Didit Rahmat Hartadi
Politeknik Negeri Jember

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Jurnal Teknologi Informasi dan Terapan Vol 2 No 1 (2015)
Publisher : Jurusan Teknologi Informasi Politeknik Negeri Jember

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Applications Ideal Solution System version 1.0 is an application developed independently since 2014 to solve various problems are multiple criteria as well as having the characteristics of the benefit factor and cost factor. In manufacturing, this application implementing TOPSIS method as basic algorithms used program. But in its implementation, there is still a shortage or revision of the user. Note the revision of the user obtained during the implementation phase is the basis for the developers to develop applications. Therefore, developers are trying to develop the Ideal Solution System version 2.0, which was developed with reference to the model prototyping. Ideal Prototype Solution System version 2.0 has been tested and found viable easy use testing because it is easy and convenient for the user so operate the application.
Jurnal Teknologi Informasi dan Terapan Vol 3 No 1 (2016)
Publisher : Jurusan Teknologi Informasi Politeknik Negeri Jember

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Dengue fever is a disease caused by dengue virus by Aedes Aegypti mosquitoes intermediary. There are four dengue virus serotypes, called DEN-1, DEN-2, DEN-3, and DEN-4, each of them can lead to dengue fever, either mild or fatal. Based on a survey of public health in Jember, recorded during January 2015 there were 300 cases of dengue fever, and seven of them died. Previous research using fuzzy method to determined the potential spread of Dengue in Jember. Para meters that used is the amount of rain in a period, the amount of rain in one month, free amount of larva and house index. Data that used is taken from 2009 until 2012 from 31 districts. The weaknesses in this study were not contain a way to resolve the imputation of missing data. In fact, survey data is often incomplete. Based on these issues, it will be created a prediction system of imputation of missing data on the spread of dengue by using Naïve Bayes method. The data refers to the prediction of the mi ssing data and the data were used as training data, so it can be processed further. This research has been successfully predicting missing data imputation using existing data, so that the missing data can be completed with high degree of accuracy.
Pengembangan Terapi Cermin Pada Latihan Bersepeda Berbasis Virtual Reality Untuk Meningkatkan Gerak Motorik Ekstremitas Atas Pasca Stroke I Putu Dody Lesmana; Beni Widiawan; Didit Rahmat Hartadi; Muhammad Fuad Al Haris
Jurnal Teknologi Informasi dan Ilmu Komputer Vol 5 No 4: Agustus 2018
Publisher : Fakultas Ilmu Komputer, Universitas Brawijaya

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (273.467 KB) | DOI: 10.25126/jtiik.201854914


Latihan bersepeda berbasis virtual reality (VR-Bicycling) bagi penderita pasca stroke merupakan teknologi yang dikembangkan untuk meningkatkan gerak motorik otot. Penerapan VR-Bicycling umumnya untuk melatih gerak motorik ekstremitas bawah daripada gerak motorik ekstremitas atas. Penggunaan terapi cermin (Mirror Therapy-MT) merupakan bentuk terapi gerak motorik ekstremitas atas dengan mempengaruhi propriosepsi otak yang berfikir bahwa eksterimitas atas yang mengalami hemiparesis dapat bergerak baik. Dalam penelitian ini dikembangan modul VR-Bicycling untuk melatih gerak motorik ekstremitas atas berbasis MT dengan mengkombinasikan umpan balik visual dan audio pada lingkungan virtual (Virtual Environment-VE). Umpan balik visual untuk mengetahui waktu tunda dan perbedaan spasial berupa ketepatan lengan virtual dalam menangkap apel atau menghindari bom sepanjang lintasan bersepeda. Sedangkan umpan balik audio menggunakan metronome untuk melatih operabilitas dan kontrol lengan virtual. Kinect digunakan sebagai motion capture gerakan lengan nyata. Pengujian melibatkan sepuluh penderita pasca stroke untuk melatih gerak motorik ekstremitas atas yang mengalami hemiparesis dalam mengontrol gerakan lengan virtual pada VR-Bicycling. Evaluasi sistem dilakukan dengan meminta penderita pasca stroke menjawab daftar pertanyaan yang mengandung faktor operabilitas, konsentrasi, kontrol gerakan, waktu tunda, dan perbedaan spasial dari terapi ekstremitas atas pada VR-Bicycling menggunakan konsep terapi cermin. Dari hasil evaluasi diketahui bahwa waktu tunda dan perbedaan spasial pada terapi ekstremitas atas menggunakan VR-Bicycling dengan MT merupakan dua variabel penting untuk mengontrol arah dan ketepatan gerakan lengan virtual pada VE. AbstractA virtual reality bicycling (VR-Bicycling) was encouraged to address motor control and fitness deficits of person post-stroke. The applied of VR-Bicycling for therapy of person post-stroke has focused primarily on improving movement and use of the lower extremity than upper extremity. Mirror therapy (MT) is an instrument that enables a person with an amputation to view a reflection of an intact limb in the visual plane of the missing limb by tricking the brain into believing the missing limb is actually moving. The use of virtual reality (VR) over MT is that VR allows more complete immersion into the illusion, whereas MT requires tight focus and concentration to truly see the illusion as real. In this research, we had developed a VR-Bicycling module based MT for training upper extremity of person post-stroke while doing simulated bicycling. Person post-stroke cycled with guidance of visual cueing (represented as apples and bombs) and auditory condition (provided by metronome) in the virtual environment (VE). We tested ten person post-stroke as they cycled on a stationary bicycle while moving their virtual limb to hit apples or avoid bombs in VE. A VR-Bicycling module measures the motion data of upper extremity by Kinect and evaluate immersion and motor cognition by using factor analysis with three factors consisting of controllability, concentration, sense of delay, and spatial difference. The evaluation result indicates that temporal delay and spatial fluctuation have strong relationship to control virtual limb movement correctly.