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Kajian Linguistik dan Sastra Vol 22, No 1 (2010)
Publisher : Universitas Muhammadiyah Surakarta

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (51.635 KB) | DOI: 10.23917/kls.v22i1.4368


Literary works appreciation can be effectively used to master language competency beside as a means of intercultural understanding. The problem is, not everysecondary school’s teacher realizes it. That is why the writer intended to analysethe teachers’ teaching of English through learning of the literary works appreciation at the senior high school. It was a case study with teachers of English as thesubjects. The research object was the literary works appreciation learning process.The data were gathered by in-depth interviewing and documentation to analyse byusing McDonough & McDonough model. This study found: there was only oneteacher who developed literary works appreciation, it needed 4 meetings with 90minutes for each, the learning materials were facilitated by the teacher, there wasonly one compulsory book to learn, i.e “Lorna and John”, and the activity aimedat assessing the learners’ speaking competence. The writer recommended: all teachers should teach literary works appreciation, develop learners’ appreciative behavior towards English literary works as a vehicle of adapting cultural discrepancies among foreigners, and schools should provide adequate English literary works.Key words: ELT, literary works, appreciation
Designing English Learning Interactive Multimedia Based On The 2013 Curriculum Syaiful Rohman Hidayat; Hermayawati Hermayawati
(JELE) Journal Of English Language and Education Vol 2, No 1 (2016)
Publisher : LPPM Universitas Mercu Buana Yogyakarta

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (2521.175 KB) | DOI: 10.26486/jele.v2i1.219


AbstractThe research aimed at designing English Learning Interactive Multimedia (ELIM) in SMAN 1 Sedayu based on the 2013 Curriculum. This was Research and Development (RD) study using ADDIE model. There were five stages in conducting the research; (1) Analysis; (2) Design; (3) Development; (4) Implementation; (5) Evaluation. This research involved 32 students of grade tenth of SMAN 1 Sedayu. To gain the Needs Analysis (NA), the researcher used observation, questionnaire, interview, and documentation. This researcher found a learning software program namely English Learning Interactive Multimedia (ELIM) based on the 2013 curriculum. It consists of two unit materials; ‘Malin Kundang’, and ‘Let Us Sing a Song’. It was appropriate with the 2013 Curriculum and Needs Analysis based on (1) a media and content expert judgment from Mercu Buana University of Yogyakarta; (2) the Focus Group Discussion from English teacher and students of SMA N 1 Sedayu; (3) the results of pre-test and posttest in two cycles which showed an improvement. Based on the findings above, it is recommended for the further researcher to develop the designed ELIM become the appropriate media based on the needs and condition of the research setting.
Improving Students‟ Listening Competence by Using Contextual Teaching and Learning (A Classroom Action Research Conducted at the Second Grade of MTs. Ma‟arif 2 Muntilan, Magelang) Happy Annisa; Octa viani; Hermayawati Hermayawati
(JELE) Journal Of English Language and Education Vol 1, No 1 (2015)
Publisher : LPPM Universitas Mercu Buana Yogyakarta

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (1909.89 KB) | DOI: 10.26486/jele.v1i1.22


his research was conducted to improve students‟ listening competence byusing Contextual Teaching and Learning (CTL) method. The aims of conducting thisresearch were as follows: (1) improving students‟ listening competence through CTL;(2) finding the students‟ interest improvement on their listening by using CTL; (3)finding the improvement of the students‟ listening competence by using CTL. TheClassroom Action Research was used by the researcher in conducting this research.Furthermore, the pre-test, treatments, and post-test were given to find the students‟listening improvement in learning using CTL.The result of the research showed thatCTL could improve the students‟ listening competence. It could be seen from theaverage scores in the pre-test and post-test. The average score of students in the pretestwas about fifty six point two. Meanwhile, the average score in the first post-test andsecond post-test were seventy two point five and eighty point six. The result of thestudents‟ average score showed the improvement in their listening achievement by byusing CTL. The students‟ interest improved through the students‟ active contributionduring the learning processes which was measured by using scoring rubric of“metacognitive rubric motivation”. Therefore, it can be concluded that CTL is effectiveto teach listening to the students. In short, the method can be used by the teacher as analternative to teach listening.Keywords: Classroom Action Research, CTL, Listening, Method, Motivation
Persepsi Guru Bahasa Inggris SMU terhadap MGMP Bahasa Inggris SMU Kotamadya Yogyakarta Hermayawati Hermayawati
Jurnal Penelitian dan Evaluasi Pendidikan Vol 2, No 2 (2000)
Publisher : Graduate School, Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.21831/pep.v2i2.2103


Penelitian ini menyangkut keberadaan dua versi MGMP bahasa Inggris SMU di Kotamadya Yogyakarta, yakni MGMP bentukan pemerintah dan MGMP bentukan organisasi profesi guru SMU. Untuk mengetahui eksistensi kedua organisasi tersebut dalam meningkatkan kompetensi gum, dipeiiukan persepsi para gum banasa Inggris SMU terhadap keduanya. Persepsi gum ini diperlukan guna mengetahui serta meningkatkan efektivitas dan efisiensi kegiatannya. Hasil penelitian ini berupa gambaran keberadaan serta analisis tentang ragam persepsi gum bahasa Inggris SMU. Ragam persepsi gum serta hasil analisisnya, dimaksudkan untuk memberi masukan dalam merancang, mengembangkan, dan menentukan kebijakan selanjutnya terhadap eksistensi kedua organisasi gum tersebut. Oleh karena penelitian ini melibatkan gum-gum bahasa Inggris SMU secara umum, maka tempat penelitiannya bukan hanya di lokasi kegiatan pelatihan MGMP, namun juga di beberapa sekolah, baik negeri maupun swasta, di lingkungan Kotamadya Yogyakarta. Adapun pelatihan MGMP pada putaran pertama periode 1998/1999, diselenggarakan mulai tanggal 28 Oktober 1998 sampai 11 Januari 1999, bertempat di SMU 7 Yogyakarta. Eksistensi MGMP yang dipelajari adalah sebagai berikut Pertama, latar belakang dan sejarah pembentukan. Kedua, sistem pengelolaan dan proses kegiatan. Ketiga, pendanaan. Keempat, persepsi gum terhadap eksistensi masing-masing MGMP. Kelima, fenomena dualismenya. Berdasarkan temuan-temuan di atas, disarankan agar kedua versi MGMP tersebut digabungkan menjadi satu manajemen, agar manfaatnya lebih jelas, lebih efektif dan efisien, sesuai dengan tuntutan organisasi profesional. Organisasi gum yang profesional akan menghasilkan gum yang profesional pula.