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Jurnal Kefarmasian Akfarindo Vol 7 No 1 (2022)
Publisher : Akademi Farmasi Indonesia Yogyakarta

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.37089/jofar.vi0.119


Background: Mangrove crab shells (Scylla serrata) contain chitosan which functions as an anticholesterol. Chitosan is insoluble in water but soluble in acids such as acetic acid. In the process of increasing the solubility, a solid dispersion system is made. The solid dispersion is then formulated into granules. Objective: The purpose of this study was to determine the physical properties of the solid dispersion chitosan granules (FI) and the physical mixture granules (FII). Methods: The method used for the manufacture of solid dispersions is solvent evaporation using PVP K-30 (1:2) as a carrier. The solid dispersion will be made in the form of granules by wet granulation method which will then evaluate the quality of the granules. Results: From this study, the granule flow rate FI=12.89 g/second, and FII=24.58 g/second. The angle of repose of the granules FI=22,13o, and FII=9,46o. The compressibility and Hausner granule FI ratio were found to be 20% and 1.25; while FII obtained 9.90% and 1.11. The percentage of water content of FI granules is 6.38%, and FII is 2.04%. Conclusion: The formulation in this study was able to produce granules that met the requirements, and there was a significant difference between the physical properties of FI and FII granules.
In Vitro Evaluation of Cholesterol-Reducing Ability of Chitosan from Mangrove Crab (Scylla serrata) Shell Solid Dispersion using PVP K-30 as a Carrier: Uji In Vitro Penurunan Kadar Kolesterol Sistem Dispersi Padat Kitosan dari Cangkang Kepiting Bakau (Scylla serrata) Menggunakan PVP K-30 Sebagai Pembawa Hilya Nur Imtihani; Silfiana Nisa Permatasari; Rahmad Aji Prasetya
Jurnal Farmasi Galenika (Galenika Journal of Pharmacy) (e-Journal) Vol. 7 No. 2 (2021): (October 2021)
Publisher : Universitas Tadulako

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.22487/j24428744.2021.v7.i2.15597


Background: Chitosan is a compound that can be synthesized from nature which can reduce the total serum cholesterol levels between 5.8−42.6% and decrease LDL (Low-Density Lipoprotein) between 15.1-35.1%. One of the natural resources containing chitosan derivative compounds is the shell of mud crab. Chitosan is insoluble in water but soluble in acidic solutions such as acetic acid. With such chitosan solubility, it is necessary to increase the solubility by making a solid dispersion system so that drug absorption can be faster. Objectives: The aims of this study is to determine the potential of chitosan solid dispersion system for reducing cholesterol. Material and Methods: The reduction of cholesterol levels was carried out by in vitro tests using UV-Vis spectrophotometer at a wavelength of 405 nm with Lieberman-Burchad reagent. The positive control used was simvastatin. There are 4 formulas, namely SD1, PM1, SD2, and PM2. This solid dispersion system uses polyvinyl pyrrolidone K-30 (PVP K-30) as carrier. Results: The characterization of chitosan has fulfilled all the characterization requirements that is organoleptic (shape and color) was creamy white, moisture content was 2.15%, ash content was 1.14%, ninhydrin test was positive purple, and deacetylation degree was 70.57%. The results of in vitro evaluation were obtained a dark green solution. The reducing percentage in cholesterol levels are SD1: 18.44%; PM1 : 18.11%; SD2 : 29.57%; and PM2 :12.01%. Simvastatin as a positive control has a percentage reduction in cholesterol levels of 30.07%. Conclusion: Chitosan has an activity as anticholesterol agent. SD2 (Solid Dispersion Chitosan: PVP K-30 = 1:2) has the higher percentage than other formulas for reducing cholesterol level comparable with the positive control.
Sintesis dan Karakterisasi Kitosan dari Limbah Kulit Udang Kaki Putih (Litopenaeus vannamei) Hilya Nur Imtihani; Silfiana Nisa Permatasari
Publisher : Universitas Riau Kepulauan

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33373/sim-bio.v9i2.2699


Udang kaki putih (Litopenaeus vannamei) merupakan salah satu krustasea yang banyak dikomsumsi dan dibudidayakan di Indonesia sehingga menghasilkan banyak limbah kulit udang. Limbah tersebut dapat menyebabkan terjadinya permasalahan lingkungan seperti pencemaran karena baunya yang tidak sedap. Dilain hal kulit udang mengandung zat yang dapat disajikan sebagai bahan baku kitosan yang bermanfaat untuk berbagai keperluan terutama bidang kesehatan berperan sebagai antihiperlipidemia dan antibakteri. Tujuan penelitian adalah melakukan sintesis kitosan yang merupakan turunan dari kitin yang diambil dari kulit udang kaki putih (L. vannamei) dan dilakukan karakterisasi. Metode sintesis dilakukan dengan menggunakan metode Knorr yaitu proses pre-treatment, demineralisasi dan deproteinasi untuk menghasilkan kitin selanjutnya dilakukan deasetilasi untuk menghasilkan kitosan. Karakterisasi kitosan dilakukan dengan menguji Derajat Deasetilasi (DD) menggunakan spektroskopi FTIR, uji rendemen, uji ninhidrin, dan uji organoleptik. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan uji kemurnian DD mendapatkan nilai sebesar 76,24%, hasil uji rendemen sebanyak 16,21%, uji ninhidrin positif berwarna ungu, dan uji organoleptik menghasilkan serbuk berwarna putih kekuningan. Hasil ini menunjukkan bahwa kitosan yang dihasilkan memiliki kemurnian yang sangat baik dan sesuai dengan persyaratan.
Edukasi Bahaya Kolesterol dan Manfaat Kopi Biji Alpukat yang Berkontradiksi Hilya Nur Imtihani; Femiko Salsabil
Jurnal Pengabdian Kefarmasian Vol 3, No 2 (2022): Jurnal Pengabdian Kefarmasian
Publisher : Jurusan Farmasi Politeknik Kesehatan Makassar

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.32382/jpk.v3i2.2886


Education Of The Hazards Of Cholesterol And The Benefits Of Avocado Seed Coffee That ContradictKnowledge about the dangers of cholesterol that is too high in the human body is needed by the community, because high cholesterol levels will cause hypertension, blockage of blood vessels in the brain and heart. In overcoming this, people generally use treatment to reduce total cholesterol levels in the body with drugs available in the market. However, these drugs have side effects that are quite dangerous for the body, causing damage to other organs/complications with other diseases. Therefore it is necessary to hold an education about the dangers of cholesterol and cholesterol prevention from herbs which in the future are expected to have a similar effect as drugs on the market to lower cholesterol but have low side effects. One of the selected herbal ingredients is avocado seeds which are usually thrown away by the general public. In this counseling, avocado seeds are first processed into coffee and made into pudding for easy and comfortable consumption by anyone. Extension activities were carried out to 24 residents in the Kupang Krajan area of Surabaya. From counseling about the dangers of cholesterol disease which includes definitions, causative factors, clinical symptoms and methods of prevention as well as material about making avocado seed coffee and avocado seed pudding, questionnaires were filled out before and after the delivery of the material. The result of this counseling had a significant effect on the understanding of the counseling participants with an increase in the level of understanding by 26% after being tested statistically using the SPSS paired t-test method with a significant value of 0.000 <0.05. This means that this outreach activity is very useful for participants.Pengetahuan tentang bahaya kolesterol yang terlalu tinggi pada tubuh manusia sangat diperlukan masyarakat, karena kadar kolesterol tinggi akan menyebabkan hipertensi, penyumbatan pembuluh darah otak dan jantung. Dalam mengatasi hal tersebut, umumnya masyarakat menggunakan pengobatan untuk menurunkan kadar kolesterol total di tubuh dengan obat yang tersedia di pasaran. Namun obat-obat tersebut memiliki efek samping yang cukup berbahaya juga bagi tubuh sehingga menyebabkan adanya kerusakan pada organ lain/komplikasi dengan penyakit lainnya. Maka dari itu perlu diadakannya suatu penyuluhan tentang bahaya kolesterol dan pencegahan kolesterol dari herbal yang dikemudian hari diharapkan dapat memiliki efek yang serupa seperti obat yang ada pada pasaran untuk menurunkan kolesterol tetapi memiliki efek samping yang rendah. Salah satu bahan herbal yang dipilih adalah biji alpukat yang biasanya dibuang begitu saja oleh masyarakat umum. Pada penyuluhan ini biji alpukat diolah terlebih dahulu menjadi kopi dan dibuat menjadi puding agar mudah dan nyaman dikonsumsi oleh siapa pun. Kegiatan penyuluhan dilakukan kepada 24 warga di daerah Kupang Krajan Surabaya. Dari penyuluhan mengenai bahaya penyakit kolesterol yang meliputi definisi, faktor-faktor penyebab, gejala klinis dan cara pencegahannya serta materi tentang pembuatan kopi biji alpukat dan puding biji alpukat, dilakukan pengisian kuesioner sebelum dan sesudah penyampaian materi. Hasilnya penyuluhan ini berpengaruh secara signifikan terhadap pemahaman peserta penyuluhan dengan kenaikan tingkat pemahaman sebesar 26% setelah diuji secara statistik menggunakan SPSS metode paired t-test dengan nilai signifikan 0.000 <0.05. Hal ini berarti kegiatan penyuluhan ini sangat bermanfaat untuk para peserta.   Kata kunci : Biji Alpukat, Kolesterol, Kopi, Surabaya
Alternatif Pangan Sebagai Sumber Gizi Dengan Memanfaatkan Umbi Ubi Jalar Ungu (Ipomoea batatas L.) (Sumber Pangan Dengan Indeks Glikemiks Rendah) Damaranie Dipahayu; Hilya Nur Imtihani
Jurnal Abdi Masyarakat Kita Vol 3 No 1 (2023): Jurnal Abdi Masyarakat Kita
Publisher : APDFI (Asosiasi Pendidikan Diploma Farmasi Indonesia)

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33759/asta.v3i1.361


Diabetes mellitus type 2 is the most common degenerative disease in Indonesia, so that the regulation of food intake is important. Food sources of carbohydrates with a low glycemic index (GI) can control blood sugar levels. GI is the rate at which food is absorbed into blood glucose. Purple sweet potato has a low GI so it is suitable as an alternative source of carbohydrates. Different cooking processes can affect the GI of the purple sweet potato, the frying technique produces the lowest GI compared to the boiling or baking technique. The manufacture of hybrid purple sweet potato flour is able to replace the use of wheat flour for processed food products. Hybrid purple sweet potato flour can increase the antioxidant content.
Pengaruh Variasi Disintegran Avicel PH-102 dan Primogel terhadap Karakteristik Co-Processed Excipient Hilya Nur Imtihani; Sinda Alfreeda; Jade Rhea Almira Arif
Jurnal Ilmiah Medicamento Vol 9 No 1 (2023): Jurnal Ilmiah Medicamento
Publisher : Fakultas Farmasi Universitas Mahasaraswati Denpasar

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.36733/medicamento.v9i1.4635


The direct compression method is one of the most popular tablet manufacturing methods because of its efficiency. However, direct compression requires excipients with good flow and compressibility properties. The requisite for materials with these properties can be overcome by using co-processed excipients. The co-processed excipient combines two or more types of excipients that aim to improve flow properties and compressibility. This study aims to determine the effect of differences in Avicel PH-102 (F1=10%; F2=15%) and Primogel (F3=4%; F4=8%) variations as disintegrants on the characteristics of co-processed excipients. The excipients include lactose as filler, Avicel PH-102 or primogel as a disintegrant, and PVP K-30 as a binder. The method of preparation co-processed excipient used was wet granulation. The results showed that the granule flow rate was F1=14.62 g/second, F2=11.30 g/second, F3=19.31 g/second, and F4=11.57 g/second. The angle of repose of the granules was F1=11.30˚, F2=19.24˚, F3=13.97˚, and F4=20.78˚. Compressibility and Hausner granule ratio F1=12% and 1.13; F2=17.81% and 1.21; F3= 7.12% and 1.07; and F4 = 16.51% and 1.19. Percentage of moisture content of granules F1=4%, F2=3.67%, F3=3%, and F4=3.67%. Percentage of fines granule F1 = 18.42%, F2 = 9.14%, F3 = 4.06%, and F4 = 2.65%. The evaluation results were statistically tested using the SPSS one-way ANOVA or Kruskall Wallis. All formulas in this study were able to produce co-processed excipients that met the requirements, and there were significant differences except for the water content parameter.
Formulation and Evaluation of Solid Dispersion Chitosan Tablet from Whiteleg Shrimp (Litopenaeus vannamei) Using PVP K-30 As a Carriers Hilya Nur Imtihani; Fitria Abbas Thalib; Silfiana Nisa Permatasari
Borneo Journal of Pharmacy Vol. 4 No. 1 (2021): Borneo Journal of Pharmacy
Publisher : Institute for Research and Community Services Universitas Muhammadiyah Palangkaraya

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33084/bjop.v4i1.1557


Whiteleg shrimp (Litopenaeus vannamei) on the market are processed or sold only to take part in the meat. The head, shell, and tail are thrown away without any prior processing. Underutilized waste causes environmental problems. An alternative to overcome this environmental disturbance phenomenon is to utilize shrimp shells containing chitin and subsequently transformed into chitosan that can be applied in various fields. Chitosan has poor solubility in water but high permeability; thus, improve bioavailability is accomplished by making solid dispersions. This study aims to formulate and evaluate the solid dispersion tablet using chitosan extract from L. vannamei as an active agent with PVP K-30 as a carrier. The formulation divided into three groups, that was F1 (chitosan : PVP K-30 = 1 : 1 solid dispersion), F2 (chitosan : PVP K-30 = 1 : 3 solid dispersion), and F3 (pure chitosan). The result of chitosan solid dispersion was molded into tablets by the direct compression method. The tablets were evaluated by weight and size uniformity, hardness, friability, and disintegration time. All the formulas by weight and size uniformity as well as disintegration time fulfill the requirements. The hardness of the tablets from F3 with 4,275 kg was the best from F1 and F2. By statistic analytical from weight uniformity, hardness and disintegration time give significant difference with sig. <0.05.