Nurul Lailiyah
STIT al Urwatul Wutsqo Jombang

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Manajemen Peningkatan Kualitas Personalia di Lembaga Pendidikan Islam Nurul Lailiyah
Al-Idaroh: Jurnal Studi Manajemen Pendidikan Islam Vol. 1 No. 2 (2017): September
Publisher : Lembaga Penelitian, Penerbitan dan Pengabdian (LP3M) STIT al Urwatul Wutsqo Jombang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.54437/alidaroh.v1i2.35


Personnel management is management which gets at staffing issues in an institution. It needs smart and skilled employees to make them work effective and efficiently. Therefore, institution has to carry out strict selection in accepting new employees. Likewise, the institution aims will be reached if they have smart and skilled employees, and its amount is adequate. The main goal of personnel management is planning, procurement, development, promotion and transfer, dismissal, retirement, and welfare of employees. The rapid change in society should be followed schools by increasing its personal profession, and the capacity building is not based on their work experience only, since the length of profession practice is not an increasing ability guarantee. Thereof, the head master as manager can improve the personnel profession in various ways.
Problematika Pembentukan Karakter Islami Peserta Didik di MTs Islamiyah Bulurejo Damarwulan Kepung Kediri Nurul Lailiyah; Riyadhotul Badi’ah
TA'LIM : Jurnal Studi Pendidikan Islam Vol 2 No 1 (2019): January
Publisher : Program Studi Pendidikan Agama Islam Fakultas Agama Islam Universitas Islam Darul 'Ulum Lamongan

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.52166/talim.v2i1.1271


This study discusses the problem of forming Islamic character of students at MTs Islamiyah Bulurejo Damarwulan Kepung Kediri. The approach in this study is a qualitative type case study. In collecting data used participant observation methods, in-depth interviews and documentation. The data analysis technique uses a model of several interrelated components, namely data collection, data reduction, data presentation and conclusion drawing. To check the validity of the data used extension of research, persistence of observation, and triangulation. Efforts made in overcoming the problem of character building are inviting student guardians to be invited to discussions and given direction so that there is a balance of education in schools and in the family environment. Students who still do not reflect the behavior or character of responsibility and discipline by being called to the office when going home from school to be guided again about character education continuously until there are changes in their behavior. Maximize the habituation method. In this case the habituation method in the form of the regulation is by giving a punishment in the form of reading istihgfar, reading short letters, reading the intentions of praying and cleaning the bathroom so that students can be deterrent in addition to the punishment. educational.
Peran Guru Pendidikan Agama Islam dalam Pembinaan Akhlak Siswa di SMK Matsna Karim Diwek Jombang Musli’ah Musli’ah; Ahsanatul Khulailiyah; Nurul Lailiyah
Irsyaduna: Jurnal Studi Kemahasiswaaan Vol. 2 No. 1 (2022): April
Publisher : LP3M STIT Al Urwatul Wutsqo Jombang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (271.532 KB) | DOI: 10.54437/irsyaduna.v2i1.419


The aims of this research are 1). to describe students' morals to others and students' morals to teachers at SMK Matsna Karim Diwek Jombang 2). describe the role of teachers as educators and mentors in fostering students' morals at SMK Matsna Karim Diwek Jombang. This research is a qualitativefield research, the form of the research is descriptive qualitative using data collection techniques, namely observation, interviews, and documentation. Furthermore, data analysis was carried out using descriptive qualitative analysis. The results showed that: 1.) Morals of students to others at SMK Matsna Karim Diwek Jombang include: respecting fellow friends, greeting each other, and helping to help but there are some students who lack morals such as: not participating in religious activities, still sitting around in the canteen during class hours while the morals of students to teachers at the Matsna Karim Diwek Jombang Vocational School include: greeting the teacher, being obedient to the teacher, speaking politely to the teacher, paying attention to the teacher and discipline but there are some who lack morals such as: not participating in religious activities, still sitting in the cafeteria during class hours. 2.) The role of Islamic religious education teachers in fostering the morals of students at SMK Matsna Karim Diwek Jombang, focused on two roles, namely: As educators, teachers as educators at SMK Matsna Karim such as teaching how to read the Qur'an, how to speak well to anyone, admonishing students when speaking badly and reminding students to perform worship on time and as a guide in moral development by holding habituation of religious activities, namely dhuha prayer in congregation, dhuhur prayer in congregation, reading the Qur'an, Istiqosah, and the observance of Islamic holidays.