Safarianti Safarianti
Universitas Syiah Kuala

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Diagnosis dan Penatalaksanaan Karsinoma Tonsil Benny Kurnia; Lily Setiani; Juniar Juniar; Safarianti Safarianti
Jurnal Kedokteran Syiah Kuala Vol 21, No 2 (2021): Volume 21 Nomor 2 Agustus 2021
Publisher : Universitas Syiah Kuala

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.24815/jks.v21i2.20360


AbstractTonsilar carcinoma is the most common squamous cell carcinoma of the tonsils that presents as ulcerated lesions on a necrotic basis. These tumors often appear at an advanced stage and often metastasize to the lymph nodes. In recent years, head and neck malignancies due to HPV infection have increased. Other causes of carcinoma of the tonsils are smoking and alcohol abuse. The overall incidence of tonsillar carcinoma increase in the younger population, and this may be associated with an increase of human papilloma virus infection. Tonsil carcinoma varies in clinical history. In the early stages, tonsilar carcinoma are asymptomatic, but at an advanced stages patients might have complaint of a persistent sore throat, unilateral otalgia, or a sensation of mass in the throat, bleeding from the mouth, fetor oris with trismus as a sign of a local invasion. The diagnosis of tonsilar carcinoma made based on history, physical examination, clinical symptoms, and supporting examinations such as of CT scan, MRI and tumor tissue biopsy. Management of tonsilar carcinoma for stage I-II and stage III (T1-2, N1) are local and regional radiotherapy to achieve a good effect. Radiotherapy is the main treatment modality in early-stage of tonsillar carcinoma. concomitant chemotherapy and radiation therapy are the standard treatment for advanced tonsillar carcinoma currently. chemotherapy can be given before radiotherapy or as neoadjuvant, given after radiotherapy or as adjuvant, or given concurrently with radiotherapy.
ADENOKARSINOMA KOLON PADA BAYI BERUSIA 14 HARI Fitri Dewi Ismida; Causa Trisna Mariedina; Safarianti safarianti
Jurnal Kedokteran Syiah Kuala Vol 21, No 1 (2021): Volume 21 Nomor 1 April 2021
Publisher : Universitas Syiah Kuala

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.24815/jks.v21i1.20185


Adenokarsinoma kolon merupakan salah satu jenis kanker yang paling banyak dijumpai, sekitar 15% dari seluruh kanker yang mematikan. Umumnya kanker ini terjadi pada usia dewasa dan jarang dijumpai pada anak-anak. Dilaporkan sebuah kasus adenokarsinoma kolon pada seorang bayi laki-laki berusia 14 hari yang disangkakan sebagai Hirschprung’s disease. Dilakukan pemeriksaan secara histopatologi terhadap massa tumor dari kolon. Setelah jaringan difiksasi dengan formalin 10%, dilakukan  pemrosesan standar menggunakan blok parafin dengan pewarnaan Hematoxylin Eosin. Jaringan kemudian dievaluasi di bawah mikroskop cahaya binokuler. Gambaran histopatologi jaringan dari kolon, tampak lapisan mukosa hingga serosa. Lapisan mukosa terdiri dari struktur kelenjar yang mengalami disorganisasi. Kelenjar dengan pelapis epitel yang proliferatif, inti bulat oval membesar, kromatin kasar, sitoplasma eosinofilik. Stroma terdiri dari jaringan fibrous yang diinfiltrasi oleh sel-sel tumor dan sebukan sel-sel radang polimorfonuklear yang masif. Sel-sel tumor tampak telah menyusup di antara lapisan muskularis. Pembuluh darah proliferatif, sebagian dilatasi dan kongesti. Hasil pemeriksaan histopatologi menunjukkan gambaran yang sesuai dengan karakteristik adenokarsinoma kolon Kata kunci. Adenokarsinoma kolon, adenokarsinoma, kolon