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Journal of English Language Teaching and Literature (JELTL) Vol 5 No 1 (2022): Journal of English Language Teaching and Literature
Publisher : FKIP, Universitas Banten Jaya

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.47080/jeltl.v5i1.1860


ABSTRACT In this research, the researcher will examine Japanese animated films, Isshuukan Tomodachi. Isshuukan Tomodachi is a film that aired on February 18, 2017. The film was directed by Shousuke Murakami. Actualy, this anime film,taken for manga. The researcher is intrested in this film, because he sees many keys, how tobe a good friend. This research will be exposing the pischological of the main charater, Hase through signs. Those signs would find out the hidden meaning behind the text (myth). The researcher choses Isshuukan Tomodachi to be reseached, because it has excellent story quality and has elements of drama and romance combined nicely, because what is at the heart of the story is the complexity of the human heart itself in accepting the situation within itself, being honest with its own feelings, and the strength of friendship. As the result, many people are very difficult to make friends. The reason is not about arogancy. The results of this research, through the signifier and signified, show that Hase has an id that is not as big as the ego and superego. Hase can suppress the id so as not to get bigger and control himself Hase, which he shows by leaning on Kaori's father. This will be the foundation of analyzing.
Semiotic Analysis of Valak and Lorraine in “The Conjuring 2” Movie yulia sofiani Zaimar
Scope : Journal of English Language Teaching Vol 1, No 2 (2017): Scope: Journal of English Language Teaching
Publisher : Pusat Studi Pendidikan Bahasa dan Sastra Inggris

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (825.312 KB) | DOI: 10.30998/scope.v1i02.1112


This paper offers a broad semiotical overview of the horror film, in Conjuring 2. Horror movies aim to bring the audience to deep fear. Therefore, this out of our complacency in the quotidian world, by way of negative emotions such as horror, fear, suspense, terror, and disgust, that is represented in movies. To do so, horror addresses fears that are both universally taboo and that also respond to historically and culturally specific anxieties.Therefore, this journal focuses in to main characters Valak and Loraine, who lead this film to be a horror. This journal is the result of an exploration into the literary reviews of the contemporary horror genre and a semiotic analysis a paranormal, Lorraine. In this journal, the research would discuss a few ethical and semiotic problems related to reality's ability to actually take place within, and break through, fictional representations. This research concerned with the presence of material bodies in the performing sign and code of binnary opposition. This research of signs, codes and conventions in film is called semiotics. Semiotic analysis is a way to explain how an audience makes meaning from codes. This research describes an innovative film studies assignment in which readers can explore still horrorism and Hollywood cinema 
Representation of The Indonesian President Candidate Leadership At Cnnindonesia.Com Yulia Sofiani Zaimar; Ajeng Dinar Wisesa Wardhani
Deiksis Vol 11, No 01 (2019): Deiksis
Publisher : Universitas Indraprasta PGRI, Jakarta, Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (135.534 KB) | DOI: 10.30998/deiksis.v11i01.3091


In this research, the researchers examine the importance of the role of the media in shaping public opinion about an event, the framework of a media in the dissemination of information determines the information products produced from the media. The researchers would like to examine and to investigate the attitudes and ideas conveyed by non-verbal forms, contained in media. Political leadership constitutes a discourse, that must always be included in all political discussions, during the presidential election, including in the upcoming 2019 presidential election in Indonesia. In reality, the democratic political leadership criterias are not simply established, especially in the face of two things: the first is the existence of local values in which each country has the criterion of distinctive political leadership that sometimes contradicts the principles of democracy. In the Indonesian context. In this research, the researchers intended to use the theory used, namely the theory behind the Critical Discourse Analysis (CDA) method, comes from Foucault, relating to what happens in society, in what Harbermas Jurgen had explained.Key word: media, opinion, discourse, politic, election
Mocking Women’s Social Judgment in Victorian Era Using Satire Language Style in Pride and Prejudice Yulia Sofiani Zaimar; Ajeng Dinar Wisesa Wardhani
Deiksis Vol 10, No 01 (2018): Deiksis
Publisher : Universitas Indraprasta PGRI, Jakarta, Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (386.363 KB) | DOI: 10.30998/deiksis.v10i01.2096


This paper offers ironic language style overview of the satire in Pride and Prejudice Novel, cerated by Jane Austen. The Pride and Prejudice novel, which was written in Victorian Era, had brought many changes. It was the first England novels, written by a woman. The novels became  interesting, because it contains many satire inside, connecting the atmosphere in Victorian era. Austen was well known for the use of satire and was often pointed to feminist tendencies within her work, which provided a gap worthy of research as there were several studies concerning Austen’s use of satire and existence of feminism in Pride and Prejudice separately, but not as inter-related elements. The method, used in this research is a method that take the paragraph show the ironic language style, containing satire..The result showed that there is language style of satire, like as language criticsm and language of mockery. In addition, there is social value, which  was coordination and cooperation, were found. Humors have been found everywhere in the novel; in its words devine imagery, but mostly in its conversations between characters. Her novels were not only her way of entertaining people but it was also a way to express her opinions and views on what surrounded her and affected her. KeyWord: Woman writter, Irony, Satire, and Victorian Era
Students’ Prefrence Analysis In Using Literary Theories: Undergraduate Thesis Yulia Sofiani Zaimar; Leni Tiwiyanti; Yosi M Passandaran
Malikussaleh Social and Political Reviews Vol 3, No 1 (2022)
Publisher : Master Program of Sociology, Universitas Malikussaleh,

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.29103/mspr.v3i1.6783


AbstractIn this research, the researchers would like to research, by taking our students, who are writing their thesis as the data objet. Previously, these students took literature classes at Indraprasta PGRI University, in the seventh semester. The idea to conduct this research departs from the problem, that many of these students, who chose theories that were not appropriate, or they only use intrinsic theory (main character) and morals. In addition, many of them did not understand that literary works have strong ties to linguistics. The qualitative research method is used to describe the data from a survey to English Education study Program Indraprasta PGRI University. The result showed: (1) students did not understand language theory, especially literary theory, (2) the lack of knowledge of students about texts, especially literary texts, (3) active teaching and learning process was very helpful for students in absorbing lecture material, and it was not only one party who was active, (4) their friends were also a very influential factor for students, in determining what type of research will be used in the thesis, and  (5) the lack of students' ability to analyze texts is what affects their interest in choosing what type of research to use in the process of optimally drafting a thesis for the English Education Study Program students.  Keywords: text, context student’s preference, literary approach, type of literary 
KEGIATAN FUN ENGLISH BAGI ANAK-ANAK DI PANTI ASUHAN CIANGSANA BOGOR Imelda Malawaty Simorangkir; Yulia Sofiani Zaimar; Yosi Maeleona Passandaran
SELAPARANG: Jurnal Pengabdian Masyarakat Berkemajuan Vol 6, No 2 (2022): Juni
Publisher : Universitas Muhammadiyah Mataram

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.31764/jpmb.v6i2.8324


ABSTRAK Kegiatan PKM ini bertujuan untuk meningkatkan kemampuan berbahasa Inggris, motivasi dan konsentrasi peserta dalam pembelajaran bahasa Inggris Kegiatan ini bertajukkan Fun English, yaitu kegiatan belajar bahasa Inggris menyenangkan dengan menggunakan metode resitasi untuk menyampaikan materi pembelajaran bahasa Inggris. Kegiatan pengabdian ini difokuskan pada keterampilan berbicara (speaking) dan keterampilan menulis (writing) khusus pada penguasaan kosakata dalam kalimat sederhana. PKM ini dilaksanakan untuk anak-anak yang tinggal di Yayasan Mahabbatul Yatim. Sebuah panti asuhan untuk anak-anak yatim dan piatu yang kurang mampu. Yayasan ini berlokasi di Kampung Pabuaran Wetan Ciangsana Kabupaten Bogor. Peserta yang mengikuti adalah khusus putri berlatar belakang pendidikan sekolah menengah (SMP/SMA/SMK). Pencapaian hasil PKM ini adalah peningkatan kemampuan peserta dalam menguasai kosakata bahasa Inggris (dalam topik atau materi yang diajarkan). Peserta telah dapat mengatakan beberapa kosakata dengan benar. Peserta telah memahami cara menulis kalimat sederhana dengan benar dan dapat berbicara (membaca dialog). Akhirnya, konsentrasi dan motivasi peserta juga meningkat, ini terbukti dari hasil eveluasi kegiatan dalam post-test. Dengan demikian, peserta juga merasa bahagia dan tidak merasa canggung saat berpartisipasi dalam semua kegiatan bahasa Inggris yang menyenangkan di PKM ini. Kata kunci: fun english; berbicara;  menulis;  metode resitasi; kosakata; anak yatim-piatu; bahasa                    Inggris. ABSTRACTThis PKM activity aims to improve the ability to speak English, motivation, and concentration of participants in English learning. This activity is titled Fun English, which is a fun English learning activity using the method of recitation to deliver English learning materials. This service activity is focused on speaking skills and writing skills specifically on mastery of vocabulary in simple sentences. This PKM is held for children who live in the Mahabbatul Yatim Foundation. An orphanage for orphans and less able orphans. This foundation is located in Kampung Pabuaran Wetan Ciangsana, Bogor Regency. Participants who followed were special daughters with secondary school education backgrounds (SMP/SMA/SMK). The achievement of the results of this PKM is the increase in the ability of participants in mastering English vocabulary (in the topic or material taught). Participants have been able to say several vocabulary correctly. Participants have understood how to write simple sentences correctly and are able to speak (read dialogue). Finally, the concentration and motivation of participants also increased, this is evident from the results of the eveluation of activities in post-test. Thus, participants also felt happy and did not feel awkward while participating in all Fun English activities at this PKM. Keywords: fun english; speaking; writing; recitation methods; vocabulary; orphans; english.
THE MYTH ANALYSIS IN DEMAIN DES L’AUBE POETRY BY VICTOR HUGO Yulia Sofiani Zaimar; Leni Tiwiyanti; Yosi Maeleona Passandaran
LINGUA : JURNAL ILMIAH Vol 18 No 02 (2022): Lingua: Jurnal Ilmiah
Publisher : Sekolah Tinggi Bahasa Asing LIA

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.35962/lingua.v18i2.133


A poem is able to construct and represent various events, that relates in people's lives, such as people's habits, family life, married life, history and so on. Poetry is an expression that is dense, concise and full of meaning. Poetry has a characteristic that is using short sentences and consists of only three stanzas. In poetry, there are many expressions of expression that are expressed indirectly so that it requires deeper meaning. Each poem certainly has different characteristics in packaging and representing issues and themes that will be raised into a story according to the ideology and goals to be achieved by the author. This research would like to research Victor Hugo’s poem, titled Demain dès l’aube. The purpose of this study is to reveal the semiotics of signs. This research aims to find out the signifier, signified, and myth in the poem by Victor Hugo, through the relationship between father and daughter. This study uses a qualitative method, combined with the Roland Barthes’ semiotics theory. As the result, this poem told about a person, who lost his daughter. Secondly, this poem is a true story of Victor Hugo, him-self, when his daughter died. The signifier and the signified found in this research represent the father's love for the child in the poem, signed by the broken feelings of the father, who was unable to save his lovely daughter Keywords: Poem, Hugo, Father, Semiotic and Myth Abstrak Sebuah puisi mampu mengkonstruksi dan merepresentasikan berbagai peristiwa, yang berhubungan dalam kehidupan masyarakat, seperti kebiasaan masyarakat, kehidupan keluarga, kehidupan pernikahan, sejarah dan sebagainya. Puisi merupakan ungkapan yang padat, padat dan penuh makna. Puisi memiliki ciri khas yaitu menggunakan kalimat-kalimat pendek dan hanya terdiri dari tiga bait. Dalam puisi banyak sekali ungkapan ungkapan yang diungkapkan secara tidak langsung sehingga membutuhkan makna yang lebih dalam. Setiap puisi tentunya memiliki ciri khas yang berbeda dalam mengemas dan merepresentasikan isu dan tema yang akan diangkat menjadi sebuah cerita sesuai dengan ideologi dan tujuan yang ingin dicapai oleh pengarangnya. Penelitian ini ingin meneliti puisi Victor Hugo yang berjudul Demain dès l’aube. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengungkap semiotika tanda. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui penanda, petanda, dan mitos dalam puisi karya Victor Hugo, melalui hubungan antara ayah dan anak perempuan. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode kualitatif yang dipadukan dengan teori semiotika Roland Barthes. Alhasil, puisi ini menceritakan tentang seseorang yang kehilangan putrinya. Kedua, puisi ini adalah kisah nyata Victor Hugo, dirinya sendiri, ketika putrinya meninggal. Penanda dan petanda yang ditemukan dalam penelitian ini merepresentasikan cinta ayah kepada anak dalam puisi tersebut, ditandai dengan hancurnya perasaan ayah yang tidak mampu menyelamatkan putri kesayangannya Kata kunci: Puisi, Hugo, Ayah, Semiotika dan Mitos
JETA (Journal of English Teaching and Applied Linguistic) Vol. 3 No. 1 (2022): JETA: Journal of English Teaching and Applied Linguistic
Publisher : English Department, STKIP PGRI Bandar Lampung

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Language is the most important media for human’s communication. By using language, human can interact, socialize, and cooperate with others, because in essence language is a means of communication. Given the importance of language as a means of communication, in the process of conveying information to others it must be clear and easy to understand, like in literary works. Literary works can also consider as a part of communication. In every literary works, including in song lyric would contain a massage. Lyric songs usually contain experiences and ideas of the authors who are summarized in a particular theme, parsed and conveyed to listeners through language. Song lyrics are an expression of the author's feelings, thoughts and ideas which are realized in a special language. In this research, the researcher would like to research Parle A Mon Pere song, by Celine Dion. This research uses Roland Barthes' semiotic theory, which is collaborated with Jaques Lacan's psychoanalysis theory. Meanwhile, Barthes' myth theory is used to examine the hidden meanings which the songwriters want to convey. This research uses descriptive qualitative method. The researcher would carefully note data in the form of words, sentences and speech. The choice of content analysis techniques is analyzing words. The content analysis techniques are used to understand messages, seen as unstructured data. The result of this research is that researchers can find hidden meanings, that a girl will feel empty if she loses her father. This is obtained through the translation of the signifier and the signified, which is obtained from the sentence in the song Parle A Mon Pere, by Celine Dion.
Cooperation Maxim Error Principles and Implications on Warintil Official Series “Ga Boleh Souzon” Yosi Maeleona Passandaran; Yulia Sofiani Zaimar; Leni Tiwiyanti
Pujangga: Jurnal Bahasa dan Sastra Vol 8, No 2 (2022): Volume 8 Nomor 2 Tahun 2022
Publisher : Universitas Nasional

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.47313/pujangga.v8i2.1664


This article would like to describe the error of maxims and also the meaning of implicatures in the sitcom of Kontrakan Rempong from Warintil Official on Youtube. There were five types of violations of the cooperative principle caused by the speech participants.  The research method used in this research is descriptive qualitative. The data is taken from Kontrakan Rempong, titled “Gak Usah Souzon”.  The collecting data are using the documentation method by listening and note-taking techniques from the Kontrakan Rempong’ characters' conversation. Meanwhile, the object of this research is the form and meaning of implicature in humour Kontrakan Rempong. The results of this research indicate the form of conversational implicatures that function as a supporter of humour in humorous discourse, they are:  the Youtube  Kontrakan Rempong has a violation of the maxim of the cooperative principle. In the maxim of quality, there are two categories of violations; they are the words that are used solely to show her or his arrogance and to make the main character a fool. In other words, the error maxim is seemed as trying to evade responsibility. The function of violation of the Maximal Principle of cooperation has been categorized based on existing data like wisdom maxim, acceptance maxim, humility maxim, quality maxim, approbation maxim and quantity maxim. The maxims error is the error of quantity maxim, quality maxim, wisdom maxim approbation and humility maxim. In addition to supporting humour, the error causes many implications related to human nature and real life.Keywords: humour, error, maxim, implicature 
MYTH IN POEME MON FRERE BLANC BY LEOPOLD SEDAR SENGHOR Imelda Malawaty Simorangkir; Yulia Sofiani Zaimar
Journal of English Language Teaching and Literature (JELTL) Vol 6 No 1 (2023): Journal of English Language Teaching and Literature (JELTL)
Publisher : FKIP, Universitas Banten Jaya

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.47080/jeltl.v6i1.2479


found in parts of France, but also in non-French speaking areas (Francophone). French literature that developed outside of France occurred due to several factors, one of which was the colonization that occurred in the nineteenth century. This research would like to investigate myth in a poem, tittle Poème à mon frère blanc, written by Leopold Sedar Senghor. In this research, the researchers will not discuss the structure of the poem, but they are interested in the hidden meaning behind the poem. This research uses the theory of Roland Barthes to analyze the hidden meaning (myth) that the speaker wants to tell. The search for the hidden meaning (myth) is carried out, because the researchers understand, in a poem, what is written is not necessarily the true meaning. This research uses qualitative and descriptive methods with reading and understanding techniques.