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The Concept of Islamic Education as a Scientific Discipline Siti Aminah; Sinta Rahmatil Fadhilah
INNOVATIO: Journal for Religious Innovation Studies Vol 20 No 1 (2020)
Publisher : Postgraduate Studies UIN Sulthan Thaha Saifuddin Jambi

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (270.459 KB) | DOI: 10.30631/innovatio.v20i1.103


This paper considering that education is the main source of development. Education always provides updates and development. As a religion that is very existential among mankind, Islam contributes to education. As an applied science, Islamic education has relations to knowledge and humans. Thus, Islamic Education is one of the scientific disciplines that specifically exist among other scientific disciplines. If Islamic education is a scientific discipline, it must be scientifically academic. Even though it is academic, Islamic education is not subject to modern culture that tends to be anti-religious. Islamic education still prioritizes the al-Qur'an, Sunnah, the opinions of the prophet’s companionships, ulama's, and Muslim scientists as the main sources. This paper aims to describe Islamic education as a scientific discipline. This paper is based on library research whose main source is writings related to Islamic education and scientific disciplines, as well as other relevant writings to be references in this paper. Tulisan ini berawal dari kesadaran bahwa pendidikan merupakan sumber pokok suatu perkembangan. Pendidikan selalu memberikan pembaharuan dan mengalami perkembangan. Sebagai salah satu Agama yang sangat eksistensial pada kalangan umat manusia, Islam memberikan kontribusi dalam hal pendidikan. Sebagai ilmu terapan pendidikan Islam memilki keterikatan antara pengetahuan dengan manusia, sehingga Ilmu Pendidikan Islam sudah tentu sebagai salah satu disiplin keilmuan yang khusus berdiri di antara disiplin keilmuan yang lain. Jika pendidikan Islam sebagai suatu disiplin ilmu maka pendidikan Islam harus bersifat ilmiah akademik, walaupun bersifat akademis pendidikan Islam tidak tunduk kepada budaya modern yang cenderung anti agama. Pendidikan Islam tetap menjadikan al-Qur’an, Sunah, pendapat para sahabat, ulama, dan ilmuan muslim sebagai sumber utama. Sehingga tulisan ini bertujuan untuk menguraikan tentang pendidikan Islam sebagai suatu disiplin ilmu. Tulisan ini berbasis penelitian pustaka yang sumber utamanya adalah tulisan-tulisan terkait pendidikan Islam dan disiplin ilmu, serta tulisan lain yang relevan yang menjadi rujukan dalam tulisan ini.
Bahasa Indonesia: Three Cases of the 2020 Regional-Head Election in Jambi Arfan; Sinta Rahmatil Fadhilah; Siti Aminah
Bestuurskunde: Journal of Governmental Studies Vol 1 No 1 (2021): Kinship Politics in the 2020 Regional Head Elections in Indonesia
Publisher : Ministry of Home Affairs

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.53013/bestuurskunde.1.1.15-27


The 2020 Regional Head Election continued to show the presence of Kinship Politics at the regional level, including in Jambi. The incumbents encouraged their family members to run as candidates in the election for Governor and Deputy Governor of Jambi, Regent of Batang Hari, and Mayor of Sungai Penuh. Surprisingly, Kinship politics failed to win in all three locations. This study aimed to analyze the failure of Kinship politics in the 2020 Regional Head Election in Jambi (namely Yuninta Asmara-Muhammad Mahdan in Batang Hari Regency, Cek Endra-Ratu Munawaroh in the election for the Governor of Jambi, and Fikar Azami-Yos Andrino in the election for Mayor of Sungai Penuh) through an independent observation from November 2020 to January 2021, as well as documentation of data and news related to the 2020 Regional Head Election in Jambi. The failure of the three candidate pairs was due to: first, the lack of public trust in the incumbent's family; second, the lack of campaign fund contributions; third, lack of promotions for the candidate pairs on social media; fourth, the lack of political communication between candidates, political parties, and constituents, while the alternative candidates optimally, effectively and efficiently managed the campaign team, campaign logistics, and their constituents; five, the alternative candidates' track records showed better credibility and capability; and six, better electability and acceptability of the alternative candidates. This study concluded that Jambi could be an example of minimizing the dominance of Kinship politics by using an alternative candidate who has a solid team, good online campaign management, and effective logistics management. Jambi can be a barometer of the rise of real democracy.
TAJDID: Jurnal Ilmu Ushuluddin Vol. 19 No. 2 (2020): Kajian Ilmu Ushuluddin dan Studi Agama
Publisher : Faculty of Ushuluddin and Religious Studies UIN Sulthan Thaha Saifuddin Jambi

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (563.789 KB) | DOI: 10.30631/tjd.v19i2.126


The understanding of a hadith that tends to be textual, without considering all the aspects that surround it, sometimes creates misinterpretations. One example of what became viral at the end of 2017 was nikah mut‘ah, which was made viral by the online site The issue of nikah mut‘ah then became the spotlight of various parties. Nikah mut‘ah is a marriage that is limited by time. In understanding the hadith about nikah mut‘ah, the scholars have different opinions, some say that nikah mut‘ah is haram and some say that marriage is permissible. So in order to understand the hadith, a methodology is needed. This article is a literature research-based research using the thematic methodology in understanding the related traditions about nikah mut‘ah. So, in conclusion, the mut‘ah marriage that was allowed by the Prophet was during the period before the stability of Islamic law, that is, it was allowed at the beginning of Islam when traveling and in war. He made concessions for his friends who were fighting in Allah‘s way to get married within a certain time limit, for fear that they would fall into adultery. However, then mut‘ah marriage was forbidden. Pemahaman tentang sebuah hadis yang cenderung tekstual, tanpa mempertimbangkan segala aspek yang melingkupinya, terkadang membuat salah pengartian. Salah satu contoh yang menjadi pembicaraan yang sedang viral di akhir tahun 2017 adalah nikah mut‘ah, yang diviralkan oleh situs online Permasalahan tentang nikah mut‘ah kemudian menjadi sorotan dari berbagai pihak. Nikah mut‘ah adalah nikah yang dibatasi oleh waktu. Dalam memahami hadis tentang nikah mut‘ah para ulama berbeda pendapat, ada yang mengatakan nikah mut‘ah tersebut haram dan ada yang mengatakan bahwa nikah itu dibolehkan. Jadi untuk memahami hadis diperlukan sebuah metodologi, artikel ini merupakan penelitian berbasis penelitian pustaka dengan menggunakan metodologi tematik dalam memahami hadis-hadis terkait tentang nikah mut‘ah. Jadi, kesimpulannya nikah mut‘ah yang diperbolehkan oleh Rasulullah adalah ketika masa sebelum stabilnya syariat Islam, yaitu diperkenankannya pada awal Islam ketika dalam keadaan bepergian dan peperangan. Beliau memberi kelonggaran kepada sahabat-sahabatnya yang ikut berperang di jalan Allah untuk nikah dengan batas waktu tertentu, karena dikhawatirkan mereka akan jatuh ke dalam perzinahan. Akan tetapi kemudian nikah mut‘ah itu diharamkan.