Wahyu Pujiastuti
Department Of Midwifery, Health Polytechnic Of Semarang, Indonesia Handling Non Communicable Diseases, P2PTM, Pusat Unggulan Ipteks, Poltekkes Kemenkes Semarang,

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Effectiveness of Health Education on HIV / AIDS Detection towards Family Knowledge and Support in Implementation of Pregnant Women VCT Muji Rahayu; Wahyu Pujiastuti; Arfiana Arfiana
Midwifery and Nursing Research Vol 1, No 1 (2019): Maret 2019
Publisher : Poltekkes Kemenkes Semarang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.31983/manr.v1i1.4050


Background: HIV / AIDS cases in Indonesia has increased.  In 2015 there were 30,935 people with HIV positive and 7,185 people with AIDS, while in 2016 until January 2017, 41,250 people with HIV positive and 7,491 people with AIDS. Various efforts have been made to prevent and resolve HIV / AIDS transmission, one of which is  VCT (Voluntary Counseling and Testing) for pregnant women. VCT is a recommended program for early detection of HIV transmission.Purpose: To explore the effectiveness of health education on HIV/AIDS  detection towards family knowledge and support  implementation of pregnant women VCT needed family knowledge about HIV/AIDS detection and family support in implementation of VCT pregnant women.Methods: The type of this research is experimental research, the research time used is prospective longitudinal. The population in this study is the family of pregnant women who have not done VCT in the working area of Public Health Center Parakan in 2018 as many as 42 people with total sampling technique. Bivariate analysis with Wilcoxon test.Results: The results showed that there was a difference of knowledge level and family support between before and after receiving health education with knowledge level (p-value = 0,000) and Z-score = -5,405, and Support (p value = 0.000) and Z-score = -4, 96Conclusion: Family of pregnant women should be more actively seeking information from various health media about HIV / AIDS detection so as to provide support for family members, especially pregnant women to do VCT. To improve the coverage of HIV / AIDS implementation, it is recommended for health workers to improve their health promotion strategies especially on HIV / AIDS detection. As well as providing access to information such as leaflets and leaflets at every posyandu activity, class of pregnant women 
Midwifery Care Journal Vol 1, No 3 (2020): April 2020
Publisher : Politeknik Kesehatan Kementrian Kesehatan Semarang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (380.894 KB) | DOI: 10.31983/micajo.v1i3.5753


Family planning is an effort to create a quality of family by regulating the birth of children, the ideal distance and age of childbirth, and regulating pregnancy. One of the contraceptives that are less attractive to couples of childbearing age is the Alat Kontrasepsi Dalam Rahim (AKDR). Health education with video media can be done as an effort to increase the use of AKDR contraception. Theory of Planned Behavior states that a behavior begins with the formation of attitudes and intentions. This study used an quasi experimental study with non equivalent control group design on attitude variables and static group comparison on intention variables. Data analysis used paired t test on attitude and chi square on intention. The results of the study that health education with video media effectively increases attitudes in the used of AKDR with p value = 0.00 (p value 0.005) with video media more effective 4.75 higher than leaflet media, while health education with video media was not effective in increasing the intention to used an AKDR with p value = 0.269
Effectiveness Of Endhorpin Massage On The Success Of Labor Induction Reka Safitri; Wahyu Pujiastuti; Bekti Yuniyanti
Midwifery and Nursing Research Vol 4, No 2 (2022): SEPTEMBER 2022
Publisher : Poltekkes Kemenkes Semarang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.31983/manr.v4i2.9154


Background: Indications of labor induction is main cause maternal mortality in Central Java. Misoprostol can be used for labor induction with success rate of 46%. Besides, endorphin massage was also used to improve the success of misoprostol induction. Endorphin massage could increase endorphin and oxytocin secretion. Thus, the purpose of this study was to determine the effectiveness of endorphin massage on the success of induction. Methods: This study was carried out by quantitative design with quasi-experimental design and non-equivalent control group pretest post-test design. The population of this study were pregnancy women with misoprostol induction at RSUD Dr. Soedirman Kebumen that collected between January 17th to February 17th 2022, as many as 30 respondents. The participants were divided into two groups, the experimental group, which were given misoprostol induction with endorphin massage, and the control group, which were given misoprostol induction without endorphin massage. Bishop score alteration observation for misoprostol induction success was in 6 hours since misoprostol induction was given to the patient Results: The results of Wilcoxon Signed Rank Test showed significant difference in the bishop score before after the induction with endorphin massage (p=0.001;p
Factor Affecting Perineal Wound Healing Esti Handayani; Herlina Tri Damailia; Wahyu Pujiastuti
Journal of Midwifery Science: Basic and Applied Research Vol 2, No 2 (2020): Oktober 2020
Publisher : Prodi DIII Kebidanan Blora Poltekkes Kemenkes Semarang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (175.481 KB) | DOI: 10.31983/jomisbar.v2i2.6506


Perineal wound cause many problems, likea as many as 70% of postpartum mothers have difficulty defecating, 60% of postpartum mothers have difficulty with mictie, 30% of postpartum mothers complain of UTI signs, 60% of breast milk is substandard so that formula milk is added and 10% of mothers with subinvolution uteri. Perineal wound can heal immediately if the postpartum mother has a good hemoglobin level, to get enough hemoglobin, one of them is by consuming Fe tablets and vitamin C. It was found that as many as 60% of postpartum women with perineal wound healing 8 to 14 days. The goals of this research is to find factors that affecting perineal wound healing.This type of research is correlational analytic with cross sectional time approach. The population is postpartum mothers in the working area of Kedu Public Health Center, Temanggung Regency, from September to November 2018. The samples were obtained using quota sampling sampling with 40 postpartum mothers. Spearman rank test showed results of haemoglobin level and perineal wound care related to the speed of healing of perineal wounds (pvalue of hb level 0.00 and pvalue perineal wound care 0.027), multivariat test using linear regression where there is influence of hemoglobin level and perineal care to the speed of perineal wound healing (pvalue 0,021).Midwives are expected to screen haemoglobin levels and monitor perineal wound care performed by the mother to prevent delays in healing perineal wounds Keywords: BMI, age, hemoglobin level, perineal care,perineal wound healing 
JMM (Jurnal Masyarakat Mandiri) Vol 7, No 2 (2023): April
Publisher : Universitas Muhammadiyah Mataram

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.31764/jmm.v7i2.12850


Abstrak: Saat ini stunting menjadi fokus perhatian masalah gizi oleh pemerintah Indonesia karena tidak hanya menyebabkan kelainan fisik namun juga kognitif yaitu berupa kecerdasan yang kurang pada balita. Berdasarkan data Survei Status Gizi Balita Indonesia (SSGBI) pada tahun 2019, prevelensi stunting di Indonesia mencapai 27,7%. Tujuan pengabdian masyarakat ini untuk meningkatkan pengetahuan kelompok masyarakat tertentu (kader kesehatan) dalam hal pencegahan stunting pada balita melalui penggunaan tikar pertumbuhan sebagai alat bantu deteksi dini stunting. Metode yang di gunakan adalah dengan sosialisasi dan pendampingan kader dalam penggunaan tikar pertumbuhan. Pelaksanaan pengabdian di Desa Kalijoso dengan 20 kader yang terbagi 2 kelompok. Kegiatan dengan sosialisasi terkait stunting dan penggunaan tikar pertumbuhan dalam pengukuran tinggi badan balita dan dilanjutkan dengan praktik penggunaan tikar pertumbuhan. Pengabdi melakukan monitoring dan evaluasi ke posyandu untuk memantau penggunaan tikar pertumbuhan. Pelaksanaan pengabdian masyarakat berupa edukasi tentang penggunaan tikar pertumbuhan dengan sasaran kader kesehatan di Desa Kalijoso telah berhasil dilaksanakan dengan baik. Terdapat peningkatan pengetahuan dari 73% menjadi 90%. Abstract: Currently stunting is the focus of attention on nutrition issues by the Indonesian government because it not only causes physical but also cognitive abnormalities, namely in the form of less intelligence in toddlers. Based on data from the Indonesian Toddler Nutrition Status Survey (SSGBI) in 2019, the prevalence of stunting in Indonesia reached 27.7%. The purpose of this community service is to increase the knowledge of certain community groups (health cadres) in terms of preventing stunting in toddlers through the use of growth mats as an aid for early detection of stunting. The method used is by socializing and assisting cadres in using growth mats. Implementation of community service in Kalijoso Village with 20 cadres divided into 2 groups. Activities with socialization related to stunting and the use of growth mats in measuring toddler height and continued with the practice of using growth mats. The servant conducts monitoring and evaluation at the posyandu to monitor the use of growth mats. The implementation of community service in the form of education about the use of growth mats with the target of health cadres in Kalijoso Village has been successfully carried out. There is an increase in knowledge from 73% to 90%.