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Jurnal Dinamika Hukum Vol 18, No 1 (2018)
Publisher : Faculty of Law, Universitas Jenderal Soedirman

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.20884/1.jdh.2018.18.1.1477


 This research is to investigate the contributing factors on the disharmony of licensing coastal reclamation in Sampang and Bangkalan Regencies. Socio legal research approach was used through indepth interviews and observations. The study was conducted in areas with reclamation activities and subsequently considering the relevant documents to analyze as the secondary data. The findings of this research demonstrate factors leading to disharmony of licensing coastal reclamation: the regional government of Sampang and Bangkalan regencies has not synchronized the reclamation policies with the presidential regulation. Reclamation in Sampang and Bangkalan are not based on the Presidential Regulations Number 122 Year 2012 on the Licensing Coastal Reclamation. The license of reclamation in Sampang should have been issued by district or provincial government instead of by the head of village. Reclamation license in Bangkalan should have been issued by the Ministry of Maritime Affairs and Fisheries because it is located in the National Strategic Areas. The fact, it was granted by the local government. Harmonization consequently becomes an important part to construct an integrative law for realizing central and local authority’s conformity in introducing the policy to control of coastal spatial utilization. Keywords: coastal, disharmony, licensing, reclamation.
The Policy of Village Web-Based Land Affairs Administration Management as Prior Evidence in Land Registration in Indonesia Rina Yulianti; Mufarrijul Ikhwan
Jurnal Cita Hukum Vol 8, No 3 (2020)
Publisher : Fakultas Syariah dan Hukum, UIN Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.15408/jch.v8i3.17253


Abstract Indonesia has not had good land affairs administration management yet at Village Government Level. Land conflict or dispute derives from village’s very limited, manual, and outdated data. Data at village level still refers to data inherited from East Indie government time. The data available cannot meet the modern need today. Relatively inadequate human resource at village level and low awareness of land affair administration discipline within society make the change of prior data supply difficult. This research will study the utilization of village web in providing prior evidence of land registration and the juridical construction of web-based land affairs administration management to the organization of village government. The normative juridical research method with statute and conceptual approaches was used to address the problem of research. The result of research showed that the data of land affairs presented by village web can be the prior evidence as governed in Government Regulation about Land Registration and the provision without changing the source of evidence that can be either written evidence or testimony. The juridical construction of village web-based land affairs administration management derived from Village Law, Archive Law, and Information and Electronic Transaction Law. Village government can present the web-based land affairs data and make it electronic evidence.Keywords: Management, Administration, Land Affairs, Village Web Desa. Konflik maupun sengketa tanah bersumber dari data desa yang masih sangat minim, serba manual dan usang. Data-data ditingkat desa masih mengacu pada data peninggalan sejak jaman pemerintah Hindia Belanda. Data yang tersedia tidak mampu lagi mengikuti kebutuhan modern saat ini. Sumber daya manusia yang relative kurang ditingkat desa serta kesadaran masyarakat terhadap tertib administrasi pertanahan yang rendah menyulitkan berubahnya penyediaan data awal. Penelitian ini akan mengkaji pemanfaatan web desa dalam menyediakan bukti awal pendaftaran tanah dan konstruksi yuridis tata kelola administrasi pertanahan berbasis web bagi penyelenggaraan pemerintah desa. Metode penelitian yuridis normatif dengan pendekatan perundang-undangan dan pendekatan konseptual digunakan untuk menjawab persoalan penelitian. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa data-data pertanahan yang disajikan oleh web desa dapat menjadi bukti awal sebagaimana diatur oleh Peraturan Pemerintah tentang Pendaftaran Tanah dengan ketentuan tanpa merubah sumber alat bukti yang dapat berupa bukti tertulis maupun kesaksian. Konstruksi yuridis tata kelola administrasi pertanahan berbasis web desa bersumber dari UU Desa, UU Arsip dan UU Informasi Transaksi Elektronik. Pemerintah Desa dapat menyajikan data pertanahan berbasis web dan dijadikan sebagai alat bukti elektronik.Kata Kunci: Tata Kelola, Administrasi, Pertanahan, Web Desa АннотацияИндонезия всё еще не имеет надлежащее управление земельной администрации на уровне деревенских властей. Конфликты и земельные споры происходят из деревенских данных, которые все еще очень минимальны, полностью ручные и устаревшие. Данные на уровне деревень по-прежнему относятся к устаревшим данным со времен правительства Голландской Ост-Индии. Доступные данные больше не могут соответствовать сегодняшним потребностям. Относительная нехватка человеческих ресурсов на уровне деревень и низкий уровень осведомленности общественности о порядке управления земельной администрации затрудняли изменение предоставления исходных данных. В этом исследовании будут рассматриваться использование деревенского веба для предоставления первоначального свидетельства регистрации земли и юридическое оформление управления земельной администрации на базе веб-версии для организации деревенского правительства. Для решения исследовательских задач используются нормативные юридические методы исследования с нормативным и концептуальным подходом. Результаты исследования показывают, что земельные данные, представленные на деревенском вебе, могут быть первоначальным доказательством в соответствии с Постановлением Правительства о Регистрации Земли, при условии, что не измененился источник доказательств, которые могут быть в форме письменных доказательств или свидетельских показаний. Юридическое построение управления земельной администрации на базе деревенской веб-версии исходит из Закона о деревнях, Закона об архивах и Закона об информации электронных транзакций. Правительство деревни может предоставлять данные о земле на базе веб-версии и служить в качестве электронного доказательства.Ключевые Слова: Управление, Администрация, Земля, Деревенский Веб
BUMDes as an Alternative Resolution to the Conflict of Marine Tourism Management in Madura Mufarrijul Ikhwan; Safi Safi; Rina Yulianti
Yuridika Vol. 36 No. 2 (2021): Volume 36 No 2 May 2021
Publisher : Universitas Airlangga

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (291.986 KB) | DOI: 10.20473/ydk.v36i2.16546


The utilisation of coastal space for marine tourist destinations has developed rapidly, potentially resulting in conflict. Marine tourism managed by villagers in Bangkalan Regency exemplifies potential conflict in its implementation. In Labuhan Village, Sepulu Sub District, Bangkalan Regency mangrove tourism has resulted in a conflict of management between the communities in a village. It is well established that public participation is one variable that can affect the supportability of the coastal environment for marine tourism development; however, non-participative management will also affect the sustainability of the tourism business. This research aims to formulate a model of marine tourism management policy through villageowned enterprises (BUMDes). Such a policy model is expected to minimise the conflict of spatial management. To achieve this objective, socio-legal research was used with factual and conceptual approaches. The results show that the marine tourism management policy in Madura coastal area is managed more by the mangrove farmer group, tourism consciousness group (pokdarwis) and community supervisor group (pokwasmas). Very few have been managed by BUMDes. BUMDes is a legitimised institution for managing marine tourism in coastal areas because BUMDes can stimulate and activate the rural economic wheel managed by villagers. Juridical construction of marine tourism management through BUMDes can be legitimised based on the Village Act. Village Regulation and legal entity organisation are legal figures underlying marine tourism management through BUMDes as governed by the Village Act and Minister of Village, Transmigration, and Disadvantaged Region’s regulation of the establishment, administration, management and dismissal of BUMDes.