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Kumpulan Jurnal Mahasiswa Fakultas Hukum Sarjana Ilmu Hukum, Maret 2018
Publisher : Kumpulan Jurnal Mahasiswa Fakultas Hukum

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Dzulkarnain Alghafuru Syahputra, Lutfi Effendi, S.H., M.Hum, Arief Zainudin, S.H.,M.Hum Fakultas Hukum Universitas Brawijaya Email:   Abstrak Penelitian ini bertujuan mendiskripsikan Perlindungan Hukum Terhadap Hak Untuk Memperoleh Tunjangan Profesi Dosen Dalam Perspektif Pasal 52 Ayat (1) (2) Dan (3) Undang-Undang Nomor 14 Tahun 2005 Tentang Guru Dan Dosen. Penelitian ini bersifat yuridis empiris Dalam penelitian ini penulis melakukan penelitian terhadap perlindungan hukum merupakan penelitian yang membahas bagaimana bentuk perlindungan bagi dosen yang telah memiliki sertrifikat pendidik tetapi tidak mendapatkan haknya.Penelitian ini menggunakan metode pendekatan yuridis sosiologis. Peneliti melakukan penelitian mencari hambatan tersebut. Teknik analisis data adalah dengan akan mudah memperoleh berbagai alternative yang dapat difungsikan untuk memecahkan suatu kasus yang ada dalam penelitian. Pada pasal 52 Ayat (1) menjelaskan perlindungan hukum yang dimaksud berupa tunjangan fungsional, tunjangan professional, tunjangan profesi, tunjangan khusus, tunjangan kehormatan, serta maslahat tambahan yang terkait dengan tugas tersebut, Pada pasal 52 Ayat (3) menjelaskan dosen yang telah diangkat satuan pendidik tinggi yang dieselenggarakan oleh masyarakat atau bisa disebut dosen swasta berhak atas tunjangan. Padal pasal 54 Ayat (2) menjelaskan bahwa pemerintah memberikan subsidi tunjangan fungsional kepada dosen swasta tersebut. Hanya masalah internal di kampus tersebut semua dosen terkena imbasnya.Sejauh ini upaya dari mantan Ketua STIH 2011-2015 Bapak A.Azis Maulana melakukan kunjungan ke Koopertis VII untuk menyatakan kejelasan dalam pembayaran tetapi Koopertis VII tidak menjelaskan dengan jelas hanya ucapan tidak berupa bentuk tulisan. Mantan Ketua STIH melakukan upaya ke Dirjen Dikti tetapi Dirjen Dikti memberikan saran untuk melampirkan beban kerja dosen selama satu semester. Beliau telah mengikuti perintah Dirjen Dikti tetapi tetap tidak memberikan jawaban yang jelas untuk cairnya tunjangan profesi tersebut. Kata kunci : Perlindungan, Yayasan Pendidikan Sunan Giri, Undang-Undang Nomor 14 Tahun 2005 Tentang Guru Dan Dosen Abstract This research is aimed to describe the legal protection of the right of allowance of lecturing profession in the perspective of Article 52 Paragraph (1) (2) and (3) of Law Number 14 Year 2005 on Teachers and Lecturers. This is an empirical juridical research investigating what legal protection should be provided for lecturers who have teaching certificate but are not given allowance. Digging this problem more deeply, the author employed socio-juridical approach. The research data were analyzed to obtain some alternatives which could be used to give a solution to the problem found during observation. The form of legal protection, as stated in Article 52 Paragraph (1), involves functional allowance, profession allowance, professional allowance, special allowance, reward allowance, and other benefits related to the tasks performed. Article 52 Paragraph (3) states that lecturers that are appointed by higher education institution held by a society, or commonly known as lecturers of non-public institution should have their right of allowance. According to Article 54 Paragraph (2), the government should give functional allowance to non-public institution lecturers, but in reality, they fail to have their right due to internal error in campuses where they are hired. So far, there have been some efforts done, one of which is the visit to KOPERTIS VII paid by former Head of STIH 2011-2015 A. Azis Maulana to ask for clarification regarding the payment to lecturers, but it was not responded clearly, and the feedback was only made orally without any written form. This effort has extended to Directorate General of Higher Education (DIKTI) in which it advised that workload of lecturers for one semester should be informed to propose the allowance. When this command from DIKTI was done as it should be, the certainty regarding the allowance remains murky. Keywords: protection, Education Foundation of Sunan Giri, Law Number 14 Year 2005 on Teachers and Lecturers  
The Use of Article 378 of the Criminal Code against Violations of Article 43 Paragraph 2 of the Flats Law on Legal Certainty of Land Ownership Status Dzulkarnain Alghafuru Syahputra; Bambang Sugiri; Milda Istiqomah
Budapest International Research and Critics Institute (BIRCI-Journal): Humanities and Social Sciences Vol 4, No 3 (2021): Budapest International Research and Critics Institute August
Publisher : Budapest International Research and Critics University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33258/birci.v4i3.2110


The developer of the apartment is allowed to sell the apartment unit that has not been completed after fulfilling the requirements and obligations as regulated in Article 43 paragraph (2) of the Flats Law. This study aims to analyze and find the accuracy of using Article 378 of the Criminal Code to adjudicate violations of Article 43 paragraph (2) of the Flats Law related to the certainty of land ownership status as the basis for making PPJB and criminal responsibility for notaries against the occurrence of criminal acts in the deed he made related to with the principle of prudence of a notary in carrying out his office. The research method used in this study is normative juridical law research, the approach method used is the statutory regulation approach and the conceptual approach as well as the case approach. From the results of the research and discussion, it can be concluded first: the use of Article 378 of the Criminal Code which is applied to violations of Article 43 paragraph (2) of the Flats Law is inappropriate. The appropriate article for the violation is Article 110 of the Flats Law. Second: For criminal acts that are contained in a notary deed, it can cause the notary to be held criminally responsible for participating in helping the occurrence of a crime.