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Jurnal Ilmiah Keperawatan IMELDA Vol. 7 No. 1 (2021): Jurnal Ilmiah Keperawatan IMELDA
Publisher : Program Studi S1/DIII-Keperawatan Universitas Imelda Medan

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.52943/jikeperawatan.v7i1.450


The performance of nurses in providing nursing services is an integral part of health care. The factors that affect the performance of nurses also play a role in the effectiveness of the application of patient safety in nursing care, including the motivation factors of nurses and the workload of nurses. Nurses work motivation will be able to influence the implementation of patient safety. The workload of nurses can also have an impact on the optimization of the provision of service care. The general objective in this study was to determine the determinants of nurse performance in the application of patient safety at the Imelda Worker Hospital of Indonesia. The research method used was a quantitative study with a cross sectional study approach. The population in this study were all inpatient nurses at Imelda Hospital Medan, totaling 217 people, with a total sample of 140 people according to the specified incusion criteria. Data analysis using frequency distribution and chi square test. Based on the results of the study, it was found that there was an influence on the work motivation of nurses in the application of patient safety at Imelda Hospital, Indonesian Workers with p-value = 0.000 <0.05 and there was also an influence on the workload of nurses in the application of patient safety at Imelda Hospital, Indonesian Workers with p-value = 0.000. <0.05. In connection with efforts to improve the performance of nurses in the application of patient safety at the Indonesian Worker Imelda Hospital, it is necessary for the head of care to pay more attention to matters relating to providing motivation and rules regarding the workload of nurses so that nurses can maximize their performance.
Jurnal Ilmiah Kebidanan Imelda Vol. 6 No. 1 (2020): Jurnal Ilmiah Kebidanan Imelda
Publisher : Program Studi S1 & DIII-Kebidanan Universitas Imelda Medan

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.52943/jikebi.v6i1.369


ABSTRAK Hipertensi adalah masalah global. Data dari WHO menunjukkan bahwa angka kematian yang disebabkan oleh komplikasi hipertensi pada tahun 2013 mencapai 9,4 kematian di seluruh dunia. Analisis lebih lanjut yang dilakukan oleh RISKESDAS 2013 (Riset Kesehatan Dasar 2013) menggambarkan bahwa persentase hipertensi pada wanita usia reproduksi adalah 23,6%. Wanita dengan hipertensi kronis dapat menyebabkan komplikasi selama kehamilan dibandingkan dengan mereka yang tidak menderita hipertensi. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengidentifikasi dan menganalisis faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi hipertensi pada wanita pasangan usia reproduksi 15-49 tahun di Puskesmas Bangun Purba, Kabupaten Deli Serdang, pada tahun 2017. Penelitian ini adalah studi kasus kontrol yang tidak tertandingi. Penelitian ini dilakukan di Puskesmas Bangun Purba, Kabupaten Deli Serdang. Populasi adalah semua wanita pasangan usia subur yang hipertensi atau tidak yang datang berobat di Puskesmas Bangun Purba dari Januari 2016-Maret 2017 yaitu 541 wanita. Sampel terdiri dari 49 responden masing-masing dalam kelompok kasus dan kontrol. Analisis data terdiri dari analisis univariat, analisis bivariat dengan chi square. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa variabel usia mempengaruhi hipertensi pada wanita pasangan usia reproduksi 15-49 tahun. nilai OR = 3,6 (95% CI=1,448 - 9,054) Hal ini berarti bahwa responden yang berumur > 35 tahun beresiko 3,6 kali lebih besar mengalami dibandingkan dengan responden yang berumur ≤ 35 tahun.Berdasarkan analisis pengaruh obesitas terhadap hipertensi, diperolehnilaip< 0,05 Kesimpulannya, variabel konsumsi garam, obesitas dan usia mempengaruhi kejadian hipertensi dan variabel yang paling berpengaruh adalah variabel konsumsi garam. Pengaturan diet untuk mengonsumsi garam tidak lebih dari 5 gr sehari dan menjaga berat badan ideal bagi wanita pasangan usia reproduksi 15-49 tahun yang hipertensi atau tidak. Kata kunci: Kejadian hipertensi, Pasangan usia subur, umur ABSTRACT Hypertension is a global problem. Data from WHO shows that the mortality rate caused by hypertension complications in 2013 reached 9.4 deaths worldwide. Further analysis conducted by RISKESDAS 2013 (Basic Health Research 2013) illustrates that the percentage of hypertension in women of reproductive age is 23.6%. Women with chronic hypertension can cause complications during pregnancy compared to those without hypertension. The purpose of this study was to identify and analyze the factors that influence hypertension in women of reproductive age groups 15-49 years at the Bangun Purba Health Center, Deli Serdang Regency, in 2017.This research is a case control study that is unmatched. This research was conducted at the Bangun Purba Health Center, Deli Serdang Regency. The population was all women of childbearing age couples who were hypertensive or not who came for treatment at Puskesmas Bangun Purba from January 2016-March 2017, namely 541 women. The sample consisted of 49 respondents each in a case and control group. Data analysis consisted of univariate analysis, bivariate analysis with chi square.The results showed that the age variable affected hypertension in female partners of reproductive age 15-49 years. OR value = 3.6 (95% CI = 1,448 - 9,054) This means that respondents aged> 35 years at risk are 3.6 times more likely to experience compared to respondents aged ≤ 35 years. Based on an analysis of the effect of obesity on hypertension, a value of <0.05In conclusion, the variable salt consumption, obesity and age affect the incidence of hypertension and the most influential variable is the salt consumption variable. Dietary arrangements to consume salt no more than 5 grams a day and maintain ideal body weight for women of reproductive age groups 15-49 years who are hypertensive or not.
Jurnal Ilmiah Kebidanan Imelda Vol. 7 No. 2 (2021): Jurnal Ilmiah Kebidanan Imelda
Publisher : Program Studi S1 & DIII-Kebidanan Universitas Imelda Medan

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.52943/jikebi.v7i2.644


Breastfeeding is an art that must be relearned. All it takes is patience, time, a little knowledge about breastfeeding, and support from the environment, especially the husband. A study in Ghana published in the journal Pediatrics showed 16% of infant deaths could be prevented through breastfeeding the baby from the first day of birth. This figure increases to 22% if breastfeeding begins within the first hour after the birth of the baby. This research is descriptive using primary data, and the sample used is random sampling with a population of 34 respondents and a sample of 30 respondents. From the results of the study, it is known that based on knowledge the majority of respondents have less knowledge as many as 16 respondents (53.33%), while the minority with good knowledge are 5 respondents (16.67%). Based on the age of pregnant women with less knowledge, the majority at the age of 21-30 years as many as 9 respondents (30%) and the minority of pregnant women with sufficient knowledge at the age of <20 years as many as 1 respondent (3.33%). 9 respondents (30%) in high school and a minority of pregnant women with good knowledge in elementary school as many as 1 respondent (3.33%). Based on information sources, the majority of pregnant women have less knowledge of the mass media as many as 13 respondents (43.33%) and the minority with good knowledge of health workers as many as 1 respondent (3.33%) and sufficient knowledge of the mass media as many as 1 respondent (3.33% ). It is hoped that health workers will provide more information about health education or counseling for pregnant women to understand the correct breastfeeding technique and how to breastfeed properly.
Faktor Penyebab Bayi 0-12 Bulan Terjangkit Diare, Dan Hubungan Dengan Pemberian Asi Eksklusif Di Desa Cinta Rakyat Jalan Teruno Joyo Rahmawani Fauza
Ability: Journal of Education and Social Analysis Volume 1 No 1 Oktober 2020
Publisher : Pusdikra Publishing

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Diarrhea is an endemic disease with the potential for extraordinary events that are often accompanied by death in Indonesia (Ministry of Health of the Republic of Indonesia 2020). As in the previous year, in 2020, pneumonia and diarrhea were still the main problems causing 73.9% of deaths (pneumonia) and 14.5% of deaths (diarrhea). (Indonesia health profile 2020).This study aims to make mothers aware of the importance of exclusive breastfeeding for infant health, and to know the prevention of diarrhea so that it does not continue to get worse which can lead to death. The method used in this research is quantitative. This research was conducted quantitatively because the researcher wanted to get extensive information from a population, knowing the extent of treatment on a particular subject. Based on the table above, the factors that affect diarrhea in infants 0-1 years in Cinta Rakyat found 80%) of the respondents who had exclusively breastfed their babies, and (20%) for mothers who gave formula milk to their babies, from mothers who Breastfeeding (12.5%) of the 24 respondents who had a history of contracting diarrhea to their babies, while mothers who gave formula milk were (100%) of 6 respondents
Edukasi Bahaya Hipertensi Pada Ibu Hamil Di Puskesmas Simalingkar Rahmawani Fauza
Cybernetics: Journal Educational Research and Social Studies Volume 2 Nomor 2 April 2021
Publisher : Pusdikra Publishing

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Introduction High blood pressure of pregnant women (hypertension) can cause intrauterine fetal growth disorders which of course will have an impact on birth weight. The number of maternal deaths by province in 2018-2019 decreased from 4,226 to 4,221 maternal deaths in Indonesia based on reports. In 2019, the most common causes of maternal death were bleeding (1,280 cases), hypertension in pregnancy (1,066 cases), infection (207 cases). During 2006 to 2019 the coverage of health services for K4 pregnant women tends to increase. When compared with the target of the Ministry of Health's 2019 Strategic Plan (Renstra) which was 80%, the 2019 achievement had reached the target of 88.54%. (Ministry of Health RI, 2019) Objective: Researchers provide counseling to pregnant women about the dangers of hypertension to pregnancy, this aims so that mothers can avoid, or prevent the occurrence of hypertension, for mothers who have a history of hypertension, are expected not to aggravate the situation by avoiding things that can worsen the mother's condition such as stress. , and maintain diet and adequate sleep patterns Methods: The method used in this study is a quantitative method and a qualitative method, where the researcher explains the incident through data collection focused on numerical data, as well as by interviewing respondents and providing counseling to respondents.
Keadaan Ibu Hamil Dengan Diabetes Melitus Di PUSKESMAS Tuntungan Tahun 2020-2021 Rahmawani Fauza
Journal of Health and Medical Science Volume 1 Nomor 3 Juli 2022
Publisher : Journal of Health and Medical Science

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Diabetes does not only affect the old age group, but has shifted to the young and productive age group, including pregnant women. Under normal conditions, blood sugar levels in the body are regulated by the hormone insulin. Most maternal deaths are known to be caused by other causes that are not detailed and the exact cause is known (63 people), due to bleeding (67 people), due to hypertension (51 people), due to infection (8 people), due to circulatory system disorders ( 8 people), as well as due to metabolic disorders (5 people). The purpose of this study was to determine the condition of pregnant women with a history of diabetes mellitus. The method in the study of pregnant women with a history of diabetes mellitus at the Tuntungan Health Center in 2020-2021 was descriptive quantitative, by collecting data from medical records at the Tuntungan Health Center and collected as many as 20 mothers with diabetes mellitus. The entire population was taken for the sample in this study. In the study of pregnant women with Diabetes Mellitus at the Tuntungan Health Center, the average effect on maternal age, mother's education, mother's weight, mother's condition with a family history of Diabetes Mellitus, and maternal glycosuria. From the results of this study, researchers have suggestions for health centers to provide health education to pregnant women who have diabetes to check their health regularly, and provide health education so that their diabetes does not get worse.
Jurnal Ilmiah Kebidanan Imelda Vol. 8 No. 2 (2022): Jurnal Ilmiah Kebidanan Imelda
Publisher : Program Studi S1 & DIII-Kebidanan Universitas Imelda Medan

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.52943/jikebi.v8i2.1125


Pneumonia is one of the most serious infectious diseases in children and is one of the most common acute respiratory infections (ARI) which causes death in children under five. Pneumonia is a major cause of morbidity and mortality in children under five. Every year more than 2 million children in the world die from pneumonia and most (99%) occur in developing and least developed countries. The purpose of this study was to determine the effectiveness of providing health education using calendar media in increasing mother's knowledge in early detection of pneumonia in children under five in Secanggang Village, Kab. Langkat. This type of research uses a quasi-experimental research design with "one group pretest and posttest control group design". The population of this research is mothers who have toddlers who live in Secanggang Village totaling 98 mothers. The sampling technique in this study was purposive sampling, with a total of 40 people, namely 20 experimental samples and 20 control samples. The results of the bivariate analysis showed that there was a significant relationship between mother's knowledge in early detection of pneumonia in toddlers between those who were given health education with calendar media and without calendar media, the p-value was 0.031. Because the p-value <0.05, Ho is rejected and Ha is accepted, meaning that there is a significant relationship between the level of knowledge of parents of children under five on detecting pneumonia.