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Studi Pengaruh Fraksi Coated Fuel Particle pada Desain Pebble Bed Reactor 40 MWt Berbahan Bakar Uranium Dwi Irwanto; Nining Yuningsih
Jurnal Pengembangan Energi Nuklir Vol 23, No 1 (2021): Juni 2021
Publisher : Pusat Kajian Sistem Energi Nuklir, Badan Tenaga Nuklir Nasional

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.17146/jpen.2021.23.1.6096


Coated Fuel Particle (CFP) adalah tipe elemen bakar mikro berdiameter lebih kecil dari 1 mm, yang di dalamnya terdapat material fisil yang dilapisi oleh beberapa lapisan karbon. Pebble Bed Reactor (PBR) menggunakan konsep CFP untuk elemen bakarnya. CFP dimasukan ke dalam bola elemen bakar berukuran 6 cm dan disebar di dalam zona elemen bakar. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mempelajari pengaruh dari fraksi CFP terhadap beberapa parameter neutronik penting seperti faktor multiplikasi efektif, spektrum energi neutron, perubahan densitas material fisil dan fertil, serta tingkat utilisasi material fisil. Analisa dilakukan untuk pada sistem PBR berdaya 40 MWt dengan menggunakan kode Monte Carlo MVP/MVP-BURN, dengan fraksi CFP yang dianalisa berkisar antara 5-60%. Dari penelitian ini didapatkan bahwa fraksi CFP sebesar 10% memberikan nilai optimal untuk beberapa parameter neutronik terkait dan dapat dijadikan acuan untuk desain Pebble Bed Reactor berdaya 40 MWt dengan elemen bakar uranium.
The Effects of the Number of Coated Fuel Particles on the Neutronic Aspects of 25 MWt Pebble Bed Reactor with Thorium Fuel Dwi Irwanto; Nining Yuningsih
Jurnal Penelitian Pendidikan IPA Vol. 7 No. 1 (2021): January
Publisher : Postgraduate, University of Mataram

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.29303/jppipa.v7i1.544


High-Temperature Gas Reactor (HTGR) is a type of reactor that continues to be developed because of its advantages in terms of economic aspects, proliferation resistance, and safety aspects. One of the safety aspect improvements is due to the use of the Coated Fuel Particle (CFP). A coated fuel particle is a fuel with a diameter smaller than 1 mm and is protected by several carbon layers. In the Pebble Bed Reactor (PBR) type of HTGR design, the CFP is placed in a 6 cm fuel ball. How much CFP is put into the fuel ball will determine the neutronic characteristics of the reactor. In this study, the effect of the amount of CFP in the fuel ball on the 25 MWt PBR design using Thorium fuel and its impact on several important neutronic aspects, such as the effective multiplication factor, the amount of fuel enrichment, the utilization of fissile material, and the density of the fissile material formed. The calculation was performed by the Monte Carlo MVP / MVP-BURN code. This study found that the coated fuel particle fraction of 15% was the optimum value for the studied neutronic parameters.
Publisher : Program Studi Pendidikan Fisika dan Program Studi Fisika Universitas Negeri Jakarta, LPPM Universitas Negeri Jakarta, HFI Jakarta, HFI

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (208.345 KB) | DOI: 10.21009/03.SNF2022.01.FA.17


Abstrak Desalinasi merupakan salah satu cara untuk mengurangi masalah kekurangan air di Indonesia. Desalinasi adalah proses menghasilkan air bersih dengan menghilangkan zat-zat terlarut yang ada pada air. Selain permasalahan air, beberapa daerah di Indonesia masih memiliki masalah dalam listrik. Berdasarkan data Statistik Ketenagalistrikan Tahun 2019 dan harga listrik PLN 2017 maka diperoleh setidaknya enam daerah dengan tingkat elektrifikasi rendah dan harga listrik yang tinggi yakni Ambon, Raja Ampat, Toli-Toli, Bau-Bau, Ketapang, dan Kapuas. Di mana harga listrik PLN per 1 kWh daerah Ambon dan Raja Ampat yaitu Rp2.677, Toli-Toli Rp2.255, Bau-Bau Rp2.169, Ketapang Rp1.692, dan Kapuas Rp1.149. Sedangkan harga listrik PLN per 1 kWh di daerah lainnya seperti Jawa Barat hanya Rp911. Oleh karena itu, harus dicari suatu langkah yang dapat menurunkan harga listrik. Untuk mengetahui jenis pembangkit listrik yang sesuai pada berbagai daerah digunakan Desalination Economic Evaluation Program (DEEP) 5.1. Hasil studi memperlihatkan bahwa untuk keenam daerah dapat diterapkan pembangkit listrik bahan bakar nuklir dengan siklus gas (NGC) karena memberikan harga listrik yang murah yakni Rp926,10 per 1 kWh. Untuk desalinasi air pada daerah Ambon, Bau-Bau, Toli-Toli, Ketapang, dan Kapuas dapat diterapkan NGC distilasi MED, dengan harga per 1 m3 secara berurutan yaitu Rp10.895,25, Rp11.468,68, Rp11.468, Rp10.608,53, dan Rp10.751,89. Kata-kata kunci: DEEP 5.1, Desalinasi, dan PLTN. Abstract Desalination is one of the solutions used to reduce water shortages in Indonesia. Desalination is the process of producing clean water by removing dissolved substances in seawater. Apart water problems, several regions in Indonesia still experience problem with access to electricity. Based on data Electricity Statistics 2019 and PLN Electricity Price 2017, there are at least 6 regions with low electrification levels and high electricity prices, such as Ambon, Raja Ampat, Toli-Toli, Bau-Bau, Ketapang, and Kapuas. With the price of PLN electricity per 1 kWh for Ambon and Raja Ampat is IDR 2,677, Toli-Toli IDR 2,255, Bau-Bau IDR 2,169, Ketapang IDR 1,692, and Kapuas IDR 1,149. Meanwhile, the price of PLN electricity per 1 kWh in other areas such as West Java only IDR 911. Therefore, it is necessary to find steps that can reduce the price of electricity. To determine the type of suitable generator for each region used by Desalination Economic Evaluation Program (DEEP) 5.1. The results of study show that for Ambon, Bau-Bau, Raja Ampat, Toli-Toli, Ketapang, and Kapuas can applied gas cycle nuclear power plant (PLTN) as they provide cheap electricity prices of IDR 926.10 per 1 kWh. For water desalination in Ambon, Bau-Bau, Toli-Toli, Ketapang, and Kapuas, a gas cycle nuclear power plant (NGC) with MED distillation at a price per 1 m3 are IDR 10,895.25, IDR 11,468.68, IDR 11,468, IDR 10,608.53, and IDR 10.751.89 in sequence. Keywords: DEEP 5.1, Desalination, and PLTN.
Wall Effect Analysis in Thermal-Hydraulics Aspect of HTR-10 and PR-3000 Reactors Using Different Porosity Models Bilal El Bari; Dwi Irwanto
Science and Technology Indonesia Vol. 6 No. 4 (2021): October
Publisher : Research Center of Inorganic Materials and Coordination Complexes, FMIPA Universitas Sriwijaya

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.26554/sti.2021.6.4.235-241


Gen-IV is the latest generation of a nuclear reactor with better aspects than the previous generation, Pebble-Bed Reactor (PBR) is one of them. PBR using spherical shape fuel or known as pebble fuel. Hence, the physical things that are happening in the core are significantly different from the reactor using a fuel pin. Often the reactor core is assumed as a porous medium because of the void within the pebble fuel. The coolant that moves in the core can be carried as a fluid that flows through a porous medium. The thermal-hydraulics aspect is one of the significant aspects that must have been considered in every nuclear fission reactor because it is closely related to reactor safety. The wall effect happened in a packed bed, making the porosity near-wall position higher than other positions. The porosity value can induce the coolant flow, known as wall channeling, which can influence thereactor’s thermal-hydraulics aspect. In this study, thermal-hydraulics analysis for PBR is performed, and the wall effect is taken into account in the calculations. A thermal-hydraulic code, namely mPEBBLE, was developed based on the PEBBLE code to include the wall effect in the calculation. The code is based on the finite-difference method with axisymmetric cylinder geometry (R-Z) that consists of 4 primary equations; stream flow, pressure recovery, solid energy balance, and thermal energy balance. The analysis was performed for HTR-10 and PR-3000, two PBR-type reactors with different reactor core sizes. The results conclude that the larger bed as in PR-3000 is undergoing a smaller effect caused by the wall effect than in the smaller bed, such as the HTR-10. Comparison of three porosity models, Vortmeyer-Schuster, Mueller, and Benenati-Borislow, to the wall channeling, were also taken into accountin the present study.
Analisis Kekritisan dan Rasio Konversi Reaktor Cepat Berpendingin Gas dengan Variasi Fraksi Bahan Bakar UN-PuN Menggunakan Skema Burn-up Modified CANDLE Arah Radial Feriska Handayani Irka; Zaki Su'ud; Dwi Irwanto; Siti Nurul Khotimah; Hiroshi Sekimoto
Newton-Maxwell Journal of Physics Vol. 4 No. 1: April 2023
Publisher : UNIB Press

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33369/nmj.v4i1.27127


Analysis of the criticality and conversion ratio of a gas-cooled fast reactor (GFR) with various UN-PuN fuel fractions using modified CANDLE scheme burn-up in radial direction has been conducted. The fuel fraction varies from 40% - 60% with 5% intervals, the cladding fraction is 10% and the coolant fraction varies from 30% -50%. Data calculations were performed using SRAC 2006 programming with JENDL 4.0 library data. The reactor is divided into 10 regions with equal volume in the radial direction. Each region is filled with natural uranium fuel without enrichment with different burn-up levels. Regions are arranged in such a way that the reactor can reach critical conditions throughout the burn-up period. The results showed that variations in the 40% fuel fraction had not been able to reach critical conditions at the beginning of life, while 45%-60% fuel fraction variations had reached reactor criticality. The conversion ratio for all fuel fractions is greater than 1, which indicates that a breeding process appears in the GFR reactor core.  The conversion ratio for all variations in fuel fractions has almost the same pattern for all regions. The first region has the largest conversion ratio value because it has natural uranium as fuel input which has the highest density compared to other regions.