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BISNIS Vol 2, No 2 (2014): Bisnis: Jurnal Bisnis dan Manajemen Islam
Publisher : Fakultas Ekonom dan Bisnis Islam Institut Agama Islam Negeri (IAIN) Kudus

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.21043/bisnis.v2i2.5269


Ihtikār dalam perekonomian modern didefinisikan sebagai proses monopoli atas supply dan demand komoditas dengan tujuan untuk mendapatkan keuntungan tertentu. Untuk itu perlu dibuat peraturan yang mampu mengayomi hajat hidup orang banyak. Dalam hal ini, penelitian ini ditujukan untuk mengetahui bagaimanakah pandangan Islam tentang penimbunan (monopoli)? Bolehkah menimbun barang yang dibutuhkan masyarakat? Dan kalau tidak boleh, adakah pengecualian yang dapat dilakukan? Hasil pembahasan penelitian ini dapat disimpulkan bahwa monopoli dan penetapan harga bisa dilakukan jika keadaan harga dipasaran melonjak tinggi. Tentunya, yang lebih berhak mengendalikan monopoli dan penetapan harga adalah penguasa dengan syarat untuk kemaslahatan orang banyak. Monopoli dan penetapan harga pada dasarnya merugikan orang banyak, namun, keduanya dapat diberlakukan dalam keadaan terpaksa dan harga tidak stabil. Sehingga, kebutuhan hajat orang banyak dapat teratasi
BISNIS Vol 3, No 1 (2015): BISNIS: Jurnal Bisnis dan Manajemen Islam
Publisher : Fakultas Ekonom dan Bisnis Islam Institut Agama Islam Negeri (IAIN) Kudus

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.21043/bisnis.v3i1.1476


Human beings are given freedom to seek provision in accordance with applicable law and in a way that is fair. This is one of the obligations of human rights in Islam. Allah SWT. has established through the ordinance of him that any kind of work that run based on the principles of Koranic will never make one rich in a brief period of time. In the view of Islam, work not just as the pusher man to maintain their existence in life, but is the basis of all things. People began to work has been started since the Prophet Adam and his seedinhabiting the earth. She has been at pains to and hard to meet the needs of his life, while in paradise Adam got without the feeling of weariness and fatigue. So also the Prophet (saas. Is a hard worker through the efforts of trade he do when reselling merchandise owned by Siti Khadijah. The Messenger of Allah alone always tries to hit to all his people so that they have a high work ethos. Efforts done by Mohammed. So that the people of Islam have a high working ethos was not only shown through several hadith that he sabdakan, but also shown itself by Muhammad through a more real action. Muhammad showed himself as a person that ethnic high work, not easy to surrender, hard worker and reluctant to freaks who sit.
Bermain sebagai Metode Pembelajaran bagi Anak Usia Dini Ahmad zaini
ThufuLA: Jurnal Inovasi Pendidikan Guru Raudhatul Athfal Vol 3, No 1 (2015): ThufuLA: Jurnal Inovasi Pendidikan Guru Raudhatul Athfal
Publisher : PIAUD IAIN Kudus

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.21043/thufula.v3i1.4656


Every parent can certainly always look forward to the baby’s presence.The presence of children would add to the happiness in the household. For getting good education, children should start it at their early age even while still in the womb. Early childhood between 4 to 6 years known as pre-school age children are by the experts called them as the golden age, because the intellect in this period increased by 50%. There are so many methods that can be done to children aged prematurely. One of them is playing. Learning while playing or playing while learning can be fun and entertaining for children. Playing will improve aspects of physical, mental, intellectual and spiritual children. They will find new things thathave not ever known before. The playing has benefits and influences for children, including strengthening the physical (body) through muscular movements, develop personality, improve communication, and so on. The types of play that can be done is through the method of social playing, playing with objects and as well as playing a role. Each of these methods has its advantages and disadvantages of each. However, the important thing is not to impose less favorable learning them, because basically the world is a world-age children play, playing while learning or learning through playing method.
Metode-Metode Pendidikan Islam Bagi Anak Usia Dini Ahmad Zaini
ThufuLA: Jurnal Inovasi Pendidikan Guru Raudhatul Athfal Vol 2, No 1 (2014): ThufuLA: Jurnal Inovasi Pendidikan Guru Raudhatul Athfal
Publisher : PIAUD IAIN Kudus

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.21043/thufula.v2i1.4264


Man is a creature of God; This is one of the nature of human beings.Another is that the nature of human beings is creatures whose developmentis influenced by the nature and the environment. A human being is veryinteresting. Therefore, he has been the target of studies since past, present,and future. Almost all higher education institutions assess the human, andthe impact of his work on his own, community and environment. One of theaims of man created by God is to be His vicegerent on earth. Therefore, peopleshould be educated from an early age even while still in his mother’s womb.Early childhood is a group of children who are in the process of growth anddevelopment that is unique, in the sense of having a pattern of growth anddevelopment, intelligence, social, emotional, language and communicationin accordance with the rate of growth and development of children. Theimportance of childhood and early childhood characteristics, demandingapproach to be used in learning activities that will be used in the learningactivities that focus on children. At the time of this early age, children need to beeducated as well as possible, with methods appropriate to their circumstances.The educational methods that can be applied are such as, advice, stories, andcustoms. No “bad” or ‘good’method. Because it highly depends on many factors.The important thing taken into account teachers to set a method is knowingthe limits of goodness and weakness methods that will be used, thus allowingit to formulate conclusions about the results/achievement of the objectives ofthe decision.
Urgensi Pembinaan Akhlak bagi Anak-Anak Pra Sekolah Ahmad Zaini
ThufuLA: Jurnal Inovasi Pendidikan Guru Raudhatul Athfal Vol 2, No 2 (2014): ThufuLA: Jurnal Inovasi Pendidikan Guru Raudhatul Athfal
Publisher : PIAUD IAIN Kudus

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.21043/thufula.v2i2.4246


Internet is one of advanced technology. In seconds information from anywhere in the world is very easy to access than before it was invented. It would be easily just by typing a single word trough media information searching. it will display the information we want, both the positive and negative information. The problem now is that children are also familiar with the Internet media. Therefore, parents must participate to control and supervise their children when they do surfing in cyberspace. In addition to intensive supervision, early moral development should be done, if we do not want to miss. Children have fundamental rights of life and education, including teaching right to obtain information, but certainly not all of the information that is given to them must be adapted to their age level. According to the Koran, the child can be grouped to four typologies, namely children as living jewelry world, children as a test, the child as an enemy, and the child as a light eye. This is where parents have an important role in the formation of character for her children. Parents are the first educators in the family environment. Father and mother have to share a role in nurturing their children. Both should help each other, hand in hand and compact so that the coaching process goes according to plan. The roles and stages in building character for children are for example first, to the children in the noble, second, to provide opportunities for children to practice the noble character, third, giving the responsibility in accordance with the child’s development, and the fourth, supervise and directing children to be selective in the mix.
Retorika Dakwah Mamah Dedeh dalam Acara “Mamah & Aa Beraksi” di Indosiar Ahmad Zaini
Ilmu Dakwah: Academic Journal for Homiletic Studies Vol 11, No 2 (2017): Ilmu Dakwah: Academic Journal for Homiletic Studies (Terakreditasi Sinta 2)
Publisher : Faculty of Da'wah and Communication, UIN Sunan Gunung Djati, Bandung

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.15575/idajhs.v11i2.1900


This paper desribes the rhetoric of da'wah delivered by Mamah Dedeh through the medium of television. By knowing the rhetoric of Mamah Dedeh's preaching on one of the topics of discussion, it is hoped to get an idea of the application of his da'wah rhetoric, especially on television media. In addition, the rhetoric of da'wah presented by Mamah Dedeh can be used as a comparison material for the development of da'wah for the beginner preachers. The method used in this research is a qualitative method of descriptive analysis based on rhetorical canon theory. The technique of data collection for through observation and documentation. Observation by observing the docs of the rhetoric of Mamah Dedeh preaching about one of the themes presented in Indosiar. The results of this research indicate that in general Mamah Dedeh has applied rhetorical canon in da'wah namely: discovery, arrangement, style, delivery, and memory. Nevertheless, Mamah Dedeh has prepared everything, and also been fluent speaking and accustomed, sometimes repeating speech when speaking, and it is only natural. Tulisan ini menjelaskan retorika dakwah yang disampaikan oleh Mamah Dedeh melalui medium televisi. Dengan mengetahui retorika dakwah Mamah Dedeh pada salah satu topik pembahasan, diharapkan akan memperoleh gambaran tentang penerapan retorika dakwah beliau khususnya pada medium televisi. Disamping itu, retorika dakwah yang disajikan oleh Mamah Dedeh dapat dijadikan sebagai bahan perbandingan bagi pengembangan dakwah untuk para pendakwah pemula. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah metode kualitatif dengan analisis deskriptif berdasarkan teori kanon retorika. Adapun teknik pengumpulan datanya melalui observasi dan dokumentasi. Observasi dengan cara mengamati dokumentasi retorika dakwah Mamah Dedeh dalam salah satu tema yang disampaikan di Indosiar. Hasil riset ini menunjukkan bahwa secara umum Mamah Dedeh telah menerapkan kanon retorika dalam berdakwah yaitu: penemuan, pengaturan, gaya, penyampaian, dan ingatan. Namun demikian, Mamah Dedeh sudah menyiapkan segala sesuatunya, dan juga sudah lancar berbicara dan terbiasa, ada kalanya mengulangi ucapan ketika berceramah, dan hal tersebut merupakan yang wajar saja. 
TADBIR : Jurnal Manajemen Dakwah Vol 2, No 1 (2017): Tadbir Jurnal Manajemen Dakwah (Article in Press)
Publisher : TADBIR : Jurnal Manajemen Dakwah

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar


Tulisan ini bertujuan untuk membahas leadership, bagaimana karakteristik leadership bagi organisasi dakwah, bagaimana konsep Islam tentang leadership, serta urgensi leadership bagi organisasi dakwah. Studi ini menunjukkan bahwa leadership merupakan kemampuan untuk memengaruhi suatu kelompok/organisasi guna mencapai sebuah visi atau serangkaian tujuan yang ditetapkan. Karakteristik leadership bagi organisasi dakwah terutama dapat jadi teladan yang baik bagi yang dipimpinnya. Adapun konsep leadership dalam perpektif Islam dapat ditinjau dengan tiga pendekatan yaitu pendekatan normatif, historis, dan teoretik. Sedang urgensi leadership bagi organisasi dakwah berfungsi untuk menjalankan fungsi-fungsi manajemen dakwah. Seperti diketahui, setidaknya ada empat fungsi manajemen bagi organisasi dakwah, yaitu: takhthith (perencanaan dakwah), tanzhim (pengorganisasian dakwah), taujih (pelaksanaan dakwah) dan riqabah (pengendalian dakwah).