Siswanto Siswanto
Department Of Physics, Faculty Of Science And Technology, Universitas Airlangga

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Journal : Dental Journal (Majalah Kedokteran Gigi)

Physical characteristic of brown algae (Phaeophyta) from madura strait as irreversible hydrocolloid impression material Prihartini Widiyanti; Siswanto Siswanto
Dental Journal (Majalah Kedokteran Gigi) Vol. 45 No. 3 (2012): September 2012
Publisher : Faculty of Dental Medicine, Universitas Airlangga

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (289.021 KB) | DOI: 10.20473/j.djmkg.v45.i3.p177-180


Background: Brown algae is a raw material for producing natrium alginates. One type of brown algae is Sargassum sp, a member of Phaeophyta division. Sargassum sp could be found in Madura strait Indonesia. Natrium alginate can be extracted from Sargassum sp. The demand of alginate in Indonesia is mainly fulfilled from abroad, meanwhile Sargassum sp is abundantly available. Purpose: The purpose of study were to explore the potency of brown alga Sargassum sp from Madura strait as hydrocolloid impression material and to examine its physical characteristic. Methods: The methods of research including extraction natrium alginate from Sargassum sp, synthesis of dental impression material and the test of porosity, density, viscosity, and water content of impression material which fulfilled the standard of material used in clinical application in dentistry. Results: Extraction result of Sargassum sp was natrium alginate powder with cream colour, odorless, and water soluble. The water content of natrium alginate was 21.64% and the viscosity was 0.7 cPs. The best porosity result in the sample with the addition of trinatrium phosphate 4% was 3.61%. Density value of impression material was 3 gr/cm3. Conclusion: The research suggested that brown algae Sargassum sp from Madura strait is potential as hydrocolloid impression material, due to its physical properties which close to dental impression material, but still need further research to optimize the physical characteristic.Latar belakang: Alga coklat adalah sumber bahan baku material natrium alginat. Salah satu jenis alga coklat adalah Sargassum sp yang merupakan anggota divisi Phaeophyta. Sargassum sp dapat ditemukan di Selat Madura Indonesia. Natrium alginat dapat diekstraksi dari Sargassum sp. Kebutuhan akan bahan ini di Indonesia sebagian besar dipenuhi dari impor, padahal ketersediaan Sargassum sp di Indonesia sangat melimpah. Tujuan: Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengeksplorasi potensi alga coklat Sargassum sp dari Selat Madura sebagai bahan cetak hidrokoloid dan meneliti karakteristik fisiknya. Metode: Tahap pertama adalah ekstraksi natrium alginat dari Sargassum sp, tahap kedua yaitu sintesis bahan cetak gigi dan menguji karakteristik bahan seperti porositas, densitas, viskositas, kadar air, bahan cetak yang memenuhi standar bahan yang digunakan dalam aplikasi klinis bidang Kedokteran Gigi. Hasil: Hasil ekstraksi berupa natrium alginat bubuk dengan warna krem, tidak berbau, dan dapat larut dalam air. Kadar air natrium alginat sebesar 21,64% dengan viskositas 0,7 cPs. Porositas terbaik dalam sampel dengan penambahan trinatrium fosfat 4% yaitu 3,61%. Nilai densitas bahan cetak 3 gr/cm3. Kesimpulan: Penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa alga coklat Sargassum sp dari Selat Madura memiliki potensi sebagai bahan cetak hydrocolloid kedokteran gigi karena memiliki karakter fisik yang mirip dengan bahan cetak kedokteran gigi, namun masih memerlukan penelitian lebih lanjut untuk mengoptimalkan karakter fisiknya.
In vivo characterization of polymer based dental cements Widiyanti P; Siswanto Siswanto
Dental Journal (Majalah Kedokteran Gigi) Vol. 44 No. 4 (2011): December 2011
Publisher : Faculty of Dental Medicine, Universitas Airlangga

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (668.731 KB) | DOI: 10.20473/j.djmkg.v44.i4.p173-176


Background: In vivo studies investigating the characterization of dental cements have been demonstrated. As few in vitro studies on this cement system have been performed. Previous researches in dental material has been standardized dental cement which fulfilled the physical and mechanical characteristic such as shear strength but were on in vitro condition, the animal model and clinical study of dental cement from laboratory has not been done yet. This research examined physical and mechanical characteristic in vivo using rabbit by making the caries (class III) in anterior teeth especially in mesial or distal incisive, fulfilled the cavity by dental cement and analyzed the compressive strength, tensile strength, and microstructure using scanning electron microscope (SEM). Purpose: This study is aimed to describe the in vivo characterization of dental cements based on polymer (zinc phosphate cement, polycarboxylate, glass ionomer cement and zinc oxide eugenol). Methods: First, preparation was done on animal model’s teeth (6 rabbits, male, 5 months old). The cavity was made which involved the dentin. Then the cavity was filled with dental cement. After the filling procedure, the animal model should be kept until 21 days and than the compressive test, tensile test and microstructure was characterized. Compressive test and tensile test was analyzed using samples from extracted tooth and was measured with autograph. The microstructure test was measured using SEM. Results: The best compressive strength value was belongs to zinc phosphate cement which was 101.888 Mpa and the best tensile strength value was belongs to glass ionomer cement which was 6.555 Mpa. Conclusion: In conclusion, comparing with 3 others type of dental cements which are zinc phosphate, polycarboxylate and glass ionomer cement, zinc oxide eugenol cement has the worst for both physical and mechanical properties.Latar belakang: Studi in vivo meneliti karakterisasi secara in vivo dari semen gigi. Beberapa studi in vitro di bidang ini telah dilakukan. Beberapa riset di bidang material gigi telah menghasilkan semen gigi yang memenuhi standart sifat fisik dan mekanik seperti regangan dan kekuatan secara in vitro, sedangkan uji in vivo dan uji klinis dari semen gigi dari laboratorium belum dilakukan. Penelitian ini menguji karakteristik fisik dan mekanik semen gigi menggunakan hewan coba kelinci dengan membuat karies kelas III di gigi anterior terutama di permukaan mesial atau distal insisif, mengisi kavitas dengan semen gigi dan menganalisa kekuatan tekan, kekuatan tarik dan struktur mikronya dengan menggunakan scanning electron microscope (SEM). Tujuan: Studi ini bertujuan memberikan gambaran karakterisasi in vivo semen gigi berbahan dasar polimer (semen seng fosfat, polikarboksilat, ionomer kaca dan seng oksida eugenol). Metode: Pertama, kami melakukan preparasi pada gigi hewan coba (6 kelinci, jantan, usia 5 bulan). Kemudian kita membuat kavitas yang melibatkan dentin. Lalu kami menumpat kavitas dengan semen gigi. Setelah prosedur penumpatan, hewan coba dipelihara selama 21 hari dan dikarakterisasi kekuatan tekan, kekuatan tarik dan struktur mikronya. Kekuatan tekan dan kekuatan tarik dianalisa dari sampel uji gigi hewan coba yang diekstraksi dan diukur dengan autograf. Struktur mikronya diuji dengan SEM. Hasil: Hasil nilai kuat tekan terbaik diperoleh oleh semen seng fosfat (zinc phosphate cement) sebesar 101,888 Mpa dan nilai kuat tarik semen gigi terbaik adalah semen gelas ionomer (glass ionomer cement) sebesar 6,555 Mpa. Kesimpulan: Dapat disimpulkan, dari ketiga jenis bahan semen yaitu seng fosfat, polikarboksilat, dan ionomer kaca, yang mempunyai sifat fisik dan mekanikal terburuk adalah semen ionomer kaca.