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Studi Kekuatan Batu Bata Pasca Pembakaran Dengan Menggunakan Bahan Additive Serbuk Gergaji Kayu Setyanto Setyanto; Iswan Iswan; Hari Diantoro Rahmad
Rekayasa : Jurnal Ilmiah Fakultas Teknik Universitas Lampung Vol 19, No 2 (2015): Edisi Agustus 2015

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The Increasing construction in Indonesia and the number of population which is increasing every year must be supported by better economy growth. Thus, the construction materials will continue to increase to support the needs of infrastructure construction. To support the development and growth, then brick as a construction material will be needed. One of the method that can be used to improve the quality of the soil material is to use mixing ingredients (additives) such as sawdust to facilitate the combustion process and as a pore-forming on bricks. Based on the explanation above , it is necessary to do an objective study of making bricks, so that sawdust can be used as an right mix alternative in the manufacture of bricks, in the hope of sawdust waste is not wasted, but it can add power to brick and can produce bricks with good quality. Soil samples were tested in this study is a fine-grained soil from the Yosomulyo village, East Metro District, Metro City. Variations in the levels of the mixture used is 5%, 10%, 15% and 20%, with a curing time of 14 days as well with post-combustion treatment on the brick. Based on the results of physical testing of the original soil, USCS classified the soil samples as fine-grained soil and included in the ML group. This study used additive materials, such as wood sawdust mixture, on the mixture of 5% level, red brick experienced an escalation compared to bricks that are not mixed with additive materials. At the levels of a mixture of 10%, 15% and 20%, bricks decreased, both in terms of compressive strength and quality of bricks. So, in a mixture of 10%, 15% and 20%, the brick is not recommended for use as a building material because it does not fit to the requirements of SNI 15- 2094-2000 and water absorption rate is only 15% the level of compliance with the standards between 14% to with 18%.
Rekayasa : Jurnal Ilmiah Fakultas Teknik Universitas Lampung Vol 19, No 3 (2015): Edisi Desember 2015

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Clay is a type of soil with low bearing capacity, the water is very large influence on the physical and mechanical behavior. Clay in the dry state optimum swell properties that are larger than the current optimum wet clay compacted. This is because at the time of clay in the dry state of opti - mum relative shortage of water so that the clay has a greater ability to absorb water. In experi - ments clay in dry conditions and wet optimum optimum useful to know the carrying capacity of the soil in dry and wet conditions. From the results of research conducted generate free compressive strength value (qu) and the value of cohesion (c) and the maximum shear strength soil in wet conditions the optimum moisture content, dry optimum and optimum. In optimum conditions produce the highest value for the com- pressive strength of free, direct shear strength and cohesion values. This is because the optimum conditions the maximum soil density, so that the soil is not easily mengemang. In dry conditions the optimum clay soil density unstable, so that the grains of soil are not mutually binding, whereas in wet conditions the optimum pressure on the grains of soil is very high, so that the soil has a high plasticity.
Rekayasa : Jurnal Ilmiah Fakultas Teknik Universitas Lampung Vol 18, No 3 (2014): Edisi Desember 2014

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Road is one of many things that support the development of construction at citties and villages. Not every soil can be directly used for road construction. Soil conditions in one area will not have the same soil properties with the other area. Some has a good bearing capacity and there’s also some with poor soil bearing capacity. This thing is very influenced by the type of the soil, so that on constructionis is requred a deeper understanding of the soil behavior analytically. In this research, the tested soil is study clay soil that diviced from Dusun kali ayu, Desa jadti baru, Kecamatan tanjung bintang, Kabupaten Lampung Selatan-Provinsi Lampung had been optimized with TX-300 with density of 2.49, water contents of 22.34 percent, 41.08 percent Liquit Limit, plastic limit of 31.92 percent and plasticity index of 9.15 percent. Mixed content of TX-300 that used was 1.2 ml and 6 kg soil sample for 0,7,14 and 28 day with unsoaked method. On physical examination like density and liquit limit increased after stabilized. While the mechanical examination, TX-300 is quite effective in increasing the bearing capacity along with the increasing of curing duration from 21.69% up to 25.92% in 28 days curing time. From CBR test result without soaking , the soil that has stabilized with TX-300 has a less effect in increasing the bearing capacity of the sandy clay soil compared with of stabilizing on soft clay soil.
Perubahan Perilaku Tanah Lempung Lunak Akibat Stabilisasi dengan Bahan Aditif Kapur menggunkaan Metode Deep Soil Mixing Pola Triangular Beno Balakosa Pangestu; Iswan Iswan; Andius Dasa Putra
Jurnal Rekayasa Sipil dan Desain Vol 9, No 2 (2021): Edisi Juni 2021
Publisher : Jurnal Rekayasa Sipil dan Desain

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Pelembapang, South Lampung has a soft clay soil structure. Soft clay soil has a low bearing capacity value This has an effect on the building to be built on it. Therefore, soil stabilization must be carried out. The method used in this study is the deep soil mixing (DSM) method, which is one of the soil improvement method by mixing additional materials in the field (in-site). This method is more affordable because they use their soil as theiraggregate and reduce the transportation budget because of stuff supply.The purpose of this study is to determine the change of soil load-bearing capacity due to the variation of distance and the diameter of the DSM stabilization column on soft clay soil and soft clay soil with 8% lime. This study shows that the stabilization of soft clay soil using DSM of 8% lime with triangular configuration has increased its load-bearing capacity (qu) from10.368 kg/cm2 to 12.96 kg/cm2. The increase of soil load-bearing capacity with the stabilization of the DSM column is proportional to the volume of soil improvement. The largest increase of the soil load-bearing capacity occurred in 1D columns range and 3.75 cm diameter. The distance variation also gives a more significant change compared to the variation of diameter. The most efficient distance and diameter are at the variation of the distance of 1.25D columns range and 2.5 cm diameter.
Analisis Stabilitas Lereng dan Penanggulangannya Menggunakan Metode Elemen Hingga Muhammad Desyan Ichsani; Iswan Iswan; Aminudin Syah; Ahmad Zakaria
Jurnal Rekayasa Sipil dan Desain Vol 10, No 2 (2022): Edisi Juni 2022
Publisher : Jurnal Rekayasa Sipil dan Desain

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Citraland merupakan hunian modern yang memiliki ciri khas viewnya karena terletak di wilayah perbukitan, selain itu CitraLand mempunyai kontur dan elevasi yang berbeda – beda. Bisa disimpulkan lokasi CitraLand berpotensi terhadap longsor. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis nilai faktor aman lereng dan menghitung stabilitas lereng menggunakan turap beton dengan program metode elemen hingga. Dari hasil analisis program metode elemen hingga, didapatkan nilai faktor aman lereng kondisi eksisting sebesar 1 atau berada pada kondisi labil (Fk<1,5) untuk kondisi yang dipengaruhi faktor gempa sebesar 0,859 atau berada pada kondisi labil (Fk<1,5). Setelah dilakukan penanggulangan menggunakan turap beton dengan dimensi tinggi turap dipermukaan tanah 3 meter, turap tertanam 1,7 meter, dan tebal turap 0,2 meter didapat nilai faktor aman  lereng eksisting sebesar 1,971 > 1,5 untuk nilai faktor aman dipengaruhi gempa didapat nilai sebesar 1,7772 atau berada pada kondisi stabil (Fk>1,5). Pada penelitian ini penanggulangan stabilitas lereng yang berpotensi longsor menggunakan turap beton yang meningkatkan nilai faktor aman, sehingga berpengaruh terhadap kestabilan tanah ketika diterapkan di lokasi penelitian.  Kata Kunci : Stabilitas lereng, Faktor aman, Metode elemen hingga, Turap
Studi Model Cerucuk Ferosemen Berlubang Terhadap Kapasitas Beban di Atas Tanah Lunak Masdar Helmi; ardi elsa brina; Fikri Alami; Iswan Iswan
TERAS JURNAL Vol 12, No 2 (2022): Volume 12 Nomor 2, September 2022

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.29103/tj.v12i2.715


Abstrak Cerucuk ferosemen merupakan salah satu ide yang bisa dijadikan alternatif mengatasi permasalahan tanah lunak akibat rendahnya daya dukung terhadap beban di atasnya. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis kapasitas model cerucuk ferosemen terhadap beban aksial di atas tanah lunak ditinjau dari batas penurunan maksimum 2,54 cm. Terdapat 3 macam kondisi pengujianyaitu cerucuk tunggal berlubang, cerucuk tunggal tertutup dan cerucuk kelompok tertutup pada ujungnya (4 buah silinder). Variasi pengujian cerucuk tunggal berupa lama waktu di dalam tanah lunak, yaitu 1, 3, 7, dan 14 hari. Hasil pengujian dibandingkan dengan perhitungan teoritis.  Deformasi dan tegangan tanah lunak dianalisis menggunakan metode elemen hingga. Hasil pengujian menunjukan bahwa kapasitas terhadap beban meningkat seiring dengan bertambah lamanya perendaman. Pada variabel 14 hari, kapasitas maksimum cerucuk tunggal berlubang sebesar 0,80 kN dan meningkat drastis pada cerucuk tunggal tertutup sebesar 3,53 kN terjadi peningkatan signifikan sebesar 77,33%. Sedangkan kapasitas cerucuk kelompok tertutup memiliki kapasitas sebesar 9,91 kN. Kata kunci: Cerucuk ferosemen, tanah lunak, kapasitas dukung (q ultimit), faktor aman, FEM (Finite Element Method).  Abstract Ferrocement pile is an idea to overcome the problem of soft soil which has a low bearing capacity to the load.. This study aims to analyze the bearing capacity of the ferrocement pile model against axial loads on soft soil in terms of the maximum settlement limit of 2.54 cm. There were three conditions of testing: single pile with a hollow at the bottom, single pile closed at the bottom, and group pile closed at the bottom. The variations of the test were the length of immersed in soft soil, namely 1, 3, 7, and 14 days. The deformation and stress were analyzed using a software of FEM (Finite Element Method). The test results show that the capacity of ferrocement pile to the load increases with the increase in the duration of immersion. In the 14-day variable, the maximum capacity in a single hollow ferrocement pile was 0.80 kN and increased significantly in a single closed ferrocement pile of 3.53 kN, or 77.33%. Meanwhile, the group closed ferrocement pile had a capacity of 9.91 kN. Keywords: Ferrocement pile, soft soil, bearing capacity (Q ultimate), safety factor, FEM (Finite Element Method).