12 Maros berdasarkan SNI No. 7329:2009 tentang perpustakaan sekolah. Adapun yang menjadi pokok masalah adalah bagaimana perbedaan antara Perpustakaan SMAN 2 Maros dan SMAN 12 Maros menurut SNI Nomor 7329:2009 dan bagaimana tingkat pencapaian pengelolaan perpustakaan di SMAN 2 Maros dan SMAN 12 Maros berdasarkan SNI Nomor 7329:2009 tentang Perpustakaan Sekolah. Tujuan penelitian ini untuk mengetahui lebih mendalam mengenai Bagaimana perbedaan antara Perpustakaan SMAN 2 Maros dan Perpustakaaan SMAN 12 Maros menurut SNI No. 7329:2009 dan Bagaimana tingkat pencapaian pengelolaan perpustakaan di SMAN 2 Maros dan SMAN 12 Maros berdasarkan SNI Nomor 7329:2009 tentang Perpustakaan Sekolah ditinjau dari segi: standar koleksi, sumber daya manusia, layanan perpustakaan, ruang perpustakaan, perabot dan perlengkapan serta anggaran perpustakaan. Metode yang digunakan yaitu metode deskriptif komparatif, metode ini merupakan jenis penelitian deskriptif dengan pendekatan kualitatif. Hasil dari penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa Perpustakaan SMAN 2 Maros telah memenuhi 6 SNI No. 7329:2009 tentang perpustakaan sekolah dalam hal jumlah koleksi buku teks, jumlah tenaga perpustakaan, kualifikasi pendidikan kepala perpustakaan, jenis layanan, luas area baca dan anggaran perpustakaan. Sedangkan SMAN 12 Maros telah memenuhi 8 SNI No. 7329:2009 tentang perpustakaan sekolah yaitu jumlah koleksi buku teks, jumlah tenaga perpustakaan, kualifikasi pendidikan kepala perpustakaan, jenis layanan, luas ruang secara keseluruhan, luas area baca, luas area staf dan anggaran perpustakaan. Hal ini menunjukkan bahwa Perpustakaan SMAN 12 Maros lebih tinggi tingkat pencapaian pengelolaannya daripada Perpustakaaan SMAN 2 Maros berdasarkan SNI No. 7329:2009 tentang perpustakaan sekolah. Dengan persentase kesesuaian SMAN 2 Maros 37,5% sementara SMAN 12 Maros 50%. Kata Kunci: Studi Komparasi, Perpustakaan Sekolah, SNI No. 7329:2009     Abstract This research discusses the comparative study of the suitability of the libraries of SMAN 2 Maros and SMAN 12 Maros based on SNI No. 7329: 2009 concerning the school library. As for the main problem is how the difference between the libraries of SMAN 2 Maros and SMAN 12 Maros according to SNI Number 7329: 2009 and what is the level of achievement of library management in SMAN 2 Maros and SMAN 12 Maros based on SNI Number 7329: 2009 concerning School Libraries. The purpose of this research is to find out more deeply about how the differences between the libraries of SMAN 2 Maros and Library of SMAN 12 Maros according to SNI No. 7329: 2009 and How is the level of achievement of library management at SMAN 2 Maros and SMAN 12 Maros based on SNI Number 7329: 2009 concerning School Libraries in terms of: collection standards, human resources, library services, library space, furniture and equipment and library budget. The method used is descriptive comparative method, this method is a type of descriptive research with a qualitative approach. The results of this study indicate that the library of SMAN 2 Maros has met 6 SNI No. 7329: 2009 concerning school libraries in terms of the number of textbook collections, the number of library staff, the educational qualifications of the head of the library, the type of service, the reading area and the library budget. Meanwhile, SMAN 12 Maros has fulfilled 8 SNI No. 7329: 2009 concerning school libraries, namely the number of textbook collections, the number of library staff, the educational qualifications of the head of the library, the type of service, the overall space area, the reading area, the staff area and the library budget. This shows that the library of SMAN 12 Maros has a higher level of management achievement than the library of SMAN 2 Maros based on SNI No. 7329: 2009 concerning the school library. With the conformity percentage of SMAN 2 Maros 37.5% while SMAN 12 Maros 50%. Keywords: Comparative Study, School Library, SNI No. 7329: 2009