Andry Hikari Damai
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Komunikasi Visual Dalam Relief Karmawibhangga Candi Borobudur Andry Hikari Damai; Theodorus Aries Bryan Nugraha Setiawan Kusuma; Andika Witono
JURNAL PANALUNGTIK Vol. 3 No. 2 (2020): Vol. 3 (2) 2020
Publisher : Kemendikbud

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.24164/pnk.v3i2.44


Relief is a 3-dimensional work of art carved on a rock that is related to religious teachings, both Hindu and Buddhist. Relief is used to show religious lessons to followers, one of the relief is the Karmawibhangga relief found in Borobudur Temple which explains about karma law lessons using the community background at that time. This research will discuss the problem of depicting life in Karmawibhangga relief which can be a visual communication medium in the Mataram Kuno era. The purpose of this research was to determine the role of reliefs related to the values of social life and the values of the great traditions of the Karmawibhangga relief at Borobudur Temple. This study used a descriptive analysis method with primary data based on direct observation of the Karmawibhangga relief object at Borobudur Temple, and secondary data in the form of photos from a collection from the Borobudur Temple Conservation Center, as well as literature studies. In visual communication, aesthetics is a part that contains aspects of natural configuration so as to convey the message as a whole. Relief Karmawibhangga is a visual communication medium that depicts life in the ancient Mataram era.
Evaluasi Pada Pengelolaan, Pemanfaatan, Dan Pelestarian Cagar Budaya Berkelanjutan Pada Situs Majapahit, Trowulan Theodorus Aries Briyan Nugraha Setiawan Kusuma; Andika Witono; Andry Hikari Damai
JURNAL PANALUNGTIK Vol. 4 No. 1 (2021): Vol. 4(1) 2021
Publisher : Kemendikbud

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.24164/pnk.v4i1.61


Archaeological remainin at Trowulan site, Mojokerto are one of the important assets in the world of Indonesia archaeology because it holds many valuable lessons from the past. Currently the Trowulan Site has not been able to show a big role for the wider community. This can be seen from the lack of awareness and socialization to the community. The problem raised in this study is how the implementation of management, utilization, and preservation is very necessary in establishing cooperation for the sustainability of archaeological remaining in heritage sites of the Majapahit Kingdom in Trowulan, Mojokerto. This study aims to see the implementation of the management, utilization, and preservation of the Majapahit Trowulan site as an archaeological site that has the potential to be developed. This study uses a descriptive analytic approach by observing the community around the Majapahit site in Trowulan. The data collection technique used a documentation study in the form of a map of the distribution of the Majapahit site in Trowulan and a literature study through previous research. The analysis used in this research is interactive analysis. The purpose of this study is to preserve the heritage sites of the Majapahit Kingdom by protecting the site such as rescue and security, zoning, maintenance and restoration for sustainable for generation to generation. These conservation efforts have been implemented but also still face a lot of obstacles such as human resources.
Kindai Etam : Jurnal Penelitian Arkeologi Vol. 6 No. 1 (2020): KINDAI ETAM
Publisher : Balai Arkeologi Kalimantan Selatan

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.24832/ke.v6i1.58


Rumah adalah kebutuhan primer dalam kehidupan manusia. Dalam perkembangannya, rumah tidak hanya menjadi tempat tinggal untuk berlindung dari segala bentuk ancaman, namun juga memiliki makna-makna filosofis. Makna filosofis yang terkandung dalam rumah tradisional Jawa yang didasarkan pada kemampuan manusia dalam mempelajari lingkungan tempat tinggalnya. Untuk menemukan makna filosofis tersebut kita harus melihat bentuk, ukuran, dan hal lain yang mendasari rumah tersebut dibangun. Makna filosofis tersebut dapat diĀ­lihat pada kehidupan sehari-hari masyarakat Jawa, terutama dalam pembuatan arsitektur rumah. Permasalahan yang diangkat adalah bagaimana hubungan antara kosmologi, estetika, dan simbol dalam bentuk arsitektural rumah tradisional Jawa. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah mengetahui hubungan antara kosmologi, estetika, dan simbol dalam bentuk arsitektural rumah tradisional Jawa. Metode yang digunakan adalah metode deskriptif analitis. Hasil penelitian ini memberikan gambaran umum beserta penjelasan mengenai bentuk arsitektur dari rumah tradisional Jawa. Simpulan yang didapatkan yaitu rumah tradisional Jawa sebagai bentuk arsitektural, simbolisme budaya, dan estetika masyarakat, serta kesakralan dan profanitas dalam setiap elemen rumah tradisional Jawa. House is a primary need in human life. A house is not only a place to shelter from threats, but also has philosophical meanings based on the human ability studying their live environment. We should see the shape, size, and other things that underlie the building houses to find the philosophical meaning. It can be seen in the daily life of Javanese people, especially in the making of home architecture. The problem is how the relationship between cosmology, aesthetic, and symbols materialized in the architectural form of traditional Javanese houses. The purpose of this study was to determine those relationship. The method is descriptive analysis, and discussion provides a general description along with an explanation of the architectural forms of traditional Javanese houses. The result shows the traditional Javanese house has a role not only as an architectural form, cultural symbolism and aesthetics of the community, but also as the sacred and profanity in its every element.
Naditira Widya Vol 13 No 2 (2019): NADITIRA WIDYA
Publisher : Balai Arkeologi Kalimantan Selatan

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (1294.598 KB) | DOI: 10.24832/nw.v13i2.320


Kebudayaan Austronesia menyebar di wilayah Asia Tenggara dan sekitarnya hingga ke kepulauan Pasifik dan Madagaskar. Kebudayaan ini berasal dari Taiwan atau Formosa. Persebaran budaya penutur bahasa Austronesia di Asia Tenggara berpengaruh besar dalam mengembangkan budaya yang masih bertahan sampai masa sekarang. Pengaruh tersebut dapat dilihat pada budaya maritim, budaya pertanian, dan juga dalam aspek-aspek sosial seperti pemujaan terhadap leluhur atau dewa/dewi. Hal ini menjadi penting dalam upaya memperkuat identitas penutur bahasa Austronesia sebagai satu-satunya komunitas yang punya peranan begitu besar di Asia Tenggara. Permasalahan yang diangkat adalah bagaimana proses persebaran penutur bahasa Austronesia dan pengaruhnya dalam kebudayaan di Asia Tenggara. Aspek yang diteliti adalah perkembangan kebudayaan dan masyarakat yang bertutur bahasa Austronesia pada periode 4500-1500 tahun lalu dan penjelajahan Austronesia menyeberangi Samudera Hindia. Metode penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan deskriptif kualitatif. Teknik pengumpulan data menggunakan studi pustaka dan pengamatan dengan pendekatan metode kualitatif. Penelitian ini membuktikan peranan besar penutur bahasa Austronesia dalam perkembangan kebudayaan di Asia Tenggara. Hasil dari penelitiaan bahwa adanya peranan besar penutur bahasa Austonesia dalam berbagai hal seperti kebudayaan maritim, budaya agraris, ritual penguburan dan juga kepercayaan pada leluhur. Austronesian culture spread out in Southeast Asia and adjacent areas until Pacific Archipelago and Madagascar. This culture came from Taiwan or Formosa. The development of Austronesian speakers has a big influence on develop culture who still survive until now. That influence can be seen in maritime culture, agricultural culture, and social aspects as worship the ancestor or God/Goddess. This thing is important for makes Austronesian speakers stronger as the one and only community who has big part for Southeast Asia culture. The problem is how the process of the spread of speakers of Austronesian languages and their influence in culture in Southeast Asia. The aspect that studied is the development from Taiwan to all regions of Southeast Asia Islands within a period of time 4500-1500 years ago and the exploration of Austronesian crossing the Indian ocean. This research method was conducted using a qualitative descriptive that explain the problem on the object. Data collection techniques with literature review. The data that collected in this research is qualitative. An analysis technique used in this research is a systematic qualitative analysis of Austronesian culture development. The results of the research that their major role Austronesian languages in various things such as technology of boat building, maritime culture, agrarian culture, burial rituals, and belief in ancestors.