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Studi Perbandingan Dampak Lingkungan Produksi Biogas Dari Bahan Baku Substrat Kotoran Sapi dan Sampah Organik Padat Muhammad Ridha Rivaldi; Andri Saputra; Deni Swantomo
Jurnal Daur Lingkungan Vol 5, No 1 (2022): Februari
Publisher : Universitas Batanghari Jambi

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33087/daurling.v5i1.92


One of the renewable energy sources that has the potential as a source of energy mix to support energy needs in Indonesia is biogas. Biogas production by means of an anaerobic digester can be carried out with various types of substrates, including cow dung and organic solid waste. In carrying out a production, it is necessary to pay attention to the aspects that are caused to the environment. Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) can be used as a method of assessing the environmental impact of a product. The purpose of this study was to determine the environmental impact of biogas production activities from cow dung substrate and solid organic waste. LCA research was conducted using OpenLCA software version 1.10 with a functional unit based on the energy needs of the people of Yogyakarta at 41.554,342 kWh/hour. This study applies cradle to gate limits covering sources, transportation, production, and the resulting waste. The results showed that biogas production made from cow dung substrate had a lower environmental impact than biogas production made from solid organic waste. The most dominant environmental impact of the two biogas productions is eutrification, with a contribution of 2,12x105 kg PO4-eq (cow dung substrate) and 9,80x105 kg PO4-eq (solid organic waste). Process stages in biogas production that contribute dominantly to environmental pollution include transportation activities and by-products of liquid waste and sludge. The interpretation results produce several recommendations for improvement analysis, including substitution of fuel oil into compressed natural gas type gas fuel, processing of fermented sludge waste into fertilizer, processing of liquid waste with the plasma dielectric barrier discharge method.
Jurnal Forum Nuklir JURNAL FORUM NUKLIR VOL 15 NO 1 MEI 2021
Publisher : BATAN

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.17146/jfn.2020.14.3.6253


APPLICATION OF IRRADIATION TECHNOLOGY IN NATURAL RUBBER VULCANIZATION PROCESS. A new vulcanization technology is needed in order to eliminate some potential negative impacts of conventional vulcanization such as contain nitrosamines and allergen proteins that are harmful to health, toxic residues of accelerator compound, cannot be done at room temperature, and sulfur crosslinking contribute to acidification impact. One of the advanced technologies that can be used in the processing of polymers, such as natural rubber, is irradiation using gamma rays. This study is descriptive analysis by conducting a literature search from books and journals of national and international reputation. Radiation in latex of natural rubber will cause free radical formation, crosslinking, and chain scission between polyisoprene chains, and also produce mostly H2 gas. For crosslinking, materials with G(S):G(X) ratios <1.00 are preferred. The dose increase till certain dose led to an increase in the cross-link density of the irradiated rubbers, while apparently, the degradation mechanism has occurred for doses greater than optimum doses. The tensile strength at break of radiation vulcanizate has long been presumed to be lower than that of sulfur vulcanizate or peroxide vulcanizate. The approaches for enhancing radiation crosslinking could be defined by incorporation with filler, increasing the possibility of polymer radical recombination, and increasing the amount of polymer radicals.
Jurnal Sains Materi Indonesia Vol 23, No 2: APRIL 2022
Publisher : Center for Science & Technology of Advanced Materials - National Nuclear Energy Agency

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.17146/jsmi.2022.23.5.6343


COMPARATIVE LIFE CYCLE ASSESSMENT OF EDTA-MODIFIED AND AMINE GRAPTHED SILICA XEROGELS. NaI-131 removal from hospital wastewater using various silica xerogel adsorbents has been studied in order to meet the clearance level of radioactive waste. The contaminants emitted from the adsorbent manufacturing may affect the environment and human health. This study aimed to assess and minimize the environmental impacts of two adsorbents: EDTA-modified xerogel silica (EDTA Si-Xe) and Amine grafted silica xerogels (Amine Si-Xe), utilizing life cycle assessment (LCA) with the cradle to gate approach. OpenLCA 1.7 was used to estimate the impact, where background data were acquired from the European reference Life Cycle Database (ELCD) 3.2. The results show the dominant environmental impact resulting from adsorbent manufacturing is climate change. The impact of climate change on EDTA Si-Xe manufacturing and Amine Si-Xe manufacturing is about 0.510 CO2-eq and 0.258 CO2-eq, respectively. EDTA Si-Xe manufacturing performed the best (lower environmental impact) compare to Amine Si-Xe manufacturing. The process stage that contributes dominantly to environmental impact is calcination which gives high environmental impacts to climate change. The percent contribution of calcination to the environmental impact on EDTA Si-Xe manufacturing and Amine Si-Xe manufacturing is about 87% and 66%, respectively. The environmental impacts of the adsorbents manufacturing especially in climate change can be reduced by using Capture Carbon Storage (CCS) technology. Improvement analysis shows EDTA Si-Xe performed lower environmental impact compare to Amine Si-Xe with the value of impact categories lower than without applied CCS technology, especially value of climate change.
Waste Tire Granular Modification Using Gamma Radiation as Concrete Aggregate Rachman Jusuf Hidayat; Noor Anis Kundari; Andri Saputra
Rekayasa Hijau : Jurnal Teknologi Ramah Lingkungan Vol 6, No 3 (2022)
Publisher : Institut Teknologi Nasional, Bandung

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.26760/jrh.v6i3.229-237


ABSTRAKBan bekas kendaraan bermotor merupakan masalah yang serius dan rumit karena sulit terurai di lingkungan, tidak dapat dibentuk ulang (termoset), dan sulit didaur ulang. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mempelajari pengaruh modifikasi granul limbah ban menggunakan radiasi gamma sebagai agregat beton. Granul ban4 mesh (≤ 4,8 mm) dikenai dosis radiasi gamma yang bervariasi (20, 40, dan 60 kGy). Pengaruh radiasi gamma terhadap granular ban diidentifikasi melalui perubahan gugus fungsi, densitas ikatan-silang, dan densitasnya. Beton berbentuk kubus (15 cm) dicetak dengan mencampur bahan baku seperti semen, pasir, kerikil, air, dan granul ban dalam berbagai kandungan. Beton kering (usia 6 hari) direndam dalam air selama 1 hari untuk menentukan daya serap airnya. Beton usia 7 hari diukur kuat tekannya menggunakan mesin uji tekan. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan pemaparan radiasi gamma pada 40 kGy dapat meningkatkan densitas ikatan-silang granul ban, yang menunjukkan bahwa ikatan-silang polimer berhasil dicapai. Beton K100 dengan granul ban teriradiasi 40 kGy memberikan peningkatan kuat tekan 150% (104 kg/cm2) dibandingkan dengan granul ban non-iradiasi (69 kg/cm2). Walaupun beton dengan granul ban teriradiasi memberikan kuat tekan yang lebih rendah dibandingkan dengan beton tanpa granul ban, beton dengan granul ban teriradiasi kadar optimum (4% b/b) masih memenuhi standar SNI 03-0349.ABSTRACTAutomotive waste tires are a serious and complicated issue because it is difficult to degrade in the environment, cannot be reshaped (thermosets), and are difficult to recycle. The aim of this work is to study the effect of granular modification of waste tires using gamma radiation as a concrete aggregate. Tire granular 4 mesh (≤ 4.8 mm) is exposed by varied gamma radiation doses (20, 40, and 60 kGy). Gamma radiation effect on tire granular is identified through the functional groups, cross-link density, and density. Cubical concrete (15 cm) is molded by mixing raw materials such as cement, sand, gravel, water, and tire granular in various content. Dry concrete (6 days curing) is hydrated in water for 1 day to determine the water absorption. Concrete at 7 days curing is measured the compressive strength using compression testing machine. The result shows exposing gamma radiation at 40 kGy can increase the crosslink density of tire granular, which indicates polymer crosslinking is successfully achieved. Concrete K100 with irradiated tire granular at 40 kGy gives compressive strength improvement 150% (104 kg/cm2) compared to non-irradiated tire granular (69 kg/cm2). Even though concrete with irradiated tire granular gives lower compressive strength compared to concrete without tire granular, concrete with irradiated tire granular optimum content (4%) are still fulfill standard of SNI 03-0349.
Study of the Effect of Bioplasticizer Type of Epoxy Used Cooking Oil on the Mechanical Properties of Rubber Vulcanizate Andri Saputra; Pani Satwikanitya; Muh Wahyu Sya’bani; Mertza Fitra Agustian
Jurnal Teknologi Vol 10, No 2 (2023): Jurnal Teknologi
Publisher : Universitas Jayabaya

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.31479/jtek.v10i2.222


The high volume of used cooking oil is one of the biggest obstacles. Unsaturated fatty acids in waste cooking oil have the potential as a raw material for producing  plasticizer of epoxy oil. The development of renewable plasticizers based on natural materials to replace petroleum plasticizers has become the concern of many researchers due to the issue of depletion of petroleum raw materials, environmental problems, and health issues caused by petroleum plasticizers. This research aims to study the effect of different types of epoxy used cooking oil plasticizers on the mechanical properties of rubber vulcanizates. Used cooking oil that still contains unsaturated fatty acids was epoxidized by reflux method at 60oC using n-hexane solvent, glacial acetic acid catalyst and IR-120 amberlite resin, and oxygen donor hydrogen peroxide for 4 hours (MJE4), 6 hours (MJE6), and 8 hours (MJE8). The epoxy used cooking oil was characterized for oxirane number using the titration method. The epoxy cooking oil plasticizer was applied to the rubber compound and the mechanical properties of the rubber vulcanizate were tested. The analysis showed that MJE8 was the epoxy cooking oil with the highest oxirane number of 2.42% with a relative oxirane conversion of 84.92%. Epoxy cooking oil that has a higher oxirane content can increase the hardness and abrasion index, and reduce the tensile strength, elongation at break, and tear strength of rubber vulcanizates. The use of MJE8 produced rubber vulcanizates with higher elasticity properties, such as tensile strength (19.1 N/mm2), elongation at break (792.3%), and tear strength (26 N/mm). Meanwhile, MJE4 produced rubber vulcanizates with higher hardness and abrasion index with values of 68.7 HA and 90.8%, respectively.
Publisher : Unit Penelitian dan Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat Politeknik ATI Makassaar

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (301.236 KB) | DOI: 10.61844/jtkm.v1i1.22


Aktivitas pertambangan dapat berpotensi menimbulkan keberadaan Technologically Enhanced Naturally Occuring Radioactive Material (TENORM). Salah satu radionuklida yang terkandung dalam TENORM adalah stronsium pada air produksi sebagai radionuklida terlarut. Jika masuk dalam tubuh, stronsium bisa menyebabkan penyakit kanker tulang, tumor, dan leukimia. Pada penelitian ini stronsium dihilangkan dari larutan dengan teknik adsorpsi secara batch menggunakan zeolit terpilar titanium dioksida. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mempelajari kinetika adsorpsi stronsium oleh zeolit terpilar titanium dioksida menggunakan tiga model kinetika, yaitu pseudo orde satu, pseudo orde dua, dan model kinetika Langmuir-Hinshelwood. Berdasarkan studi kinetika yang telah dilakukan maka diperoleh kesimpulan bahwa adsorpsi stronsium oleh zeolit terpilar titanium dioksida mengikuti model kinetika pseudo orde dua dengan nilai k2 sebesar 0,6022 (g/mg.menit) dan qe secara teoritis sebesar 9,5785 mg adsorbat/g adsorben.
Publisher : Unit Penelitian dan Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat Politeknik ATI Makassaar

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (458.135 KB) | DOI: 10.61844/jtkm.v2i1.460


Kinetika vulkanisasi karet menggunakan bioplasticizer minyak kakao terepoksi dipelajari berdasarkan data output moving die rheometer. Data percobaan didekati dengan beberapa model kinetika, yaitu model reaksi orde 1, orde 2, dan Deng-Isayev. Konstanta laju reaksi (k) pada model reaksi orde 1 dan orde 2 dihitung dari data torsi yang merupakan fungsi waktu (M = f(t)). Sedangkan pada model Deng-Isayev, nilai k dan orde reaksi (n) ditentukan menggunakan optimasi multivariable dengan tools Solver pada aplikasi Excel. Nilai energi aktivasi (Ea) diperoleh dari persamaan Arrhenius. Hasil penelitian memperlihatkan model Deng-Isayev dapat merepresentasikan data percobaan dengan baik. Konstanta laju reaksi sebanding dengan kenaikan suhu vulkanisasi. Reaksi vulkanisasi karet menggunakan minyak kakao terepoksi berlangsung pada orde (n) 3 dengan energi aktivasi (Ea) sebesar 157,55 kJ/mol.
Studi Perbandingan Sifat Mekanis Vulkanisat Karet Menggunakan Plasticizer Minyak Jelantah Epoksi Dan Komersil Andri Saputra; Pani Satwikanitya; Muh Wahyu Sya&#039;bani; Mertza Fitra Agustian; Fitria Puspita; Putra Oktavianto
Rekayasa Hijau : Jurnal Teknologi Ramah Lingkungan Vol 7, No 2 (2023)
Publisher : Institut Teknologi Nasional, Bandung

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.26760/jrh.v7i2.138-151


ABSTRAKTingginya jumlah minyak jelantah yang tersedia sebagai limbah menjadi tantangan terbesar. Asam lemak tak jenuh yang terdapat dalam minyak jelantah memiliki potensi sebagai bahan baku pembuatan plasticizer minyak epoksi. Di sisi lain, pengembangan plasticizer terbarukan berbasis bahan alam untuk menggantikan plasticizer fosil telah menjadi perhatian banyak peneliti karena isu menipisnya bahan baku minyak bumi, masalah lingkungan, hingga isu kesehatan yang ditimbulkan oleh plasticizer fosil. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mempelajari perbandingan sifat mekanis vulkanisat karet yang menggunakan plasticizer minyak jelantah epoksi terhadap plasticizer komersil (minyak parafinik dan minyak kedelai epoksi). Minyak jelantah yang masih mengandung asam lemak tak jenuh diproses epoksidasi dengan metode refluks (60oC selama 4 jam) menggunakan pelarut n-heksane, katalis asam asetat glasial dan resin amberlit IR-120, dan oksigen donor hidrogen peroksida. Minyak jelantah epoksi dikarakterisasi gugus oksiran menggunakan spektrofotometer FTIR dan bilangan oksiran menggunakan metode titrasi. Plasticizer minyak jelantah epoksi, minyak parafinik, dan minyak kedelai epoksi diaplikasikan pada kompon karet dan diuji sifat mekanis vulkanisat karet menggunakan mesin universal testing machine. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan spektra FTIR minyak jelantah epoksi memperlihatkan keberadaan vibrasi peregangan gugus epoksi (C-O-C) pada puncak 1240 cm-1 dan bilangan oksiran 2,24%. Hasil pengujian vulkanisat menggunakan plasticizer minyak jelantah epoksi (EUCO) memiliki nilai kekuatan tarik, kekuatan sobek, dan ketahanan kikis yang lebih unggul dibandingkan vulkanisat menggunakan plasticizer minyak parafinik (PO). Hal tersebut menunjukkan bahwa minyak jelantah epoksi mampu menggantikan plasticizer berbasis minyak bumi, seperti minyak parafinik (PO). Kekuatan sobek dan ketahanan kikis vulkanisat yang menggunakan EUCO lebih tinggi dibandingkan vulkanisat yang menggunakan minyak kedelai epoksi (ESO), meskipun kekuatan tariknya lebih rendah, sehingga mengindikasikan bahwa minyak jelantah epoksi yang disintesis dapat memberikan kinerja yang cukup baik sebagai plasticizer karet, sebanding dengan minyak epoksi komersial, seperti minyak kedelai epoksi.Kata kunci: Minyak jelantah epoksi, Plasticizer komersil, Sifat mekanis, Vulkanisat.ABSTRACTThe high volume of waste cooking oil is one of the biggest obstacles. Unsaturated fatty acids in waste cooking oil have the potential as a raw material for producing plasticizer of epoxy oil. The development of renewable plasticizers based on natural materials to replace petroleum plasticizers has become the concern of many researchers due to the issue of depletion of petroleum raw materials, environmental problems, and health issues caused by petroleum plasticizers. This research aims to study the comparison of mechanical properties of vulcanizated rubber using plasticizer of epoxy waste cooking oil to commercial plasticizers (paraffinic oil and epoxy soybean oil). Waste cooking oil containing unsaturated fatty acids was epoxidized by reflux method (60oC for 4 hours) using n-hexane as solvent, glacial acetic acid and IR-120 amberlite resin as catalyst, and hydrogen peroxide as oxygen donor. The epoxy cooking oil was characterized for oxirane groups using FTIR spectrophotometer and oxirane number using titration method. Epoxy waste cooking oil, paraffinic oil, and epoxy soybean oil were applied to rubber compounds and tested for mechanical properties of vulcanizatesd rubber using a universal testing machine. The results showed that the FTIR spectra of epoxy waste cooking oil showed the presence of epoxy group stretching vibrations (C-O-C) at a peak of 1240 cm-1 and an oxirane number of 2.24%. The test results of vulcanizates using epoxy waste cooking oil (EUCO) have superior tensile strength, tear strength, and scrape resistance values compared to vulcanizates using paraffinic oil (PO). This shows that epoxy waste cooking oil can replace petroleum-based plasticizers, such as paraffinic oil (PO). The tear strength and scrape resistance of the vulcanizates using EUCO were higher than those using epoxy soybean oil (ESO), although the tensile strength was lower, thus indicating that the synthesized epoxy waste cooking oil can provide quite good performance as a rubber plasticizer, comparable to commercial epoxy oils, such as epoxy soybean oil.Keyword: Commercial plasticizer, Epoxy waste cooking oil, Mechanical properties, Vulcanized rubber.
Peran Bank Sampah dalam Upaya Mengurangi Timbulan Sampah di Dusun Sidorejo, Desa Ngestiharjo Wahyu Ratnaningsih; Gita Kharisma Putra; Andri Saputra; Arubiyatun Arubiyatun; Martini Martini
Jurnal Pengabdian Masyarakat AKA Vol 4, No 1 (2024): Juni 2024
Publisher : Politeknik AKA Bogor

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.55075/jpm-aka.v4i1.238


Bank sampah merupakan suatu sarana untuk melakukan pemilahan dan pengumpulan sampah yang dapat didaur ulang dan digunakan kembali. Bank sampah mempunyai peran yang sangat penting untuk mengelola sampah sehingga sampah tidak hanya berakhir di Tempat Pembuangan Akhir (TPA). Selain itu, terbatasnya Tempat Pembuangan Akhir Piyungan Yogyakarta membuat masyarakat harus menangani sampah secara mandiri di wilayah masing-masing. Kegiatan ini bertujuan untuk mengurangi timbulan sampah anorganik rumah tangga melalui peran bank sampah Larahan Migunani di Dusun Sidorejo, Desa Ngestiharjo. Metode kegiatan ini antara lain melaksanakan sosialisasi dan pelatihan tata cara pelaksanaan kegiatan bank sampah, kegiatan penimbangan, pencatatan sampah dari masyarakat, dan analisis jumlah sampah yang terkumpul di bank sampah. Hasil kegiatan ini yaitu terjadi peningkatan jumlah nasabah dari sejumlah 17 nasabah menjadi 30 nasabah. Jumlah sampah yang terkumpul sebesar 1360 kg selama 8 bulan dari awal pendirian bank sampah, dengan kategori sampah paling banyak terkumpul yaitu sampah kertas dan sampah plastik. Kegiatan ini diharapkan dapat meningkatkan partisipasi aktif masyarakat dalam mengelola sampah secara mandiri, agar sampah yang dihasilkan tidak menjadi beban bagi lingkungan, sehingga tercipta lingkungan yang bersih dan sehat. Selain itu melalui peran bank sampah, masyarakat dapat memperoleh pendapatan dari penjualan sampah yang dikumpulkan.
Sintesis dan Karakterisasi Minyak Pirolisis Dari Sampah Kantong Plastik LDPE Menggunakan Reaktor Batch Sederhana Andri Saputra; Iswahyuni; Aldillah Herlambang
Journal of Energy, Materials, & Manufacturing Technology Vol 3 No 01 (2024): Journal of Energy, Materials, & Manufacturing Technology
Publisher : Unit Penelitian, dan Pengabdian Masyarakat (UPPM) Politeknik ATI Makassar

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.61844/jemmtec.v3i01.713


The increasing use of LDPE (Low Density Polyethylene) plastic bags in daily life has led to an increase in plastic bag waste and its negative impacts. This study aims to synthesize and characterize pyrolysis oil from LDPE plastic bag waste using a simple batch reactor. LDPE plastic bag waste was synthesized in a simple pyrolysis reactor using fuel from LPG (Liquified Petroleum Gas) gas operated at 150oC and atmospheric pressure for 55 min. The results showed that the pyrolysis oil produced was 184 ml with a process yield of 36.75%. The pyrolysis oil has a pH of 5, yellow color, pungent odor typical of aromatics, density of 786 kg/m3 and viscosity of 0.75 cP. The FTIR test results indicate that the pyrolysis oil contains alkane and alkene compounds whose density and viscosity quality are superior to kerosene and close to the quality of premium oil, so it can be used as an alternative fuel.