Andi Amran Sulaiman
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KINERJA DAN PERSPEKTIF AGRIBISNIS LADA DALAM UPAYA MENINGKATKAN KESEJAHTERAAN PETANI / Performance and Perpective Agribusiness of Agribusiness In Efforts to Increase Farmer Welfare Andi Amran Sulaiman; Valeriana Darwis
Perspektif Vol 17, No 1 (2018): Juni 2018
Publisher : Puslitbang Perkebunan

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.21082/psp.v17n1.2018.52-66


ABSTRAKIndonesia pernah menjadi negara peringkat pertama sebagai produsen lada dunia dan pada tahun 2017 kontribusi lada Indonesia terhadap lada dunia sebesar 19% dibawah kontribusi Vietnam sebesar 27%. Agar bisa mempertahankan peringkat atau meraih kembali sebagai produsen tertinggi dunia, maka produksi lada harus ditingkatkan. Disisi lain perlu dioptimalkan kinerja agribisnis lada dalam meningkatkan kesejahteraan petaninya. Tulisan ini mempergunakan data sekunder dari BPS, IPC dan Direktorat Jenderal Perkebunan Kementerian Pertanian. Data yang terkumpul dianalisis dengan metode deskriptif. Produksi lada bisa ditingkatkan dengan cara: (1) penambahan luas areal berdasarkan pedoman teknis yang sudah dibuat oleh Direktorat Jenderal Perkebunan dan (2) peningkatan produktivitas lada yang masih dibawah rata-rata 1 ton/ha atau jauh dibawah Vietnam (3,2 ton/ha) melalui penerapan budidaya berdasarkan Good Agricultural Practices (GAP) dan Good Manufacture Practices (GMP)  terutama dalam: (i) peningkatan sosialisasi dan pemakaian bibit unggul yang sudah dirilis oleh Litbang Kementan atau bibit lokal yang sudah memperhatikan mutu genetis, mutu fisik dan mutu fisiologis.  (ii) Jenis dan dosis pupuk hendaknya memperhatikan jenis tanah dan umur tanaman. (iii) Lebih disarankan mempergunakan tajar hidup, karena bisa memperpanjang umur ekonomis tanaman lada. Adapun peningkatan kinerja agribisnis lada dimulai dari: (i) peningkatan mutu produk dengan memperbaiki teknologi pasca panen khususnya mempergunakan alat pengolahan dalam perontokkan, pengupasan dan pengeringan lada. (ii) Penerapan standar SNI dalam perdagangan lada dimulai dari tingkat petani. Tujuannya agar petani dapat menjual lada sesuai dengan mutu produk yang dihasilkan. (iii) Memperpendek rantai pasar dengan cara membuat kerjasama perdagangan antara petani dengan pedagang besar atau eksportir. (iv) Petani tidak menjual lada dalam bentuk primer. (v) Untuk stabilisasi harga lada disarankan pemerintah menerapkan kebijakan resi gudang.ABSTRACTIndonesia has been the first country to rank as a world pepper producer and by 2017 Indonesia pepper contribution to the world pepper by 19% under Vietnam's contribution by 27%. In order to maintain a rank or regain as the world's highest producer, pepper production must be improved. On the other hand need to be optimized pepper agribusiness performance in improving the welfare of the farmers. This paper uses secondary data from BPS, IPC and Directorate General of Plantation Ministry of Agriculture. The collected data was analyzed by descriptive method. The production of pepper can be increased by (1) additional area based on technical guideline made by Directorate General of Plantation and (2) increase of pepper productivity which is still below average 1 ton/ha or far below Vietnam (3.2 ton/ha ) through the application of cultivation based on Good Agricultural Practices (GAP) and Good Manufacture Practices (GMP), especially in: (i) enhancement of socialization and use of superior seeds that have been released by Research and Development of the Ministry of Agriculture or local seedlings that have paid attention to genetic quality, physical quality and physiological quality. (ii) The type and dosage of fertilizer should consider soil type and plant age. (iii) It is advisable to use live supports, because it can extend the economic life of pepper plants. The improvement of pepper agribusiness performance starts from: (i) improvement of product quality by improving post harvest technology especially using processing tool in threshing, peeling and drying of pepper. (ii) Implementation of SNI standard in pepper trade starting from farmer level. The goal is that farmers can sell pepper in accordance with the quality of the resulting product. (iii) Shortening the market chain by making trade cooperation between farmers and wholesalers or exporters. (iv) Farmers do not sell pepper in primary form. (v) For the stabilization of the price of pepper it is recommended that the government adopt a warehouse receipt policy. 
KINERJA DAN PERSPEKTIF AGRIBISNIS LADA DALAM UPAYA MENINGKATKAN KESEJAHTERAAN PETANI / Performance and Perpective Agribusiness of Agribusiness In Efforts to Increase Farmer Welfare Andi Amran Sulaiman; Valeriana Darwis
Perspektif Vol 17, No 1 (2018): Juni 2018
Publisher : Puslitbang Perkebunan

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (534.683 KB) | DOI: 10.21082/psp.v17n1.2018.52-66


ABSTRAKIndonesia pernah menjadi negara peringkat pertama sebagai produsen lada dunia dan pada tahun 2017 kontribusi lada Indonesia terhadap lada dunia sebesar 19% dibawah kontribusi Vietnam sebesar 27%. Agar bisa mempertahankan peringkat atau meraih kembali sebagai produsen tertinggi dunia, maka produksi lada harus ditingkatkan. Disisi lain perlu dioptimalkan kinerja agribisnis lada dalam meningkatkan kesejahteraan petaninya. Tulisan ini mempergunakan data sekunder dari BPS, IPC dan Direktorat Jenderal Perkebunan Kementerian Pertanian. Data yang terkumpul dianalisis dengan metode deskriptif. Produksi lada bisa ditingkatkan dengan cara: (1) penambahan luas areal berdasarkan pedoman teknis yang sudah dibuat oleh Direktorat Jenderal Perkebunan dan (2) peningkatan produktivitas lada yang masih dibawah rata-rata 1 ton/ha atau jauh dibawah Vietnam (3,2 ton/ha) melalui penerapan budidaya berdasarkan Good Agricultural Practices (GAP) dan Good Manufacture Practices (GMP)  terutama dalam: (i) peningkatan sosialisasi dan pemakaian bibit unggul yang sudah dirilis oleh Litbang Kementan atau bibit lokal yang sudah memperhatikan mutu genetis, mutu fisik dan mutu fisiologis.  (ii) Jenis dan dosis pupuk hendaknya memperhatikan jenis tanah dan umur tanaman. (iii) Lebih disarankan mempergunakan tajar hidup, karena bisa memperpanjang umur ekonomis tanaman lada. Adapun peningkatan kinerja agribisnis lada dimulai dari: (i) peningkatan mutu produk dengan memperbaiki teknologi pasca panen khususnya mempergunakan alat pengolahan dalam perontokkan, pengupasan dan pengeringan lada. (ii) Penerapan standar SNI dalam perdagangan lada dimulai dari tingkat petani. Tujuannya agar petani dapat menjual lada sesuai dengan mutu produk yang dihasilkan. (iii) Memperpendek rantai pasar dengan cara membuat kerjasama perdagangan antara petani dengan pedagang besar atau eksportir. (iv) Petani tidak menjual lada dalam bentuk primer. (v) Untuk stabilisasi harga lada disarankan pemerintah menerapkan kebijakan resi gudang.ABSTRACTIndonesia has been the first country to rank as a world pepper producer and by 2017 Indonesia pepper contribution to the world pepper by 19% under Vietnam's contribution by 27%. In order to maintain a rank or regain as the world's highest producer, pepper production must be improved. On the other hand need to be optimized pepper agribusiness performance in improving the welfare of the farmers. This paper uses secondary data from BPS, IPC and Directorate General of Plantation Ministry of Agriculture. The collected data was analyzed by descriptive method. The production of pepper can be increased by (1) additional area based on technical guideline made by Directorate General of Plantation and (2) increase of pepper productivity which is still below average 1 ton/ha or far below Vietnam (3.2 ton/ha ) through the application of cultivation based on Good Agricultural Practices (GAP) and Good Manufacture Practices (GMP), especially in: (i) enhancement of socialization and use of superior seeds that have been released by Research and Development of the Ministry of Agriculture or local seedlings that have paid attention to genetic quality, physical quality and physiological quality. (ii) The type and dosage of fertilizer should consider soil type and plant age. (iii) It is advisable to use live supports, because it can extend the economic life of pepper plants. The improvement of pepper agribusiness performance starts from: (i) improvement of product quality by improving post harvest technology especially using processing tool in threshing, peeling and drying of pepper. (ii) Implementation of SNI standard in pepper trade starting from farmer level. The goal is that farmers can sell pepper in accordance with the quality of the resulting product. (iii) Shortening the market chain by making trade cooperation between farmers and wholesalers or exporters. (iv) Farmers do not sell pepper in primary form. (v) For the stabilization of the price of pepper it is recommended that the government adopt a warehouse receipt policy. 
The Role of Local Institutions in Seaweed Marketing Nur Inda Sari; Muhammad Arsyad; Andi Amran Sulaiman; Diana Rifka Simanullang; Ikram Mubarak Djodding
Indigenous Agriculture Vol. 1 No. 2 (2023): Indigenous Agriculture
Publisher : Universitas Hasanuddin

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.20956/ia.v1i2.32594


The potential of Indonesian marine and Indonesian fisheries is so great, especially now that this potential has been supported by various program policies and development activities in the marine and fisheries sector, however, in line with such rapid changes in all fields both on an international and national scale, the program policies and development activities of the marine and fisheries sector require adjustments or changes in order to meet economic needs that are more focused on improvement of people's welfare. Supporting the role of local institutions in marketing seaweed which is one of the marine resource commodities that has high economic value, is easy to cultivate and relatively low production costs. Therefore, this study aims to find out what is the role of local institutions in seaweed marketing. The data analysis technique used is qualitative analysis whose analytics are interpretive and interpretive understanding or verstehen. The qualitative definition here means that the data presented is in the form of words into the form of expanded text instead of numbers Data from interviews and observations are written in a detailed field note and then analyzed qualitatively. To obtain accurate data. The results showed that the role of local institutions in terms of seaweed marketing, namely formal institutions, especially cooperatives, has not been well institutionalized among the community in Jeneponto Regency because there is still a lack of farmers who are interested in participating in the cooperative, for non-formal institutions only in marketing activities. So that local institutions in Jeneponto district, both formal and informal, have not been able to fully support seaweed cultivation activities, especially in seaweed marketing.