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Fiat Justisia: Jurnal Ilmu Hukum Vol 10 No 4 (2016)
Publisher : Universitas Lampung

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.25041/fiatjustisia.v10no4.803


AbstractThe Act No. 30 year 2014 of governance administration give the atribution authority to receive, examine and decide abuse of authority whether there were any abuse of authority in decision and/or the act of government officials. Providing authority by PTUN to examine abuse of authority as a result of the absence of forum a defense for agencies and/or government officials in thought have done abuse in addition to criminal law. Agencies and/or government officials feel victims of criminal acts the policies the government was taken. Problems research this is how to examine abuse of authority of the decision and/or the act of government officials by PTUN and the implications law decisions PTUN for an applicant who expressed is or no abuse of authority on the criminal justice process. Methods used in this research is with the statute approach and case approach. The data used was primary and secondary data. Data analysis be done in legal analysis.The results of the study showed that construction examine to abuse of authority of the decision and/or the act of government officials by PTUN covering authority PTUN which is based on the act No. 30 year 2014 and PERMA No. 4 year 2015. Substance to examine pertaining to a subject entreaty namely agencies and government officials and object entreaty the decision and/or the act of government officials. Given the procedure examine limits namely after the introduction of the results and supervision APIP before the presence of criminal justice process. Legal implications of the administrative court decisions stating that decision and/or the act of government officials there are abuse of authority can continue in criminal justice process. Along proven there are malicious intent (mens rea). Next, implication law decisions PTUN who stated that the decision and/or the act of government officials no abuse of authority, basically not to continue to the criminal justice process, because they did not fulfill bestanddelict from act the crime of corruption. Keywords: Abuse of Authority, Decision and/or the Act of Government Officials, Administrative Court AbstrakUndang-Undang No. 30 Tahun 2014 tentang Administrasi Pemerintahan memberikan atribusi kewenangan kepada PTUN untuk menerima, memeriksa, dan memutus ada atau tidaknya unsur penyalahgunaan wewenang dalam keputusan dan/atau tindakan Pejabat Pemerintahan. Pemberian kewenangan oleh PTUN dalam menguji unsur penyalahgunaan wewenang muncul sebagai akibat dari tidak adanya forum pembelaan bagi Pejabat Pemerintahan yang diduga telah melakukan penyalahgunaan wewenang selain di ranah hukum pidana. Pejabat Pemerintahan seringkali menjadi korban kriminalisasi terhadap kebijakan yang diambil. Permasalahan penelitian ini adalah bagaimana konstruksi pengujian unsur penyalahgunaan wewenang terhadap keputusan dan/atau tindakan Pejabat Pemerintahan oleh PTUN dan implikasi hukum putusan PTUN bagi pemohon yang dinyatakan ada atau tidak ada unsur penyalahgunaan wewenang terhadap proses pidana. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah dengan pendekatan undang-undang (statute approach) dan pendekatan kasus (case approach). Data yang digunakan adalah data primer dan data sekunder. Analisis data dilakukan secara analisis hukum (legal analysis). Hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa konstruksi pengujian unsur penyalahgunaan wewenang terhadap Keputusan dan/atau tindakan Pejabat Pemerintahan oleh PTUN meliputi wewenang PTUN yang didasari atas Undang-Undang No. 30 Tahun 2014 dan PERMA No. 4 Tahun 2015. Substansi pengujian berkaitan dengan subjek permohonan yaitu Badan atau Pejabat Pemerintahan serta objek permohonan yaitu Keputusan dan/atau tindakan Pejabat Pemerintahan. Prosedur pengujian diberikan batasan yaitu setelah adanya hasil pengawasan APIP dan sebelum adanya proses pidana. Implikasi hukum Putusan PTUN yang menyatakan bahwa keputusan dan/atau tindakan Pejabat Pemerintahan ada unsur penyalahgunaan wewenang dapat berlanjut pada proses pidana (criminal process) sepanjang terbukti ada niat jahat (mens rea). Selanjutnya, implikasi hukum Putusan PTUN yang menyatakan bahwa keputusan dan/atau tindakan Pejabat Pemerintahan tidak ada unsur penyalahgunaan wewenang, pada dasarnya tidak dapat dilanjutkan pada proses pidana, karena tidak terpenuhinya bestand delict (delik inti) dari Pasal 3 UU Tipikor. Kata Kunci: Penyalahgunaan Wewenang, Keputusan dan/atau Tindakan Pejabat Pemerintahan, PTUN
DIA: Jurnal Administrasi Publik Vol 20 No 01 (2022): PUBLIC ADMINISTRATION
Publisher : Program Studi Doktor Ilmu Administrasi, FISIP, Universitas 17 Agustus 1945 Surabaya

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (202.191 KB) | DOI: 10.30996/dia.v20i01.6261


The presence of PPPK is expected to become professional employees who are recruited as collaborative and competitive partners who occupy similar positions in the civil bureaucracy, but unfortunately, the Undang-Undang No. 5 Tahun 2014 regarding the State Civil Apparatus and the Peraturan Pemerintah No. 49 Tahun 2018 on the management of PPPK still weakens the position of the PPPK in terms of working relations with the government (the agency that employs the PPPK) so that it is prone to abuse of authority and arbitrary actions by the government (the agency providing the PPPK) to terminate the PPPK employment relationship, such as the reason for a serious violation of the PPPK discipline, not achieving performance targets, as well as adjustments to agency needs. These various problems need to be anticipated, considering that the sustainability of the problem of PPPK that is disadvantaged due to PHPK can hinder the achievement of bureaucratic reform programs, especially related to efforts to realize a merit system in ASN management. This study will discuss how to protect the PPPK who was harmed by the decision of the Civil Service Supervisor because it was carried out by PHPK. The research method used is a normative juridical method with the problem approach used is a statutory approach and a conceptual approach. Base on the Undang-Undang No. 5 Tahun 2014 regarding the State Civil Apparatus and the Peraturan Pemerintah Nomor 79 Tahun 2021, the PPPK can make administrative efforts, namely administrative appeals submitted to the ASN Advisory Board (BPASN). If the PPPK is still dissatisfied with the BPASN's decision, the PPPK can file a legal action through the State Administrative High Court.
Bureaucracy Journal : Indonesia Journal of Law and Social-Political Governance Vol. 2 No. 3 (2022): Bureaucracy Journal : Indonesia Journal of Law and Social-Political Governance
Publisher : Gapenas Publisher

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.53363/bureau.v2i3.295


The imposition of disciplinary punishment often creates disputes between ASN and officials authorized to impose sentences so that even the imposition of punishment can be a unilateral legal action. This is where the ASN staffing dispute arises. Regarding ASN employment disputes arising from the imposition of disciplinary punishment, it is necessary to understand the efforts that can be taken by ASN in dealing with actions taken by the state administration agency or official. The problem is what are the arrangements and mechanisms for administrative review in resolving ASN disputes due to disciplinary punishment and what is the role of administrative review in resolving ASN staffing disputes due to disciplinary punishment. This research is a normative juridical research with a statute approach and a conceptual approach. The ASN Law states that ASN employee disputes are resolved through further administrative review. Arrangements and Mechanisms for Administrative review in Settlement of ASN Personnel Disputes Due to Disciplinary Punishments are regulated in the Civil Servant Discipline PP and PP Administrative review and BPASN. Administrative review are a form of legal protection (rechtsbescherming) for ASN, as well as functioning as oversight (internal, a-posteriori) of the actions of government organs
Penguatan Kelembagaan Komisi Aparatur Sipil Negara Sebagai Penjaga Sistem Merit Dalam Manajemen ASN di Indonesia Firna Novi Anggoro
Jurnal Hukum dan HAM Wara Sains Vol 1 No 02 (2022): Jurnal Hukum dan HAM Wara Sains
Publisher : Westscience Press

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Wacana penghapusan lembaga Komisi Aparatur Sipil Negara (KASN) terus menguat. KASN dianggap kurang efektif dalam menjalankan tugas dan kewenangannya. Permasalahannya adalah sejauh mana urgensi penguatan kelembagaan KASN khususnya sebagai penjaga sistem merit dalam manajemen ASN di Indonesia? Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah yuridis normatif dengan pendekatan perundang-undangan (statute approach) dan pendekatan konseptual (conceptual approach). Kehadiran KASN sebagai dasar untuk menunjang kinerja untuk hal tertentu yakni sebagai penjaga sistem merit pada manajemen ASN. Penerapan sistem merit bertujuan meningkatkan kinerja birokrasi dalam memberikan pelayanan kepada masyarakat, membentuk ASN yang yang profesional, bebas dari intervensi politik, bersih dari praktik korupsi, kolusi, dan nepotisme (KKN). Untuk menjamin agar praktik sistem merit terus berjalan, diperlukan sebuah pengawasan oleh sebuah lembaga negara yang mandiri dan bebas dari intervensi politik. Penguatan kelembagaan KASN perlu dilakukan. Menimbang luasnya lingkup objek pengawasan KASN terhadap ASN (pusat dan daerah), perlu membentuk kelembagaan KASN di setiap provinsi.
Bureaucracy Journal : Indonesia Journal of Law and Social-Political Governance Vol. 2 No. 2 (2022): Bureaucracy Journal : Indonesia Journal of Law and Social-Political Governance
Publisher : Gapenas Publisher

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.53363/bureau.v2i2.296


Corruption practices continue to occur in Indonesia and most of them are carried out by the State Civil Apparatus (ASN). Even though the bureaucratic reform program has been running, corrupt bureaucratic behavior still occurs. Efforts to build ASN that are clean from corrupt practices are carried out through a mental revolution. Changes in the ASN mindset and work culture (culture set) are very important in realizing good and clean governance. ASN's self-perception, attitudes and behavior need to be changed immediately because it often traps ASN in corrupt behavior. The mental revolution movement needs to be pursued immediately in the hope that values ??that are implemented continuously will form a new culture. Efforts to be taken in changing mentality are carried out through continuous education, training, and supervision. In order for the implementation of the mental revolution to run effectively, it also needs to be accompanied by the consistent application of a reward and punishment system so as to be able to motivate and raise awareness for all ASN of the importance of a mental revolution. This mental revolution campaign needs to be carried out on an ongoing basis by using various means of communication that are expected to reach all government institutions and all levels of society
Analisis Kebijakan Pencegahan Radikalisme Aparatur Sipil Negara di Indonesia Firna Novi Anggoro
Jurnal Hukum dan HAM Wara Sains Vol 1 No 01 (2022): Jurnal Hukum dan HAM Wara Sains
Publisher : Westscience Press

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar


Paham radikalisme di Indonesia telah menyebar hingga di kalangan ASN. Berkembangnya isu-isu radikalisme tidak hanya dimaknai hanya sebagai tindakan-tindakan membahayakan berupa teror yang berujung pada tindakan kekerasan, namun juga berupa pendapat (lisan dan tertulis) dan perbuatan yang bermuatan ujaran kebencian terhadap Pancasila, UUD NRI 1945, Bhinneka Tunggal Ika, Negara Kesatuan Republik Indonesia, dan Pemerintah. Tulisan ini berupaya menganalisis kebijakan pemerintah terkait pencegahan radikalisme bagi ASN di Indonesia. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah yuridis normatif dengan pendekatan perundang-undangan dan pendekatan konseptual. Pemerintah memiliki kebijakan penanggulangan radikalisme dengan menerbitkan UU Pemberantasan Tindak Pidana Terorisme sebagai payung hukum (umbrella act). Terkait penanganan radikalisme bagi ASN telah diterbitkan 1). SKB 11 Menteri dan Lembaga Pemerintah Non-Kementerian tentang Penanganan Radikalisme dalam Rangka penguatan Wawasan Kebangsaan pada ASN 2). Surat Edaran Bersama Menteri PANRB dan Kepala BKN Nomor 2 Tahun 2021 dan Nomor 2/SE/I/2021 tentang Larangan bagi ASN untuk Berafiliasi dengan dan/atau Mendukung Organisasi Terlarang dan/atau Organisasi Kemasyarakatan yang Dicabut Status Badan Hukumnya 3). Surat Edaran BKN Nomor K.26-30/V.72-2/99 perihal Pencegahan Potensi Gangguan Ketertiban dalam Pelaksanaan Tugas dan Fungsi PNS. Kebijakan Pencegahan radikalisme ASN harus dilakukan melalui penerapan sistem merit yang konsisten dan akuntabel mulai dari sistem perekrutan pegawai, assessment atau uji kompetensi jabatan, penegakan reward dan punishment, serta pembinaan ASN. Kerjasama antar kementerian/lembaga harus terus dilakukan dalam pencegahan radikalisme. Selain itu diperlukan peningkatan literasi ASN akan bahaya radikalisme sekaligus peningkatan wawasan kebangsaan.
Constitutional Law Society Vol. 2 No. 1 (2023): March
Publisher : Center for Constitutional and Legislative Studies University of Bandar Lampung

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (240.477 KB) | DOI: 10.36448/cls.v2i2.48


Discourse of reviving the direction of the country is still ongoing as an effort to correct the national development planning system that is currently used. The pros and cons of coloring efforts to revive the direction of the country. The revival of the direction of the state is considered a manifestation of the return of the authoritarian system of authoritarianism in the new order era. On the contrary, the positive response to reviving PPHN is able to ensure that national development is more thorough, directed, integrated, sustainable and accountable. The problem is how the urgency of forming PPHN as a guideline for the direction of national development in the future? This research is normative juridical research using a statutory approach (statute approach) and a conceptual approach (conceptual approach). The national development system based on the SPPN Law has various weaknesses. this system is still executive heavy and vulnerable to abuser practices has various weaknesses. this system is still executive heavy and vulnerable to abuse of power. In addition, the current national development system provides a gap between the pattern of government development at the central, provincial, district/city levels plus between the leadership before and after it so as to create development that is directed, sustainable and more accountable. It is necessary to reformulate the PPHN which is regulated in the 1945 Constitution of the Republic of Indonesia and subsequently implemented in the system of administering state government power in Indonesia. The granting of constitutional authority to the MPR in the formation and determination of the PPHN will provide a unified perception considering that all colors of political parties take a common consensus for the interests of the nation and state. The implementation of development will be accountable to the MPR in the form of a performance report, even though the president is no longer the mandate of the MPR. This accountability is an effort to revive the principle of checks and balances on the implementation of national development.