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Buletin Penelitian Tanaman Rempah dan Obat Vol 16, No 2 (2005): BULETIN PENELITIAN TANAMAN REMPAH DAN OBAT
Publisher : Pusat Penelitian dan Pengembangan Perkebunan

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.21082/bullittro.v16n2.2005.%p


Pests Of Patchouli Plant And Their DamageGenerally, patchouli is still cultivated traditionally in Indonesia. Improved technology such as pest and disease control methods, is  needed. Observation of  pests on patchuoli was carried out at Sukamulya experimental garden  from Agustus 2004 to January 2005. Further research was carried out at the laboratory and greenhouse of the Indonesian Spice and Medicinal Crops Research Institute to examine the damage of the patchouli plant due to the main insect attack. The experiment was arranged in a randomized block design, with 6 treatments and 4 replications. The experiment used one month-old patchouly seedlings of Sidikalang variety and the main insect (third instar grub) The white grub was invested on pathouli seedling. Each plant was invested with  0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, grubs as treatments. The results showed that grasshopper (Valanga sp), aphids (Myzus persicae), termite (Coptotermes sp), snail (Achatina sp) and white grub (Exopholis  hypoleuca) attack the patchouly plant with low up to high damages.  It was observed that  the grub is a dominant pest which  attacked  1.800  out of 15.000 patchouli plants  at Sukamulya experimental garden. Treatments grubs on patchouli seedlings at one, two, three, four and five grubs/polybag caused death on the seedlings  at 14, 13, 10, 7 and 7 days after investation, repectively. While the control seedlings were still alive until the end of the experiment. 
Upaya Pengendalian Hama Sexava spp. Secara Terpadu MICHELLIA DARWIS
Perspektif Vol 5, No 2 (2006): Desember 2006
Publisher : Puslitbang Perkebunan

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.21082/p.v5n2.2006.%p


ABSTRAKSexava   spp  (Orthoptera:  Tettigonidae)  terdiri  dari beberapa   spesies,   merupakan   hama   utama   pada tanaman   kelapa.   Serangan   berat   hama   Sexava menyebabkan  pelepah  daun  menjadi  gundul  dan mematikan kelapa. Masalah hama Sexava spp kembali menarik perhatian melalui berita di media masa yang menyatakan   outbreak   serangan   Sexava   spp   pada Triwulan I tahun 2004  menimbulkan 13.000 ha areal kelapa   rusak   berat   di   Kabupaten   Sangihe   dan Kabupaten  Talaud.  Produktivitas  kelapa  menurun drastis 50%   lebih   dengan   rataan 0,4 -0,5   ton kopra/ha/th.  Teknologi pengendalian sudah cukup tersedia,  dan  secara  teoritis  peluang  hidup  hama Sexava spp hanya 14%, sisanya 86% sudah terkendali dengan   sendirinya.   Masih   terjadinya   outbreak serangan hama Sexava spp memberi gambaran bahwa keseimbangan   padat   populasi   dengan   berbagai komponen   pengendalian   belum   dapat   mengatasi serangan Sexava spp. Komponen pengendalian yang dapat   dilakukan   adalah   kultur   teknis,   mekanis, penggunaan   tanaman   sela,   pemanfaatan   agensia hayati, peraturan karantina, dan insektisida. Upaya pengendalian yang relatif baru dikembangkan adalah pemanfaatan agensia hayati cendawan entomophatogen ‘’Metabron’’ (Metarrhizium yang diisolasi dari Brontispa). Salah satu keuntungan agensia hayati adalah  dapat  berkembang  biak  dengan  sendirinya, persisten  dalam  waktu  yang  lama  pada  keadaan lingkungan yang kondusif. Diharapkan peranannya bukan hanya sebagai ‘’biological control’’ tetapi juga menjadi senjata biologi atau ‘’biological weapons’’, yang dapat   mencegah   outbreak   serangan Sexava  spp. Tingkat mortalitas yang disebabkan oleh Metabron sangat tinggi, dengan konsentrasi 5 x 105 konidia/µl efektif menyebabkan mortalitas sebesar 90,25% nimfa, dan   86,26% imago Sexava spp. Dalam upaya pengendalian hama Sexava spp, sebaiknya memanfaatkan semua komponen teknologi yang tersedia dan mengacu  pada  sistem  pengendalian hama  secara terpadu. Hasil kerja sama Balitka dengan COGENT, tiga  komponen teknologi yaitu; pemanfaatan benih unggul,   diversifikasi   produk, serta   pemanfaatan tanaman   sela   dan   ternak,  dapat meningkatkan pendapatan  dan  kesejahteraan  petani.  Untuk  mencegah outbreak hama Sexava spp., ketiga  komponen pengendalian  tersebut  dapat  diintegrasikan  dengan komponen pengendalian lainnya yang sudah tersedia, melalui  kerjasama dengan instansi lainnya.Kata Kunci: Kelapa, Cocos nucifera, hama, Sexava spp, outbreak, pengendalian terpadu. ABSTRACTControlling Sexava spp through integrated pest managementSexava spp consists of several species, is a major pest of coconut palm. Heavy infestation of this pest may cause serious damage on coconut leaves, and may kill the trees. It was reported that in the districts of Sangihe and Talaud, North Sulawesi, on the first quarter of 2004, approximately 13.000 ha of coconut farms were seriously attacked by Sexava spp. The productivity of small holders coconut farm decreased up to 0.4 - 0.5 ton  copra/ha/year.  Several  programs  to  control Sexava  were  carried out and the technology to control Sexava is available. Theoritically the life probability of Sexava spp  is only 14%, approximately 86% can be controlled automatically. To control Sexava spp., six methods have been introduced, namely : cultivation technology,    mechanical    system,    intercropping, biological control, quarantine system and insecticide application. The newest inovation on biological control was    using    entomophatogen    fungus    called; ‘’Metabron’’ (Metarrhizium isolated from Bronstispa). It is effective to control Sexava spp on coconut. One of the benefits   of   this   biological   agent   was   it   could automatically   and   continuously   grow   in   a   long periode,   in   a   good   treatment   and   condusive circumstance. Hopefully, the role of  Metabron was not only  as  biological  control,  but  also  as  biological weapon against Sexava spp pest. The mortality caused by Metabron was very high. At the concentration of 5 X 105  conidium/µl, effective  it was effective to cause 90,25% nymph mortality and 86,25% imago mortality. On the program of Sexava spp management all of technology   components   should   be   practiced   and suitable with integrated pest management system. In the joint program between Coconut Research Institute and  COGENT,  three  component  technologies  were applied, namely the use of resistant variety, product diversification, and intercrops plus animal husbandry. It was found that the treatments were able to increase farmers’ income and prosperity significantly. To solve the problem of Sexava spp in small holder coconut farms in Sangihe and Talaud, those three components should   be   integrated   with   other   components mentioned above. The intensive coordination amongst related institutions  are needed to make the program effetive and useful.Key Word: Coconut, Cocos nucifera L., pest,  Sexava spp, outbreak, integrated pest management.
Buletin Penelitian Tanaman Rempah dan Obat Vol 16, No 2 (2005): BULETIN PENELITIAN TANAMAN REMPAH DAN OBAT
Publisher : Pusat Penelitian dan Pengembangan Perkebunan

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.21082/bullittro.v16n2.2005.%p


Pests Of Patchouli Plant And Their DamageGenerally, patchouli is still cultivated traditionally in Indonesia. Improved technology such as pest and disease control methods, is  needed. Observation of  pests on patchuoli was carried out at Sukamulya experimental garden  from Agustus 2004 to January 2005. Further research was carried out at the laboratory and greenhouse of the Indonesian Spice and Medicinal Crops Research Institute to examine the damage of the patchouli plant due to the main insect attack. The experiment was arranged in a randomized block design, with 6 treatments and 4 replications. The experiment used one month-old patchouly seedlings of Sidikalang variety and the main insect (third instar grub) The white grub was invested on pathouli seedling. Each plant was invested with  0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, grubs as treatments. The results showed that grasshopper (Valanga sp), aphids (Myzus persicae), termite (Coptotermes sp), snail (Achatina sp) and white grub (Exopholis  hypoleuca) attack the patchouly plant with low up to high damages.  It was observed that  the grub is a dominant pest which  attacked  1.800  out of 15.000 patchouli plants  at Sukamulya experimental garden. Treatments grubs on patchouli seedlings at one, two, three, four and five grubs/polybag caused death on the seedlings  at 14, 13, 10, 7 and 7 days after investation, repectively. While the control seedlings were still alive until the end of the experiment.