Zainal Arifin Hasibuan
Universitas Indonesia

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eCulture: Kerangka TIK Untuk Pelestarian Kebudayaan Nasional Salim, Agus; Hasibuan, Zainal Arifin
Jurnal Informatika dan Komputasi STMIK Indonesia Jakarta Vol 6, No 1 (2012): Jurnal Informatika dan Komputasi STMIK Indonesia Jakarta
Publisher : Jurnal Informatika dan Komputasi STMIK Indonesia Jakarta

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Kebudayaan merupakan salah satu aspek kehidupan yang mencerminkan ciri khas dari suatu bangsa. Berbagai masalah dan tantangan yang timbul, seperti : tersebar luasnya informasi budaya, tidak adanya basis data terpusat untuk menampung informasi budaya yang ada, kesulitan mengetahui ragam budaya pada daerah tertentu, belum dijadikannya budaya sebagai sumber pengetahuan, belum digunakannya budaya sebagai unsur pembangun karakter bangsa, dan infomasi budaya yang belum digunakan untuk pengembangan pariwisata. Dengan melakukan penelitian berdasarkan observasi dan studi literatur tentang budaya, kebudayaan, dan ragam budaya; ragam warisan budaya nasional; pelestarian budaya; eCulture; repositori budaya; Zachman framework; entity relationship diagram; context diagram dan data flow diagram; network diagram; dan activity diagram diharapkan dapat membantu merumuskan sebuah kerangka TIK untuk pelestarian kebudayaan nasional. Setelah melakukan observasi dan studi literatur, data yang terkumpul akan dianalisa dan diinterpretasi dengan menggunakan pendekatan seamless integration. Pada tahap akhir dari analisa dan interpretasi tersebut, maka akan terbentuk sebuah kerangka TIK yang lengkap berdasarkan Zachman framework. Kata kunci: eCulture, kerangka TIK, pelestarian kebudayaan, Zachman Framework
Indonesian e-Agriculture Strategic Framework: A Direction of ICT Usage as Enabler in Agriculture Rubhasy, Albaar; Hasibuan, Zainal Arifin
Jurnal Informatika dan Komputasi STMIK Indonesia Jakarta Vol 6, No 1 (2012): Jurnal Informatika dan Komputasi STMIK Indonesia Jakarta
Publisher : Jurnal Informatika dan Komputasi STMIK Indonesia Jakarta

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As indicated in many studies, a modern agriculture posts several problems. It tends to not environmentally friendly due to chemical usage, produced more waste, and the land is forced to produced exceeding its capacity. Beside that in the modern agricultural supply chain, farmers (producers) always in a weaker position as compare to distributors (intermediaries) and costumers. Lack of access to updated information leads to a poor judgment on what to plant, when to plant, how much to plant, and where to sale. This imbalanced of agricultural supply chain reduced the farm profitability. Furthermore, it creates a structured poverty in the farming communities due to weakened processes of farming resources ability to fulfill sufficient needs. ICTs could help small and medium farmers increase their revenues (which is related to farm profitability), improve their farming practices (which is related to environmental stewardship), and making it possible for them to access information on agricultural know-how through knowledge sharing among them (which is related to prosperous farming communities), and through research center. ICT can help to increase transparency, prevent corruption, optimal price discovery, information dissemination, usability, preservation and management of documents and content. However, it requires network and information security, interoperability, standardization of business processes and for localization and internationalization of content. All these components need to be structured in such a way into an Indonesian E-Agriculture Strategic Framework (IESF). IESF aims at deploying ICTs for sustainable development in agriculture area targeting ultimate beneficiaries (i.e. farmers) by providing direct-link among farmers, merchants, consumers, local governments with global markets, research center, banks, and so forth. Keywords: agricultural supply chain; E-Agriculture
Unified Concept-based Multimedia Information Retrieval Technique Andi Kambau, Ridwan; Arifin Hasibuan, Zainal
Proceeding of the Electrical Engineering Computer Science and Informatics Vol 4: EECSI 2017
Publisher : IAES Indonesia Section

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (1658.724 KB) | DOI: 10.11591/eecsi.v4.1007


The explosion of digital data in the last two decades followed by the development of various types of data, including text, images, audio and video known as multimedia data. Multimedia Information Retrieval is required to search various type of media. There is comprehensive information need that can not be handled by the monolithic search engine like Google, Google Image, Youtube, or FindSounds. The shortcoming of search engine today related to their format or media is the dominance of text format, while the expected information could be an image, audio or video. Hence it is necessary to present multimedia format at the same time. This paper tries to design Unified Concept-based Multimedia Information Retrieval (UCpBMIR) technique to tackle those difficulties by using unified multimedia indexing. The indexing technique transforms the various of media with their features into text representation with the concept-based algorithm and put it into the concept detector. Learning model configures the concept detector to classify the multimedia object. The result of the concept detector process is placed in unified multimedia index database and waiting for the concept-based query to be matched into the Semantic Similarities with ontology. The ontology will provide the relationship between object representation of multimedia data. Due to indexing text, image, audio, and video respectively that naturally, they are heterogeneous, but conceptually they may have the relationship among them. From the preliminary result that multimedia document retrieved can be obtained through single query any format in order to retrieve all kind of multimedia format. Unified multimedia indexing technique with ontology will unify each format of multimedia