Afdhal Afdhal
Jurusan Teknik Elektro, Fakultas Teknik, Universitas Syiah Kuala

Published : 10 Documents Claim Missing Document
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Found 10 Documents
Journal : Jurnal Rekayasa elektrika

Aplikasi Pengaruh Quality Of Service (Qos) Video Conference Pada Trafik H.323 Dengan Menggunakan Metode Differentiated Service (Diffserv) Taufiq Abdul Gani; Rahmad Rahmad; Afdhal Afdhal
Jurnal Rekayasa Elektrika Vol 9, No 2 (2010)
Publisher : Universitas Syiah Kuala

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (627.949 KB) | DOI: 10.17529/jre.v9i2.166


Dewasa ini, penggunaan teknologi conferenceberbasis IP dengan menggunakan protokol H.323. Meskidemikian, pada kenyataannya kualitas teknologi videoconference yang baik belum terjamin. Untuk itu, perlusebuah pelayanan atau service yang dapat memberikanprioritas paket dan menekan gangguan dalam lalu lintasjaringan conference. Salah satu layanan tersebut yaituDifferentiated Service (Diffserv). Layanan ini dibuat untukmembagi aliran IP ke dalam kelas-kelas yang akan langsungditransmisikan dengan cara menentukan kapasitasbandwidth, klasifikasi trafik, pemilihan mekanisme antrian(queueing) dan traffic shapping. Pada penelitian ini, telahdiaplikasikan Quality of Service (QoS) videoconference padatrafik H.323 dengan menggunakan metode DifferentiatedService (DiffServ) dan berhasil mengukur pengaruhbesarnya throughput paket ketika jaringan dalam keadaancongested atau sesak serta dibebankan delay juga jitter.Semakin besar delay dan jitter yang diberikan, semakin besarketidakstabilan throughput yang dihasilkan. Pada trafikcongested, QoS memberikan prioritas pada paket H.323sehingga throughput yang dihasilkan mendekati kondisitanpa sesak dibandingkan paket-paket lain.
Pemodelan dan Simulasi VANETs Menggunakan Federated Mobility Model; Sebuah Artikel Tinjauan Afdhal Afdhal
Jurnal Rekayasa Elektrika Vol 11, No 2 (2014)
Publisher : Universitas Syiah Kuala

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (1215.592 KB) | DOI: 10.17529/jre.v11i2.2242


The emergence of Vehicular Ad-hoc Networks (VANETs) as part of the Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITS) technology development was expected to become an advanced method to solve the transportation system problem. The implementation of VANETs is expected to provide a new solution for traffic management strategy. Its main targets is to continue prioritizing traffic safety and to prevent the accidents on the roads. One of the VANETs problems before being implemented in the real world is the degree of freedom of the vehicle's mobility that limited by the road topologies. Various modellings and simulations have been performed to produce the most realistic mobility model. However, those models had become new paradigms due to various factors that limited them. The presence of the federated mobility model as an approach for traffic mobility modeling is considered to be able to provide more realistic and accurate VANETs simulation. Therefore, this article presents some brief reviews and contrast a number of the simulation and mobility models that have been used widely as compared to the federated mobility models that have developed until the present. The article's objective is to facilitate a better understanding of the traffic mobility modeling for the VANETs simulation that started from the interaction process until the integration between simulators. The understanding of the traffic mobility models will complement the knowledge that enable to perform the simulation of the VANETs implementation approaching the real conditions.
Pengaturan Pemakaian Bandwidth Menggunakan Mikrotik Bridge Afdhal Afdhal; Taufiq A. Gani; Haimi Ardiansyah
Jurnal Rekayasa Elektrika Vol 9, No 2 (2010)
Publisher : Universitas Syiah Kuala

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (555.733 KB) | DOI: 10.17529/jre.v9i2.177


Permasalahan dalam sebuah jaringan komputeradalah proses pengiriman data lambat, rusak dan tidaksampai ke tujuan. Permasalahan ini diakibatkan belumadanya manajemen penggunaan bandwidth. Permasalahanini sering diselesaikan dengan melakukan perbaikan dan re-konfigurasi jaringan dari awal serta membuat penggunaanbandwidth yang lebih teratur. Namun, pada jaringan yangsudah kompleks, re-konfigurasi dari awal bukan hal mudahdan memakan waktu lama serta menghabiskan banyakbiaya. Oleh karena itu, sebuah jaringan memerlukanmanajemen pemakaian bandwidth yang baik, sehinggadapat mengatur lalu-lintas data tepat sasaran dalam waktucepat dan efisien, tanpa mere-konfigurasi jaringan dari awal.Dalam penelitian ini peneliti membuat desain topologimenggunakan Mikrotik sebagai bridge denganmenempatkannya antara server dengan client untukmenjembatani proses pertukaran data. Desain ini dibuatuntuk membandingkan pemakaian bandwidth pada jaringanyang menggunakan Mikrotik dengan jaringan tanpaMikrotik. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk meneliti pengaruhpenggunaan Mikrotik Bridge terhadap manajemenpemakaian bandwidth dengan melakukan analisa terhadapbesar pemakaian bandwidth yang diterima client danmembuat perbandingan grafis berdasarkan hasil hitunganstandar deviasi. Dari hasil penelitian dapat diketahui bahwapenempatan Mikrotik Bridge dapat mengatur pemakaianbandwidth, sehingga pertukaran data menjadi lebih baik danpemakaian bandwidth dapat lebih optimal, tanpa mengubahkonfigurasi jaringan sebelumnya.
IEEE 802.11ac sebagai Standar Pertama untuk Gigabit Wireless LAN Afdhal Afdhal; Elizar Elizar
Jurnal Rekayasa Elektrika Vol 11, No 1 (2014)
Publisher : Universitas Syiah Kuala

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (619.997 KB) | DOI: 10.17529/jre.v11i1.1994


WLAN is a technology that currently has been used widely. This technology is considered as a data transferring media technology within the LAN/MAN. To ensure that WLAN technology can be used widely in the whole world, the IEEE has set a standard known as 802.11 to be an international standard for the WLAN technology. This standard was appeared in 1997, and has been revised and improved for several times. This improvement is done to anticipate the rapidly grown WLAN market as well as to keep this technology remains effective, efficient, and reliable at any time. At the beginning of 2014, the IEEE has set 802.11ac-2013 as a new standard for WLANs that operate below 6 GHz to achieve a data rate for up to 7 Gbps. The purpose of this article is to describe comprehensively the IEEE 802.11ac standard as a result of recent changes to the regulatory for WLAN technology which is known as the first standard issued by the IEEE for the gigabit WLANs. This article discusses the goals and objectives to be achieved by 802.11ac standard as well as the parts that have been enhanced significantly both in its PHY and MAC layers. This article will also contrast the differences between the 802.11ac standard and previous WLAN standards. Finally it will also explain the level of compatibility and interoperability of 802.11ac standards with some of previous WLAN standard.Keywords: IEEE, 802.11, 802.11ac, Gigabit WLAN
Studi Perbandingan Layanan Cloud Computing Afdhal Afdhal
Jurnal Rekayasa Elektrika Vol 10, No 4 (2013)
Publisher : Universitas Syiah Kuala

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (681.262 KB) | DOI: 10.17529/jre.v10i4.1110


In the past few years, cloud computing has became a dominant topic in the IT area. Cloud computing offers hardware, infrastructure, platform and applications without requiring end-users knowledge of the physical location and the configuration of providers who deliver the services. It has been a good solution to increase reliability, reduce computing cost, and make opportunities to IT industries to get more advantages. The purpose of this article is to present a better understanding of cloud delivery service, correlation and inter-dependency. This article compares and contrasts the different levels of delivery services and the development models, identify issues, and future directions on cloud computing. The end-users comprehension of cloud computing delivery service classification will equip them with knowledge to determine and decide which business model that will be chosen and adopted securely and comfortably. The last part of this article provides several recommendations for cloud computing service providers and end-users.
Simulasi Perjalanan Harian Pegawai Unsyiah Untuk Efisiensi Waktu Keberangkatan Terbaik Berdasarkan Model Lalu Lintas Kendaraan Elizar Elizar; Afdhal Afdhal
Jurnal Rekayasa Elektrika Vol 11, No 5 (2015)
Publisher : Universitas Syiah Kuala

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (802.231 KB) | DOI: 10.17529/jre.v11i5.2402


High traffic densitiy  becomes one of a big problem of transportation in many big developing cities in Indonesia. The growth number of vehicles relatively much higher if compared to the growth of road infrastructure. Banda Aceh as a central city of Aceh Province are also facing moreless the same transportation problem,where traffic becomes very usual especially in peak hour in the morning when many people start their activity. It also happened in the afternoon when most of Banda Aceh people especially the one who work as a government servant going back from work. This research is trying to analyze one of the case of daily going to work travel route of Unsyiah administration staf. The result is very important to analyze the best departure time for the staff to minimize travel time. This research have developed a simulation model using an IT technology based on vehicle traffic mobility model. The simulation offered the fastest travel time solution with the best departure time to arrive at the destination by avoiding morning peak time traffic.
Pemodelan dan Simulasi VANETs Menggunakan Federated Mobility Model; Sebuah Artikel Tinjauan Afdhal Afdhal
Jurnal Rekayasa Elektrika Vol 11, No 2 (2014)
Publisher : Universitas Syiah Kuala

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.17529/jre.v11i2.2242


The emergence of Vehicular Ad-hoc Networks (VANETs) as part of the Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITS) technology development was expected to become an advanced method to solve the transportation system problem. The implementation of VANETs is expected to provide a new solution for traffic management strategy. Its main targets is to continue prioritizing traffic safety and to prevent the accidents on the roads. One of the VANETs problems before being implemented in the real world is the degree of freedom of the vehicle's mobility that limited by the road topologies. Various modellings and simulations have been performed to produce the most realistic mobility model. However, those models had become new paradigms due to various factors that limited them. The presence of the federated mobility model as an approach for traffic mobility modeling is considered to be able to provide more realistic and accurate VANETs simulation. Therefore, this article presents some brief reviews and contrast a number of the simulation and mobility models that have been used widely as compared to the federated mobility models that have developed until the present. The article's objective is to facilitate a better understanding of the traffic mobility modeling for the VANETs simulation that started from the interaction process until the integration between simulators. The understanding of the traffic mobility models will complement the knowledge that enable to perform the simulation of the VANETs implementation approaching the real conditions.
IEEE 802.11ac sebagai Standar Pertama untuk Gigabit Wireless LAN Afdhal Afdhal; Elizar Elizar
Jurnal Rekayasa Elektrika Vol 11, No 1 (2014)
Publisher : Universitas Syiah Kuala

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.17529/jre.v11i1.1994


WLAN is a technology that currently has been used widely. This technology is considered as a data transferring media technology within the LAN/MAN. To ensure that WLAN technology can be used widely in the whole world, the IEEE has set a standard known as 802.11 to be an international standard for the WLAN technology. This standard was appeared in 1997, and has been revised and improved for several times. This improvement is done to anticipate the rapidly grown WLAN market as well as to keep this technology remains effective, efficient, and reliable at any time. At the beginning of 2014, the IEEE has set 802.11ac-2013 as a new standard for WLANs that operate below 6 GHz to achieve a data rate for up to 7 Gbps. The purpose of this article is to describe comprehensively the IEEE 802.11ac standard as a result of recent changes to the regulatory for WLAN technology which is known as the first standard issued by the IEEE for the gigabit WLANs. This article discusses the goals and objectives to be achieved by 802.11ac standard as well as the parts that have been enhanced significantly both in its PHY and MAC layers. This article will also contrast the differences between the 802.11ac standard and previous WLAN standards. Finally it will also explain the level of compatibility and interoperability of 802.11ac standards with some of previous WLAN standard.Keywords: IEEE, 802.11, 802.11ac, Gigabit WLAN
Studi Perbandingan Layanan Cloud Computing Afdhal Afdhal
Jurnal Rekayasa Elektrika Vol 10, No 4 (2013)
Publisher : Universitas Syiah Kuala

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.17529/jre.v10i4.1110


In the past few years, cloud computing has became a dominant topic in the IT area. Cloud computing offers hardware, infrastructure, platform and applications without requiring end-users knowledge of the physical location and the configuration of providers who deliver the services. It has been a good solution to increase reliability, reduce computing cost, and make opportunities to IT industries to get more advantages. The purpose of this article is to present a better understanding of cloud delivery service, correlation and inter-dependency. This article compares and contrasts the different levels of delivery services and the development models, identify issues, and future directions on cloud computing. The end-users comprehension of cloud computing delivery service classification will equip them with knowledge to determine and decide which business model that will be chosen and adopted securely and comfortably. The last part of this article provides several recommendations for cloud computing service providers and end-users.
Simulasi Perjalanan Harian Pegawai Unsyiah Untuk Efisiensi Waktu Keberangkatan Terbaik Berdasarkan Model Lalu Lintas Kendaraan Elizar Elizar; Afdhal Afdhal
Jurnal Rekayasa Elektrika Vol 11, No 5 (2015)
Publisher : Universitas Syiah Kuala

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.17529/jre.v11i5.2402


High traffic densitiy  becomes one of a big problem of transportation in many big developing cities in Indonesia. The growth number of vehicles relatively much higher if compared to the growth of road infrastructure. Banda Aceh as a central city of Aceh Province are also facing moreless the same transportation problem,where traffic becomes very usual especially in peak hour in the morning when many people start their activity. It also happened in the afternoon when most of Banda Aceh people especially the one who work as a government servant going back from work. This research is trying to analyze one of the case of daily going to work travel route of Unsyiah administration staf. The result is very important to analyze the best departure time for the staff to minimize travel time. This research have developed a simulation model using an IT technology based on vehicle traffic mobility model. The simulation offered the fastest travel time solution with the best departure time to arrive at the destination by avoiding morning peak time traffic.