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Peran Agama dalam Mereduksi Penyalahgunaan Narkoba (Studi Kasus Warga Binaan Wanita di Lembaga Pemasyarakatan Kelas II B Padangsidimpuan) Fikri, M.Ag, Dr. Sholeh; Andriani, Wildah
Jurnal Al-Irsyad: Jurnal Bimbingan Konseling Islam Vol 2, No 1 (2020): Al-Irsyad: Jurnal Bimbingan Konseling Islam
Publisher : Institut Agama Islam Negeri Padangsidimpuan

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AbstractThe purpose of this research in this thesis is to the find out the implementation of Islamic guidance in class II B penitentiary in Padangsidimpuan, to know the material provided in Islamic guidance in class II B penitentiary in Padangsidimpuan and to know the method used by the supervisor to provide Islamic guidance to fostered citizens in Class II Correctional institutions in Class II Correctional Institutions B Padangsidimpuan. The type of research used is descriptive qualitative research and tends to use analysis with an inductive approach. The approach used is a descriptive approach which aims to describe the object as it is. The primary data source is 3 people, namely 1 head of the security and order section and 2 ministry of religion officuers while the secondary data source is 13 people, 10 dealers and 3 drug users. Data techniques used were observation, interviews and documentation. While data processing and analysis techniques, namely data reduction, descriptive data, drawing conclusions, checking techniques and the validity of the data used are triangulation of data sources. Based on the results of this study it  can be concluded that Islamic guidance in reducing drug abuse in Class II B Padangsidimpuan. The implementation of Islamic guidance in reducing drug abuse in the from of lectures, reading the Qur’an, Dhikr and Du’a, guidance of personality and independence. Then the material provided in Islamic guidance is Aqeedah, Sharia and Morals. While the method of Islamic guidance, namely al-hikmah, want’izhoh Hasanah, Mujadalah. So that some women-assisted residents have very noticeable changes in themselves, so that they become a better person and a lot of creativity can be done to open business opportunities after being released later from Class II B Penitentiary in Padangsidimpuan.
Kebangkitan Dakwah Islam di Patani Selatan Thailand Fikri, Sholeh
Tadbir: Jurnal Manajemen Dakwah FDIK IAIN Padangsidimpuan Vol 2, No 2 (2020): Tadbir: Jurnal Manajemen Dakwah FDIK IAIN Padangsidimpuan
Publisher : FDIK IAIN Padangsidimpuan

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Majlis Agama Islam Patani berfungsi sebagai lembaga wakil pemerintah bagi masyarakat Muslim Patani terutama di bidang Agama. Dengan adanya lembaga keagamaan seperti Majlis Agama Islam Patani saat ini, kegiatan dakwah dapat berjalan dan mengembangkan dalam bidang keagamaan, pendidikan dan sosial kemasyarakatan berubah. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui apa saja kegiatan dakwah Lembaga Majlis Agama Islam Patani, Strategi pengembangan dakwah yang dilakukan lembaga Majlis Agama Islam Patani, dan apa saja faktor-faktor pendukung dan penghambat dalam mengembangkan strategi dakwah Islam oleh Majlis Agama Islam Patani terhadap Masyarakat Melayu Patani selatan Thailand di dalam era konflik saat ini. Metode yang di kembangkan adalah metode kualitatif dengan analisis data diskriptif. Adapun proses pengumpulan data melalui Observasi, Interview, dan Dokumentasi. Hasil yang didapati dalam kajian ini bahwa Majelis Agama Islam Patani telah melaksanakan berbagai kegiatan untuk mengembangkan dakwah Islamiah di masyarakat Patani antara lain yaitu dengan mengadakan pengembangan dakwah di bidang keagamaan seperti mengajar di masjid, siaran radio, dan kegiatan hari kebesaran Islam, bidang pendidikan seperti membina Taman Didikkan Kanak-kanan TADIKA, kursus guru dan kursus bahasa, dan bidang kemasyarakatan seperti kursus nikah, mengurus keberangkatan haji dan umrah, bantuan musibah, kepedulian anak yatim, dan kursus mu’alaf. 
Tazkir : Jurnal Penelitian Ilmu-ilmu Sosial dan Keislaman Vol 2, No 1 (2016): 11 Articles, Pages 1-168
Publisher : Institut Agama Islam Negeri Padangsidimpuan

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (521.44 KB) | DOI: 10.24952/tazkir.v2i1.402


This study aimed to get an overview of the position of ulama in the government of Padangsidimpuan City. The position of ulama must be considered by the government, because they are the potential elements of people who didnot all people have it. One thing to remembered is ulama as the partner of government. This is a descriptive research in which collecting the data through observation and interviews with ulama and Muslim scholars in the this city. The results indicated that the government had less attention to religious activity, except that routines such as MTQ, and activities during Ramadhan. Public welfare activities are not yet visible. The government's attention to the education sector which is a symbol of the city Padangsidimpuan also goes unnoticed. The roles of ulama seems still less in contributing to the development of this country, and the communication is not created because of needed. Because the minim roles, ulama maynot give the effect to the government; even, the government restraints from them.  The government just stay closer to ulama at the certain time, or if they have powerful effects in the society. Moreover, the way to communicate between ulama and societies is still traditionally, it is not in modern and accurate communication. It makes government didnot give big attention and appreciation to them; because they also have small function and contribution to the government.
Tantangan Program Studi Berbasis Islam Fikri, M.Ag, DR. Sholeh
Tazkir : Jurnal Penelitian Ilmu-ilmu Sosial dan Keislaman Vol 4, No 2 (2018): 11 Articles, Pages 219-398
Publisher : Institut Agama Islam Negeri Padangsidimpuan

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (114.578 KB) | DOI: 10.24952/tazkir.v4i2.916


Abstrak Kelangkaan   peminat   bagi   sebagian   program   studi   berbasis   Islam merupakan  salah  satu  tantangan  yang  dihadapi  pada  saat  ini,  oleh  karenanya prodi-prodi tersebut berusaha keras untuk merubah situasi tersebut. Metode yang digunakan  dalam  kajian  ini  adalah  kualitatif  dengan  pendekatan  deskriptif sehingga dihasilkan dalam kajian ini bahwa prodi yang langka peminat hendaknya memperbaiki elemen-elemen seperti manajemen, administrasi, kepemimpinan, proses pembelajaran, teknis sosialisasi dan promosi serta mempersiapkan alumni yang siap pakai sehingga mendapatkan perhatian dari masyarakat secara baik.             Kata Kunci: langka, peminat, beasiswaAbstract  The scarcity of enthusiasts for some Islamic-based study programs is one of the challenges faced at this time, therefore the study programs are trying hard to change  the  situation.  The  method  used  in  this  study  is  qualitative  with  a descriptive approach so that it is produced in this study that a rare study program interested   in   improving   elements   such   as   management,   administration, leadership, learning process, technical socialization and promotion as well as preparing alumni who are ready to use the community well. Key words: rare, enthusiasts, scholarships
Pola Asuh Orang Tua Single Parent dalam Mendukung Pendidikan Formal Anak di MTsS Al-Abror Muarasoma Kecamatan Batang Natal Kabupaten Mandailing Natal Nur Hapni Nasution; Muhammad Darwis Dasopang; Sholeh Fikri
Studi Multidisipliner: Jurnal Kajian Keislaman Vol 7, No 1 (2020)
Publisher : IAIN Padangsidimpuan

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.24952/multidisipliner.v7i1.2526


The purpose of this study is to describe the parenting style of single parent parents in supporting children's education at MTsS al-Abror Muarasoma, Batang Natal District, Mandailing Natal Regency. The results showed that the type of democratic parenting performed by single parents was more dominant in supporting children's formal education. Meanwhile, authoritarian and permissive parenting styles still support children's education, but they are lower than democratic parenting. In democratic parenting, parents always control the development of their children, especially in terms of education. Parents always give their best for the development of their children's education both material issues such as school supplies, pocket money and others, as well as in material such as motivation, encouragement and praise. In authoritarian parenting, the attitude of parents is very strict towards their children, especially in terms of their education and if the children violate the rules that have been made such as laziness to learn, playfulness and decreased reports, the parents give their children punishment so that the children -the children prioritize their education. In Primitive parenting, parents act permissively. Children are always given freedom in their children's lives, including in their education.Key Words: parenting style of single parent; formal education; children
Peranan Ulama Nusantara Abad Ke-18 Dalam Dakwah Sholeh Fikri
Hikmah Vol 12, No 1 (2018)
Publisher : IAIN Padangsidimpuan

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.24952/hik.v12i1.851


This article explains that the Arabic relationship with the archipelago takes place in several phases, the first phase, from the late 8th to 12th centuries in trade relations, the next phase to the end of the fifteenth century. Arab and Persian Muslims whether traders or Sufi travelers, intensify the spread of Islam in various regions of the archipelago. The third stage is from the 16th century until the second half of the seventeenth century, in this period the relationship is more political in addition to religious. The archipelago's relations with the Arab country made some Muslim Nusantara start studying religion to Arab countries especially to Makkah and Madinah, after they learn from the source of Islam religion sebahagiannya settled in Arab land and sebahagiannya da'wah to their respective country, and they all have contribution for the development of da'wah in the archipelago
Starategi Dakwah Menghadapi Masyarakat Modern Melalui Pendekatan Seni Sholeh Fikri
Publisher : IAIN Padangsidimpuan

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.24952/hik.v13i2.1929


AbstractThis paper explained that dakwah should be adapted to the community faced, one approach that can be used in the face of modern society is the musical arts. Music presented is religious music. By examining literatures and researches experts associated with music or that modern society are very pleased with all our activities in filling religious music in their life.Keyword: dakwah, religious music, modern societyAbstrakTulisan ini menjelaskan bahwa pendekatan dakwah seharusnya disesuaikan dengan masyarakat yang dihadapinya, salah satu pendekatan yang bisa digunakan dalam menghadapi masyarakat modern adalah dengan pendekatan seni musik. Musik yang disuguhkan adalah musik religi. Dengan mengkaji literatur-literatur dan hasil penelitian para ahli  yang terkait dengan musik didapatkan bahwa masyarakat modern sangat senang dengan musik religi dalam mengisi semua aktifitas kehidupannya.Kata kunci: dakwah, musik religi, masyarakat modern
Pola Asuh Orang Tua Single Parent dalam Mendukung Pendidikan Formal Anak di MTsS Al-Abror Muarasoma Kecamatan Batang Natal Kabupaten Mandailing Natal Nur Hapni Nasution; Muhammad Darwis Dasopang; Sholeh Fikri
Studi Multidisipliner: Jurnal Kajian Keislaman Vol 7, No 1 (2020)

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.24952/multidisipliner.v7i1.2526


The purpose of this study is to describe the parenting style of single parent parents in supporting children's education at MTsS al-Abror Muarasoma, Batang Natal District, Mandailing Natal Regency. The results showed that the type of democratic parenting performed by single parents was more dominant in supporting children's formal education. Meanwhile, authoritarian and permissive parenting styles still support children's education, but they are lower than democratic parenting. In democratic parenting, parents always control the development of their children, especially in terms of education. Parents always give their best for the development of their children's education both material issues such as school supplies, pocket money and others, as well as in material such as motivation, encouragement and praise. In authoritarian parenting, the attitude of parents is very strict towards their children, especially in terms of their education and if the children violate the rules that have been made such as laziness to learn, playfulness and decreased reports, the parents give their children punishment so that the children -the children prioritize their education. In Primitive parenting, parents act permissively. Children are always given freedom in their children's lives, including in their education.Key Words: parenting style of single parent; formal education; children