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Implementasi Sistem Merit dalam Rekrutmen ASN di Kabupaten Kampar lisa nurmaya; Rury Febrina
Journal of Governance Innovation Vol. 3 No. 1 (2021): Volume 3 Nomor 1, Maret 2021
Publisher : Program Studi Ilmu Pemerintahan Universitas Islam Raden Rahmat Malang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.36636/jogiv.v3i1.628


ASN recruitment is important in recruiting employees  needed in running the organization. Recruitment or placement of employees according to the merit system is the placement of the best people to occupy the positions needed because of the quality and capacity they control. As for the purpose of the implementation of this study, namely to understand the application of ASN recruitment in Kampar District. As for the research method used in this research is descriptive research. The conclusions obtained from this study are indicators of implementation of merit system rules which are related to the implementation of recruitment, namely: 1) organized and orderly planning carried out throughcreative and innovative recruitment techniques, 2) each participant selection candidate must have a responsibility and be well explained, 3) the implementation of the recruitment system links participants who have the ability and become an appropriate source in the implementation of the survey to be ableaccommodating all people from various groups, 4) each candidate for selection is given fair treatment regardless of their background from which race 5) recruitment is carried out on knowledge, ability and expertise based on open and fair competition for everyone forget equal opportunities available, 6) the implementation of procedures for selection can be carried out in order to confirm that candidates have the ability and the right to get a position in the right job according to their abilities, 7) staff who are accepted should be protected from various special attitudesbecause of something or the attitude of deception for political purposes.   Rekrutmen ASN adalah hal penting dalam pengadaan pegawai sesuai kebutuhan di dalam menjalankan organisasi. Rekrutmen atau penempatan pegawai menurut sistem merit merupakan penempatan orang-orang terbaik untuk menempati jabatan yang diperlukan karena kualitas dan kapasitas  yang dikuasainya. Adapun tujuan pelaksanaan Penelitian ini yaitu untuk memahami penerapan rekrutmen ASN yang berada dalam Kabupaten Kampar. Adapun metode penelitian yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini yaitu penelitian deskriptif. Kesimpulan yang diperoleh dari penelitian ini adalah  Indikator pelaksanaan aturan merit sistem dimana terkait dengan pelaksaaan  rekrutmen  yaitu: 1) perencanaan yang tertata dan teratur yang dilakukan melalui teknik rekrut merekrut yang kreatif dan inovatif, 2) setiap calon seleksi ikut berperan serta harus memiliki tanggung jawab dan dijelaskan dengan baik, 3) pelaksanaan sistem rekrutmen mengaitkan peserta yang memiliki kemampuan dan menjadi sumber yang sesuai dalam pelaksanaan rekrumet agar mampu menampung semua masyarakat dari berbagai golongan, 4) setap calon seleksi diberi perlakuan yang adil tidak memedulikan latar belakang dia dari ras mana 5) rekrutmen dilaksanakan pada pengetahuan, kemampuan dan keahlian berdasarkan persaingan yang terbuka dan adil terhadap segala orang untuk mendapatkan kesetaraan pada kesempatan yang ada, 6) pelaksanaan prosedur pada seleksi dapat dilaksanakan guna menegaskan calon  yang memiliki kemampuan dan tepat dalam memperoleh posisi di pekerjaan yang tepat sesuai kemampuannya, 7) staf yang diterima patut terlindungi dari berbagai sikap spesial karena suatu hal atau adanya sikap pembohongan untuk tujuan perpolitikan.
Jurnal Online Mahasiswa (JOM) Bidang Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik Vol. 10: Edisi I Januari - Juni 2023
Publisher : Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik Universitas Riau

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar


Muara Takus Temple is one of the leading tourist attractions in Riau Province in Kampar Regency, because it is the only historical heritage site in the form of a temple in Riau. The purpose of this research is to find out the local government's strategy for tourist visits to the Muara Takus temple, XIII Koto Kampar District, Kampar Regency during Covid-19. Then to find out the inhibiting factors of the local government's strategy for tourist visits to the Muara Takus temple, XIII Koto Kampar District, Kampar Regency during Covid-19. The theory used in this research is strategic management theory according to Fred R. David. This type of research used is qualitative. While the research approach used is descriptive. Data were collected by the authors using interview and documentation techniques. The data used are primary data obtained from research informants and further supported by secondary data obtained from various government agencies related to this research. The results showed that there were three strategies in developing the Muara Takus Temple tourist attraction, namely forming a strategy for developing the Muara Takus Temple tourist object, implementing the Muara Takus Temple tourist attraction development strategy, and evaluating the development strategy for the development of the Muara Takus Temple tourist attraction. The inhibiting factors for the Tourism and Culture Office's strategy are the lack of public participation and awareness and budget constraints in developing the Muara Takus Temple tourist object, the lack of supporting facilities and infrastructure, and the lack of interest from investors to invest. Keywords: Strategy, Tourism Object, Muara Takus Temple