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Journal : Forum Penelitian Agro Ekonomi

Kinerja Produksi dan Konsumsi serta Prospek Pencapaian Swasembada Kedelai di Indonesia Dewa Ketut Sadra Swastika
Forum penelitian Agro Ekonomi Vol 33, No 2 (2015): Forum Penelitian Agro Ekonomi
Publisher : Pusat Sosial Ekonomi dan Kebijakan Pertanian

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.21082/fae.v33n2.2015.149-160


EnglishSoybean is one of the strategic commodities required as a source of vegetable protein in Indonesia. Progressing food and feed industries using soybeans as raw material is in line with population growth causing increased soybean demand. However, since the mid-1970s until now domestic soybean production has not been able to meet national demand. This study aims to give a real figure regarding the performance of production and consumption, as well as the future prospects for the achievement of soybean self-sufficiency in Indonesia. This study was conducted through reviewing literatures as well as exploring and examining the relevant data and information from various sources such as BPS and FAO data, as well as related information from some scientific studies published in books, journals, proceedings, and other publications. The results of this literature review supported by statistical data indicated that soybean area and production peaked in 1992, then it declined sharply until 2013. The very sharp decline in harvested area reflects the disincentive for farmers to grow soybean. This condition will weaken national food security. If there is no significant breakthrough in providing incentives for farmers to grow soybeans, the phenomenon of decline in soybean area and production will continue. Along with the increasing demand for soybean, efforts to achieve self-sufficiency become unrealistic, at least until 2025. It implies that launching soybean self-sufficiency in 2017 is unworkable.  IndonesianKedelai merupakan salah satu komoditas strategis karena sangat dibutuhkan sebagai bahan pangan sumber protein nabati yang digemari oleh masyarakat Indonesia. Perkembangan industri pangan dan pakan berbahan baku kedelai, sejalan dengan pertumbuhan penduduk menyebabkan permintaan kedelai terus meningkat. Namun, sejak pertengahan 1970-an hingga kini produksi kedelai dalam negeri belum mampu memenuhi kebutuhan nasional. Kajian ini bertujuan untuk memberi gambaran riil tentang kinerja produksi dan konsumsi, serta prospek pencapaian swasembada kedelai di Indonesia di masa mendatang. Studi ini dilakukan melalui tinjauan pustaka dengan menggali dan menelaah data dan informasi yang relevan dari berbagai sumber seperti data BPS dan FAO, serta informasi yang relevan dari berbagai hasil kajian ilmiah yang diterbikan dalam buku, jurnal, prosiding, dan publikasi lainnya. Hasil tinjauan pustaka yang didukung oleh data statistik menunjukkan bahwa areal dan produksi kedelai yang mencapai puncaknya tahun 1992, terus menurun hingga mencapai sepertiganya pada tahun 2013. Penurunan yang sangat tajam ini mencerminkan makin tidak tertariknya petani menanam kedelai. Defisit kedelai yang harus dipenuhi dari impor terus meningkat. Kondisi ini akan memperlemah ketahanan pangan nasional. Jika tidak ada terobosan yang signifikan untuk memberi insentif bagi petani menanam kedelai, maka fenomena penurunan areal dan produksi kedelai akan terus berlangsung. Dengan permintaan yang terus meningkat, maka upaya pencapaian swasembada kedelai makin jauh dari harapan, setidaknya hingga tahun 2025. Implikasinya ialah bahwa pencanangan swasembada kedelai tahun 2017 adalah sesuatu yang tidak realistis, sehingga perlu ditinjau kembali.
The Characteristics of Poverty and Its Alleviation in Indonesia Dewa Ketut Sadra Swastika; Yana Supriyatna
Forum penelitian Agro Ekonomi Vol 26, No 2 (2008): Forum Penelitian Agro Ekonomi
Publisher : Pusat Sosial Ekonomi dan Kebijakan Pertanian

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.21082/fae.v26n2.2008.103-115


IndonesianMakalah berjudul ini disusun berdasarkan telaahan (review) beberapa hasil penelitian, literatur dan data sekunder dari berbagai sumber. Selama lebih dari tiga dekade, berbagai upaya telah dilakukan untuk mengentaskan masyarakat dari kemiskinan. Sebelum krisis ekonomi, upaya keras tersebut telah berhasil menurunkan angka kemiskinan dari 40 persen tahun 1970-an menjadi 11 persen tahun 1996. Krisis ekonomi  sejak 1997 telah melumpuhkan semua sector ekonomi. Akibatnya, angka kemiskinan meningkat menjadi 25 persen tahun 1998, meskipun turun lagi menjadi 16 persen tahun 2005. Peningkatan harga bahan bakar minyak tahun 2006 berakibat meningkatnya kembali proporsi penduduk miskin menjadi 18 persen. Sebagian besar penduduk miskin berdomisili di perdesaan dan sangat tergantung pada sektor pertanian. Oleh karena itu, sektor pertanian harus dibangun dalam bentuk pembangunan perdesaan terpadu. Strategi pengentasan kemiskinan melalui bantuan tunai, pangan, atau pinjaman dana bergulir terbukti tidak efektif dalam mengentaskan mereka dari kemiskinan. Penyediaan kredit lunak dengan prosedur yang sederhana, disertai dengan pembangunan infrastruktur mungkin lebih efektif. Pada saat yang sama, pemerintah pusat dan daerah hendaknya mendorong dan memfasilitasi swasta untuk berinvestasi dalam agroindustri di perdesaan. Selain itu juga membangun kemitraan usahatani yang saling mengun-tungkan antara petani dengan perusahaan agroindustri. Dengan strategi ini diharapkan keluarga miskin dapat meningkatkan kesejahteraannya melalui penjualan produk, serta dapat bekerja di pabrik pengolahan hasil pertanian, sehingga lebih banyak peluang memperoleh pendapatan, dan jumlah penduduk miskin berkurang.      EnglishThis paper is written based on the review of some studies, literatures and secondary data from some sources. For more than three decades, some efforts have been done, and successfully reduced the number of poverty, from 40 percent in 1970s to 11 percent in 1996. However, the economic crisis started in mid 1997 has caused an increase in the percentage of people under poverty line to almost 25 percent in 1998, although decreased to 16 percent in 2005. An increase in gasoline price has resulted an increase in proportion of poverty to almost 18 percent of the population. Most of the poor are living in rural areas with marginal land, low quality of human resource, and poor infrastructures. On the other hands, they are strongly depending upon agricultural sector. Hence, agricultural sector should be developed in terms of integrated rural development. The strategy of poverty alleviation by giving the poor with granted-cash, food aid, or revolving fund is not the effective way to alleviate poverty. Instead, providing them with soft credit together with development of infrastructures might be more effective. At the same time, the central and local governments should encourage the investors to invest in agro-industry in rural areas. A fair partnership could be developed between farmers and companies. By these strategies, the poor families could help themselves to improve their welfare, through selling their products, as well as working in the agro-industrial sector. Thus, more income can be generated, so that the people living under poverty line will be reduced.
The Role of Post Harvest Handling on Rice Quality in Indonesia Dewa Ketut Sadra Swastika
Forum penelitian Agro Ekonomi Vol 30, No 1 (2012): Forum Penelitian Agro Ekonomi
Publisher : Pusat Sosial Ekonomi dan Kebijakan Pertanian

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.21082/fae.v30n1.2012.1-11


IndonesianBeras berfungsi sebagai makanan pokok dan bahan baku berbagai produk pangan lainnya yang memerlukan kualitas tertentu. Perbaikan kualitas beras tidak memberikan insentif bagi petani dan pedagang di Indonesia, khususnya melalui perontokan, pengeringan, dan penggilingan. Di pihak lain, sebagian besra negara-negara penghasil padi member perhatian lebih pada peningkatan kualitas beras. Kualitas beras meliputi sifat-sifat fisik yang mempengaruhi penampilan maupun sifat-sifat kimia yang menentukan kualitas jika dimasak. Proses produksi, pasca panen, penggilingan dan pemasaran mempengaruhi kualitas beras. Peningkatan kualitas beras akan menguntungkan produsen maupun konsumen beras. Agar pedagang beras bersedia melakukan pasca panen secara baik diperlukan insentif harga yang memadai untuk gabah kering giling dan beras, misalnya harga pembelian oleh pemerintah. Teknologi pasca panen juga harus diperbaiki agar kualitas beras yang dihasilkan menjadi lebih baik. EnglishAside from being a staple food, rice also has many uses, especially for food industry. Various rice uses require quality evaluation according to the requirement for a specific end use. Whether rice is acceptable for an intended use is determined by quality testing based on a fixed set of criteria. In Indonesia, the main problem of rice quality improvement is the absence of incentive for farmers and traders to improve rice quality, especially through proper threshing, drying, and milling. On the other hands, most rice producing countries are currently paying more attention to the development of post harvest handling and processing to ensure higher rice grain quality. Rice quality is multidimensional. It includes both physical characteristics that influence appearance, and chemical characteristics that determine cooking quality. Thus, rice grain quality is determined by: production process, post harvest handling, milling and marketing techniques. Among rice post harvest handling, proper threshing, drying, milling, and storage are the key points to produce good quality rice. Rice quality improvement is expected to increase national welfare by raising the value of rice to either consumers or producers. In order to encourage rice businessmen to do the proper post harvest handling, there should be attractive price incentives policy for selling dried paddy (GKG) and milled rice (beras). Price incentive could be in the form of government purchasing price (HPP). In other words, there should be an attractive incentive to do a proper threshing, drying and rice milling by using improved technology in order to produce high quality rice.
Peran Kelompok Tani dalam Penerapan Teknologi Pertanian Sri Nuryanti; Dewa Ketut Sadra Swastika
Forum penelitian Agro Ekonomi Vol 29, No 2 (2011): Forum Penelitian Agro Ekonomi
Publisher : Pusat Sosial Ekonomi dan Kebijakan Pertanian

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.21082/fae.v29n2.2011.115-128


EnglishThis paper describes roles of farmers’ groups in agricultural technology application. A farmers’ group is defined as a group of farmers informally consolidate themselves based on their common goals in farming activities. Initial spirit of establishing a farmers’ group is to strengthen farmers’ bargaining position, especially in terms of collective purchasing of farm inputs and selling their agricultural products efficiently. Indonesia has a long experience in formation of farmers’ groups since Mass Intensification (BIMAS) and Special Intensification (INSUS) were launched in 1970s-1980s. Currently, most of farmers groups in Indonesia are not formed by farmers themselves, but they are mostly formed as a response to the government program that requires farmers to become members of a farmers’ group. Most of government support for farmers, such as distribution of subsidized fertilizer, agricultural extension, subsidized farm credits and other programs are distributed to farmers’ group or farmers’ groups association. Introduction and promotion of a new technology is also delivered through farmers’ groups. Thus, the roles of a farmers’ group are not only as the means of distributing government assistance and extension services, but also as the agent for new technology adoption.  IndonesianMakalah ini merupakan tinjauan (review) dari berbagai literatur dan hasil penelitian terdahulu, ditujukan untuk mendeskripsikan peran kelompok tani dalam penerapan teknologi pertanian. Kelompok tani didefinisikan sebagai sekelompok petani yang secara informal mengkonsolidasi diri berdasarkan kepentingan bersama dalam berusahatani. Semangat awal pembentukan kelompok tani adalah untuk memperkuat posisi tawar, terutama dalam pengadaan sarana produksi dan pemasaran hasil secara kolektif. Indonesia mempunyai pengalaman panjang pembentukan kelompok tani, sejak diluncurkannya program BIMAS, INSUS dan Supra Insus di era 1970-an dan 1980-an. Saat ini kebanyakan kelompok tani di Indonesia tidak lagi dibentuk atas inisiatif petani dalam memperkuat diri, melainkan kebanyakan merupakan respon dari program-program pemerintah yang mengharuskan petani berkelompok. Umumnya program-program bantuan pemerintah seperti: penyaluran pupuk bersudsidi, penyuluhan teknologi pertanian, kredit usahatani bersubsidi, dan program-program lain disalurkan melalui kelompok tani atau gabungan kelompok tani (Gapoktan). Petani yang ingin mendapat teknologi baru dan berbagai program bantuan pemerintah harus menjadi anggota kelompok atau anggota Gapoktan. Dengan demikian, peran kelompok tani tidak hanya sebagai media untuk menyalurkan bantuan-bantuan pemerintah, tetapi juga sebagai agen penerapan teknologi baru.
Swasembada Kedelai: antara Harapan dan Kenyataan Dewa Ketut Sadra Swastika
Forum penelitian Agro Ekonomi Vol 15, No 1-2 (1997): Forum Penelitian Agro Ekonomi
Publisher : Pusat Sosial Ekonomi dan Kebijakan Pertanian

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.21082/fae.v15n1-2.1997.57-66


In Indonesia, soybean is the third important food crop after rice and corn. After being success in achieving rice  self-sufficiency, the goverment of Indonesia is trying to achieve self-suuficiency in other food crops like corn and soybean. Many efforts were done, including introduction of new varieties, special intensification (Gersus and Opsus), credit on palawija,and price policy, in order to encourage farmers to produce more soybean. This article is trying to show the performance of soybean self-sufficiency during the period of 25 years (1969-93) , and the future prospect of achieving self-sufficiency. The result of this study shows that since 1975 Indonesia fails to achieve self-sufficiency in soybean. This is due to the fact that the improvement of technology in soybean  cultural practice is relatively slow compared to that of rice. The slow progress of technology in combination with the slow process of transfer of technology from reseach institutes to farmers have resulted in a low yield. From 1988 to 1994 the yield was stagnant at about 1.1 tons/ha in average. Another constraint to achieve soybean self-sufficiency is the fact that soybean is a temperate crop. In Indonesia, it gives a better yield in the high altitude areas. On the other hands, soybean in high altitude is less competitived compared to horticulture crops, esspecialy vegetables. Therefore, special efforts are needed, esspecialy the utilization of bio-technology in plant breeding program of soybean in order to accelerate the achievement of soybean self sufficiency in the future