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Dinamika Pola Pemasaran Gabah dan Beras di Indonesia Sudi Mardianto; Yana Supriyatna; Nur Khoiriyah Agustin
Forum penelitian Agro Ekonomi Vol 23, No 2 (2005): Forum Penelitian Agro Ekonomi
Publisher : Pusat Sosial Ekonomi dan Kebijakan Pertanian

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.21082/fae.v23n2.2005.116-131


EnglishRice and unhusked rice marketing systems are highly correlated with farmers’ income. The paper discusses rice and unhusked rice marketing patterns in Indonesia and observes the function of each channel in details. Food marketing system is affected by the government policy, but how the government intervenes in a market is still debatable. Types and targets of the government’s intervention in market mechanism are different between the developing and developed countries. Currently the consumers’ preference changes from purchasing rice as a commodity to rice as a product. It should satisfy the following criteria, namely containing certain nutrients, low glucose content, and organic product. The consumers’ preference change results in rice marketing patterns, which are segmented into income groups. At farm level, however, unhusked rice and rice marketing patterns do not change significantly. The paper describes marketing patterns in three regions in Indonesia during the controlled price (New Order) period and free market era. Rice policy in the country is highly correlated with Bulog. Thus, role of and results achieved by Bulog are presented.IndonesianSistem pemasaran gabah dan beras memiliki keterkaitan yang cukup erat dengan tingkat pendapatan petani. Makalah ini mengkaji tentang pola pemasaran gabah dan beras di Indonesia untuk melihat secara lebih mendalam fungsi dari masing-masing tingkatan perdagangan gabah dan beras. Sistem pemasaran pangan tidak terlepas dari peranan pemerintah, namun bagaimana peranan pemerintah dalam suatu pasar seharusnya masih menjadi polemik. Bentuk dan sasaran intervensi pemerintah dalam mekanisme pasar tersebut bervariasi antara negara maju dengan negara berkembang. Dewasa ini mulai terjadi perubahan preferensi konsumen yang tidak lagi sekedar membeli beras sebagai komoditas, namun mulai bergeser ke arah beras yang dipandang sebagai produk, yakni yang mengandung nutrisi tertentu, kandungan glukosa yang rendah dan proses produksi yang tidak menggunakan bahan kimia. Perubahan preferensi konsumen tersebut berdampak terhadap pola pemasaran beras yang tersegmentasi menurut kelas-kelas pendapatan konsumen. Berkaitan dengan pola pemasaran gabah dan beras, hingga saat ini pola pemasaran gabah dan beras di tingkat petani tidak mengalami perubahan yang berarti. Untuk membuktikan hal tersebut, maka diuraikan perkembangan pola pemasaran di tiga daerah di Indonesia pada periode harga terkendali (Orde Baru) dan periode pasar bebas. Kebijakan perberasan di Indonesia juga sangat terkait dengan Bulog, sehingga peranan dan hasil-hasil yang telah dicapai oleh Bulog relevan untuk disajikan.
The Characteristics of Poverty and Its Alleviation in Indonesia Dewa Ketut Sadra Swastika; Yana Supriyatna
Forum penelitian Agro Ekonomi Vol 26, No 2 (2008): Forum Penelitian Agro Ekonomi
Publisher : Pusat Sosial Ekonomi dan Kebijakan Pertanian

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.21082/fae.v26n2.2008.103-115


IndonesianMakalah berjudul ini disusun berdasarkan telaahan (review) beberapa hasil penelitian, literatur dan data sekunder dari berbagai sumber. Selama lebih dari tiga dekade, berbagai upaya telah dilakukan untuk mengentaskan masyarakat dari kemiskinan. Sebelum krisis ekonomi, upaya keras tersebut telah berhasil menurunkan angka kemiskinan dari 40 persen tahun 1970-an menjadi 11 persen tahun 1996. Krisis ekonomi  sejak 1997 telah melumpuhkan semua sector ekonomi. Akibatnya, angka kemiskinan meningkat menjadi 25 persen tahun 1998, meskipun turun lagi menjadi 16 persen tahun 2005. Peningkatan harga bahan bakar minyak tahun 2006 berakibat meningkatnya kembali proporsi penduduk miskin menjadi 18 persen. Sebagian besar penduduk miskin berdomisili di perdesaan dan sangat tergantung pada sektor pertanian. Oleh karena itu, sektor pertanian harus dibangun dalam bentuk pembangunan perdesaan terpadu. Strategi pengentasan kemiskinan melalui bantuan tunai, pangan, atau pinjaman dana bergulir terbukti tidak efektif dalam mengentaskan mereka dari kemiskinan. Penyediaan kredit lunak dengan prosedur yang sederhana, disertai dengan pembangunan infrastruktur mungkin lebih efektif. Pada saat yang sama, pemerintah pusat dan daerah hendaknya mendorong dan memfasilitasi swasta untuk berinvestasi dalam agroindustri di perdesaan. Selain itu juga membangun kemitraan usahatani yang saling mengun-tungkan antara petani dengan perusahaan agroindustri. Dengan strategi ini diharapkan keluarga miskin dapat meningkatkan kesejahteraannya melalui penjualan produk, serta dapat bekerja di pabrik pengolahan hasil pertanian, sehingga lebih banyak peluang memperoleh pendapatan, dan jumlah penduduk miskin berkurang.      EnglishThis paper is written based on the review of some studies, literatures and secondary data from some sources. For more than three decades, some efforts have been done, and successfully reduced the number of poverty, from 40 percent in 1970s to 11 percent in 1996. However, the economic crisis started in mid 1997 has caused an increase in the percentage of people under poverty line to almost 25 percent in 1998, although decreased to 16 percent in 2005. An increase in gasoline price has resulted an increase in proportion of poverty to almost 18 percent of the population. Most of the poor are living in rural areas with marginal land, low quality of human resource, and poor infrastructures. On the other hands, they are strongly depending upon agricultural sector. Hence, agricultural sector should be developed in terms of integrated rural development. The strategy of poverty alleviation by giving the poor with granted-cash, food aid, or revolving fund is not the effective way to alleviate poverty. Instead, providing them with soft credit together with development of infrastructures might be more effective. At the same time, the central and local governments should encourage the investors to invest in agro-industry in rural areas. A fair partnership could be developed between farmers and companies. By these strategies, the poor families could help themselves to improve their welfare, through selling their products, as well as working in the agro-industrial sector. Thus, more income can be generated, so that the people living under poverty line will be reduced.
SOCA: Jurnal Sosial Ekonomi Pertanian Vol. 3, No. 2 Juli 2003
Publisher : Program Studi Agribisnis, Fakultas Pertanian, Universitas Udayana Jalan PB.Sudirman Denpasar, Bali, Indonesia. Telp: (0361) 223544 Email:

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (122.211 KB)


Historically correlation between landowner and land holding structure with householdincome structure in the rural area is linearity. Land owner or land holding structure inequalitymain factors to cause income structure inequality. In condition, there are the opportunityemploy and economic activity to open up, why is the correlation between landowner and landholding structure with the income structure? This paper objective to study: (1) Land owneror land holding structure in the rural area; (2) Household income structure in the rural area;and (3) The correlation between landowner and land holding structure with the householdincome structure in the rural area. Location on this study to focused in the three district inthree provincial exes. Klaten, central Java; Pasaman, West Sumatera; and Landak, WestKalimantan. The study to analyze by descriptive, gini index, and correlation analyze. Ingeneral, land owner and land holding size in Klaten, central Java less than West Sumatera andWest Kalimantan. Gini index analysis relatively to indicate high equality, except in Pasaman,West Sumatera. Inequality on land holding lower than landowner in all location. Totalincome in Klaten, Central Java to range Rp. 6,77 - 6,97 million/years; Pasaman, WestSumatera to range Rp. 7,30 – Rp. 8,10 million/years; and in Landak, West Kalimantan torange Rp. 5,90 – 6,65 million/years. Analyze gini index for household income to indicatehigh inequality income structure rural area in Klaten. On the other hand, rural area inPasaman, West Sumatera and Landak, West Kalimantan gini index result reflecting lowinequality. There are deferent factors by location to cause inequality of landowner or landholding and household income structure, in Klaten rural area caused by high proportionincome source from non-agriculture. On the other hand, in Pasaman and Landak rural areacaused by level of technology adoption and kind of commodity planting by farmers.Statistically, correlation between landowner and land holding structure with householdagriculture income is not significant. Correlation between total income with the landowner orland holding in Pasaman, West Java is significant, but in Klaten, Central Java and Landak,West Java is not significant.
SOCA: Jurnal Sosial Ekonomi Pertanian Vol. 4, No. 1 Februari 2004
Publisher : Program Studi Agribisnis, Fakultas Pertanian, Universitas Udayana Jalan PB.Sudirman Denpasar, Bali, Indonesia. Telp: (0361) 223544 Email:

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (140.349 KB)


Historically correlation between landowner and land holding structure with householdincome structure in the rural area is linearity. Land owner or land holding structure inequalitymain factors to cause income structure inequality. In condition, there are the opportunityemploy and economic activity to open up, why is the correlation between landowner and landholding structure with the income structure? This paper objective to study: (1) Land owneror land holding structure in the rural area; (2) Household income structure in the rural area;and (3) The correlation between landowner and land holding structure with the householdincome structure in the rural area. Location on this study to focused in the three district inthree provincial exes. Klaten, central Java; Pasaman, West Sumatera; and Landak, WestKalimantan. The study to analyze by descriptive, gini index, and correlation analyze. Ingeneral, land owner and land holding size in Klaten, central Java less than West Sumatera andWest Kalimantan. Gini index analysis relatively to indicate high equality, except in Pasaman,West Sumatera. Inequality on land holding lower than landowner does in all location. Totalincome in Klaten, Central Java to range Rp. 6,77 - 6,97 million/years; Pasaman, WestSumatera to range Rp. 7,30 – Rp. 8,10 million/years; and in Landak, West Kalimantan torange Rp. 5,90 – 6,65 million/years. Analyze gini index for household income to indicatehigh inequality income structure rural area in Klaten. On the other hand, rural area inPasaman, West Sumatera and Landak, West Kalimantan gini index result reflecting lowinequality. There are deferent factors by location to cause inequality of landowner or landholding and household income structure, in Klaten rural area caused by high proportionincome source from non-agriculture. On the other hand, in Pasaman and Landak rural areacaused by level of technology adoption and kind of commodity planting by farmers.Statistically, correlation between landowner and land holding structure with householdagriculture income is not significant. Correlation between total income with the landowner orland holding in Pasaman, West Java is significant, but in Klaten, Central Java and Landak,West Java is not significant.