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Populis : Jurnal Sosial dan Humaniora Vol 3, No 2 (2018)
Publisher : Universitas Nasional

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (413.724 KB) | DOI: 10.47313/pjsh.v3i2.477


Ahimsa and Satyagraha were the culmination of Gandhi's struggle. Ahimsa and Satyagraha combine short-term goals with long-term perspectives, more importantly Satyagraha proves the correctness of his method to unite theory with ways of social movement abstinence from violence. Satyagraha proved the strength of the Gandhi method to penetrate the people even though in agrarian areas that were socially and politically underdeveloped, and methods for carrying out a collective approach and education of social movements for women. This is a strategy to instill discipline and active involvement of women in socio-political and economic movements in India. For Gandhi, the involvement of women was an honorable activity for them. Keywords: Ahimsa, Satyagraha, and social movements for women
Populis : Jurnal Sosial dan Humaniora Vol 4, No 1 (2019)
Publisher : Universitas Nasional

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (333.643 KB) | DOI: 10.47313/pjsh.v4i1.600


Partisipasi Politik dan Dinamika Demokrasi di Kota Tidore Kepulauan memberikan gambaran menarik dalam kajian politik di Indonesia. Dalam kontestasi politik seiring dengan bergulirnya Pilkada Langsung telah mencerdaskan masyarakat Kota Tidore Kepulauan dalam partisipasi politik dan berdemokrasi. Meningkatnya tingkat partisipasi politik masyarakat  dalam Pemilu Serentak 2019. Menguatnya politik patrenalistik masyarakat dengan melemahnya peranan partai politik dalam mencerdaskan masyarakat berpolitik. Budaya politik keterbukaan dengan peranan aktor politik mencuat sebagai kelompok civil society yang mampu mempengaruhi kebijakan birokrasi atau terlibat dalam menentukan siapa yang layak duduk di pemerintahan maupun di lembaga legislatif. Dinamisasi politik yang ditandai dengan sirkulasi elit baru dalam ruang sosial-politik memberikan gambaran bahwa masa depan demokrasi dengan melakukan penelitian penelitian deskriptif analitis guna memahami proses pratisipasi politik dan demokratisasi yang menjadi pembelajaran terpenting bagi masyarakat dalam berpolitik.
Jurnal Ilmu dan Budaya Vol 40, No 51 (2016): Vol. 40, No 51 (2016)
Publisher : Universitas Nasional

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (92.826 KB) | DOI: 10.47313/jib.v40i51.259


Gandhi’s non-violance movement has basically been based on moral and religious force. The values that Gandhi promotes include fighting against use of hard force, of weapon; fighting for truth by way of self-purification. His movement is transformative in nature and puts humanity over varied basis of violence in terms culture, language and act. Gandhi’s major ideas are Ahimsa, Stayagrha, Swadeshi, Swaraj, and Sarvodaya—with which Gandhi struggles for the independence and de-colonizing his country, India.
Jurnal Ilmu dan Budaya Vol 41, No 72 (2020): Vol. 41, No 72 (2020)
Publisher : Universitas Nasional

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.47313/jib.v41i72.1022


Tradition-based community empowerment that is carried out is an empowerment process carried out by the community by developing a joint work program based on traditional values or cultural identities that exist and are grounded in society without eliminating that cultural identity. This study aims to explore and identify the potential of community social capital in Kalaodi village, namely: Informal institutions and institutions such as community socio-economic networks, traditional institutions and traditional ceremonies in the form of paca goya, working groups and marong (mutual cooperation) and community social action. in conducting empowerment based on community self-help. In addition, this study is to determine the efforts of the people of Kalaodi in empowering communities based on local traditions. Community empowerment is carried out in the form of management and utilization of village gardens and youth gardens in which cloves and nutmeg are produced, used for building village road infrastructure and building community learning facilities, in the form of a reading house in Dola village. This research uses descriptive analysis method, data collection, observation, interview and document study. The results showed the empowerment carried out by villagers in the use of natural products which was accompanied by assistance from government officials and community organizations.
Politik Identitas di Maluku Utara Kamaruddin Salim
POLITIK Vol 11, No 2 (2015): Politik
Publisher : POLITIK

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (426.218 KB)


AbstrakPolitik identitas menjadi fokus utama dalam konteks PILKADA langsung, sehingga dalam praktiknya melibatkan peran aktor informal dan struktur partai serta birokrasi. Proses politik identitas melahirkan semangat etnisitas kian menguat dalam Pemilihan Gubernur Malaku Utara 2013. Pertama, politik identitas etnis memberi ruang besar akan bangkitnya semangat para aktor untuk menguatkan dan membangkitkan posisi elit dan para penguasa lokal di Maluku Utara. Kedua, peran aktor dan struktur menjadi tantangan tersendiri bagi partai politik yang ada di aderah. Ketiga, politik identitas etnis yang berkembang di Maluku Utara, yang dilandasi semangat pragmatisme etnisitas sesungguhnya mendorng etnis menjadi kekuatan politik yang lembut dengan lahirnya budaya politik yang harmonis demi terciptanya iklim berdemokrasi yang baik di Provinsi Maluku UtaraKata Kunci: Politik Identitas, Maluku Utara, PILKADAAbstractIdentity politics became the main focus in the context of direct ELECTION, so that in practice involves the role of informal actors and the structure of the party and the bureaucracy. The political process gave birth to the spirit of ethnic identity growing stronger in Malaku Utara gubernatorial election of 2013. First, ethnic identity politics provide a large space will rise spirit of the actors to strengthen and raise the position of the elite and the local authorities in Maluku Utara. Secondly, the role of actor and structure is a challenge for political parties in aderah. Third, the politics of ethnic identity that developed in Maluku Utara, which is based on the true spirit of pragmatism mendorng ethnic ethnicity into a political force that is gentle to the birth of a harmonious political culture for the creation of a good climate of democracy in the province of Maluku Utara.Keywords: Identity politics, North Maluku, ELECTION
Hubungan Patron-Klien Dalam Rekrutmen Calon Anggota Legislatif Partai Gerindra Kota Tidore Kepulauan Tahun 2014 Mochdar Soleman; Kamaruddin Salim
Populis : Jurnal Sosial dan Humaniora Vol 7, No 2 (2022)
Publisher : Universitas Nasional

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.47313/pjsh.v7i2.1973


The existence of political parties in Indonesia has an important role in the democratic system. Political parties have several functions and one of them is political recruitment, namely a selection of candidates for legislative members to produce a quality leader. This study discusses the recruitment strategy by the Gerindra Party in conducting the regeneration of members of the Gerindra Party in Tidore Islands City. This study uses James Scott's Patron-Client Theory and Michael Rush and Philip Althoff's Political Recruitment Theory. The data in this study were obtained through interviews with party leaders and literature studies. This study describes that the Gerindra Party Branch Board of Tidore Islands City conducts political recruitment with a patron-client pattern. Where, patrons are associated with former activists, retirees and businessmen who have an organized mass, influence and economic capital. And clients, namely community groups who have social and cultural closeness will follow the political choices of their patrons. This study shows that the strategy model for recruiting legislative candidate figures from activists, retirees and entrepreneurs is still a popular strategy, but ignores the process of strengthening the resources of the party cadres themselves. This, of course, led to a crisis of regeneration within the party's internal.Keberadaan partai politik di Indonesia memunyai peran penting dalam sistem demokrasi. Partai politik mempunyai beberapa fungsi dan salah satunya ialah rekrutmen politik, yaitu seleksi calon anggota legislatif untuk mencetak seorang pemimpin berkualitas. Penelitian ini membahas tentang strategi rekrutmen oleh Partai Gerindra dalam melakukan kaderisasi anggota Partai Gerindra di Kota Tidore Kepulauan. Penelitian ini menggunakan Teori Patron-Klien James Scott dan Teori Rekrutmen Politik Michael Rush dan Philip Althoff. Data dalam penelitian ini diperoleh melalui wawancara ketua partai dan studi kepustakaan. Penelitian ini menguraikan bahwa Dewan Pimpinan Cabang Partai Gerindra Kota Tidore Kepulauan melakukan rekrutmen politik dengan pola patron-klien. Di mana, patron diasosiasikan dengan mantan aktivis, pensiunan dan pengusaha yang mempunyai massa teroganisir, pengaruh serta modal ekonomi. Dan klien yakni kelompok masyarakat yang mempuyai kedekatan secara sosial dan kultural akan mengikuti pilihan politik patronnya. Dalam penelitian ini menunjukkan model strategi rekrutmen figur calon anggota legislatif dari kalangan aktivis, pensiunan dan pengusaha masih menjadi strategi yang popular, namun mengabaikan proses penguatan sumber daya dari kader partai sendiri. Hal ini, tentunya menimbulkan krisis kaderisasi dalam internal partai.
Budaya Malu Sebagai Fakta Sosial Pemberantasan Korupsi di Indonesia Syifa Najla Widiyanti; Kamaruddin Salim
Ilmu dan Budaya Vol 44, No 2 (2023): Vol. 44, No 2 (2023)
Publisher : Universitas Nasional

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.47313/jidb.v44i2.2352


The culture of shame as a social fact in eradicating corruption in Indonesia. The culture of shame is able to prevent individuals and community groups from corrupt practices. Emile Durkheim's social facts describe that shame can prevent individuals from committing social deviance. This study used a qualitative method by conducting a literature review through journals, books, related publications and news articles which were then examined from the perspective of Emile Durkheim's social fact theory. The results of this study, a culture of shame is a solution to eradicating corruption. The government should make a new policy related to eradicating corruption. First, replace the term corruptor with the word thief or robber; secondly, corruptors are required to work without pay in the border areas that have been determined by the government as a substitute for imprisonment; third, violation of access of corruptors from all forms of public services, for example banking arrangements, passports, insurance, bank guarantees etc.; fourth, every candidate for public leader, is committed to anti-corruption by agreeing to a stamped agreement. If you commit a criminal act of corruption, you must return your salary while serving as an official or leader of a government agency.Budaya malu sebagai fakta sosial dalam pemberantasan korupsi di Indonesia. Budaya malu mampu menghindari individu maupun kelompok masyarakat dari praktik korupsi. Fakta sosial Emile Durkheim menggambarkan rasa malu dapat menghindari individu untuk melakukan penyimpangan sosial. Penelitian   ini, menggunakan metode kualitatif dengan melakukan studi pustaka melalui jurnal, buku, publikasi lembaga terkait dan artikel berita yang kemudian dikaji dalam perspektif teori fakta sosial Emile Durkheim. Hasil dari penelitian ini, budaya malu menjadi solusi pemberantasan korupsi. Pemerintah seharusnya membuat kebijakan baru terkait pemberantasan korupsi. Pertama, menggantikan istilah koruptor dengan kata maling atau garong; kedua, pelaku korupsi diwajibkan bekerja tanpa upah di wilayah perbatasan yang telah ditentukan oleh pemerintah sebagai pengganti hukuman penjara; ketiga, pembatasan akses pelaku korupsi dari segala bentuk pelayanan publik, misalnya pengurusan perbankan, paspor, asuransi, pinjaman bank dll; keempat, setiap calon pemimpin publik, berkomitmen terhadap anti rasuah dengan menandatangani surat perjanjian bermaterai. Apabila melakukan tindak pidana korupsi, maka harus mengembalikan gaji selama menjadi pejabat atau pemimpin suatu institusi pemerintah.