Nunik Eka Diana
Balai Penelitian Tanaman Pemanis dan Serat

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Pengaruh Pupuk Majemuk Berbentuk Granul dan Briket Terhadap Pertumbuhan, Produktivitas, dan Rendemen Tebu Supriyadi Supriyadi; Nunik Eka Diana; Djumali Djumali
Buletin Tanaman Tembakau, Serat & Minyak Industri Vol 9, No 1 (2017): April 2017
Publisher : Balai Penelitian Tanaman Pemanis dan Serat

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.21082/btsm.v9n1.2017.34-41


Program intensifikasi tebu dalam rangka meningkatkan produksi dan hablur dapat dilakukan dengan penambahan hara tanah melalui aplikasi pupuk.  Penelitian ini bertujuan mengevaluasi efektivitas  pupuk majemuk NPK (22% N:12% P2O5:12% K2O) berbentuk granul dan briket terhadap pertumbuhan, produktivitas, dan rendemen tebu.  Penelitian dilakukan pada bulan November 2012-Oktober 2013 di Kebun Percobaan  Kalipare, Kabupaten Malang. Perlakuan meliputi (1) 600 kg/ha NPK granul (G1), (2) 700 kg/ha NPK granul (G2), (3) 800 kg/ha NPK granul (G3), (4) 1.000 kg/ha NPK granul (G4), (5)  600 kg/ha NPK granul (G5) + 300 kg/ha Ammonium Sulfat (AS), (6) 700 kg/ha NPK granul (G6) + 300 kg/ha AS, (7) 800 kg/ha NPK granul (G7) + 300 kg/ha AS, (8) 1.000 kg/ha NPK granul (G8) + 300 kg/ha AS, (9) 600 kg/ha NPK briket (B1), (10) 700 kg/ha NPK briket (B2), (11) 800 kg/ha NPK briket (B3), (12) 1000 kg/ha NPK briket (B4), (13) 600 kg/ha NPK briket (B5) + 300 kg/ha AS, (14) 700 kg/ha NPK briket (B6) + 300 kg/ha AS, (15) 800 kg/ha NPK briket (B7) + 300 kg/ha AS, (16)  1.000 kg/ha NPK briket (B8) + 300 kg/ha AS, (17) 600 kg/ha (N15, P15, K15) + 500 kg/ha AS (pembanding/aplikasi petani). Rancangan disusun secara acak kelompok dan diulang tiga kali. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa perlakuan B8,  B6, B7, dan G8 menghasilkan pertumbuhan, produktivitas, rendemen, dan hasil hablur lebih tinggi dibanding dengan pembandingnya. Perlakuan B6 paling efisien dalam meningkatkan produktivitas (22,29 ton/ha), hasil hablur (2,03 ton/ha) dan keuntungan (Rp11.013.120,00/ha).The Influence of Granular and Briquette Compound Fertilizers on Growth, Productivity,and Sugar Content of SugarcaneIntensification program of sugarcane in order to increase production and sugar crystal can be done with the addition of soil nutrient through fertilizer application. This study aims to evaluate the effectiveness of NPK compound fertilizer (22% N:12% P2O5:12% K2O) in the form of granular and briquettes to growth, productivity, and sugar content. The research was conducted on November 2012–October 2013 at Kalipare Experiment Station, Malang. The treatments include (1) 600 kg/ha granule NPK (G1), (2) 700 kg/ha granule NPK (G2), (3) 800 kg/ha granule NPK (G3), (4) 1,000 kg/ha NPK granule (G6) + 300 kg/ha NPK granule (G5) + 300 kg/ha Ammonium Sulphate (US), (6) 700 kg/ha NPK granule (G6) + 300 kg / ha US, (7) 800 kg / ha NPK granule (G7) + 300 kg / ha US, (8) 1,000 kg / ha granule NPK (G8) + 300 kg/ha US, (9) 600 kg/ha NPK briquettes (B1), (10) 700 kg/ha NPK briquettes (B3), (12) 1.000 kg/ha NPK briquettes (B4), (13) 600 kg/ha NPK briquettes (B5) + 300 kg/ha US, (14) 700 kg/ha NPK briquette (B6) + 300 kg/ha US, (15) 800 kg/ha NPK briquette (B7) + 300 kg/ha US, (16) 1,000 kg/ha NPK briquettes (B8) + 300 kg/ha US, (17) 600 kg/ha (N15, P15, K15) + 500 kg/ha AS (famer’s application). The experiment was arranged design in randomized block design and repeated three times. The results showed that treatments B8, B6, B7, and G8 resulted in higher growth, productivity, and sugar production compared to farmer’s application. The treatment of B6 is the most efficient in increasing productivity (22.29 ton/ha), sugar production (2.03 ton/ha), and net profit (Rp11,013,120/ha).
Tanggapan Galur-galur Harapan Tembakau Cerutu Besuki Na Oogst Terhadap Pemupukan Nitrogen dan Pengaruhnya Terhadap Mutu Daun Supriyadi Supriyadi; Sesanti Basuki; Nunik Eka Diana
Buletin Tanaman Tembakau, Serat & Minyak Industri Vol 13, No 2 (2021): OKTOBER 2021
Publisher : Balai Penelitian Tanaman Pemanis dan Serat

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.21082/btsm.v13n2.2021.%p


Tembakau besuki NO (besNO) adalah tembakau cerutu yang dibudidayakan di Jember, dan merupakan komoditas ekspor. Selama lebih dari 50 tahun galur tembakau besNO yang dibudidayakan untuk tujuan komersial adalah H 382. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah mengevaluasi tanggap galur harapan tembakau cerutu besNO terhadap pemupukan nitrogen dan mutu yang dihasilkan.  Penelitian dilaksanakan di lahan tegal, jenis tanah Alluvial berdebu, di Kecamatan Wuluhan, Kabupaten Jember pada bulan Januari-Desember 2019.  Penelitian ini didesain menggunakan rancangan petak terbagi yang diulang 4 kali.  Petak utama adalah 4 galur harapan tembakau cerutu besNO yaitu galur T2, T4, T6, T9, dan sebagai pembanding adalah varietas H 382; anak petak terdiri atas 3 perlakuan dosis pupuk Nitrogen yaitu: 1) 100 kg N/ha, 2) 140 kg N/ha (dosis rekomendasi), 3) 180 kg N/ha. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa galur-galur harapan tembakau cerutu besNO pada umumnya memiliki penampilan tanaman yang lebih tinggi, jumlah daun yang lebih banyak, serta indeks mutu yang lebih tinggi dari varietas pembanding, walaupun produksi daun kaki dan tengah tidak berbeda dari varietas H 382.  Peningkatan dosis pupuk Nitrogen lebih dari 100 kg/ha tidak berpengaruh terhadap peningkatan ukuran dan jumlah daun, juga terhadap produksi daun kaki dan tengah, dan terhadap indek mutu dan indek tanaman.  Nilai jual daun dari galur-galur harapan tembakau cerutu besNO (kecuali galur T2) lebih tinggi 7,6 – 22,5 % dibandingkan dengan varietas H 382, sehingga diperoleh peningkatan penerimaan sebesar Rp11.516.535,00 hingga Rp41.210.685,00. Kata kunci: tembakau cerutu besuki NO, pupuk N, galur harapan, nilai jual  Response of Besuki Na Oogst's Promising Lines to Nitrogen Fertilization and Its Effect on the Leaf Quality ABSTRACT             Besuki Na Oogst tobacco (besNO) as an export commodity is a cigar tobacco cultivated in Jember. For more than 50 years, H382 is the besNO cultivated line for commercial use. The promising lines are ready for release as new superior varieties, need a technology to support for their development. One of the technologies needed is fertilization technology. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the responsiveness of the besNO tobacco promising lines to nitrogen fertilization and the leaves’ quality. The research was conducted in Wuluhan District, Jember Regency in January-December 2019. This research was designed using a divided plot design with 4 replicates. The main plots were 4 promising lines of besNO tobacco, namely: T2 line, T4 line, T6 line, T9 line, and H 382 cultivated line as a control; subplots consisted of 3 doses of nitrogen fertilizer, namely: 1) 100 kg N/ha, 2) 140 kg N/ha (recommended dose), and 3) 180 kg N/ha. The results demonstrated that the increasing the dose of nitrogen fertilizer more than 100 kg/ha does not  affect on the increasing in leaf size and number, the production of KAK and TNG leaves, and also on the quality and crop indexes. The selling value of the leaves from the besNO tobacco promising lines (except the T2 line) was 7.6 - 22.5% higher than that of the variety H 382, so that higher profits were obtained ranging from IDR 11,516,535.00 to IDR 41,210,685.00. besuki NO cigar tobacco, nitrogen fertilizer, promising lines, selling value
Efektivitas Aplikasi Pupuk Majemuk NPK Terhadap Produktivitas dan Pendapatan Petani Tebu Nunik Eka Diana; Sujak Sujak; Djumali Djumali
Buletin Tanaman Tembakau, Serat & Minyak Industri Vol 9, No 2 (2017): Oktober 2017
Publisher : Balai Penelitian Tanaman Pemanis dan Serat

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.21082/btsm.v9n2.2017.43-52


Peningkatan produktivitas tebu diantaranya dapat dilakukan dengan pemupukan yang tepat. Penggunaan pupuk majemuk masih belum banyak digunakan pada tanaman tebu. Penelitian bertujuan untuk mengevaluasi efektivitas pupuk majemuk NPK terhadap produktivitas tebu dan pendapatan petani dilakukan di Desa Pakiskembar, Kecamatan Pakis, Kabupaten Malang pada November 2014 sampai dengan Oktober 2015. Efektivitas aplikasi pupuk majemuk (PM) dilakukan dengan menguji tujuh dosis pupuk yakni (1) PM 1 (100 N + 50 P2O5 + 60 K2O) kg/ha + pupuk tunggal (40 N) kg/ha, (2) PM 2 (120 N + 60 P2O5 + 72 K2O) kg/ha + pupuk tunggal (40 N) kg/ha, (3) PM 3(140 N + 70 P2O5 + 84 K2O) kg/ha + pupuk tunggal (40 N) kg/ha, (4) PM 4 (100 N + 50 P2O5 + 60 K2O) kg/ha + pupuk tunggal (60 N) kg/ha, (5) PM 5 (120 N + 60 P2O5 + 72 K2O) kg/ha + pupuk tunggal (60 N) kg/ha, (6) PM 6 (140 N + 70 P2O5 + 84 K2O) kg/ha + pupuk tunggal (60 N) kg/ha, dan (7) PM 7 (80 N + 40 P2O5 + 48 K2O) + pupuk tunggal (100 N) kg/ha, (8) PM 8 (60 N + 60 P2O5 + 60 K2O) + Pupuk tunggal 120 N kg/ha (pembanding) dan (9) tanpa dipupuk (kontrol).  Pengujian menggunakan Rancangan Acak Kelompok dan diulang empat kali. Pengamatan dilakukan pada parameter pertumbuhan dan produktivitas. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa dosis pupuk majemuk (140 N + 70 P2O5 + 84 K2O) kg/ha + pupuk tunggal (60 N) kg/ha menghasilkan efektivitas agronomis relatif (RAE) 144,27%, pendapatan bersih Rp.66.720.000,-/ha, nilai R/C ratio 1,84, dan peningkatan produktivitas tebu 36% lebih tinggi dibandingkan dengan aplikasi dosis pupuk pembanding.Effectivity of compound fertilizer application on sugarcane productivity andfarmer’sIncreased productivity of sugarcane can be done through balanced fertilization. In this case, the usage of compound fertilizers is still not use widely on sugarcane crops. The research aims to evaluate the effectiveness of compound fertilizer N20P10K12 on sugarcane productivity and farmer’s income. The research was done in Pakiskembar; subdistrict Pakis, Malang in November 2014 to October 2015. Seven doses of N20P10K12 fertilizers namely (1) 100 N + 50 P + 60 K +40 N single fertilizer kg/ha, (2) 120 N + 60 P + 72 K + 40 N single fertilizer kg/ha, (3) 140 N + 70 P + 84 K + 40 N single fertilizer kg/ha, (4) 100 N + 50 P + 60 K + 60 N single fertilizer kg/ha, (5) 120 N + 60 P + 72 K + 60 N single fertilizer kg/ha, (6) 140 N + 70 P + 84 K + 60 N single fertilizer kg/ha, dan (7) 80 N + 40 P + 48 K + 100 N single fertilizer kg/ha, (8) 60 N + 60 P + 60 K + 120 N single fertilizer kg/ha (a standard fertilizer application) and control (without fertilization) arranged in a randomized block design and replicated four times. Observations were made on parameters of growth and productivity. The results showed that the fertilizer application with dose 140 N + 70 P + 84 K (compound fertilizer) + 60 N single fertilizer kg/ha gave reltive agronomic effectiveness (RAE) 144.27%, net income Rp. 66.72 million/ha, R/C 1.84, and increased productivity of sugarcane 36% higher than that of standard fertilizer application.
BERITA BIOLOGI Vol 17, No 2 (2018)
Publisher : Research Center for Biology-Indonesian Institute of Sciences

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.14203/beritabiologi.v17i2.2287


Improvement of cultivation technology is a part of the sugarcane intensification programs to supply the national sugar demand. Fertilization package is one component in of the of cultivation technology improvement. The research aims to obtain the information on (1) the role of Ca + Mg versus Sulfur nutrients, (2) the integration of low-dosage compound fertilizers with manure versus high-dosage compound fertilizers without manure, and (3) moderate-dosage versus very high-dosage of compound fertilizer without manure in improving productivity, sugar yield and economic benefits in sandy upland. The research was conducted in November 2012 - October 2013 at Asembagus Experimental Station, Situbondo, East Java. Four fertilizer packages was arranged in a Randomized Block Design and replicated three times. Data were analyzed by orthogonal contrast. The results showed that package of compound fertilizer containing Ca + Mg inccreased productivity (11,67%), sugar yield (15,51%) and economic benefit (293,3%) from the package of fertilizer without containing Ca + Mg with high-dosage Sulfur. Package of high-dosage compound fertilizer containing Ca + Mg without manure inccreased productivity (5.82%), sugar yield (8.26%) and economic benefit (54%) from package of low-dose fertilizer + manure. Package of very high-dosage compound fertilizer containing Ca + Mg inccreased productivity (32%), sugar yield (31,32%) and economic benefit (347,7%) from moderate-dosage fertilizer package.
Penerapan Teknologi Sistem Tanam Pada Dua Varietas Wijen (Sesamum Indicum L.) Dengan Tipe Percabangan Yang Berbeda Nunik Eka Diana; Eko W Widaryanto; Setyono Yudo Tyasmoro; Djumali Djumali
Buletin Tanaman Tembakau, Serat & Minyak Industri Vol 13, No 2 (2021): OKTOBER 2021
Publisher : Balai Penelitian Tanaman Pemanis dan Serat

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.21082/btsm.v13n2.2021.127-142


Tanaman wijen sebagai penghasil bahan pangan dan minyak memiliki dua tipe percabangan yaitu bercabang dan tidak bercabang. Sistem tanam yang digunakan selama ini dengan sebar sehingga produksi biji menurun. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengkaji penerapan teknologi sistem tanam pada dua varietas wijen dengan tipe percabangan berbeda. Pengkajian dilakukan di IP2TP Balittas di Karangploso, Malang mulai Maret-Juni 2021.  Pengkajian ini menggunakan Rancangan Acak Kelompok menggunakan dua varietas wijen dengan tipe pecabangan berbeda dengan 6 perlakuan sistem tanam diulang sebanyak 3 kali. Parameter pengamatan meliputi tinggi tanaman, lebar kanopi, luas daun, jumlah daun, indeks luas daun, jumlah polong (kapsul) per tanaman, jumlah biji per kapsul, berat 1000 biji, produksi total dan kadar minyak. Hasil pengkajian menunjukkan bahwa penanaman varietas wijen tipe bercabang memberikan hasil produksi lebih tinggi dibanding tipe tidak bercabang. Penerapan sistem baris pada varietas wijen baik pada tipe bercabang maupun tidak bercabang terbukti memberikan peningkatan hasil dan pertumbuhan secara signifikan dibanding sistem sebar, dengan peningkatan produksi sebesar 84,6% pada varietas wijen tipe bercabang dan 46,8% pada varietas wijen tidak bercabang. Perlakuan sistem tanam baris ganda 30/90 x 25 cm pada varietas wijen tipe bercabang dan 20/60 x 25 cm pada tipe tidak bercabang cenderung memberikan hasil lebih tinggi dibandingkan perlakuan lain. APPLICATION OF PLANTING SISTEM TECHNOLOGY IN TWO VARIETIES OF SESAMUM(Sesamum indicum L.) WITH DIFFERENT BRANCHING TYPESABSTRACTSesame plants as food and oil producers have two types of branching, namely branched and unbranched. Theplanting sistem used so far is by spreading so that seed production decreases. This study aimed to examinethe application of planting sistem technology to two sesame varieties with different branching types. The studywas conducted at the IP2TP Balittas in Karangploso, Malang from March-June 2021. This study used arandomized block design consisting of 2 varieties with different branching types with six treatments of plantingsistem repeated 3 times. Parameters observed included plant height, canopy width, leaf area, number ofleaves, leaf area index, number of pods (capsules) per plant, number of seeds per capsule, weight of 1000seeds, total production and oil content. The results of the study showed that the planting branched typesesame varieties gave higher yields than the unbranched type. The application of the row sistem on sesamevarieties both on branched and unbranched types was proven to provide a significant increase in yield andgrowth compared to the spread sistem, with an increase in production of 84.6% in branched and 46.8% inunbranched type sesame variety. The double row planting sistem with plant spacing of 30/90 x 25 cm on the APPLICATION OF PLANTING SISTEM TECHNOLOGY IN TWO VARIETIES OF SESAMUM(Sesamum indicum L.) WITH DIFFERENT BRANCHING TYPESABSTRACTSesame plants as food and oil producers have two types of branching, namely branched and unbranched. The planting sistem used so far is by spreading so that seed production decreases. This study aimed to examine the application of planting sistem technology to two sesame varieties with different branching types. The study was conducted at the IP2TP Balittas in Karangploso, Malang from March-June 2021. This study used a randomized block design consisting of 2 varieties with  different branching types with six treatments of plantingsistem repeated 3 times. Parameters observed included plant height, canopy width, leaf area, number of leaves, leaf area index, number of pods (capsules) per plant, number of seeds per capsule, weight of 1000 seeds, total production and oil content. The results of the study showed that the planting branched typesesame varieties gave higher yields than the unbranched type. The application of the row sistem on sesame varieties both on branched and unbranched types was proven to provide a significant increase in yield and growth compared to the spread sistem, with an increase in production of 84.6% in branched and 46.8% in unbranched type sesame variety. The double row planting sistem with plant spacing of 30/90 x 25 cm on the branched type sesame variety and the double row sistem of 20/60 x 25 cm on the unbranched type tended togive higher yields than other treatments.   
Pengaruh Pupuk Majemuk Berbentuk Granul dan Briket Terhadap Pertumbuhan, Produktivitas, dan Rendemen Tebu Supriyadi Supriyadi; Nunik Eka Diana; Djumali Djumali
Buletin Tanaman Tembakau, Serat & Minyak Industri Vol 9, No 1 (2017): April 2017
Publisher : Balai Penelitian Tanaman Pemanis dan Serat

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (513.637 KB) | DOI: 10.21082/btsm.v9n1.2017.34-41


Program intensifikasi tebu dalam rangka meningkatkan produksi dan hablur dapat dilakukan dengan penambahan hara tanah melalui aplikasi pupuk.  Penelitian ini bertujuan mengevaluasi efektivitas  pupuk majemuk NPK (22% N:12% P2O5:12% K2O) berbentuk granul dan briket terhadap pertumbuhan, produktivitas, dan rendemen tebu.  Penelitian dilakukan pada bulan November 2012-Oktober 2013 di Kebun Percobaan  Kalipare, Kabupaten Malang. Perlakuan meliputi (1) 600 kg/ha NPK granul (G1), (2) 700 kg/ha NPK granul (G2), (3) 800 kg/ha NPK granul (G3), (4) 1.000 kg/ha NPK granul (G4), (5)  600 kg/ha NPK granul (G5) + 300 kg/ha Ammonium Sulfat (AS), (6) 700 kg/ha NPK granul (G6) + 300 kg/ha AS, (7) 800 kg/ha NPK granul (G7) + 300 kg/ha AS, (8) 1.000 kg/ha NPK granul (G8) + 300 kg/ha AS, (9) 600 kg/ha NPK briket (B1), (10) 700 kg/ha NPK briket (B2), (11) 800 kg/ha NPK briket (B3), (12) 1000 kg/ha NPK briket (B4), (13) 600 kg/ha NPK briket (B5) + 300 kg/ha AS, (14) 700 kg/ha NPK briket (B6) + 300 kg/ha AS, (15) 800 kg/ha NPK briket (B7) + 300 kg/ha AS, (16)  1.000 kg/ha NPK briket (B8) + 300 kg/ha AS, (17) 600 kg/ha (N15, P15, K15) + 500 kg/ha AS (pembanding/aplikasi petani). Rancangan disusun secara acak kelompok dan diulang tiga kali. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa perlakuan B8,  B6, B7, dan G8 menghasilkan pertumbuhan, produktivitas, rendemen, dan hasil hablur lebih tinggi dibanding dengan pembandingnya. Perlakuan B6 paling efisien dalam meningkatkan produktivitas (22,29 ton/ha), hasil hablur (2,03 ton/ha) dan keuntungan (Rp11.013.120,00/ha).The Influence of Granular and Briquette Compound Fertilizers on Growth, Productivity,and Sugar Content of SugarcaneIntensification program of sugarcane in order to increase production and sugar crystal can be done with the addition of soil nutrient through fertilizer application. This study aims to evaluate the effectiveness of NPK compound fertilizer (22% N:12% P2O5:12% K2O) in the form of granular and briquettes to growth, productivity, and sugar content. The research was conducted on November 2012–October 2013 at Kalipare Experiment Station, Malang. The treatments include (1) 600 kg/ha granule NPK (G1), (2) 700 kg/ha granule NPK (G2), (3) 800 kg/ha granule NPK (G3), (4) 1,000 kg/ha NPK granule (G6) + 300 kg/ha NPK granule (G5) + 300 kg/ha Ammonium Sulphate (US), (6) 700 kg/ha NPK granule (G6) + 300 kg / ha US, (7) 800 kg / ha NPK granule (G7) + 300 kg / ha US, (8) 1,000 kg / ha granule NPK (G8) + 300 kg/ha US, (9) 600 kg/ha NPK briquettes (B1), (10) 700 kg/ha NPK briquettes (B3), (12) 1.000 kg/ha NPK briquettes (B4), (13) 600 kg/ha NPK briquettes (B5) + 300 kg/ha US, (14) 700 kg/ha NPK briquette (B6) + 300 kg/ha US, (15) 800 kg/ha NPK briquette (B7) + 300 kg/ha US, (16) 1,000 kg/ha NPK briquettes (B8) + 300 kg/ha US, (17) 600 kg/ha (N15, P15, K15) + 500 kg/ha AS (famer’s application). The experiment was arranged design in randomized block design and repeated three times. The results showed that treatments B8, B6, B7, and G8 resulted in higher growth, productivity, and sugar production compared to farmer’s application. The treatment of B6 is the most efficient in increasing productivity (22.29 ton/ha), sugar production (2.03 ton/ha), and net profit (Rp11,013,120/ha).