Amir Hamzah
Pusat Teknologi dan Keselamatan Reaktor Nuklir - BATAN

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SIGMA EPSILON - Buletin Ilmiah Teknologi Keselamatan Reaktor Nuklir Vol 20, No 1 (2016): Februari 2016
Publisher : Badan Tenaga Nuklir Nasional

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (760.866 KB) | DOI: 10.17146/sigma.2016.20.1.3501


Spektrum neutron pada suatu reaktor nuklir merupakan salah satu parameter penting dan menjadi karaketristik dari reaktor tersebut. Pada penelitian ini dilakukan perhitungan spektrum neutron di posisi fasilitas iradiasi RS-1, RS-2, RS-4 dan RSPN teras reaktor RSG-GAS menggunakan paket program MCNP sebagai salah satu paket pro- gram yang handal dan sangat luas dipergunakan berbasis teori Monte Carlo. Analisis spektrum neu- tron tersebut dilakukan sebanyak 50 kelompok energi dengan menerapkan opsi tally fluks mode F5. Karena hasil keluaran dari MCNP masih berupa nilai fluks ternormalisasi, maka digunakan fluks neutron rerata teras sebesar 1,05x1014 n/cm2/detik hasil keluaran program ORIGEN2.1 sebagai faktor konversi untuk mendapatkan nilai fluks neutron absolut. Hasil perhitungan spektrum neutron di fasil- itas iradiasi sistem rabbit tersebut terlihat terjadi peningkatan fluks neutron secara gradual mulai dari posisi RS-1 hingga RS-4 dan sedikit penurunan di RSPN terutama pada daerah energi yang lebih tinggi. Hasil intergral fluks neutron termal dan epitermal rerata di RS-1 hingga RSPN adalah 1,2x1013 dan 2,7x1012 n/cm2/detik. Nilai fluks neutron termal di posisi sistem rabbit tersebut cukup tinggi dan mengambil bagian sebanyak 82% dari fluks total. 
Publisher : Pusat Teknologi Dan Keselamatan Reaktor Nuklir (PTKRN)

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (620.437 KB) | DOI: 10.17146/tdm.2015.17.2.2315


ABSTRAK DESAIN KONSEPTUAL PERISAI RADIASI REAKTOR RRI-50. Salah satu parameter yang harus dipenuhi dalam mendesain reaktor nuklir adalah desain perisai radiasi yang dapat menjamin keamanan dan keselamatan radiasi bagi pekerja dan masyarakat sekitar. Pada penelitian ini dilakukan desain perisai radiasi RRI-50 dengan elemen bakar berjenis U9Mo-Al berkerapatan tinggi dengan tipe pelat sebanyak 21 buah dan berdimensi seperti elemen bakar RSG-GAS tapi panjang aktifnya 70 cm. Konfigurasi teras terdiri dari 16 elemen bakar dan 4 elemen kendali serta 5 posisi iradiasi sehingga membentuk matriks 5 x 5. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah mendesain perisai radiasi dan menentukan distribusi laju dosis di daerah kerja dan di lingkungan reaktor RRI-50. Tahapan awal penelitian adalah perhitungan kuat sumber dan inventori bahan radioaktif teras reaktor dengan mensimulasikan operasi 50 MW selama 20 hari tiap siklus menggunakan program ORGEN2.1. Berdasarkan kuat sumber tersebut dan model yang dibuat menggunakan program VisEd, maka dilakukan analisis penentuan parameter perisai radiasi secara iteratif menggunakan program MCNPX. Pada tahap akhir, dilakukan analisis distribusi laju dosis di seluruh ruang di dalam dan di luar gedung reaktor juga menggunakan program MCNPX. Hasil yang diperoleh menunjukkan bahwa ketinggian permukaan air adalah 1000 cm dan kombinasi 90 cm beton berat dan 60 cm beton biasa dapat digunakan sebagai perisai biologi. Desain perisai tersebut mereduksi laju dosis menjadi 0,05 µSv/jam di Balai Operasi sementara di Balai Eksperimen dan di luar gedung reaktor menjadi 4,2 µSv/jam dan 0,03 µSv/jam pada saat reaktor beroperasi. Hasil penelitian juga menunjukkan pemasagan perisai tambahan setebal 280 cm berjarak 300 cm di depan tabung berkas neutron radial yang terbuka mereduksi laju dosis gamma dan neutron menjadi 3,3 µSv/jam dan 3,1x10-11 µSv/jam. Hasil-hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa desain perisai radiasi yang dibuat membuat reaktor RRI-50 menjadi aman dari bahaya radiasi bagi pekerja dan masyarakat sekitarnya. Kata kunci : Perisai radiasi, laju dosis, keselamatan radiasi, RRI-50. ABSTRACT RADIATION SHIELDING CONSEPTUAL DESIGN OF RRI-50 REACTOR. One of the parameters that must be met in the design of nuclear reactors is radiation shielding design to ensure the security and safety of workers and the surrounding community. This study has been conducted to design radiation shielding of RRI-50 with high density U9Mo-Al fuel elements that consist of 21 pieces of plate type fuel elements with dimension as same as RSG-GAS fuel elements but the active length is 70 cm. Core configurations consist of 16 fuel elements and 4 control elements and 5 irradiation positions to form a matrix of 5 x 5. The objective of this research is to design radiation shielding and determine the distribution of dose rates in the working area and the environment of RRI-50 reactor. The early stages of this research is to calculate source strength and inventory of radioactive materials within the reactor core with one operation pattern cycle of 50 MW for 20 days using ORGEN2.1 program. Based on core source strength and models that are created using the VisEd software, the analysis parameter of the shielding was determined iteratively using MCNPX program. In the final stage, an analysis of the dose rate distributions in the whole space inside and outside the reactor building was conducted also using MCNPX program. The results show that the height of the water surface is 1000 cm and the combination of heavy concrete thickness of 90 cm and ordinary concrete thickness of 60 cm can be used as an biological shield. This design can reduce the dose rate to 0.05 µSv/h in the Operations Room while in the Experiments Room and outside the reactor building to 4.2 µSv/h and 0.03 µSv/h during reactor operation. The results also suggest that the installation of additional radiation shield of 280 cm thickness within 300 cm in front of the open radial neutron beam tube can reduce gamma and neutron dose rate to 3.3 µSv/h and 3,1x10-11 µSv/h. The results of this study indicate that the radiation shield design is made to make reactor RRI-50 to be safe from radiation hazards to workers and surrounding communities. Keywords : Radiation shielding, dose rates, radiation safety, RRI-50.
Urania : Jurnal Ilmiah Daur Bahan Bakar Nuklir Vol 24, No 3 (2018): Oktober, 2018
Publisher : website

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.17146/urania.2018.24.3.4909


EVALUATION OF RADIATION DOSE RATE OF RSG-GAS REACTOR. The RSG-GAS reactor has been operated for 30 years. Since the nuclear reactor has been operated for a long time, aging process on its components may occur. One important parameter for maintaining the safety level of the RSG-GAS reactor is to maintain radiation exposure as low as possible, especially in the working area. The evaluation results should be able to demonstrate that the radiation exposure of the RSG-GAS is still safe for workers, communities and the surrounding environments. The purpose of this study is to evaluate radiation exposure in the working area to ensure that the operation of RSG-GAS is still safe for the next 10 years. The scope of this work is confirming the calculation results with the measured radiation dose in the RSG-GAS reactor working area. Measurement of radiation exposure is done by using the installed equipments at some points in the RSG-GAS working area and a portable radiation exposure measurement equipment. The calculations include performance of a modeling and analysis of dose rate distribution based on the composition and geometry data of RSG-GAS by using MCNP.  The analysis results show that the maximum dose rate at Level 0 m working area of RSG-GAS reactor is 3.0 mSv/h with a deviation of 6%, which is relatively close to the measurement value. The evaluation results show that the dose rate in RSG-GAS working area is below the limit value established by the Nuclear Energy Regulatory Agency of Indonesia (BAPETEN) of 10 mSv/h (for the average effective dose of 20 mSv/year). Therefore, it is concluded that the dose rate in RSG-GAS working area is safe for personnel..Kata kunci: dose rates, RSG-GAS, radiation safety, MCNP.