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MELINTAS Vol. 22 No. 3 (2006)
Publisher : Faculty of Philosophy, Parahyangan Catholic University, Bandung

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (117.872 KB) | DOI: 10.26593/mel.v22i3.993.709-724


Tulisan ini adalah suatu studi fenomenologis yang mengetengahkan faham Derrida tentang dekonstruksi dan pelbagai penjelasan teknis yang mendukung ide dasar aliran ini. Bagi Derrida filsafat pertama-tama bukan dilihat sebagai hasil karya para idealis atau rationalis, melainkan sebagai tulisan atau teks (bahasa Latin texere berarti menenun), semacam tenunanatau fabrikasi dari pelbagai pengalaman dan proses berpikir manusia, pola tingkah laku, dan kebudayaan, yang ia lihat sebagai wacana (diskursus). Pandangan dasar Derrida, kendati telah menuai banyak kritik, tetaplah memungkinkan kita memahami lebih dalam persoalan-persoalan yang tersembunyi di balik pandangan tradisional tentang rasio, kesadaran, esensi,fondasi, dan sebagainya.
Membaca ‘Kuasa’ Michel Foucault dalam Konteks ‘Kekuasaan’ di Indonesia Konrad Kebung
MELINTAS Vol. 33 No. 1 (2017)
Publisher : Faculty of Philosophy, Parahyangan Catholic University, Bandung

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (660.918 KB) | DOI: 10.26593/mel.v33i1.2953.34-51


This article presents Foucault’s ambitious thoughts on various historical events in the past and sees how people faced and reacted to all these events in different eras of thinking, ways of life, cultures and historical settings. He works with past events, yet his objective is to constitute a history of the present. His rich analyses in his works are classified in three main axes, namely the axis of knowledge, of power, and of ethics or subject. The author of this article also presents Foucault’s notion on power as practiced throughout the history of systems of thought, and how this way of thinking can be read into in any political power, or how Foucault’s thinking can be seen as a criticism on various repressive powers practiced everywhere, including in Indonesia.
Estetika Eksistensi Michel Foucault: Kritik dan Solusi Alternatif atas Radikalisme dan Ekstremisme Konrad Kebung
MELINTAS Vol. 34 No. 1 (2018)
Publisher : Faculty of Philosophy, Parahyangan Catholic University, Bandung

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (208.901 KB) | DOI: 10.26593/mel.v34i1.3084.35-59


This paper presents Foucault’s philosophical thinking on the constitution of the subject as the peak point of all his works from his early writings through his last writings, lectures, and seminars. All his works therefore can be summarized as a technology or a constitution of the self. To Foucault, this particular “self” should be seen as a result of a work of art that is ordered and engraved creatively and continuously. This “self” is seen as a mode of being which is unique, historical and contextual as well. This process Foucault calls an aesthetic of existence. This paper also shows Foucault’s own perspectives on the various radical and extreme movements that often times bring forth a lot of calamities to human life. Using his aesthetic of existence, he tries to look into such problems critically and presents some possible opportunities to minimize or even to erase all kinds of radicalizations and extremisms. Humankind should be able to care of him/her self and therefore he/she should be able to care for others.
Michel Foucault: Subjectivity and Ethics of the Self as Practice of Freedom Konrad Kebung
MELINTAS Vol. 35 No. 2 (2019)
Publisher : Faculty of Philosophy, Parahyangan Catholic University, Bandung

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (306 KB) | DOI: 10.26593/mel.v35i2.4037.108-121


This article presents the thoughts of Michel Foucault, a cultural historian, philosopher, and intellectual, who brilliantly analyses the historical events of the past as creative criticisms for shaping human attitudes today. Through this historical analysis, Foucault examines the ways in which subjects were formed from classical times to the present. Foucault sees how this process takes a long time, starting from the subject as formed through various discourses to the subject as forming itself. To arrive at the latter, Foucault brings his readers to the classical Greco-Roman era to see how humans live their freedom and responsibilities. He also shows them various practices of the self through meditation and inner examination, as well as the practice of telling the truth (parrhesia) to oneself and to others. All this in the era was known as ethics and also seen as a practice of freedom. For Foucault, life must always be seen as a work of art that requires the attention of the artist from time to time in order to arrive at an art level considered useful and valuable to many people. Foucault calls this an aesthetic of existence, where life is not merely seen as something given, but also that must always be fought for creatively from day to day. Life must be seen as an unstable condition in which there are always cracks, therefore it has to be fixed from time to time. This is what Foucault calls a model of human existence.
Foucault dan Teologi Konrad Kebung
MELINTAS Vol. 36 No. 3 (2020)
Publisher : Faculty of Philosophy, Parahyangan Catholic University, Bandung

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.26593/mel.v36i3.5384


This article presents the relation between Michel Foucault’s philosophical thoughts and theology. So far one might hardly hear about the discussion of the impact of Foucault’s thought on theology and all disciplines related to it, such as religion, exegesis, spirituality, and the like. Recently many poststructuralists and postmodern thinkers have been interested in this issue. In fact, Foucault’s thoughts and analyses are considered very useful for the development of theology and the concepts of religious experience. Through his analyses of history and culture, Foucault prepares raw materials useful for theological reflections which are basically grounded on reality and the concrete life of humankind. Thus Foucault can help theology more rooted within reality, and therefore theology is not merely associated with the ecclesiological and dogmatic teachings of the Church, but can help them to be more easily digested and practised by the living community of the believers.
Jurnal Ledalero Vol 16, No 1 (2017): Seratus Tahun Sesudah Perang Dunia Pertama
Publisher : Institut Filsafat dan Teknologi Kreatif Ledalero

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (256.723 KB) | DOI: 10.31385/jl.v16i1.51.55-73


This paper presents Michel Foucault’s thoughts on historical events in the past as they impact on the constitution of the self in the present. Thus, Foucault is known as an historian of the present. An expert in the history of the system of thought, he analyses how people thought and behaved throughout the history of philosophy from the Rennaisance to the classical period (17 th-18 in Foucault’s classification) and onto the 20thth century. As a postmodernist (and post-structuralist) thinker, he critiques modern rationality based mainly on the ego, subject, and consciousness, as passed down to present day thinking by René Descartes. He analyses critically this exclusive rationality and confronts it with his notion of discourse. This paper also presents ways of reading important historical events which were, and are, influential in human life in line with Foucault’s criticism. Keywords: Foucault, philosopy, discourse, subject, etict Artikel ini menyajikan pemikiran Michel tentang peristiwa sejarah masa lalu yang berguna bagi manusia pada masa sekarang. Foucault secara khusus dikenal sebagai sejarawan masa kini. Sebagai ahli dalam sejarah sistem pemikiran, Foucault menganalisis cara orang berpikir dan berperilaku sepanjang sejarah filsafat dimulai dari era Rennaisance, periode klasik (abad XVII-XVIII dalam klasifikasi Foucault), hingga abad XX. Sebagai pemikir posmodernis (dan postrukturalis), Foucault mengajukan kritik terhadap rasionalitas modern yang didasarkan atas ego, subjek, dan kesadaran, yang diwariskan sampai saat ini oleh René Descartes. Dia menganalisis secara kritis rasionalitas eksklusif ini dan menghadapkannya dengan gagasan wacana. Artikel ini juga menyajikan cara untuk membaca semua peristiwa sejarah yang penting dan berpengaruh terhadap kehidupan manusia sesuai dengan kritik Foucault. Kata-kata kunci: Foucault, filsafat , diskursus, subjek, etika