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PELATIHAN MS. WORD PADA SDN 1 GULINGAN Ni Putu Linda Santiari; I Gede Surya Rahayuda
Jurnal Pengabdian Masyarakat Borneo Vol 2, No 1 (2018)
Publisher : Universitas Borneo Tarakan

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.35334/jpmb.v2i1.407


Perkembangan pendidikan di Pulau Bali mendorong Kabupaten Badung  memberikan fasilitas dan melengkapi sarana dan prasana penunjangnya. Untuk mewujudkan pendidikan yang bermutu baik, pemerintah kabupaten Badung mencanangkan beberapa program di tahun 2017 salah satunya yaitu pemberian laptop kepada siswa sekolah dasar negeri di Kabupaten Badung. Salah satu sekolah yang menerima bantuan laptop yaitu Sekolah Dasar Negeri (SDN) 1 Gulingan yang terletak di Banjar Tengah Kaler, Desa Gulingan, Kecamatan Mengwi, Kabupaten Badung. Pada saat ini, siswa SDN 1 Gulingan yang memperoleh laptop tidak semuanya menguasai aplikasi yang ada salah satunya ms.word. Tidak adanya matapelajaran khusus dan ektrakulikuler tentang teknologi informasi dan komunikasi (TIK) serta tidak adanya guru pengampu khusus TIK menyebabkan siswa jarang latihan menggunakan laptop yang diberikan. Laptop yang diberikan hanya difungsikan saat matapelajaran dan bab tertentu saja. Berdasarkan permasalahan yang dihadapi oleh  SDN 1 Gulingan, maka kegiatan pengabdian ini difokuskan pada pengenalan penggunaan  aplikasi  ms. Office khususnya ms.word  untuk membantu siswa dalam proses pembelajaran. Kegiatan dilakukan dengan metode ceramah, tanya jawab dan praktek langsung. Indikator capaian adalah 100%  siswa-siswa  dapat menggunakan  aplikasi  ms.word  untuk membantu proses belajar. Dari hasil evaluasi saat pengabdian, dapat disimpulkan bahwa pelatihan yang dilakukan memiliki tingkat efektivitas yang tinggi berkisar 75%-97,5%. Konteks tingkat efektivitas yang tinggi adalah didasarkan pada keberhasilan peserta pelatihan mampu menyelesaikan setiap soal yang diberikan pada setiap pelatihan mulai dari bentuk teks,  font, pembuatan tabel, dan penyimpanan data.
Penerapan Bidirectional Search dan Held-Karp pada Penentuan Rute Pengiriman Produk I Gede Surya Rahayuda; Ni Putu Linda Santiari; Norsa Yudhi Arso
Jurnal Teknologi Informasi dan Ilmu Komputer Vol 5 No 5: Oktober 2018
Publisher : Fakultas Ilmu Komputer, Universitas Brawijaya

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (455.543 KB) | DOI: 10.25126/jtiik.201855881


Bidirectional Search dan Held-Karp merupakan salah satu metode pencarian jalur terdekat atau sering disebut dengan metode shortes path. Bidirectional Search mencari jalur terdekat dengan melakukan pencarian dwi arah, proses pertama dimulai dari level awal graph matrix menuju level selanjutnya dan proses kedua dimulai dari level akhir menuju level sebelumnya. Proses tersebut akan menghasilkan rute awal dan rute akhir, kemudian kedua rute tersebut dirangkai menjadi rute gabungan. Tidak seperti pada metode Bidirectional Search, pada metode Held-Karp hanya dilakukan satu proses pencarian, dan pada metode Held-Karp proses pencarian sudah memperhitungkan mengenai jarak yang ditempuh sampai dengan kembali ke titik awal. Pada penelitian ini metode Bidirectional Search dan Held-Karp akan dikembangkan dalam bentuk program menggunakan bahasa pemrograman visual basic. Program tersebut diterapkan untuk menentukan jalur terbaik pada kasus pengiriman produk. Bidirectional Search juga akan dibandingkan dengan metode Held-Karp. Percobaan yang dilakukan pada beberapa data tes berupa paket pengiriman produk, didapatkan bahwa metode Held-Karp mendapatkan rata-rata hasil rute pengiriman yang lebih baik sekitar 5 % dibandingkan dengan metode Bidirectional SearchAbstract Bidirectional Search and Held-Karp is one type of the shortes path methods. Bidirectional Search looks for the nearest path by doing a two way search, the first process starts from the initial level of the graph matrix to the next level and the second process starts from the end level to the previous level. The process will generate the initial route and the final route, then the two routes are assembled into a combined route. Bidirectional Search does not count the process of returning from the final destination to the starting point or appropriate for non circular paths.Unlike Bidirectional Search method, Held-Karp method only performs one way search process, and in the Held-Karp method the search process has calculated the distance traveled up to the return point or appropriate for circular paths. In this research, Bidirectional Search and Held-Karp method will be developed into desktop program using visual basic programming language. The program is implemented to determine the best path in case of product delivery. Bidirectional Search will also be compared to the Held-Karp method. Experiments performed on some tes data in the form of product delivery package, it is found that the Held-Karp method gets the average result of better delivery route about 5% compared to Bidirectional Search method.
Analisis Kualitas Website Alumni Stikom Bali Menggunakan Metode Webqual Putu Linda Santiari; I Gede Surya Rahayuda
Jurnal Teknologi Informasi dan Ilmu Komputer Vol 5 No 2: April 2018
Publisher : Fakultas Ilmu Komputer, Universitas Brawijaya

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (263.62 KB) | DOI: 10.25126/jtiik.201852576


STIKOM Bali Alumni Website at domain is online information media which is used to give information to alumni STIKOM Bali. So far there have been complaints about the documentation, information on alumni websites that have not been updated. Therefore, quality evaluation is needed to know the problems that exist in the system and in order to achieve certain goals effectively, efficiently, and achieve user satisfaction. Based on these problems, then the research was published under the title Analysis Quality Alumni STIKOM Bali Website Using Webqual. In this research using Webqual method to measure quality of information and quality of interaction. Research begins with data collection, website testing, and analysis. Results from the output data to find out the quality problems that exist and become a reference for further improvement. In evaluating the quality of information and quality interaaksi there are problems of quality problems. From the problems found then made a quizioner to know the quality of information and the quality of interaction based on the problems found. Before this quizioner is distributed then the validity and reliability test will be done using SPSS software. If the quizioner is valid and reliable then the quizioner will be distributed and then evaluated. From the dissemination of questionnaires to several students, there are 3 indicators that are rejected, so it needs to be improved. The three indicators that need to be improved namely the information provided is difficult to understand, good reputation, and sense of community.
Jurnal Ilmiah Kursor Vol 9 No 2 (2017)
Publisher : Universitas Trunojoyo Madura

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.28961/kursor.v9i2.129


This research is a continuation of previous research, where in previous research discussed about the implementation of both methods. Implementation is done using visual basic programming language. Both methods are compared based on the results obtained. While in the current study, research is more focused on the analysis of the program flow that has been made. Evaluation is done by using basis path method, there are several processes performed on the method, such as: flowgraph, independent path, cyclomatic complexity and graph matrix. In addition to the evaluation of program flow, evaluation is also done based on program performance. Performance tests are based, time, cpu and memory. Based on the evaluation using the base path, obtained flowgraph structure and independent path different, but obtained the result of CC and Graph Matrix calculation of the same between IDS and HK method is 4. Based on evaluation in terms of performance, process the program from entering data and until getting the result, the HK method takes a longer time than the IDS method. The IDS method takes 2.7 seconds while the HK method takes 2.8 seconds.